Conference Bibliography, 1997-2024

The rich treasure of scientific and technical contributions – around 2500 presentations, posters and 2021/2022 also short poster presentation videos – are herewith available thanks to the consent of the authors. The following alphabetic list gives full access to all documents or videos, linked in the column "Type", just clicking on PR (presentation), FO (focus presentation), WS (workshop), PO (poster). Only very few publications, which are not highlighted in ORANGE, are not available here, since the authors at this time refused the publication.
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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Aakko-Saksa Päivi, Päivi Koponen, Hannu Vesala, Pekka Piimäkorpi, Minna Aurela, Olli Sippula
VTT Finland
2017Analysing Elemental Carbon from Ship Particulate Matter: Artefacts and Possible SolutionsPO
Aakko-Saksa Päivi, P. Koponen, T. Ohra-aho, A. Järvinen, T. Rönkkö, N. Kuittinen, T. Lepistö, H. Timonen, S. Saarikoski, P. Jalava
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
2023Semivolatile fraction's characteristics from engine and car exhaustPO
Abedi Asl Hamid Reza
Sharif-University Tehran
2019Investigation of non-volatile nanoparticle emission of diesel-natural gas RCCI combustionPR
Abegg Sebastian, D. Klein-Cerrejon, A. Staerz, S.E. Pratsinis, A.T. Güntner, N. Barsan
ETH Zürich
2019Highly sensitive NO2 detector for selective air pollution monitoringPO
Abegglen M., B. Sierau, B. Brem, J. Wang, T. Rindlisbacher, U. Lohmann
ETH Zürich
2015Chemical Characterization of Particulate Matter Aircraft Turbine Engine Exhaust using Single Particle Mass SpectrometryPR
Abramesco V., J. Czerwinski, A. Mayer, L. Tartakovsky
2017A comparative analysis of ultrafine particles air pollution inside diesel-propelled passenger trains and intercity busesPO
Acevedo H.
Universidad national de Colombia
2014Clean Air Challenges of a Megacity at 2600 m above sea level and the priority to clean public transport busesFO
Acevedo H., I. Molina, H. Saenz, J. Pulido, N. Rojas
Universidad national de Colombia
2014Bogota DPF Retrofitting Program for the Public Transport Buses Operating at High AltitudePR
Acevedo H., N. Rojas
Universidad national de Colombia
2015Particle Number Measurement of Euro III Diesel buses fitted with DPF´s in the Public Transport System of Bogota D.C.PR
Adam T., Chirico R., Clairotte M., Manfredi U., Martini G., Heringwa M., DeCarlo P.F., Zimmermann R., Prevot A.S.H., Astorga C.
Institute for Environment and Sustainability, European Commission Joint Research Centre
2010Simultaneous real-time analysis of gas phase and particulate phase of heavy duty (HD) vehicle exhaustPR
af Ugglas Samuel, Anders Ersson, Dawei Yao, Lars J. Pettersson, Henrik Kusar
Scania & Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
2024Distribution of particulate matter to extend heavy-duty diesel particulate filter service lifePO
Afroughi M.J., Vahid Hosseini J.S. Olfert
University of Alberta
2017A comparative analysis of ultrafine particles air pollution inside diesel-propelled passenger trains and intercity busesPO
Agarwal Ayush, L. Torrent, C.D. Koolen, A. Züttel, C. Ludwig
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) & Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (EPFL)
2023Size resolved elemental analysis of bimetallic nanoparticles using SMPS-ICPMS11PO
Agudelo Carlos
Link Engineering Company
2023CARB updates to EMFAC brake emissions factors using dynamometer tests for light-duty vehiclesPR
Ahlawat Yadvendra
The NorthCap University, Gurugram, Haryana, India
2022A critical evaluation of failures in current air pollution control policies in India and proposal of innovative future policy perspectives.PO
Ahlvik P.
AB Svensk -Bilprovning
1997Particle Size Distribution Activities at MTCPR
Ajtai Tibor, Pintér M., Utry N., Deak L., Bozoki Z., Szabo G., Baladincz J.
MTA-SZTE, Hungary
2016Volatile Classification of Diesel Emitted Particulates Measured by SMPS and Multi-wavelength PhotoAcoustic Spectrometer (4λ-PAS)PO
Akermann F.
AFU Uri, Switzerland
2003Monitoring of particles and other pollutants in Swiss valleys under heavy trans-alpine-traffic emission burdenPR
Al Thuwaynee Ayad, Khizer Saeed, Xing Ming Lu, Gelu Varghese
Brighton University
2018Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle in a Premixed Propane-air Premixed Flame.PO
Al-Wasif Tawfiq
2022Experimental study on nanoparticles emissions from a TSI E6 vehicle beyond the boundary altitude conditions of the RDEPO
Albinet Alexandre, C. Degrendele, S. Collet, A. El Mais, B. Temime-Roussel, B. D'Anna and H. Wortham
2024Primary and secondary emissions of pellets, logwood, and oil residential heating appliances: emissions factors, secondary particle formation and particle effective densityPR
Albinet Alexandre, A. El Mais, S. Mancer, A. El Masri, B. D'Anna, S. Ait-Aissa
2024Unveiling potent toxic chemicals associated to primary or aged (secondary) wood combustion particles: a bio-analytical approachPO
Allmendinger K., J. Steppan, B. Henderson, A. Lourdsamy, M. Riad, R. Williams, J. Bullert
2011Development of a Real-Time Electronic Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor for Diesel OBD Applications and Comparison with Laboratory InstrumentsPR
Alozie N., A. Cairns, A. Linder, W. Winklmayr, L.C. Ganippa
Brunel University
2013Influence of Dilution Conditions on Diesel Engine Particulate Emission using a Closed Loop Mixing Tube Diluter of an Electrostatic Mobility SpectrometerPR
Alstrup Jensen Keld, Patrick L. Ferree, Carla Ribalta, Alexander CØ Jensen, Anders Brostrøm, Trine Berthing, Ana Sofia Fonseca
2024Workplace exposure to airborne particles in the plastics recycling and manufacturing industryPR
Alstrup Jensen Keld, Patrick L. Ferree, Merve Polat, Jakob K. Nøjgaard
2024Airborne particulate matter and diesel engine exhaust on infrastructure construction sites in the Copenhagen metropolitan areaPO
Alt G.-M.
2017Remote Sensing of Diesel and Petrol NOx Emissions during a DecadeFO
Amanatidis St., Leonidas Ntziachristos, Antti Rostedt, Matti Maricq, Kauko Janka, Juha Tikkanen
Aristotle University
2014Estimating Spatial Variability of Ambient Particulate Matter Using Land-use Regression in TehranPO
Amini H., Seyed Mahmood Taghave Shahri, S.B. HendersonKazem Naddafi, Ramin Nabizadeh, Masud Yunesian
Kurdistan University of Medical Science, Iran
2014Estimating Spatial Variability of Ambient Particulate Matter Using Land-use Regression in TehranPR
Ammann M., F. Arens, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
1999Nanoparticles – Chemical Facts and Artefacts: Effect or Sampling Procedures on Chemical Parameters of Soot ParticlesPR
Ammann M., V. Zelenay, A. Krepelova, T. Huthwelker, A. Prévôt, M. Heringa, T. Tritscher, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2011The Climate Effect of Soot Particles Caught in ActPO
Andersen Maria Helena Guerra, Steffen Loft, Jakob Bønløkke, Anne Saber, Ulla Vogel, Peter Møller
National Research Centre for the Working Environment
2021Health effects from combustion ultrafine particles: consistent observations from controlled human exposure studiesPR
Anderson B., R.H. Moore, A.J., Beyersdorf, E.C. Crosbie, T. Shingler, L.K. Thornhill, E.L. Winstead, L.D. Ziemba, B. Weinziel, D. Sauer, H. Schlager
2017Effects of Fuel Composition on Aircraft Particle Emissions: Results from NASA Ground and Airborne ExperimentsPR
Anderson M., K. Salo, E. Friedeli
Chalmers University Sweden
2015Nanoparticle emissions from LNG and other low sulphur marine fuelsPR
Anderson R., A. Mehadi
2015Near-Road Monitoring of Ultrafine Particle Number from Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Traffic PR
Anderson R.
2016A Comparison of Aerosol Instruments to Regulated PM/PN Emissions from GDI and PFI VehiclesPR
Andersson J.
Ricardo UK
2004Progress in the GRPE Particulate Measurement Programm (PMP) – Summer 2004PR
Andersson J., Panagiota Dilara
Ricardo UK
2005Update on the PMP Program PR
Andersson J., P. Dilara
Ricardo UK
2006Update on the PMP Phase 3 Light-Duty Inter-Laboratory Correlation Exercise: Summer 2006PR
Andersson J.
Ricardo UK
2007PMP Light-duty Inter-lab Exercise: Interesting Observations and Lessons LearnedPO
Andersson J., B. Giechaskiel
Ricardo UK
2008Progress in the PMP Inter-Laboratory Exercises for Heavy Duty EnginesPR
Andersson J., Ian de Souza, C. Favre, J. Mai, D. Bosteels
Ricardo UK
2009The Regulated and Unregulated Exhaust Emissions Performance of 5 Modern Motorcycles over Euro 3 & WMTC Test CyclesPO
Andersson J., B. Giechaskiel, G. Martini, Chr. Parkin
Ricardo UK
2009Update on the UN-ECE GRPE Particle Measurement Programme Inter-laboratory Exercise for Heavy-duty Engines – Summer 2009PR
Andersson J., T. Mamakos, G. Martini
Ricardo UK
2010Overview, conclusions and outlook from the UN-ECE GRPE particle measurement programme inter-laboratory exercise for heavy-duty-enginesPR
Andersson J., Th. Mamakos, G. Martini
Ricardo UK
2013The Future of Particulate Mass Measurments (is there a future ?) PR
Andersson J., Joachim Demuynck, Heather Hamje
Ricardo UK
2017PN Measurements above & below 23nmPR
Andersson J., Mamakos A., Klug A., Bergmann A., Bainschab M., Karjalainen P., Keskinen J., Giechaskiel B., Lahde T., Haisch C., Thaler K., Piacenza O., Ntziachristos L., Samaras Z.
Ricardo UK
2018First Results of Vehicle Technology Effects on sub-23nm Exhaust Particle Number Emissions using the DownToTen Sampling and MeasurementPR
Andersson J., Mamakos A., Klug A., Bergmann A., Bainschab M., Karjalainen P., Keskinen J., Giechaskiel B., Lahde T., Haisch C., Thaler K., Piacenza O., Ntziachristos L., Samaras Z.
Ricardo UK
2019Update on sub-23nm exhaust particle number emissions using the DownToTen sampling and measurement systemsPR
Andersson Jon, Barouch Giechaskiel, Anastasios Kontses, Andreas Balazs, Zissis Samaras
Ricardo Automotive and Industrial, Shoreham-by-Sea, UK
2021Particle number emissions from a Euro 6d-temp GDI under extreme European temperature and driving conditionsPR
Andersson Jon, Louisa Kramer, Michael Campbell, Ian Marshall, John Norris, Simon de Vries, Gary Waite, Jason Southgate
Ricardo Chemical Risk Management
2023Particle Emissions from Brake and Tyre Wear – Results from the Phase 1 study for the UK DfTPR
Andres H.
2014Field Measurement Instruments Ordinance: Calibration, Certification, Measurement CycleFO
Anet Julien, Lukas Durdina, Curdin Spirig, Jacinta Edebeli, Michel Guillaume
ZHAW Centre for Aviation
2019Do unregulated aircraft engines really emit much higher non-volatile PM mass and number than regulated ones?PO
Angelucci G., W. Tirler, K. Bedin
Ufficio gestione rifiuti
2012The Highway as Source of ultra-fine Particles in Ambient Air of the City of BolzanoPR
Anyon P.
2008Measurement and Management of Particle Emissions from In Use Diesel Engines – An Australian PerspectivePR
Apicella Barbara, Agnese Secondo, Carmela Russo, Silvia Sapienza, Valentina Tedeschi, Stefania Loffredo
2024Effect of UFP produced by anthropogenic combustion on human lung macrophages and motor neurons: role in pulmonary inflammation and neurodegenerationPO
Aranda María I.
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
2022Soybean/palm biodiesel soot: characterization and heterogeneous reactivity with NO2 and CF3COOHPO
Arffman Anssi, Markus Nikka, Esa Luntta, Miska Olin, Panu Karjalainen, Santtu Mikkonen
Dekati Ltd.
2021Characterization of the ePNC number counter for annual PTI and testing applicationsPO
Arffman Anssi, E. Laakkonen, P. Lambaerts, J. Hoivala, L. Ala-Hakuni, T. Rönkkö, S. Saarikoski, A. Järvinen
Dekati Ltd.
2024Real-time measurement of total and solid particle fraction in underground mining environment with DC based sensors (MPEC+)PR
Arffman Anssi, M. Nikka, E. Laakkonen, K. Kylämäki, T. Rönkkö, W. Honkisz, P. Bielaczyc, J. Topinka, T. Cervena L. Simon, H. Timonen, M. Aurela, S. Saarikoski, P. Aakko-Saksa, A. Järvinen
Dekati Ltd.
2024Characterization and application of a new oxidation flow reactor (DOFR) to study passenger car emissionsPO
Arhami M., Vahid Hosseini, Maryam Zare Shahne, Alexandra Lai, James J. Schauer
Sharif University
2017Carbonaceous, Organic and Toxic Metals Components of Particles and Their Seasonal Trends in Tehran, IranPO
Arndt M., W. Schindler
AVL List GmbH
2011Pushing the Limits on PM Measurement for in-use TestingPO
Arndt M., B.Giechaskiel, R. Davok, K. Melz, Giovanella, V. Vescoli
AVL List GmbH
2013A Particle Generator for on-site Checks of PN and PM Measurement DevicesPO
Arndt M., Schindler W., Reingruber H., Harms K., Riedler St., Reinisch T.
AVL List, Graz, Austria
2016Optimizing a Photoacoustic Soot Sensor for the Measurement of Ultra-low Soot Concentrations in Real-world ExhaustPO
Arnold F.
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2004New measurements of gaseous and ionic precursors of combustion generated particlesPR
Arnold F.
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2005Combustion Derived Atmospheric Aerosol Precursors: Trace Gases and Cluster IonsPR
Arnold F.
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2006Combustion Related Formation of Secondary Nano Particle Formation in the AtmospherePO
Arnold F., T. Schuck, L. Pirjola, D. Rothe
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2006Volatile Nanoparticle Formation by Modern Diesel Cars: New Insights from First Gaseous Sulphuric Acid MeasurementsPR
Arnold F., R. Nau, S. Ludmann, U. Reichl, T. Schuck, Ch. Muschik, A. Sorokin, H. Schlager, V. Fiedler, T. Jurkat, A. Roiger, L. Pirjola, D. Rothe
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2007Combustion Generated Gaseous Nanoparticle Precursors in the Polluted and Remote Atmosphere at Altitudes between 0 and 13 km: Atmospheric Nanoparticle FormationPR
Arnold F., U. Reichel, Ch. Muschik, A. Roiger, H. Schlager, L. Pirjola, J. Keskinen, D. Rothe
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2008Nanoparticle Formation in Modern Diesel Vehicle Exhaust: First Measurements of Key Precursor Gases and Particle Model SimulationsPR
Arnold F., U. Reichl, Ch. Muschik, A. Roiger, H. Schlager, L. Pirjola, T. Rönkkö, J. Keskinen, D. Rothe
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2009Nanoparticle formation in modern Diesel vehicle exhaust: New insights from first on-line exhaust measurements of the key precursor gases sulphuric acid and di-carboxylic acidsPR
Arnold F., U. Reichl, Ch. Muschuk, A. Roiger, H. Schlager, L. Pirjola, T. Rönkkö, J. Keskinen, D. Rothe
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2010Secondary nanoparticle formation in diesel vehicle exhaust: New insights from first on-line and off-line measurements of key precursor gases and ionsPR
Arnold F., H. Schlager
Max Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2011The Chemical Tiger in Diesel Vehicle Exhaust: Detection of Highly Acidic, Highly Corrosive, and Potentially Toxic Fluorine CompoundsPR
Arnold F., H. Schlager, R. Baumann, H. Aufmhoff, A. Reiter, H. Simgen, L. Rauch, S. Lindemann, F. Käther, U. Schumann
Max Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2012Surprising Discovery: Ground-level Fossil fuel Combustion Induces Efficient Nanoparticle Formation and Growth in the Lower StratospherePR
Arnold F., H. Schlager, H.Aufmhoff, A.Minikin, H. Simgen, L.Pirjola, U. Schumann
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2014Combustion mediated sulphate nanoparticle formation at the tropopause: SO2 lifted from ground-level combustion competes with air traffic SO2PR
Arnold F.
MPI, Germany
2016Modern Diesel Generated Nucleation Particles: Formation, Growth, and Lung Intrusion PR
Arnold F., L. Pirjolla, H. Schlager
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
2017Nucleation-Particle Formation in Modern Diesel Vehicle Exhaust via Acid-Base ReactionsPR
Arnold F., H.Schlager, L.Pirjolla
Max Planck Institut Heidelberg
2018Nucleation-Particle Formation in Jet-Aircraft and Diesel-Car exhaust: Formation-Mechanisms and Implications for Air Quality and ClimatePR
Asano I., Wei Qiang, R. Montajir, I. Asano
Horiba Ltd.
2007Solid particle penetration calibration for VPR in the SPCSPO
Aslam Imran, Maarten B.J. Roeffaers
KU Leuven
2021Detection and quantification of combustion-derived particles in aqueous media: towards the development of a diagnostic biomedical assayPO
Astorga C., M. Rey, C. Astorga, C. Martini, A. Krasenbrink, G. De Santi
2005Emissions of Particle-bound PAH of 2-S-Scooters with different combinations of Oil/Fuel/engine TechnologyPR
Astorga-Llorens M.C., A. Farfaletti, L. Montero, B. Giechaskiel, G. Martini, R. Munoz, U. Manfredi, K. Douglas, A. Krasenbrink, G. de Santi
European Commission Ispra
2007Effect of Biodiesel Fuels on Emissions from EURO 4 passenger carsPR
Avdesh B., Gazala Habib
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2016A Study of Ultrafine Particle Related Health Effects Due to Biomass Burning for Cooking in North Indian RegionsPO
Ayala A.
California Air Resources Board
2001Pilot study of emissions from "late-model" diesel and CNG heavy-duty transit buses: preliminary nanoparticle measurement resultsPR
Ayala A., R. Okamoto, N. Kado, M. Gebel, P. Rieger
California Air Resources Board
2003CNG and Diesel transit bus emissions in reviewPO
Ayala A.
California Air Resources Board
2004Particulate measurement research in California and the USPR
Ayala A.
California Air Resources Board
2005Transient emission Measurement of a Trap Equipped Diesel Truck with a Fast Particle SizerPO
Ayala A.
California Air Resources Board
2005Research Related to a New Combustion Generated Particle StandardPR
Ayala A., J. Herner, W. Robertson
California Air Resources Board
2007Nanoparticles from a California In-use Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Equipped with PM-NOx RetrofitsPO
Ayala A., S. Zhang, J. Herner, W. Robertson
California Air Resources Board
2007A California Assessment of PMP for Determination of Diesel Particle EmissionsPR
Ayala A.
California Air Resources Board
2009Regeneration, volatile nanoparticles, toxicity, and other research questions for diesel emission controlsPR
Ayala A.
California Air Resources Board
2010Update on the future of PM emission control in CaliforniaPR
Ayala A.
2016Evaluation of DPF in HDV ApplicationsFO
Aydin Faruk Y., Yujia Wu, Peng Liu, Carson Chu, William L. Roberts
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
2023Investigation of the influence of ammonia and hydrogen addition on soot formation in ethylene co-flow laminar diffusion flamesPO


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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Baar R.
TU Berlin
2017Diesel, Petrol or Electricity for Future Road TrafficFO
Baarbé H.
2009Harmonized requirements for retrofit particulate traps PR
Baars E., H. Schittenhelm, A. Genssle, B. Kamp, T. Ochs
Robert Bosch GmbH
2010Particulate matter sensor for on board diagnosis (OBD) of diesel particulate filters (DPF)PR
Babst Martin
Swiss Federal Office for Energy
2021Swiss Energy Perspectives 2050+ - Focus on the transport sectorFO
Babu P., Mukesh Khare, Radha Goyal
Indian Institute, Delhi
2017Assessment of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matters in an Underground Metro Station Platform in Delhi City, India.PO
Badr R'Mili, A. Boréave, M.N. Tsampas, A. Meme, N. Charbonnel, L. Noel, M. Leblanc, S. Raux, P. Vernoux, B.D'Anna
University Lyon
2014Assessment of particulate matter emission from Diesel vehicles equipped with DPF and from gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles using sampling by TEM grid filtrationPO
Baek Sungha, Dongyoung Jin, Jaeho Cho, Cha-Lee Myung, Simsoo Park
School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea
2018Nano-particle Emissions Characteristics with Metal Foam Gasoline Particle Filter (GPF) for Turbo-charged Gasoline Direct Ignition Vehicle on FTP-75PO
Baeza-Squiban A. , M. Rumelhard, K. Ramgolam, R. Hamel, F. Marano
Laboratoire de Cytophysiologie et Toxicologie Celluaire
2008Expression and Role of EGFR Ligands Induced in Airway Cells by PM2.5 and its Organic ComponentsPO
Baeza-Squiban A. , K. Ramgolam, O. Favez, L. Martinon, H. Cachier, R. Hamel, A. Gaudichet, F. Marano
Laboratoire de Cytophysiologie et Toxicologie Celluaire
2008Size Partitioning of Airborne Particles to compare their Proinflammatory Effect in Airway Epithelial CellsPR
Baeza-Squiban A.
Laboratoire de Cytophysiologie et Toxicologie Celluaire
2009Expression and Role of EGFR Ligands Induced in Airway Cells by PM2.5 and its Organic ComponentsPO
Baghel R., N.K. Jaiswal, K.S. Patel, H. Saathoff, T. Leisner
School of Studies in Chemistry, Raipur, India
2011Carbonaceous particulate distribution in Indian KitchensPR
Bagheri M., Baar R.
Techn. University of Berlin
2017Simultaneous Application of Exhaust Gas Recirculation and non-constant Injection Rates to reduce NOx and Soot Emissions in Diesel EnginesPO
Bagheri Sahar
University of Technology, Sydney
2021Real Driving Characterization of DPF Regeneration Events in Euro-5 Light Duty Diesel Vehicles in the Australian fleetPO
Bailey B.
Illinois Valley Holding Comp.
2015Global Non-Thermal Active SCR/DPF Emissions Reductions TechnologyPR
Bailey B.
Illinois Valley Holding Comp., USA
2016Global Non-Thermal Active SCR/DPF Emissions Reductions Technology Volkswagen Jetta DemonstrationPO
Bailey Brett M.
Global Clean Diesel
2023Realization of Efficient and Environmentally Sustainable Combustion of Sargassum and Waste BiomassPO
Bainschab M., Bergmann A., Karjalainen P., Keskinen J., Andersson J., Giechaskiel B., Haisch C., Gerini A., Mamakos A., Klug A., Ntziachristos L., Samaras Z.
Graz University
2017Extending Particle Number Limits to below 23 nm: First Results of the H2020 DownToTen ProjectPO
Baldauf R., US-EP
G. Hagler, V. Isakov, D. Heist, A. Khiystov
2013Ambient Air Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Exposures to Mobile Source Nanoparticle EmissionsFO
Baltensperger U.
Paul Scherrer Institut
1997Measurement of the Hydrophilic Behavior of SootPR
Baltensperger U.
Paul Scherrer Institut
1997Analysis of AerosolsPR
Baltensperger U.
Paul Scherrer Institut
2002Change of physical and chemical properties of soot particles by aging processes in the atmospherePR
Baltensperger U.
Paul Scherrer Institut
2003Research on current and future effects of black carbon particles on climate – follow upPR
Baltensperger U.
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol from Diesel EnginesPR
Baltzopoulou P., Lynn E. Secondob, Akrivi Asimakopoulou, Daniel Deloglou, Christos Softas, Leonidas Chasapidis, Eleni Papaioannou, Nastassja A. Lewinski, Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos
2017Cross Evaluating the Effects of a Cerium-Based Diesel Fuel Additive on Exhaust Toxicity with in vitro Air-Liquid Interface Cell Exposure Systems of Different Flow PatternsPR
Baltzopoulou P., Anastasios D. Melas, Emmanouil Daskalos, Stephane Zinola, Eleni Papaioannou, Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos
2019Investigation of the correlation between a prototype Advanced Halfmini DMA and a commercial SMPS for combustion-generated solid sub-23 nm particles measurementPO
Baltzopoulou Penelope, E. Papaioannou, D. Deloglou, G. Tsakonas, R. Stamatiou, A. Lazou, Z. Samaras
2023Air to Liquid Interface (ALI) cell exposure under transient driving of gasoline vehiclesPO
Barnes Ch.
1999The Sensitivity and Repeatability of Nanoparticle Measurements at High Dilution RatlosPR
Barososva Hana, S. Chortarea, J. Kukutschova, J.D.M. Clift, M. Vaculik, A. Fink, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
Uni Fribourg
2015Biological Impact of Brake Wear Particles – Aerosol Exposures onto the Surface of a 3D Human Epithelial Tissue BarrierPR
Barrellon-Vernay Rafael, David Delhaye, Dmitrii Egorov, Mathieu Cazaunau, Alexandre Albinet, Min Zhang, Antoine Farah, Atinderpal Singh, Jean-François Doussin, Ismael Ortega, Cristian Focsa
2021Impact of fuel composition on primary and secondary aeronautic emissions: gaseous and particulate chemical characterization at molecular levelPR
Barrios C., M. Astorga, M. Fernéandez
Universidad National de Colombia
2007Emission Standard Setting Process for Stationary Generators in ChilePR
Barrios C., Aida Domínguez-Sáez, Paloma Álvarez-Mateos
Universidad National de Colombia
2018Gaseous Pollutants and Particle Emissions of a 2.5 DCI Engine Fueled with Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil and Diacetyl GlycolPO
Barrios C., Jesus Casanova, Daniel Neira, Iratxe Galarraga, Paloma Álvarez
Universidad National de Colombia
2019Influence of the use of oxygenated additives on the particle emissions of a Euro 3 urban bus from the current fleet in the city of SevillePO
Barro Christophe, P. Wilhelm, Ph. Vögelin, P. Obrecht, K. Boulouchos
2010Comparison of soot measurement instruments during transient and steady state operationPR
Barro Christophe, Ph. Vögelin
2011Development and Evaluation of an Optical in-cylinder Soot Measurement MethodPR
Barro Christophe, P. Obrecht, K. Boulouchos
2012Development and Validation of a Virtual Soot SensorPR
Barro Christophe
2013Potential of PM Reduction through Post Injection ApplicationPR
Barro Christophe, Ph. Meyer, K. Boulouchos
2014Soot Reduction Mechanisms Using Post-Injections under Varying EGR ConditionsPR
Barro Christophe, St. Iannuzzi, K. Boulouchos, A. Liati
2015Particulate Matter from "Soot-Free" Fuels in Diesel EnginesPR
Barro Christophe, Möri F., Boulouchos K., Hutter R., Burger J.
ETHZ, Switzerland
2016Analysis of PM and PN in Dual Fuel Engine, Fuelled with Natural Gas and OMEPO
Barro Christophe, Kyrtatos P., Boulouchos K., Elbert Ph.
Vir2sense, Switzerland
2016Diesel Engine Operating Strategies: PM, NOx and CO2; A Three Dimensional Trade-Off, as Opposed to a Single-pollutant MinimizationPR
Barro Christophe, Matteo Parravicini, Anthi Liati, Konstantinos Boulouchos
2017Combustion and Emissions Investigations Using OME and Stoichiometric Operation in a Compression Ignition EnginePR
Barro Christophe
ETHZ & Vir2sense
Barro Christophe, Christophe Barro, Matteo Parravicini, Konstantinos Boulouchos
ETHZ & Vir2sense
2018Impact of the Operation Strategy and Fuel Composition on the Emissions of a Heavy Duty Diesel EnginePR
Barro Christophe, Konstantinos Boulouchos
ETHZ & Vir2sense
2019A Virtual Gasoline Particle Sensor for Direct Injection Spark Ignition EnginesPR
Barro Christophe
Vir2sense, Switzerland
2022Virtual Sensor for Soot Emissions in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines using alternative FuelsPR
Barth Alexandre
University of Basel
2023Online Measurements of Oxidative Potential and Particle-bound Reactive Oxygen Species of Aircraft Turbine and Ship Engine Particulate EmissionsPO
Basile O., A. D. Atessio, P. Minutolo, L.A. Sgro
Università Napoli
1999Characterization of Nanoparticles in Premixed Flames by UV Scattering, Absorption and FluorescencePR
Bastian S., G. Löschau, A. Hausmann
2012UFIREG - A European-Wide Approach to define Health Impacts of Ultrafine Particles in Urban Ambient AirPO
Bauer Chr., Johannes Hofer, Hans-Jörg Althaus, Andrea Del Duce, Andrew Simons
2017The environmental performance of current and future passenger vehicles: Life cycle assessment based on a novel scenario analysis frameworkFO
Baumgartner Th., H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Aargau
2005Soot Production by Pyrolysis PR
Beaucage G.
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Cincinnati
2008Small Angle X-Ray Scattering applied for in-Situ Studies of Diesel ExhaustPO
Beaucage G., T. Narayana, P. Kirchen, K. Boulouchos
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Cincinnati
2008Dynamics of Nano-Scale Soot in Diesel Exhaust via Small-Angle x-Ray Scattering (SAXS)PR
Beck H., D. Rothe, Chr. Tyroller
MAN Truck & Bus
2012Correlation between Pegasor Particle Sensor and Particle Number CounterPR
Beck H., Sisenco I., Tyroller Chr.
MAN Truck & Bus, Nürnberg, Germany
2016Particle Number Measurement According to PMP Protocol and Direct MeasurementPO
Becker Johannes, J. Pantzke, S. Offer, C. Neukirchen, M. Saraji-Bozorgzad, E. Kuhn, A. Mudan, A. Das, M. Sklorz, T. Adam, S. Di Bucchianico, R. Zimmermann and the ULTRHAS consortium
Comprehensive Molecular Analytics, HelmholtzMunich
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Beevers S., D. Dajnak, H. Mittal
Environmental Research Group
2008Investigating the impacts of the London Low Emissions ZoneFO
Beimdiek Janis
Paderborn University
2022Novel entrained flow SCR using online synthesized catalyst particles in flue gas cleaning systemsPO
Belot G.
PSA Peugeot Citroen
2000Size Distribution and PAH Content of Particulates Emitted by DI and IDI Diesel EnginesPR
Belot G.
PSA Peugeot Citroen
2003More than half a million ultra clean PSA Diesel vehicles with FAP in the fieldPR
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2008Characteristics of the Aerosol Produced by Thermal Metal SprayingPO
Bémer D., J.P. Depay
2010Performance of a particulate filter for diesel engine for off-road applications operating with high sulfur content fuelPO
Bémer D., Bau S., Charvet A., Thomas D
2014Determination of Airborne Nanoparticle Mass Concentration from Number Concentration using their Effective Density - Application to ELPI Data PO
Bémer D., Benoit Oury
2019Measurement of ultrafine particles during repair works in railway tunnelsPO
Bengtsson K.
1999Particulate Emissions by Gas Turbine CombustionPR
Bennett Anthony, Enre Cenker, William L. Robert
2019Thermophoretic sampling of a pressurized non-premixed ethylene/nitrogen laminar co-flow flamePO
Bennett W.D., J.S. Brown, K.L. Zeman
University of North Carolina, Center for Env. Medicine
2003Ultrafine particle deposition and clearance in the healthy and obstructed lungWS
Beránek Vit, J. Stolcpartova, M. Vojtisek-Lom
University Prague
2015Augmenting high-volume Atmospheric Samplers to Collect Large Amounts of Particulate Matter from Vehicle Exhaust for Toxicity AssaysPO
Beránek Vit, Štolcpartová J., Vojtisek-Lom M
Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic
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Bergamin N., R. Grüninger, A. Büeler, R. Bunge
2007"Emergency Regeneration" of DPF with glycol PO
Bergamin N., A. Pfiffner
2008"Emergency Regeneration" of DPFPO
Berger Vinicius, Hans-Joachim Schulz, Adam Boies, Umesh Sonkamble, Jacob Swanson
Catalytic Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
2023Determining the Impact of Sulfur Exposure on Catalytic Stripper Performance Using Propane Oxidation Efficiency MeasurementsPR
Berger Vinicius, Hans-Joachim Schulz, Adam Boies, Eda Sorani, Jacob Swanson
Catalytic Instruments
2024Evaluation of Monodisperse Silver Particle Sintering Using a Tandem DMA SetupPR
Bergman H., J. Ström
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
2003Laboratory tests of the rotating disc dilutor: theoretical and observed transfer efficienciesPR
Bergmann A.
AVL List GmbH
2008Calibration and Validation of PMP complient Condensation Particle Counters and Dilution Systems using Combustion Aerosol StandardPO
Bergmann A., G. Findenig, M. Cresnoverh, T. Reinisch
AVL List GmbH
2009Particle Number Counting - VPR Calibration – What are the Influences with Respect to Aerosol Materials Used?PO
Bergmann A.
AVL List GmbH
2012Approaches to Reduce the Cross-Sensitivity in Photoacoustic Soot MeasuringPO
Berhardt A., Gross B., Lezsovits F
IZES, Germany
2016Electrostatic Precipitation in Small Scaled Biomass BoilersPO
Berhardt A., Dr. Bodo Groß, Dr. Ferenc Lezsovits
IZES Germany
2017Field Tests of an Electrostatic Precipitator in Different Small Scaled Biomass Boilers: Chemical and Physical Properties of Different Ash FractionsPO
Bernemyr H., H.E. Angström
Scania CV AB
2007Number Measurements and Size Dependent Volatility Study of Diesel Exhaust ParticlesPO
Bertò Michele, Rob L. Modini, Marco Zanatta, Jinfeng Yuan, Martin Irwin, Angela Marinoni, Michaela Ess, Hannes Schulz, Andreas Herber, Alexis Attwood, Douglas Orsini, Fernando Velarde, Marcos Andrade, Birgit Wehner, Thomas Müller, Konstantina Vasilatou, Patrick Ginot, Paolo Laj, Martin Gysel-Beer
Paul Scherrer Institut
2019Evaluation of Black Carbon Measurements Performances of the New Single Particle Soot Photometer - Extended Range (SP2-XR)PR
Bertoglio C.A.
CAM Tecnology
2004Nanoparticulate emissions using Gecam fuel alone and in combination with different DPFPR
Bertola A., U. Mathis, M. Mohr, K. Boulouchos
2003Particulate emissions characterization and combustion analysis by using water-in-diesel-emulsionsPR
Bertola A.
2004On-line diagnostics and fast modeling of soot formation / oxidation in Diesel combustionPR
Besch M. C., A. Ayala
West Virginia University, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
2009Investigation of Morphology and Volatility of ultrafine Diesel Particulate Matter using Atomic Force MicroscopyPR
Besch M. C., A. Thiruvengadam, B. Shade, M. Gautam
West Virginia University, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
2010In-line, real-time exhaust PM emissions sensor for emission control and OBD applicationPR
Besch M. C., A. Thiruvengadam, H.K. Kappanna, A. Cozzolini, P. Bonsack, D.K. Carder, M. Gautam
West Virginia University, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
2011In-use NTE PM Measurement Methodology using an In-Line, Real-Time Exhaust PM Emissions SensorPR
Besch M. C., A. Thiruvengadam, D.K. cCarder, M. Gautam, A. Oshinuga, A. Ayala
West Virginia University, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
2012Real-World Particulage Emissions from a 2010 Compliant HD-Diesel Truck Traveling across the Continental United StatesPO
Besch M. C., A. Thiruvengadam, D.K. Carder, M. Gautam, A. Oshinuga, R. Pasek
West Virginia University, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
2013Real-Time DPF-Filtration Efficiencies Using In-Line Particle Matter SensorsPO
Besch M. C., A. Thiruvengadam, D. Carder, M. Gautam, J. Tikkanen
West Virginia University, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
2015In-line, Real-Time Particulate Matter Sensors for OBD and Exhaust Aftertreatment System Control ApplicationsPO
Besch M. C., Thiruvengadam A., Thiruvengadam P., Carder D., Pradhan S., Gautam M.
West Virginia University, USA
2016Characterization of Atmospheric Dispersing Exhaust Plume during On-Road Operation of Latest Technology Heavy-Duty TrucksPO
Bezaatpour Mojtaba, Mehrdad Nazemian, Pontus Roldin, Miikka Dal Maso, Matti Rissanen
Tampere University
2024In search of an optimal combustion strategy for mitigating secondary organic aerosol in combustion enginesPO
Bharat Lal Sahu, K. Patel
Pt Ravishankar Shukla University
2015Characterization of Mosquito Coil and Incense Aerosols PO
Indian Institute Delhi
2017A Study of Fine and Ultrafine Particle Exposure, Dietary Habits and Link to Cardiovascular Diseases among Volunteer Subjects in DelhiPO
Bhardawaj Avdesh
Juno Terra Technology Private Limited Delhi, India
2022Design and development of a model policy document for controlling air pollution in Delhi and NCR of India.PO
Bhardwaj Om Parkash, F. Kremer, St. Pischinger, B. Lüers, A. Kolbeck, Th. Koerfer
Uni Aachen
2012Impact of Biomass-Derived Fuels on Soot Oxidation Kinetics and DPF Regeneration BehaviourPR
Bhattu D., G. Stefenelli, P. Zotter, J. Zhou, T. Nussbaumer, A. Bertrand, N. Marchand, B. Temime-Roussel, U. Baltensperger, J. G. Slowik, A. S. H. Prevot, I. EI Haddad, J. Dommen
2017Gas and Particle Phase Emissions from Residential Wood CombustionPO
Bhattu Deepika, Stefenelli G., Zotter P., Zhou J., Bruns E. A., Nussbaumer Th., Bertrand A., Marchand N., Temime-Roussel B., Baltensperger U., Slowik J. G., Prévôt A. S. H., Haddad I. E., Dommen J.
PSI Switzerland
2016Wood Combustion: Emissions and Contribution to Secondary Organic Aerosol BudgetPR
Bhave A., J. Etheridge, S. Mosbach, A. Braumann, G. Brownbridge, A. Smallbone, A. Bhave, Hao Wu, N. Collings, A. Dris, R. McDavid, M. Kraft
University of Cambridge
2010Modelling soot formation in a direct injection spark ignition enginePR
Bhowal A.J.
Heritage Institute
2014Numerical Investigation of Radiation and Gravity Effect on Soot Formation in a Methane Air Diffusion FlamePO
Bielaczyc P., J. Woodburn, P. Pajdowski
2011Correlation Between Particle Mass and Number for Euro 5 Compression Ignition VehiclesPO
Bielaczyc P., J. Woodburn, A. Szczotka
2012Investigations on Fuel Ethanol Content and Ambient Temperature on Particle Number and Mass Emissions from Vehicles Featuring direct Injection Gasoline EnginesPR
Bielaczyc P., J. Woodburn, D. Klimkiewicz, A. Szczotka, Pajdowski
2013A Quantitative Comparison of the Particulate Matter Emissions from two Euro 5 Vehicles (direct injection petrol & Diesel)PO
Bielaczyc P., J. Woodburn, A. Szczotka
2014Particulate Emissions from Passenger Cars with DISI Engines Tested at Sub-Zero TemperaturesPR
Bieniek A., J. Jantos, J. Mamala
Opole University of Technology
2010Possibilities of PM emission reduction during cylinder pressure based control of diesel injectionPO
Bieniek A., J. Mamala, M. Graba
Opole University of Technology
2011Possibilities to Reduce PM and NOx Emissions at Nonroad Vehicle Engine by Advanced Control of EGR and Multiphase InjectionPO
Bird Matthew
Minnesota University, USA
2018Emissions Testing of Microturbine Cogenerator Run on Diesel and Jet A Blended with Aromatic CompoundsPO
Bireswar P., Amitava Datta, Aparna Datta, Abhijit Saha
Jadavpur University
2012A Spectroscopic Study of the Nano-organic Carbon Particles from Laboratory ISO-Octona Flame and Gasoline Engine exhaust PO
Bischof Oliver F.
1998The SMPS, the Most Widely Used Nanoparticle SizerPR
Bischof Oliver F., O.F. Bischof, P. Weber, U. Bundke, A. Petzold, A. Kiendler-Scharr †
Institute of Energy & Climate Research IEK-8/ TSI GmbH
2023Application-Specific Calibration of Condensation Particle Counters for Use at Reduced Pressure ConditionsPR
Bisht Thapa Gunjan, Sanjila Neupane
Kathmandu University, Nepal
2017Fast and Efficient Removal of Arsenic through Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Assisted Modified Magnetic NanoparticlesPO
Bisig Chr.
Landwirtschaftsamt des Kantons Zug
2007Förderung der Partikelfilter bei schweren landwirtschaftlichen FahrzeugenFO
Bisig Chr., P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, A. Mayer, A. Petri-Fink, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
Uni Fribourg
2015Risk Assessment of Exhaust Aerosols from Ethanol Supplemented and Normal Gasoline on Human Lung Cells in VitroPR
Bisig Chr., Comte P., Czerwinski J., Mayer A., Petri-Fink A., Rothen-Rutishauser B.
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2016Hazard Assessment of Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Exhaust Directly Exposed onto the Surface of a 3D Human Lung ModelPO
Bisig Chr., Pierre Comte, Jan Czerwinski, Andreas Mayer, Alke Petri-Fink, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
Uni Fribourg
2017An in vitro Exposure Method to Assess Adverse Effects of Ambient Air Using Human Lung CellsPO
Bisig Christoph, Sebastiano Di Bucchianico, Erwin Karg, Stefanie Bauer, Jürgen Orasche, Elias J. Zimmermann, Nadine Gawlitta, Anja Huber, Stephanie Binder, Sebastian Öder, Ralf Zimmermann
Comprehensive Molecular Analytics, HelmholtzZentrum München, D-81479, Munich, Germany
2019A Step towards Standardisation of Air-Liquid Interface Exposures using a Model Diesel AerosolPR
Biswas Pratim, He Jing, Zhichao Li
Washington Uni St. Louis
2015Nanoparticle Measurement, Formation and Capture in Coal Combustion SystemsPR
Bleicker D.
2017Increased Exhaust Aftertreatment Availability and Efficiency by User Friendly Data Logging and CommunicationPO
Bohac Stanislav
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2023PM Mass-Based Standard for Achieving PM Emissions Commensurate with Model Year 2022 GPF Technology for Light-Duty and Medium-Duty VehiclesPR
Böhler P., D. Schuler, Th. Mosimann
inNET Monitoring AG
2005Mobile Application of CAST for Calibrating Aerosol-Monitors relating to Mass- and Number-ConcentrationPO
Bolla M., Y.M. Wright, K. Boulouchos
2011Soot Formation Modelling of n-Heptane Spray Combustion under Diesel Engine Conditions using the Conditional Moment Closure ApproachPO
Bolliger R.
Bolliger Engineering
2008ESP Electrostatic Precipitator for domestic woodstoves and fireplaces.PO
Bonatesta F., Chiapetta E.
University Oxford Brookes
2014Exploring the correlation between soot number density and combustion duration in a GDI engine at part-load conditionsPO
Bondorf Linda, Lennart Köhler, Tobias Schripp, Franz Philipps
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
2021Towards the reduction of brake and tire emissions: The Zero Emission Drive Unit (ZEDU-1)PO
Bondorf Linda
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
2022Measurement of brake and tyre wear emissions from a battery electric vehicle PR
Bonilla Lorena Catalina, Rueda Gomez J.A., Molano Rojas E.A., Robayo Molina I.F., Saenz H.
District Secretariat of environment – Bogotá, Colombia
2016Study of Personal Exposure to Nanoparticles Considering Meteorological Variables in 4 Roads with Different Types of Vehicles in BogotáPO
Bonnel P., G. Martini, A. Krasenbrink, G. De Santi
EU Joint Research Centre, Ispra
2003Effect of motocycle engine technology upon physical properties of nanoparticlesPR
Bonner J.
North Carolina State University, USA
2016Mechanisms of Susceptibility to Carbon Nanotube Lung DiseasePR
Bonsack P., R. Ryskamp, M.C. Besch, D.K. Carder, M. Gautam
West Virginia University
2012Concentration and Size Distribution of Nanoparticle Emissions during low Temperature Combustion using fuels for Advanced Combustion EnginesPR
Booker D.R.
1998Urban Pollution Monitoring Using Number- and Mass-Weighted Particle Measuring InstrumentationPR
Booker D.R.
2000Development of a Real-Time Transient Cycle Mass MonitorPR
Booker D.R.
2001Real-Time Particle Characterization of Diesel and Gasoline Particulate MassPR
Booker D.R., O. Franken, M. Heuser
2015The Development and Characterization of a PEMs PMP-Compliant CPC-based Particle Counter for Real World on-Vehicle MeasurementsPO
Booker D.R., Nick Molden, Dr. David Booker, Dr. Ian Marshall
2017Quantifying Solid and Total Particle Number Concentrations from An Array of Vehicles Using the "Plume Chaser Method"PO
Booker D.R., Nick Molden
Lancaster University
2018Vehicle Interior Air QualityPO
Booker D.R., Professor Gordon Walker, Dr Paul Young
Lancaster University
2018Indoor-Outdoor Air Pollution & Environmental JusticePO
Booker D.R., Michael Heuser, Carl Ensfield
2019Development of a Portable Particle Number Field Calibration Methodology / Instrument for the anticipated EU PN Periodic Technical Inspection regulationsPO
Booker David, Michael Heuser, Oliver Franken
Sensors Inc., USA
2018Operational and Performance Demands for a Low-Cost Periodic Technical Inspection Particle Number AnalyzerPR
Borovinskaya Olga, Tanner M., Nishiguchi K.
TOFWERK AG, Switzerland
2016Online Determination of Element Composition and Nass of Single Airborne Particles by ICP-MSPO
Bosteels D., R.A. Searles, J.D. Anderson, C.A. Jemma
Ricardo and AECC
2003Particle emissions from a EU III HD Diesel engine with a catalyst-based Diesel particulate filter and a selective catalytic reduction systemPO
Bosteels D., J. May, C. Such, J. Andersson, A. Nicol
Ricardo and AECC
2007Application of the PMP Methodology to Measure the Particle Number and Particulate Mass Emissions of a Heavy-duty Engine PR
Boulouchos K., S.Aufdenblatten, A.Kasper, A.Forss
ETHZ / Wärtsilä / FHA / EMPA
2002Comparative investigation of PM-emissions from I.C. engines of different combustion system and sizePR
Boulouchos K.
2005Research on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles at ETHPO
Boulouchos K.
2010ETH Institute of Energy Technology, Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems LaboratoryPO
Boulouchos Konstantinos
ETH Zurich
2021Renewable fuels for combustion engines: candidates, energy supply options and policy considerationsFO
Box S., N. Collings
Cambridge University
2005A New Fast Nanoparticle Spectrometer for Concentration, and Size DistributionIdentificationPO
Brandenberger Chr., B. Rothen-Rutishauser, F. Blank, P. Gehr, Chr. Mühlfeld
Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern
2008Size, Number and Surface Influence the Entering of Particles into A549 Epithelial Lung CellsPO
Brändli O.
Lunge Schweiz
2011Particles and Health- Lessons from the SAPALDIA- StudyPR
Braun A., E. Huggins, S.N. Ehrlich, K.E. Kelly, B.S. Mun
2006Impact of Ferrocene on the Structure of Diesel Exhaust SootPR
Braun A., F.E. Huggins, N. Shah, G.P. Huffman, J. Ilavsky, S. Seifert, K.E. Kelly
2006The Application of Small Angle X-ray Scattering for the Study of Diesel Exhaust Particulate MatterPO
Braun A., E. Huggins, S. Wirick, K.E. Kelly, B.S. Mun, A. Kubatova, G.P. Huffman
2006Investigations on "Feinstaub" Carbonaceous Particulate Matter with C(1s) NEXAFS SpectroscopyPO
Braun A., A. Kubatova, F.E. Huggins, B.S. Mun
2007Carbon Functional Groups Identification and Source Apportionment of Fine Particulate MatterPR
Braun A.
2007Formation of Solid Intermediate Films on Spherical ParticlesPO
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2007Application of small Angle and wide Angle X-ray scattering for the Characterization of Carbonaceous Materials, Aerosols, and ParticlesPO
Brear F.
1998Particle Measurements from Wall Flow Traps at High Dilution RatioPR
Brem B., L. Durdina, J. Wang
2013Non-Volatile PM Mass and Number Emissions of Aircraft Gas Turbine SourcesPR
Brem B., L. Durdina, J. Wang, A. Suri, T. Rindlisbacher, F. Siegerist
2014Variability in non-Volatile Particulate Mass and Number Emissions of Aircraft Turbine EnginesPR
Brem B., L. Durdina, J. Wang, T. Rindlisbacher, F. Siegerist, P. Beyerle, S. Rocci-Denis, O. Penanhoat
2015Sensitivity of Aircraft Gas Turbine non- volatile Particulate Matter Mass and Number Emissions to Fuel Aromatic ContentPO
Brem B., Durdina L., Wang J., Rindlisbacher T., Siegerist F.
EMPA Switzerland
2016Aircraft Engine Certification Measurement of Non-volatile Particulate Matter EmissionsPR
Brem B., Lukas Durdina, Miriam Elser, David Schönenberger, Frithjof Siegerist, Ari Setyan, Jing Wang
2017Variability in Non-volatile Particulate Matter Emissions of Aero Gas Turbines; Engine DeteriorationPO
Brem B., Miriam Elser, Michael Arndt, Andrea Fischer, Lukas Durdina, David Schönenberger
2018The Optics-chemistry Link of Dark Matter; Investigating Mass Absorption Cross Sections of Soot Particles from two Combustion SourcesPO
Brem B., Lukas Durdina, Miriam Elser, David Schönenberger, Ari Setyan, Simon Wyss, Maria Munoz, Daniel Schreiber, Anthi Liati, Regula Haag, Daniel Rentsch, Joachim Mohn, Norbert Heeb, Jing Wang
2018Non-volatile Particulate Matter Mass and Number Emissions of an Aero Gas Turbine Fueled with Alternative Fuel BlendsPR
Brem Benjamin T., Nicolas Bukowiecki, Martine Collaud Coen, Martin Steinbacher, Stephan Henne, Stefan Reimann, Urs Baltensperger, Martin Gysel Beer
Paul Scherrer Institute
2021Occurrence and Radiative Properties of Long-range Transported Wildfire Aerosol Measured at the JungfraujochPR
Brem Benjamin T., Z. C. J. Decker, P. A. Alpert, J. G. Slowik, M. Ammann, L. Durdina, J. Edebeli, C. Spirig, J.G. Anet, F. Ungeheuer, A.L Vogel, A. S. H. Prévôt, M. Gysel-Beer
Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI
2024The ubiquitous nature of lubrication oil in aero gas turbine exhaustsPR
Brough R., S Malizia, E Haffner-Staton, A La Rocca, M Fay
University of Nottingham
2017Structure Analysis of Primary Carbon Nanoparticles from a Modern Turbocharged Direct-injection Gasoline EnginePO
Bruch J.
IBE GmbH Marl & University Clinics Univ. Duisburg-Essen
2011Critical Experimental Conditions for Testing Combustion Generated NanoparticlesPR
Bruckmann P., M. Lutz, A. Brandt, S. Wurzler, K. Vogt
Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
2011Do Low Emission Zones reduce the burden of particulates?PR
Bruckmann P.
Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
2012The upcoming revision of the European air quality direc­tives – state of play in respect to particlesFO
Brugge D., Doug Brugge, Kevin Lane, Christina Fuller, Douglas Walker, Yu Li, Laura Corlin, Allison Patton, Wig Zamore, John Durant
Tufts University
2017Traffic-related UFP and Cardiovascular Health: Findings from a community-based study in Boston, MAPR
Brugge D., Flora Berklein, Qisi Yao, Alex Turner, Wig Zamore, Mei Chung
Tufts University
2018An evidence map based on a systematic review of ultrafine epidemiologyPO
Brugge D., Neelakshi Hudda, Matthew Simon, Christina Fuller, Wig Zamore, Scott Hersey, John Durant
Tufts University
2018Improving In-home Stand-alone Air Filtration for Ultrafine Particle Exposure and HealthPR
Brunekreef B.
Uni Utrecht
2012Health Effects of Airborne Ultrafine Particles: Observations from EpidemiologyPR
Brunner J.,
Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz Zürich
2007Partikelimmissionen in der Stadt ZürichFO
Bruns E.A., I.El Haddad, St.M. Platt, B. Temime-Roussel, D. Kilic
2013Novel Smog Chamber Studies of Primary and Secondary Wood Burning Products at Low TemperaturePR
Büchel R., R. Strobel, S.E. Pratsinis, A. Balker
2007Two-nozzle Flame Synthesis of Pt/Ba/Al2O3 for NOx storagePO
Büchel R., R. Strobel, S.E. Pratsinis, A. Baiker
2008Influence of Pt-Ba Proximity in Pt/Ba/Al2O3 DeNOx CatalystsPO
Büchel R., R. Strobel, A. Baiker Sotiris, E. Pratsinis
2009Potassium in flame-made Pt/K/Al2O3 NOx storage-reduction catalystsPO
Buekenhoudt Pascal
2022Cleaner air due to vehicle approval or vehicle inspection?FO
Büeler A., M. Zürcher, R. Bunge
2006Reduction of NO2-emissions from continuously regenerating particulate filters by NOxOPT technologyPO
Buerki-Thurnherr Tina
2023Early life health impact of diesel exhaust particles: Unravelling placental accumulation, fetal transfer and interference with maternal-fetal communicationPR
Bugarski Aleksander
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2000Size Distribution and Deposition in Human Respiratory Tract: Particle Mass and NumberPR
Bugarski Aleksander
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2001Size distribution of diesel particulate matter in a non metal minePR
Bugarski Aleksander
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2004Characterization of diesel aerosols in underground metal minesPR
Bugarski Aleksander, G. Schnakenberg, St. Mischler
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2005Effects of Alternative Fuels on Concentrations of Nanometer and Ultrafine Particles in Underground MinesPR
Bugarski Aleksander
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2006Characterization of combustion generated nanometer and ultrafine aerosols emitted in work environmentPO
Bugarski Aleksander, G.H. Schnakenberg, St. Mischler, E. Cauda
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2007Characterization of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Diesel Aerosols in an Underground Mine LaboratoryPR
Bugarski Aleksander
NIOSH Pittsburgh
2009Metric for monitoring exposure to diesel aerosolsPO
Bugarski Aleksander, J. Stachulak
Formerly Vale
2014Fuel borne catalysts and aerosol emissions generated by sinter metal filtration DPF system PO
Bugarski Aleksander
2016Assessment of the Effectiveness of Disposable Filter Elements Used in Permissible Underground Coal Applications PR
Buha J., J. Wang, Chr. Jaeggi, M. Leparoux, D. Thompson, D. Pui
2012Emission Monitoring in the Production of SiC Nanoparticles by Induction Plasma SynthesisPO
Bukowiecki N.
2000Comparing SMPS Particle Size Distributions with DC, PAS and CPC Data PR
Bukowiecki N., j. Dommen, A. Prévot, W. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
2003Nanoparticles in the Zurich-area. An assessment of the spatial and temporal distributionPO
Bunge R., N. Bergamin, R. Büeler
2010Emergency regeneration of DPFPO
Buonanno Giorgio, L. Stabile, A. Viola
University of Cassino
2009Volatility of ultrafine particles emitted during cooking activitiesPO
Buonanno Giorgio
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
2023The airborne transmission of respiratory pathogens: the importance of ventilation and air distribution in the infection riskPR
Burton Kerrie, Whitelaw J., Jones A., Davies B.
University of Wollongong, Australia
2016Are Respiratory Protection Standards Protecting Worker Health Against Ultrafine Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions? An Australian Perspective.PO
Burtscher Heinz
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
1999Particle Formation due to Fuel AdditivesPR
Burtscher Heinz
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2000The Electrical Diffusion Battery for Dynamic Classification of NanoparticlesPR
Burtscher Heinz
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2001Efficiency of flue gas cleaning in waste incineration for submicron particlesPR
Burtscher Heinz, U. Baltensperger, A. Kasper
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2003Monitoring adsorption and desorption of volatile material on combustion particlesPR
Burtscher Heinz
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2004Field monitoring of Diesel particulate emissionsPR
Burtscher Heinz
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2005Research on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles at AFHBPO
Burtscher Heinz, S. Loretz, J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, A. Mayer, R. Artley
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2006Cabin Filtration for Cars PO
Burtscher Heinz, S. Loretz, A. Mayer, M. Kasper, R. Artley, J. Czerwinski, R. Strasser
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2007Nanoparticle Filtration for Vehicle Cabins PO
Burtscher Heinz
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2010University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland PO
Burtscher Heinz, Thomas Lutz, Andreas Mayer
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2019The need for a periodic inspection of vehicle emissionsPR
Burtscher Heinz, A. Mayer, J. Czerwinski, Th. Lutz, J. Mayer, R. Mayer, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, T. Rüggeberg, P. Specht, E. Weingartner
2022Indoor Protection from Viruses and Combustion Generated NanoparticlesPR
Büsser B., S.E. Pratsinis
2013The Coalescence of Aerosol Nanoparticles by Molecular DynamicsPO
Byeon Jeong Hoon, Jaeho Oh
Yeungnam University
2024Size-Classified Bioaerosol Detection from Recombination of Technically Proven ComponentsPO
Byeongiu Jeong, Kwon Soonho, Lee Jeonghoon
Korea University
2015The Effect of a Thermal Denuder on the Measurement of Black Carbon Generated in a Diesel EnginePO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Cachón Luis, D.Imhof
Matter Aerosol
2013NanoMet3: Portable Solid Nanoparticle Counter for Vehicle Exhaust EmissionsPO
Cachón Luis, D.Imhof
Matter Aerosol
2014The Golden PEMS: Technical Aspects and OutlookFO
Cachón Luis, R. Stich, S. Gerkens,s A. Brödel
2015Second generation of Diffusion Size Classifier for Oncoming Motor Vehicle RegulationsPO
Cachón Luis, Gerkens St.
TESTO Mönchaltdorf, Switzerland
2016Next Generation of Particle Number Instruments for Vehicle Type Approval and Quality Control of DPF KerbsidePO
Cackette T.
CARB (retired)
2013Successes and Challenges Reducing Urban Air Pollution and Climate ChangePR
Calderon L.
University of Montana
2006Particulate matter and the Central Nervous System. Brain inflammation and neurodegeneration in exposed children and young adultsPR
Calderón-Garcidueñas Lilian
The University of Montana, USA
2021The development and convergence of co-pathologies associated with Tau, Aβ, α-synuclein and TDP-43 proteinopathies in Metropolitan Mexico City children and young adults: a health crisis is in progress. Nanoparticles a common denominator?PR
Caprotti R., I.P. Field
2003Novel additive for Diesel Particulate Filter applicationsPR
Caracci Elisa, A. Iannone, F. Carriera, P. Avino, S. Pili, S. Milia, M. Campagna, L. Stabile, G. Buonanno
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
2023Physical and chemical characterization of indoor particle sourcesPO
Carli St.
2001Influence of Sampling Conditions, Engine Load and Fuel Quality on the Measurement of Ultrafine Particles from a Modern Diesel Vehicle - ResultsPR
Carli St.
2002Sampling methodology influence on modern Diesel particle number size distribution measurementsPR
Cartus Th.
2001New Approaches in Particulate Size and Morphology MeasurementsPR
Casadei S., A. Faedo, F. Avella
2013Nanoparticle Size Distribution, Soot and Ammonia Emissions from a NGVs FleetPO
Casanova Jesùs, Natalia Fonseca, Nuria Flores, Fredy A. Rosero
Institute for Automobile Research (INSIA). Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
2019Experience using a diffusion charging particle counter in a Euro V diesel city bus in Madrid. Influence of the transient conditions on PN emission factors.PO
Casati R.
2004Particle size distributions in diesel exhaust under ambient and laboratory dilution conditionsPR
Cascio W.E., Yifang Zhu, W. Hinds
East Carolina Heart Institute
2010Environmental health effects of combustion-related ultrafine particulate matterPR
Cassee F.
Affiliation National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven
2011Combustion-Derived and Engineered Nanoparticle Toxicity: Lessons learnt from Air Pollution ResearchPR
Cavelti-Weder Claudi, Angela Bosch, Theresa Rohm, Shefaa AlAsfoor, Zora Baumann, Daniel Zeman
Departement of Biomedicine, University of Basel
2019Air pollution induced-diabetes is mediated via macrophages in the gutPR
Cerny Th.
Chefarzt Onkologie/ Hämatologie, Departement Innere Medizin St. Gallen
2007Combustion Particles and Preventive Measures against CancerPR
Cha J., Junhong Park, Mun Soo Chon
Korea National University
2017Evaluation of Real Driving Emissions Characteristics with Light Duty Vehicles on Domestic SalesPO
Chan Tak
2012Reducing Particulate Emissions for Future Gasoline direct Injection Vehicles with a Gasoline Particulate FilterPR
Chang Mengzhao, Suhan Park
Chonnam National University
2021Effect of High Temperature Fuel Injection on Atomization Characteristics of Gasoline Direct Injection InjectorPO
Charmforoushan Alireza, Miika Sorvali, Jyrki M. Mäkelä
Tampere University
2024Eco-friendly synthesis of Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles by Liquid Flame SprayPO
Chaudhari Hitesh Bharat, Mohak Samant, Nagesh Walke, Jun Yap, J Lai, Amit Bhave, S Sathya Prakash, Sukrut Thipse
Automotive Research Association of India
2021High Dimensional Fast-Response Particle Number (PN) Surrogate Model Building Methodology for Heavy Duty (HD) Diesel Engine ApplicationsPR
Chaudhary Anurag S.
Junoterra Technology Private Limited, New Delhi, India
2022Comparative assessment of indoor and outdoor air quality at a semi-urban site in Delhi for observing seasonal variations and potential health effectsPR
Cheng Tsun-Jen, Tzu-Ting Yang, Charles C.K. Chou, Kai-Jen Chuang
National Taiwan University
2019Respiratory Mutagenicity and Inflammation Induced by Size-segregation Ambient Particles in Mice: Do ultrafine particles cause greater toxicity?PO
Cheng Y., D. Curran, H. Guo, S. Rust, Paul Sermon
Brunel University, Uxbridge (UK)
2021Combustion-generated carbonaceous urban atmospheric UFPs: Fuel optimisation in transport and decentralized electricity economies to minimise their production and impactPO
Chirico R., S. Weimer, R. Richter, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2007PC Rhine Valley: Spatial Gradients of Particle Composition in the Rhine ValleyPO
Chirico R., P. F. De Carlo, M.F. Heringa, T. Tritscher, R. Richter, G. Wehrle, A. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2009Primary organic aerosol and secondary aerosol formation potential from a Euro 3 diesel passenger carPR
Chirico R., P. F. DeCarlo, M.F. Heringa, T. Tritscher, T. Adam, M. Clairotte, J. Dommen, M. Gysel, M. Laborde, E. Weingartner, A. S. H. Prévôt, B. Giechaskiel, C. Astorga, G. Martini, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2010Primary emission and secondary formation of organic aerosol from vehiclesPR
Chivé Chloé
Université Paris Cité and ADEME
2022Exposure to PM2.5 on the severity of respiratory infectionsPO
Cho Jaeho, Sedoo Oh, Cha-Lee Myung, Simsoo Park
Korea University
2019Comparative study on regulated emissions and size-resolved particle emissions from light-duty truck equipped with common rail direct injection (CRDI) diesel and turbocharged LPG direct injection (T-LPDi) engine under various vehicle test conditions.PO
Cho Jaeho, Cha-Lee Myung, Simsoo Park
Korea University
2016Size-resolved Nano-particle Filtration Characteristics with Metal Foam Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) for a Modern GDI VehiclePO
Chong U., J. Swanson, A. Boies
Uni Cambridge
2012Particle Characterization in London Paddington Train StationPO
Chuang Kai-Jen, Dai-Hua Tsai, Yuan-Ting Tseng, Chang-Chuan Chan
Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University
2006Characterization of ultrafine particles in mass rapid transit, train, and bus stations in TaipeiPO
Chung Wonyong, Jinyoung Ko, Cha-Lee Myung, Simsoo Park
School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea
2018Comparison of PN Filtering Efficiency with GPF from a GDI Vehicle over Laboratory and Real World Driving ConditionPO
Ciajolo A., barbara apicella, carmela russo, antonio tregrossi
2017Integrated Approach for the Structural Analysis and Sizing of Flame-formed Organic Carbon and Ultrafine Carbon ParticlesPO
Ciajolo A.
2019The common thread between fuel, hydrocarbon, soot structure and its oxidation reactivityPO
Cifuentes Luis, Aliosha Reinoso, Pablo Busch
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2019A methodological proposal to estimate emissions deterioration in real-world driving conditions, on gasoline passanger cars fleet in Santiago de ChilePR
Claussen M., A. Wollmann
CUTEC, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
2003Particle size and composition measurements at modern engines and aftertreatment systemsPR
Claussen M.
CUTEC, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
2004Particle size resolved analysis of PAHs in Diesel sootPR
Clift M.J.D., S. Steiner, P. Gehr, B. Rothen Rutishauser
Uni Fribourg
2012Gaining an insight into the potential of diesel particles to cause genotoxicityPR
Collings N.
1999The Effect to Automotive Tailpipe Geometry on Nano-particle Generation – Initial ResultsPR
Collings N.
2001A Fast Differential Mobility Analyzer for Ultrafine Particles Combustion AerosolsPR
Collings N., R. Brand, T. Hands, K. Reavell
2008Weighing DPF Soot LoadPO
Constantini M.
Health Effects Institute, Boston
1998Considerations on Characterizing Particles from EmissionsPR
Constantini M.
Health Effects Institute, Boston
1999Particle Emissions Characterization and Health Effects ResearchPR
Constantini M.
Health Effects Institute, Boston
2000Relation between Particle Metal Content (with focus on iron) and Biological ResponsesPR
Constantini M., I.Trager
Health Effects Institute, Boston
2009HEI Critical Review of the Health Effects of Traffic-Related Air pollutionPR
Contreras B.Y., Juan Camilo Vigoya Rodríguez, Ana Paola Corredor Barrera, Ricardo Morales Betancourt
Universidad de los Andes, Bogota
2017Variation of Number of Particles Distribution by Temperature Effects in an Exhaust of a two-stroke Engine in a High Altitude CityPO
Cook S.
2000Secondary Emissions when using fuel additives for regeneration?PR
Coplin N.
Orbital Australia
2017Wall-flow Type DPF System to Replace Existing Wet Element Filter Systems Used in Typical LHDs in Underground Coal OperationsPO
Coplin N.
Orbital Australia
2017Wall-flow Type DPF System to Replace Existing Wet Element Filter Systems Used in Typical LHDs in Underground Coal OperationsPR
Corbin Joel C., A. A. Mensah, M. Gysel, A. Keller, J. Kim, M. Laborde, A. Petzold, B. Sierau, U. Lohnmann
2013Mass Spectrometry of Soot From Six Different Sources: Carbon Fragmentation Patterns and Refractory CO2PO
Corbin Joel C., A. Keller, B. Sierau, H. Burtscher, U. Lohmann, A.A.Mensah
2014Mass Spectrometry of Wood-Combustion Soot: Positive Matrix Factorization and Refractory Oxygenated SpeciesPO
Corbin Joel C., Amewu M., Zanatta M., Pieber S., Jakobi G., Orasche J., Slowik J., Kumar N.,El Haddad I., Klein F., Stengel B., Zimmermann R., Prévôt A., Baltensperger U., Gysl M.
PSI Switzerland
2016Dependence of Ship-engine Aerosol Emissions on Fuel Type: Trace Metals, Black Carbon, and Light AbsorptionPR
Corbin Joel C., Greg J. Smallwood, Tobias Schripp, Prem Lobo
2018Laser-induced Incandescence of Aircraft Engine Black Carbon: Sensitivity to Laser FluencePO
Corbin Joel C., H. Czech, D. Massabo, F. Liu, S. Pieber, J. Orasche, B. Stengel, F. Buatier de Mongeot, C. Mennucci, A. A. Mensah, M. Zanatta, G. Jakobi, P. Lobo, R. Zimmermann, A.S.H. Prevot, I. El Haddad, M. Gysel
2018Insoluble Brown Carbon Emitted by Marine Engines: Relevance to a Warming ArcticPR
Corbin Joel C., Joel C. Corbin, Martin Gysel
National Research Council Canada
2019Detection of tar brown carbon with the single particle soot photometer (SP2)PO
Corbin Joel C., Joel C. Corbin, Amrith Senaratne, Jason Olfert, Greg Smallwood, Stephanie Gagné, Fengshan Liu, Prem Lobo
National Research Council Canada
2019Characterization of the Argonaut miniature inverted soot generator with various fuel mixturesPO
Corbin Joel C., Robin L. Modini, Martin Gysel-Beer
National Research Council Canada 
2022Mechanisms of soot aggregate restructuring and compactionPR
Corbin Joel C., Timothy A. Sipkens, Arash Naseri, and Jason Olfert
National Research Council Canada
2024Measurement and impacts of the mass fraction of volatile coatings on sootPR
Corbin Joel C., Fengshan Liu, Tim Sipkens
National Research Council Canada
2024Modelling laser-induced incandescence of soot and tarballs in the SP2PO
Corradi E. , H. Phuleria, M. Foraster, X. Basagana, R. Slama, A. Thomasson, N. Künzli
Uni Basel
2012Correlation between Traffic-Related Ultrafine Particle C, Noise and Traffic flow in the City of Basel: Short-Term Measurements and Urban Spatial Characteristics AnalysisPO
Costantini M.
Health Effects Institute, Boston
2001An Evaluation of the Health Risk of Using a Cerium-Based Diesel Fuel Additive in Conjunction with a Particulate FilterPR
Costantini M.
Health Effects Institute, Boston
2003Epidem and toxicol studies with particular focus onWS
Costantini M., B. Bailey
Health Effects Institute, Boston
2005A Description of the Heavy-Duty Diesel Advanced Collaborative Emission StudyPR
Costantini M.
Health Effects Institute, Boston
2015Advanced Collaborative Emission Study (ACES): Summary of New-Technology Diesel Engine Emissions Characterization and Chronic Rodent Inhalation StudyPR
Cozic J., S. Mertes, B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2006The Fate of Black Carbon in the Atmosphere: Rapid Removal by Wet Deposition after AgingPR
Cozzolini A., P. Abeyratne, D. Littera, M.C. Besch, M. Gautam
West Virginia University
2011Soot Model for DPF Monitoring over Transient Engine OperationPR
Cozzolino A., M. de Joannon, R. Ragucci, A. Cavaliere
West Virginia University
2013Droplet Nucleation and Growth of Nanoparticles in the Flue Gas Cleaning ProcessPR
Crippa M., P.F. DeCarlo, C. Mohr, R. Chirico, M.F. Heringa, Ch.F. Di Marco, E. Nemitz, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2010Source apportionment and aging of aerosol particles in the outflow of Paris during summer and winter timePO
Cyrys J., S. von Klot, M. Pitz, J. Gu, W. Birmili, A. Peters
Helmholtz-Zentrum München
2010Charakterisierung von Feinstaubpartikeln in städtischer und ländlicher UmgebungFO
Czech Hendryk, Petri Tiitta, Heikki Suhonen, Daniel Lane, Mika Ihalainen, Olli Sippula, Thorsten Streibel, Jorma Jokiniemi, Ralf Zimmermann
University of Eastern Finland and University of Rostock
2018Primary and Secondary Aerosol Emissions from Residential Combustion of Lignite BriquettesPO
Czech Hendryk, Olli Sippula, Petri Tiitta, Jürgen Orasche, Simone M. Pieber, Jarkko Tissari, Miika Kortelainen, Gülcin Abbaszade, Thorsten Streibel, Jorma Jokiniemi, Ralf Zimmermann
University of Eastern Finland and University of Rostock
2018Primary and Secondary Aerosol Emissions from Modern Small-scale Wood Combustion Appliances with Advanced Secondary Air SupplyPR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
1997Combustion particles number concentrations with different engines and fuelsPR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
1998Traping Efficiency of Particle Filters after VERT-Field TestPR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
1999Nanoparticles in the Exhaust Gas of all IC-Engines?PR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2000Nanoparticles in the Exhaust Gas of a ChainsawPR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2001Nanoparticles in the Exhaust Gas of ScootersPR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2002NanoMet a potential analyzer for legal nanoparticle measurementsPR
Czerwinski J., P. Comte
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2003Limited emissions and nanoparticulates of a scooter with TSDIPR
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2004Influences of oil, fuel & catalyst on particle emissions of a DI 2-stroke scooterPR
Czerwinski J., T. Mosimann, M. Kasper, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2005Influencing (Nano) Particle Emissions of 2-Stroke ScootersPR
Czerwinski J., A. Mayer, A. Heitzer, M. Wyser, P. Mattrel
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2005Impact of RME on Nanoparticle Emission PO
Czerwinski J.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2005Research on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles at AFHBPO
Czerwinski J., M.C. Astorga, M. Rey
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2006(Nano) Particles from 2-S Scooters: SOF / INSOF, improvements of aftertreatment, toxicity.PO
Czerwinski J., L. Mönch, P. Comte, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2007(Nano) Particles Filtration of PM-CatalystsPO
Czerwinski J., P. Comte, J. Fiala, A. Heitzer, D. Zürcher, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2007Particle Emission Reduction of 2-S Scooters with different technical measuresPO
Czerwinski J., P. Comte
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2007Catalyst Ageing and Particle Emissions of 2-S ScootersPO
Czerwinski J., Y. Zimmerli, P. Comte, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2007VERT dPN - a Quality Verification Procedure for Combined Diesel Aftertreatment Systems DPF + SCRPO
Czerwinski J., P. Comte, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2008(Nano)Particles Filtration of PM CatalystsPO
Czerwinski J., Y. Zimmerli, A. Mayer, N. Heeb, J. Lemaire, G. D'Urbano, R. Bunge
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2008VERTdePN – Quality Verification Procedure of Combined DPF + SCR Systems for RetrofittingPR
Czerwinski J., P. Comte, M. Makkee
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2009The effect of (hydrous) ethanol on the emission and performances of 2- and 4-stroke scootersPO
Czerwinski J., P. Comte, A. Mayer, F. Reutimann
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2010Investigations of emissions with different filtration materials on a 2-stroke scooter Peugeot TSDIPO
Czerwinski J., S. Bürki, P. Bonsack, A. Krasniqi, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2011Nanoparticle Emissions during Regeneration of DPF-Systems passive regenerations: DOC + SCR; CSF alone active regenerations: standstill burner; fuel injection & DOCPO
Czerwinski J., F. Reutimann, A. Mayer
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2012Changes of Nanoparticles Size Distributions of 2-Stroke Scooters in the Exhaust and in CVS-InstallationPO
Czerwinski J., P. Comte
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2012NANOPARTICLES in the Exhaust Gas of a ChainsawPO
Czerwinski J., Y. Zimmerli, S. Bürki, H. Nauroy
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2013Emissions on HD Diesel Engines – some new results of AFHBPO
Czerwinski J., P. Comte
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2013Experiences with Cleaning of CVS Dilution TunnelPO
Czerwinski J., L. Tartakovsky , V. Baibikov, P. Comte, A. Mayer, M. Veinblat
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2014Analysis of Ultrafine Particle Emissions by in-Use Buses of Different Generations in Tel AvivPO
Czerwinski J., Comte P., Wichser A., Mayer A.
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2014Nanoparticle Research on four Gasoline CarsPO
Czerwinski J., Hermle S., Renz S., Comte P., Heeb N.,
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2015Non-legislated Emissions of a Passenger Car with Ethanol Blend Fuel E85PO
Czerwinski J.
AFHB Nidau
2016Targets and Achievements of the ETH Nanoparticle Conferences 1997-2016PR
Czerwinski J., Comte P., Heeb N., Mayer A., Lemaire J.
AFHB Biel, Switzerland
2016Experiences of Testing NO2 for Diesel and NH3 for Gasoline CarsPO
Czerwinski J., Comte P., Heeb N., Mayer A.
AFHB Biel, Switzerland
2016Particle Number Reduction of GDI-Cars with GPF'sPO
Czerwinski J., Zimmerli Y., Comte P., Gütel M.
AFHB Biel, Switzerland
2016PN-PEMS: Testing Emissions of Diesel Passenger Cars in Laboratory and On-RoadPO
Czerwinski J., Lutz Th., Mayer A.
AFHB Biel, Switzerland
2016Quick-check of DOC and SCR for Inspection of Emission Control DevicesPO
Czerwinski J., Comte Pierre (AFHB), Güdel Martin (AFHB), Mayer Andreas (TTM), Hensel Volker (VERT/Aurigna)
2017Nanoparticle Emissions from Gasoline Cars DI & MPIPO
Czerwinski J., Pierre Comte (AFHB), Martin Güdel (AFHB), Markus Kurzwart (Motorex), Andreas Mayer (TTM)
2017Nanoparticle Emissions of GDI Car with Increased Lube Oil Consumption, Potentials of GPFPR
Czerwinski J.
2018New Periodic Technical Inspection Approaches for DeNOx-SystemsFO
Czerwinski J., Pierre Comte, Danilo Engelmann, Andreas Mayer, Peter Bonsack
2018Nanoparticles Emissions of Gasoline Cars with Port Injection (MPI) and Potentials of Particle Filters (GPFPO
Czerwinski J., D. Engelmann, P. Comte, A. Mayer, V. Hensel
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2019Physical Properties of Particles are Co-responsible for Toxic EffectsFO
Czerwinski J., D. Engelmann, P. Comte, A. Mayer, Th. Lutz, V. Hensel
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2019Considerations of Periodical Technical Inspection of Vehicles with deNOx SystemsPO
Czerwinski J., D. Engelmann, P. Comte, A. Mayer, V. Hensel
Laboratory for IC-Engines and Exhaust Emission Control (AFHB, Biel)
2019PN Emissions of Passengers Cars – Potentials of GPF'sPR
Cziczo D.J., U. Lohmann
2006Combustion Aerosols, Clouds, and ClimatePR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
D'Anna Andrea, Conturso M., Sirignano M.
Università degli Studi di Napoli 'Federico II'
2016Nanoparticle Formation Burning BiofuelsPO
D'Anna Andrea, Pedata P.
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
2016Exposure to Sub-10nm-particles Emitted from Combustion Sources: In-vitro Toxicity and Inflammatory PotentialPR
D'Urbano G.
2009Situationsanalyse und gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen in der SchweizFO
D'Urbano G., Ph. Hallauer, R. Kegel
2011Dieselrussminderung bei Nonroad-Maschinen nach dem Stand der Technik – Minimierung der PartikelanzahlemissionenFO
D'Urbano G.
2016Swiss, European and Joint Efforts to Prevent Ultrafine Particle EmissionsPR
Dada Lubna, Lidia Amarandi, Benjamin Brem, Nora Nowak, Robin Modini, Martine Collaud-Coen, Christoph Hüglin, Nikolaos Evangeliou, Martin Gysel-Beer
Paul Scherrer Institute
2024Sources of ultrafine particles at a typical rural site in SwitzerlandPR
Dahmann D.
Institut für Gefahrstoff-Forschung der BBG
2000Nanoparticle Emission Measurement at the Working PlacePR
Dardiotis Christos, Athanasios Mamakos, Daniela Wimmer, Christoph Weidinger
AVL List GmbH
2021Dual particle counter for measuring simultaneously automotive exhaust solid particle number emissions larger than 10 nm and 23 nmPR
Das Anusmita, J. Pantzke, E. Hartner, S. Jeong, G. Jakobi, T. Gröger, S. Öder, S. Bucchianico, M. Sklorz, R. Zimmermann
Helmholtz Munich
2022Generation and characterization of ultrafine soot particles with similar physical but varying chemical properties enabling differential toxicological assessment in human lung cellsPR
Dastanpour Ramin, S. Rogak
University of British Columbia
2015The Effect of Primary Particle Polydispersity on the Morphology and Mobility of AgglomeratesPR
Davenne T.
University Cambridge
2001Formation and growth of nanoparticles as a result of the ambient dilution processPR
Davies Brian, Nil Nil
University of Wollongong, Australia
2016Disposable Diesel Exhaust Filters Used in the Australian Underground Coal Mining IndustryPR
Davis J., Kartik Tiwari, Igor Novosselov
University Washington
2017Growth Mechanism for Soot Primary Particles in Recirculating Hydrocarbon FlamePO
Davoodi P., A. P. Weber, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper
Institute for process Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Research university of Karlsruhe
2006Quality of Contact in Catalytic Soot OxidationPO
Davoodi P., M. Seipenbusch, A.P. Weber, G. Kasper
Institute for process Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Research university of Karlsruhe
2007Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon Aerosols: Influence of the Pt-C Interparticle Contact on the Kinetic Parameters (Ea and k0)PR
De Falco Gianluigi, Commodo M., Minutolo P., D'Anna A.
Università di Napoli "Federico II", Italy
2016A Thermophoretic Thermocouple Method for Soot Measurement in CombustionPR
De Iuliis B., S. De Iuliis, F. Migliorini, G. Zizak
Istituto per l'Energetica e le Interfasi - CNR-IENI
20072D Soot volume fraction measurements in an ethylene diffusion flame by two-dimensional Two-color Laser-Induced Incandescence techniquePO
De Iuliis B., S. Maffi, F. Cignoli, G. Zizak
Istituto per l'Energetica e le Interfasi - CNR-IENI
2010Soot characterization in premixed flames by three-angle scattering and TEM analysisPO
De Meyer Philippe, Pascal Buekenhoudt, Laurent Chavatte
GOCA Belgium
2019New fine particle emission measurement for the assessment of the quality of the particulate filter during the periodic inspection of diesel vehiclesPR
De Santi G.
European Commission, Ispra (VA)
2007Particle emissions from vehicles: EU policy development and contribution of researchPR
Debbarma Sohana
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2023Aerosol optical properties measured from two heterogenous mix of Indian vehicular fleetsPR
Decker Zachary
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
2023Connecting size-resolved aerosol composition and gas-phase volatile emissions from aircraft engines at the Zürich airportPR
Decrue Fabienne, Jakob Usemann, Insa Korten, Elena Proietti, Olga Gorlanova, Danielle Vienneau, Oliver Fuchs, Philipp Latzin, Martin Röösli, Urs Frey
University Children's Hospital Basel UKBB
2019Exposure to moderate air pollution and associations with lung function at school-age: a birth cohort studyPO
Deinlein R., Th. Wolff
2014Dual Layer Coated High Porous SiC for SCR integration into DPFPR
Del Angelina
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Department 3.4, WG 3.43
2022A suitable aerosol generator for infield-calibration of particle number devices for PTI and low-cost black carbon absorption photometersPO
Delaval Mathilde N., Hulda R. Jonsdottir, Alejandro Keller, Benjamin Brem, Lukas Durdina, Miriam Elser, Prem Lobo, Heinz Burtscher, Marianne Geiser
Helmholtz Munich 
2022Respiratory health effects of aircraft emissions: an in vitro study for evaluating the toxicity of non-volatile particulate matter from an aircraft turbofan engine on bronchial epithelial cellsPR
Delisle M.
2003New emission limit philosophy based on total number of solid particles in the size range of 20-300 nmPR
Delisle M.
2004New particle number limit value for diesel cars in SwitzerlandPR
Demirdjian B.
2002Chemical reactivity of soot and secondary organic aerosols generated under laboratory conditionsPR
Di Iorio Silvana, B. Apicella, F. Catapano, A. Magno, C. Russo, P. Sementa, A. Tregrossi, B. M. Vaglieco
Institute of Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Mobility (STEMS) - CNR
2023Physical and chemical characterization of the particles emitted by a hydrogen fueled DI SI engine: the role of lube oilPR
Di Iorio Ss., Catapano F., Sementa P., Vaglieco B.M.
Istituto Motori CNR, Italy
2014Experimental Investigation of Ethanol-Gasoline Dual-Fuel on Particle Emissions of a Small EnginePR
Di Iorio Ss., Francesco Catapano, Bianca Maria Vaglieco
Istituto Motori CNR, Italy
2019Understanding of Sub-23 nm Particle Emissions from PFI/DI SI Engines Fueled with Gasoline, Ethanol and BlendPO
Di lorio Silvana, F. Catapano, A. Magno, B. M. Vaglieco
Institute of Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Mobility (STEMS) - CNR
2023Brake wear particles: effects of braking intensity, frequency and temperaturePO
Di lorio Silvana, B. Apicella, F. Catapano, A. Magno, C. Russo, P. Sementa, A. Tregrossi, B. M. Vaglieco
2024Physical and chemical characterization of the particles emitted by a DI SI engine with low- and zero-carbon fuelsPR
Di Stasio
Istituto Motori
1998Fractial-like Agglomeration Kinetics for Ethylene SootPR
Dickens C.
1999Possible Approaches to Incorporating Fine Particle Parameters into Vehicle Type Approval LegislationPR
Dickens C.
2000In-Cabin Particle Exposure from Vehicle EmissionsPR
Dickens C.
2001Vehicle Particulate Emissions Club: On-Road Vehicle Particle EmissionsPR
Dickens C.
2001Gasoline Particle Emissions: Real or Artefact?PR
Dierks U., D.Satake, M. Akita, M. Schröder
2013Accuracy of Particle Number Counting systems influenced by different 23nm cutpoint calibration methodsPR
Dijkhoff Irini, Barbara Drasler, Marc Eeman, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
University Fribourg
2019Simulating the impact of diesel exhaust particles on human skin using a 3D in vitro epidermal modelPR
Dirscherl K., D.Buhr, T. Klein, A. Jordan-Gerkens, J. Schlatter, F. Lüönd
Danish Fundamental Metrology
2013Calibration Service for Mobility Measurements based on Reference Material for Monodisperse Spherical Particles in AerosolsPO
Dirscherl K.
Danish Fundamental Metrology
2013Pre-normative study of size distributions of combustion particles from fossil and non-fossil fuelsPO
Discherl K., K. Fuglsang, T. Grønhøj Frederiksen, A. Gry Hemmersam, M. Krøcks Lykkegaard, S. Kronmann, K. R. Friborg
Danish Fundamental Metrology
2011Comparison of Different Types of Particle Counters with Aerosolized Polystyrene Reference ParticlesPO
Doberer A., Th. Nussbaumer
Uni Luzern
2009Influence of operation type on particulate emissions from residential wood combustionPO
Dockery D.
University of Harvard
2013Lessons from Epidemiologic Studies of Ambient Fine and Ultrafine ParticlesFO
Dominguez-Sàez, M. Martin, C.C. Barrios
2012Evolution of Particle Number and Size Distribution in a Diesel Engine Running in Different Operating ConditionsPO
Dorfer F.
2000Diesel Particle Morphology Depending on Particle SizePR
Dörr H.
Uni Karlsruhe
2004Particle mass spectrometry and laser diagnostics applied to iron oxide nanoparticle formation – a kinetic studyPO
Dreher W., W. Nisch, Tarek Lutz, N. Kern
Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut, Reutlingen
1999Nanoparticle Analysis of Traffic ImmissionPR
Dreher W.
Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut, Reutlingen
2002TEM-analysis of Diesel nanoparticle emiss. To get a geometric correlation to SMPS mobility diameterPR
Dreher W., C. Warres, G. Baumbach, K.B. Ang, M.A. Bari
Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut, Reutlingen
2007Identification of Traffic-Related PM10 Sources at a High Traffic Site in Stuttgart, GermanyPO
Dreher W., F. Weise, St. Böhme, M. Struschka, St. Lutz, J. Brodbeck, S. Mülhopf, H.R. Paur
Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut, Reutlingen
2010Toxic effects of nanoparticles from biomass combustionPR
Dubey Shreya
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2023Toxicity of Respirable Particulate Matter of Traffic Origin: Effect of Different Driving Conditions and Fleet Character­isticsPO
Duca Dunitru, Yvain Carpentier, Marin Vojkovic, Adam Boies, Mustafizur Rahman, Claire Pirim, Cristian Focsa
University of Lille
2019Size-selective sampling and chemical characterization of ultra-fine particulate matter emitted by a direct injection single cylinder gasoline enginePO
Duca Dunitru, Yvain Carpentier, Marin Vojkovic, Claire Pirim, Cristian Focsa
University of Lille
2019A novel methodology for the analysis of the particulate/gas phase partitioning in combustion emissionsPR
Ducret-Stich R., M. Ragettli, Ch. Braun-Fahrländer, A. Ineichen
University of Basel
2009Exposure to highway traffic exhaust and its impact on childhood respiratory health in trans-Alpine highway valleysPO
Ducret-Stich R., H. Phuleria, A. Ineichen, Chr. Schindler, L.J. Sally Liu
University of Basel
2010Residential exposure to highway traffic exhaust in a Swiss Alpine valleyPO
Ducret-Stich R., H. Phuleria, Chr. Schindler, L.J. Sally Liu
University of Basel
2011Impact of Residential Exposure to Highway Traffic Exhaust on Respiratory Health of Children in an Alpine Valley in SwitzerlandPO
Ducret-Stich R., H. Phuleria, A. Ineichen, L.J. Sally Liu
University of Basel
2011Source apportionment of ambient PM10 near a major highway in a Swiss Alpine valleyPO
Ducret-Stich R., E.Corradi, M. Foraster, X. Morelli, I. Aguilera, X Basagana, M. Rivera
University of Basel
2013Modeling of Short-term Ultrafine Particle Number Concentrations in a Swiss CityPR
Duffin R.
University of Edinburgh
2011The Health Effect of Combustion Derived Nanoparticles – What? Where? How?PR
Dunne M.
2000GRPE-Meeting Geneva, 21.5.2000PR
Dunne M.
2003The GRPE-Particulate Measurement Program PMP Phases 2 conclusions and outlookPR
Duplissy J., E. Weingartner, R. Alfarra, A. Metzger, J. Dommen, U. Baltensper
Paul Scherrer Institut
2007Influence of Photooxidation and Oligomerisation on the Hygroscopicity and Volatility of 1, 3,5-Trimethylbenzene SOAPR
Durantie Estelle, Rodriguez-Lorenzo L., Urban D., Petri-Fink A., Rothen-Rutishauser B.
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2016Comparing the Bio-kinetic Behavior of Single Ultrafine Particles to Agglomerates at the Human Respiratory Epithelial Tissue Barrier in VitroPO
Durdina L., M. Abegglen, B. Brem, B. Sierau, J. Wang
2013Effective Density Characterization of Soot Particles Emitted from Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine SourcesPO
Durdina L., B. Brem, M. Abegglen, B. Sierau, J. Wang
2014Improved Determination of Soot PM Emissions from Aircraft Turbine Engines Using Effective Density PO
Durdina L., B. Brem, J. Wang, T. Rindlisbacher, F. Siegerist, S. Rocci-Denis, O. Penanhoat, J. Zelina, G. Andac
2015Spatial Variability of PM and Gaseous Emissions at the Exit Plane of an in-Service Commercial Aircraft Turbine EnginePR
Durdina L., Brem B., Wang J.
EMPA, Switzerland
2016Implications of the New PM Emission Standard for Aircraft EnginesPO
Durdina L., Miriam Elser, Benjamin Brem, David Schönenberger, Jing Wang
2017Correlations of Nonvolatile Particulate Matter Mass and Number Emissions and Particle Size with Smoke Number Determined for Commercial Aircraft Jet EnginesPO
Durdina L., Benjamin Brem, Ari Setyan, Frithjof Siegerist, Theo Rindlisbacher, Jing Wang
2017Assessment of Particle Pollution from Jetliners: From Smoke Visibility to Nanoparticle CountingPR
Durdina L., Benjamin Brem, David Schönenberger, Frithjof Siegerist, Theo Rindlisbacher
2018Non-volatile PM Emissions of a Business Jet Aircraft: Ground Measurements and Cruise EstimatesPR
Durdina Lukas, Eliot Durand, Curdin Spirig, Agnese Magno, Julien Anet, Julien Anet, Andrew Crayford
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
2021Intercomparison of two reference sampling and measurement systems for aircraft engine non-volatile PM using a small-scale RQL combustor rig burning conventional and sustainable aviation fuelsPO
Durdina Lukas
ZHAW Zurich
2023Swiss research of particle emissions reduction with sustainable aviation fuelsPR
Duschl A.
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry Salzburg
2000The Connection between Diesel Exhaust Particles and AllergyPR
Duschl A.
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry Salzburg
2003Diesel exhaust compounds affect regulatory mechanisms of the immune systemWS
Duschl A., I.Grieshuber, Y. Gruijthuijsen, C. Reitinger
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry Salzburg
2005Diesel Soot Exposure Modulates Functional Differentiation and Maturation of Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic CellsPR
Dwivedi Samridhi
Isabella Thoburn College
2022Assessment of Sub-Micron Particulate Matter and associated Poly aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor and outdoor air of Lucknow city: Capital of the most populated state of India.PO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Earnshaw K.
Booker Systems
2000Real-Time Particle Mass Measurement in the EnvironmentPR
Ebener St.
2004Technologies for Emission Reduction of Onroad HDV and Offroad-machinesPO
Eberwein Burkhard
Berlin Public Transport
2009CRT filters: 1200 buses in Berlin fitted since 2000FO
Eberwein Burkhard
BVG Berlin
2016Bus Fleet of Berlin with DPF since 2001FO
Ebneter D.
2004Behaviour of an electrically regenerated particulate filter systems on a wheel loaderPO
Eckerle W.A.
Commins Research & Technology, Columbus
2008Technology for Advanced Heavy Duty Diesel EnginesPR
Edetsberger M.
University of Vienna
2004Detection of ultrafine particles in living cellsPO
Edetsberger M.
University of Vienna
2004Detection of ultrafine particles in living cellsPR
Edetsberger M. , G. Gaubitzer, E. Valic, G. Köhler
University of Vienna
2005Time-dependent appearance of nanometer-sized particles in living cellsPO
Edetsberger M.
University of Vienna
2005Influence of size and surface properties of particles on translocation into cells and on cellular behaviourPO
Eeftens M., Marloes Eeftens, Mark Davey, Alex Ineichen, Danyal Odabasi, Benjamin Flückiger, Ming-Yi Tsai
Swisss Tropical and Public Health Inst. Basel
2017Characterizing Real-time Vertical Air Pollution Gradients in an Urban EnvironmentPR
Eggersdorfer M., D. Kadau, H.J. Herrmann, S.E. Pratsinis
2011Multiparticle Sintering Dynamics: From Fractal-like Aggregates to Compact StructuresPO
Eggersdorfer M., D. Kadau, H.J. Herrmann, S.E. Pratsinis
2012Dynamics of Fractal-like Aerosols during SinteringPO
Eggersdorfer M., S.E. Pratsinis
2013Restructuring of Aggregates and their Primary Particle Size Distribution during SinteringPO
Ehlers Chr., D.Klemp, F. Rohrer, A. Wahner, H. Dörksen, S. Simon, L. Menger
Forschungszentrum Jülich
2013Formation of "white soot" by Diesel Cars Equipped with Particle FiltersPR
Ehteram Mohammadali, V. Hosseini
School of Mechanical Eng. Sharif University
2015A study on nano-solid particle count and gaseous emission of regeneration period for different DPF technologies PO
Eibl S.
WIWeb Erding
2017Formation of Respirable Carbon Fiber Fragments in Carbon Composite FiresPR
Eichholz S., D. Walter, M. Lerch
Institut für Chemie der Technischen Universität, Berlin
2011Characterisation of the Thermal and Kinetic Behaviour of Various Carbon NanoparticlesPR
Eichler A., S. Kaspari, M. Gysel, M.G. Flanner, S. Kang, S. Hou, M. Schwikowski
Paul Scherrer Institut
2011Ice Core Derived Changes in Black Carbon ConcentrationsPR
El Haddad Imad, S. Pieber, J.C. Corbin, J. Orasche, B. Stengel, P. Eichler, Y. Zhao, G.C.Ciarelli, J.T.Slowik, B. Miljevic F. Klein, N.K. Kumar, M. Zanatta, A. Mensah, A. Robinson, N. Donahue, M. Müller, A. Wisthaler, R. Zimmermann, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt
2015Emissions from heavy fuel oil combustion in a ship research engine and associated secondary organic aerosol formation potentialPR
El-Haddad Imad
2024Towards implementing particle chemical composition in health impact assessmentsPR
Eliasziw Misha, Neelakshi Hudda, John Durant, Wig Zamore, Doug Brugge
Tufts University
2021Exposure-response functions relating intensity and duration of ambient traffic-related air pollution to systolic blood pressurePR
Elmøe-Dokkedal T., A. Tricoli, J. D. Grunwaldt, S. E. Pratsinis
2009Filtration of nanoparticles: Evolution of cake-structure and pressure build-upPR
Elser M., Benjamin Brem, Lukas Durdina, David Schönenberger, Jing Wang
2017Optical Properties of Black Carbon Particles in Aircraft Engine ExhaustPO
Elser M., Benjamin Brem, Lukas Durdina, David Schönenberger, Andrea Fischer, Jing Wang
2018Carbonaceous Aerosols from Aircraft Engine Exhaust: Chemical Characterization, Optical Properties and Related Climate EffectsPO
Engelmann Danilo, Felix Pult
2019Phlegmatisation of a Combustion Engine for Reduction of Particle Transient EmissionsPR
Engelmann Danilo, Marko Göpfert,
BFH Biel
2024Innovative Gasoline Particulate Filters: A Comprehensive Analysis of Intrinsic High Filtration Rates and Operational PerformancePR
Erich E., St. Haep, U. Quass
Institut für Energie - und Umwelttechnik, Bliersheimer Duisburg
2007Reduction of Soot Emissions from Small Scale FurnacesPO
Esmaeilirad Sepideh, Vahid Hosseini
Student Sharif University, Teheran, Iran
2018Modeling the Formation of Traditional and Non-Traditional Secondary Organic Aerosols from In-Use, On-Road Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles ExhaustPO
Ess M., B. Grob, N.P. Ivleva, R. Niessner
TU München
2015In situ Raman Microspectroscopy of Soot during Temperature Programmed Oxidation.PO
Ess M., Konstantina Vasilatou
2018Characterization of a New MiniCAST Generator (Model 5201 Type BC) Including Diffusion and Premixed Flame OptionsPO
Ess M., M. Bertò, M. Irwin, R. Modini, M. Gysel-Beer, K. Vasilatoua
2019Optical and morphological characterization of "miniCAST 5201 BC"-sootPO
Etissa D., G. Schreiber, M. Mohr
2006Characterization of Particles Emitted from Modern 2-Stroke scooters by electron microscopy and Tandem DMAPR
Etzien Uwe, Thorsten Streibel, Niklas Gierenz, Thomas Adam, Bert Buchholz, Ralf Zimmermann
University of Rostock
2021Analysis of the influence of marine fuels on particle emissions from shipsPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Fabrykowski Lukas, Friedrich Legerer
2018Recovery of Hidden Information from Retrofit Data-LoggingPO
Favre C., J. May, D. Bosteels
2013Particles Emissions of Commercially available Small Handheld EquipmentPR
Feikus Lisa
RWTH Aachen University
2023Reduction of Particulate Emissions from Logwood Stoves by an Electrostatic Precipitator and the Influence of Their Position in the Flue Gas Duct and Stove Operation ConditionsPO
Fenkl M., A. Smith, C. Dickens, O. Blaikley
Uni Liberec
1999Influence of Catalysts and of 011 Consumption on Particulate EmissionsPR
Fenkl M., M. Vojtisek-Lom
Uni Liberec
2012On-road Measurement of Scooter Exhaust EmissionPO
Fenkl M., M. Vojtisek-Lom, L. Dittrich
Uni Liberec
2015Measurement of Emissions from Independent Bus HeatersPO
Ferrarese Christian, S. Valentini, D. Mehn, D. Manara, A. Barbaglia, A. Valsesia, P. Bonnel
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
2023Analysis of sub-micrometric particulate emitted by different types of internal combustion engines: a Raman Micro­ spectroscopy studyPO
Ferrarese Christian, Sara Valentini, Dora Mehn, Natalia E. Fonseca González, Dario Manara
European Commission JRC
2024Raman Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis on fine and ultrafine particles emitted from modern vehiclesPO
Feulner M., R. Stöber, G. Fischerauer, R. Moos
BERC Bayre uth
2014How the humidity of a DPF effects the microwave based soot load determinationPO
Fierz Martin
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2001First Experience with the Electrical Diffusion BatteryPR
Fierz Martin, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2003Separation of solid and volatile fraction by thermodesorption and hot dilutionPR
Fierz Martin, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2005A Portable Diffusion Size Classifier PR
Fierz Martin, H. Burtscher, P. Steigmeier
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2006Selective Measurement of Solid Particles with the Diffusion Size ClassifierPR
Fierz Martin, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2007An improved thermodenuder design PO
Fierz Martin, H. Burtscher, R. Kägi
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2007Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of a Portable TEM SamplerPO
Fierz Martin
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2008Concept for a Personal Sampler PR
Fierz Martin, P. Steigmeier, C. Houle, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2009Miniature diffusion size classifiers for personal monitoring and sensor networksPR
Fierz Martin, P. Steigmeier, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2010A portable instrument for PMP-like field measurementsPR
Fierz Martin, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2011Lung-Deposited Surface Area Measurements in ZürichPR
Fierz Martin, D. Meier, P. Steigmeier, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2012A Miniaturized DC Sensor for Personal Exposure MonitoringPO
Fierz Martin, St. Sjögren, P. Steigmeier, D. Egli, D. Meier, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2014Field Measurement, Technical Aspects of the First Generation PN Field InstrumentsFO
Fierz Martin, C. Hasenfratz, M. Müller
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2015Mobile vs. Static Sensor Networks for Urban Air Quality AssessmentPO
Fierz Martin, Meier D., Steigmeier P., Burtscher H.
NANEOS Switzerland
2016Electrical Particle Number Measurement for Automotive ApplicationsPR
Fierz Martin, Romea Bucher, Patrick Küry
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2017Simple periodic DPF inspection with a handheld devicePO
Fierz Martin, Heinz Burtscher, Tobias Rüggeberg
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2018In-use Particle Filter Inspection with Simple Electrical Particle DetectorsPR
Fierz Martin
naneos particle solutions
2022A new device for fast solid-volatile nanoparticle differentiationPR
Figoutz S., C.M. Fleck
Automotive Plasma Technology GmbH, Graz
2006"Plasma Regeneration of Soot" - possible without Secondary Emissions and Low Energy Consumption?PO
Filliger P.
Automotive Plasma Technology GmbH, Graz
1997VERT and PMIO in SwitzerlandPR
Filliger P.
Automotive Plasma Technology GmbH, Graz
1997Ambient air quality measurements of TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and ECPR
Fleck C.M.
Atominstitute of the Austrian Universities
1999An Electrical Soot Trap for Solid and Condensed Nanoparticles with a Continuous Electrochemical Conversion of Soot and HydrocarbonsPR
Fleischman R., L. Tartakovsky
Technion Israel
2015Nanoparticle Emissions from an SI Engine Fueled with Gasoline and Methanol Reforming ProductsPR
Fleischman R., Amiel Ran, Tartakovsky Leonid
Technion Haifa, Israel
2016Buses Retrofitted with Diesel Particulate Filters: Effects on Nanoparticle Emissions and Vehicle PerformancePO
Fleuti Emanuel
Zürich Airport
2019Ultrafine particle measurements at Zurich AirportPO
Focsa Cristian, C. Irimiea, Y. Carpentier, O. B. Popovicheva, E. D. Kireeva, I. K. Ortega, J. Schwarz, M. Vojtíšek-Lom
University of Lille, France
2018Impact of Operating Regime and Fuel Type on the Chemical Composition of Soot Particles Emitted by In-use Gasoline and Diesel EnginesPO
Focsa Cristian, D. Duca, J. Noble, Y. Carpentier, M. Vojkovic, C. Pirim, B. Chazallon, A. Manz, R. Grzeszik, M. Lyska, T. Tritscher, J. Spielvogel, S. Legendre, M. Rieker
University of Lille, France
2018Measuring Ultrafine Particles Emitted by Gasoline Direct Injection Engines: the PEMS4Nano ProjectPR
Fong K., Nussbaumer Th.
2012Health Effects of Wood Combustion Aerosols: A ReviewPR
Foppiano Debora, Tarik M., Ludwig Chr.
PSI, Switzerland
2016Behaviour of ZnO Nanoparticles During High Temperature Treatment: On-line, Size Resolved Elemental AnalysisPO
Forss A.M.
2004Desulfurization events of oxidation catalysts from light duty diesel vehicles identified by time-resolved SO2 measurements with chemical ionization mass spectrometryPO
Fraboulet Isaline, Karoski N., Collet S., Raventos C., Le Dreff C., Poulleau J.
INERIS, France
2016Validation and Comparison of Methods of Measurement of the Condensable Fraction of Aerosols Emitted by Residential Wood Combustion Appliances and BoilersPO
Franc Petr, Pechout Martin, Michal Vojtisek-Lom
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
2018Particle number emissions from technological lubricants used in the manufacturing of the automotive exhaust systemPO
Franke H.U.
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
19983D-Morphology of Diesel Soot Particles and RME Soot ParticlesPR
Frederickson Chas, Wei Liu, Mark Villela, Kent Johnson, David Quiros, Heejung Jung
University of California, Riverside
2021In-Use Emission Measurements from Two High-Speed Passenger Ferries Operating in CaliforniaPO
Frederiksen M., P. B. Pedersen M. Køcks,
Danish Technological Institute
2015Particle Emissions From Burning of Waste in Wood-Burning StovesPR
Frenzel I., Dimosthenis Trimis
TU Bergakadeie Freiberg
2014Study on the Influence of Ethanol on the Soot Formation in Premixed Ethylene FlamesPO
Frey Joachim
University of Bern, Vetsuisse
2023Filtration of Bioparticles: Filters on a test benchPR
Frey U.
University of Basel
2013Effect of Air Pollution on NewbornsFO
Friebel F., Prem Lobo, Saskia Drossaart van Dusseldorp, Evelyn Mühlhofer, Amewu. A. Mensah
2017CCN-Activation of Soot Particles after Long Term Exposure to Atmospherically Relevant Ozone ConcentrationsPO
Friebel F., Amewu. A. Mensah
2018Temperature vs Ozone Concentration: New Insights to the CCN-activity and LDSA of Soot Particles after Long Term Exposure to Ambient Ozone Concentrations.PO
Friebel F., Amewu. A. Mensah
2019Cloud droplet activity of soot particles after long-term exposure to ozone and α-pinenePR
Friebel Franz, Jörg Wieder, Kingsley Reavell
femtoG AG
2023Carbon Black vs Black Carbon - Application-oriented Analysis of NanomaterialsPO
Friedrich A.
2013Particles from Gasoline direct Injection Engines: Abatement OptionsPR
Friedrich A.
2015Road Particle Number measurements from GDI vehicles compared to a Euro 6 Diesel vehiclePR
Friedrich A.
2018Diesel DeNox-System: Failures and ManipulationsFO
Friedrich Axel
2024UFP and Black Carbon emissions from Real World Wood Stoves without and with Electrostatic PrecipitatorsPR
Frölich Albert / Gloor Beat
2016DPF-Quality in Swiss Construction SitesFO
Fruin S.
California Air Resources Board
2005The Importance of In-Vehicle Exposures PR
Fuc P.
Poznan University of Technology
2008The Effect of Oxide Nanospheres on Strength Fracture in DPF Porosity SinterPO
Fuc P., Lijewski P., Merkisz J.
Poznan University of Technology
2015Engine Test Bay Comparison of an Experimental Ti2O4-based Particulate Matter Filter Support with the Commercially Available SupportsPO
Fuchsig H., R. Brettenthaler, M. Neuberger
WMA Uni Wien
2015World Medical Association Calls for Action against Diesel SootPO
Fuchsig H.
WMA Uni Wien
2018The Diesel Scandals - an Attempt to Highlight the PrioritiesPO
Fuglsang K., J.B. Markussen, K.B. Hummer, T.G. Frederiksen
FORCE Technology
2010Characterization of fine and ultrafine particles in emissions from CHP plants in DenmarkPR
Fuglsang K., K. Dirscherl, M.K. Lykkegaard, J.B. Markussen, A. Hemmersam, O. Popovicheva, E. Kireeva, M. Poulsen, D. Larsen
FORCE Technology
2011Characterization of particle emissions from a marine diesel engine: Influence of sampling temperature on particle number, size, and morphologyPR
Fuglsang K., F. Bræstrup, N.M. Madsen, F. Bak, J. B. Pedersen, S. Mølgaard
FORCE Technology
2018Measurement of PM Emissions from Ship Engines: Effect of Particle Deposition in Sampling Equipment Designed According to the ISO8178 Method.PO
Fung Pak Lun
University of Helsinki
2021Simple proxy model of Lung-Deposited Surface Area (LDSA)PO
Furger M., A. Béguin, A. Richard, N. Bukowiecki, P. Lienemann, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2007Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Aerosols by Synchrotron XRFPO
Fushimi A., S. Hasegawa, K. Saitoh, Y. Fujitani, K. Takahashi, K. Tanabe, S. Kobayashi
Environmental Chemistry Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba
2006Chemical Composition of Nanoparticles in Roadside Atmosphere in JapPO
Fushimi A., Katsumi Saitoh, Yuji Fujitani, Nobuyuki Takegawa
Environmental Chemistry Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba
2019Jet engine lubrication oil as major component of aircraft exhaust nanoparticlesPR
Fushimi Akihiro, Katsumi Saitoh, Lukas Durdina, Julien Anet, J. Edebeli, Curdin Spirig, Yuji Fujitani, Nobuyuki Takegawa
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
2021Organic analysis of aircraft engine smoke number filter samples with thermal-optical carbon analysis and thermal desorption–gas chromatography/mass spectrometryPO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Gaegauf Ch.
Oekozentrum Langenbruck
2001Field Investigations of Nanoparticle Emissions from Various Biomass Combustion SystemsPR
Gaegauf Ch.
Oekozentrum Langenbruck
2005Research on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles at Ökozentrum LangenthalPO
Gan T.H., P. Hield, B. Boere, M. Bentley, T. Cogdon, P.J. Hanhela, B. Anderson, R. Gillett
Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Melbourne
2011Field Characterisation of Diesel Particulate Emissions From a Euro 0 EnginePO
Gao Kunfeng, Chong-Wen Zhou, Hans-Christian Koch, Zamin Kanji, Zamin Kanji;Chong-Wen Zhou
Beihang University
2021Soot particle ice nucleation ability dependence on their volatile contentPO
García-González Héctor, Pablo Menéndez-Cabo
Instituto Nacional de Silicosis
2022Systems for the reduction of Combustion Generated Nanoparticles in Heavy Plant MachineryPO
Garcia-Käufer Manuel
University Hospital Center Freiburg
2022Health Impact of inhaled log wood stove emissions by means of advanced in-vitro Exposure Systems based on the Air-Liquid Interface Technique - a tool for assessing the performance of emission mitigation measures at the biological effect levelPR
Gasperetti S., G. Mariotti, E. Mure, E. Paganini, V. Palleschi, A. Salvetti, E. Tognoni
2006Multi-diagnostics Techniques for Nanoparticle Characterization in Premixed Gas CombustionPO
Gasser M., M. Riediker, L. Mueller, A. Perrenoud, F. Blank, P. Gehr, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Bern
2010Toxic effects of brake wear particles on epithelial lung cells in vitroPR
Gatti Antonietta
Nanodiagnostics Foundation
2023Nano- and microparticles in babies' brain in SIDS casesPO
Gatti M.
University of Modena
2004Impact on health by nanoparticles created by high temperature explosionsPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
1998Particle Size Distributions from in-use Heavy-Duty VehiclesPR
Gautam M., A. Bugarski, S. Mehta, R. Byers
West Virginia University
1999Particle Size Distribution from Heavy Duty Diesel and Natural Gas VehiclesPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2000Diesel Exhaust Plume Studies: Wind Tunnel Experiments and ModelingPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2001Effect of lubricant sulphur levels on nanoparticle emissionsPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2001Nanoparticle emissions from catalyzed trap equipped heavy-duty vehicles operating on ultra-low-sulfur Diesel fuelPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2002Prediction of nucleation and coagulation modes in the formation of Diesel particulate matterPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2002Mutagenic Potential of Particulate Matter Emissions from a Diesel Engine Operating on Diesel No. 2 and Fischer-Tropsch Fuel: Effect of PM Size and Engine Operating ConditionsPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2003PM Emissions from Natural Gas and Catalyzed Trap-Equipped Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles – Chemical Characteristics and Size DistributionPR
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2003Wind tunnel studies on size distribution and concentration of PM emissions in the plume of a class-8-diesel truck – absence of nanoparticlesPO
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2003Parametric studies on the formation of Diesel particulate matterPO
Gautam M.
West Virginia University
2004Particulate matter emissions from a catalyzed trap equipped CNG-fueled transit busPR
Gautam M., H. Kappanna, S. Wayne, D. Carder, A. Oshinuga, T. Tadrous, L. Graham
West Virginia University
2006Control of Nanoparticle and Toxic Emissions from Natural Gas-Fueled Transit BusesPR
Gautam M., G. Wilt, D. Carder, A. Bugarski, G. Schnackenberg
West Virginia University
2007Growth of Diesel Exhaust Particulate Matter in a Ventilated Mine TunnelPR
Gautam M., M.C. Besch, M. Ardanese, R. Ardanese, T.R. Adams, A. Thiruvengadam
West Virginia University
2008Effect of Engine out NOx Control Strategies on PM Size Distribution in 2010 – Compliant HDDEPR
Gehr P.
University of Bern
2002Interaction of nanoparticles with internal lung surface – experimental work with fine particlesPR
Gehr P., M. Geiser, S. Schürch, B. Rothen, N. Kapp
University of Bern
2003How ultrafine particles may interact with pulmonary cellsWS
Gehr P.,
University of Bern
2004The fate of nanoparticles after deposition in the lungPR
Gehrig R., M. Hill, U. Baltensperger, E. Weingartner, D. Imhof
2003In field verification of PM-emission factors of road traffic: combustion particles versus abrasion and resuspension particlesPO
Gehrig R.
2012Measurement Techniques for Fine Particles in Ambient AirFO
Geiler Jan Niklas, Grzeszik R., Bossmeyer Th., Kaiser S.
Bosch, Germany
2016Investigation of the Fuel Property Influence on Number of Emitted Particles and their Size Distribution in a Gasoline Engine with Direct InjectionPR
Geiser M., N. Kapp, W. Kreyling, M. Semmler, V. Im Hof, J. Heyder, P. Gehr
Universität Bern, Institut für Anatomie
2005Distribution And Clearance Of Inhaled Ultra-Fine Titanium Dioxide Particles In Rat Lungs PR
Geiser M.
Universität Bern, Institut für Anatomie
2006Role of macrophages in the clearance of ultrafine titanium dioxide particles from lungsPO
Geiser M., M. Kalberer, A. Gaschen, D. Lang, M. Savi, T. Geiser, A. Gazdhar, C.M. Lehr, M. Bur, J. Dommen, U. Baltensperger
Universität Bern, Institut für Anatomie
2009Cellular responses after exposure of lung cell cultures to secondary organic aerosolsPO
Geiser M., L. Künzi, S. Schneider, P. Mertes, J. Dommen, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt, M. Kalberer
Universität Bern, Institut für Anatomie
2011Responses of Lung Cell Cultures after Realistic Exposure to Primary and Secondary Carbonaceous AerosolsPR
Geiser M., S. Allenbach, M. Krapf, E. Bruns, N. Baumlin, U. Baltensperger, C. Sioutas, M. Salathe, J. Dommen
Universität Bern, Institut für Anatomie
2014Responses of Healthy and Diseased Airway Epithelia to Aged Aerosols from Wood CombustionPR
Gerhart Ch.
Grimm Aerosol Technik
2002Concept and results for a new kind of portable SMPS + C systemPR
Gerhart Ch.
Grimm Aerosol Technik
2003Field experience with portable SMPS + C systemPR
Gerhart Ch.
Grimm Aerosol Technik
2004Concept of a fast Measuring Aerosol Spectrometer for the range from 4 to 400 nm (Grimm TR-DMPS 5.600)PO
Gerkens St., L. Cachon
2017Systematic Study on the Robustness of a Diffusion Size Classifier Sensor for Nanparticle CharacterisationPO
Gerkens St.
2018Convenient Method for the Systematic Evaluation of Instrument Calibration Regarding its Particle Size DependencyPO
Gerlofs-Nijland M.E., M.R. Miller, I.M. Kooter, R. Duffin, A. Campbell, P. Borm, N. Mills, K. Donaldson, A. Blomberg, Th. Sandström, D.E. Newby, F.R. Cassee
National Institute for Public Health and the environment (RIVM
2007Multi-Centre Health Effect Studies on Inhaled Combustion Derived (nano)particles in Rats and HumansPR
Gerlofs-Nijland M.E., A. Totlandsdal, L. Ntziachristos, Th. Tzamkiozis, D. Leseman, J. Bonlokke, T. Sigsgaard, M. Lag, P. Schwarze, Z. Samaras, F. Cassee
National Institute for Public Health and the environment (RIVM
2011Impact of Emission Control Technologies and Fuel Type on the Oxidative and Inflammatory Potential of Engine Exhaust ParticlesPR
Gerlofs-Nijland M.E., K. Fuks, M. Hullmann, A.J.F. Boere, P.H.B. Fokkens, C. Albrecht
National Institute for Public Health and the environment (RIVM
2013The Influence of NO2 on Pulmonary Toxicity in Mice Sub-Chronically exposed to diluted Diesel Engine ExhaustPR
Gerlofs-Nijland M.E.
National Institute for Public Health and the environment (RIVM
2014Health Effects of Combustion Sources in PerspectivePR
Gerlofs-Nijland M.E., J. Boere, P. Fokkens, D. Leseman, H. Sachse, M. Gustafsson, J. Reijnders, F. Cassee
National Institute for Public Health and the environment (RIVM
2015Hazard Assessment of Source-Specific fine Particulate MatterPR
Gerwig Holger, Ulf Janicke, Hermann Jacobs, Wolfram Schmidt, Helmut Lorentz, Pia Hellebrandt, Mathias Ketzel, Klaus Wirtz
2021Ultrafine particle dispersion modelling at Frankfurt airport and Rhine-Main-Area, GermanyPO
Ghaziaskar Hassan S., Hossein Jazini
Research Group for Chemicals, Isfahan, Iran
2018In Field Application of HHI96 as a Fuel Additive for Reduction of Air Pollution in Iranian CitiesPO
Ghosh Saptarshi, Manoranjan Sahu
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2024Fabrication of O2-TiO2/CuO heterojunction photocatalyst as a nanocorals for the photocatalytic inactivation of bioaerosolsPO
Gianini M.F.D, A. Fischer, R. Gehrig, C. Hueglin, A. Ulrich, E. Wettstein, A. Wichser, C. Zellweger
2010Chemical composition and sources of atmospheric PM10 in Switzerland: variations between 1998-1999 and 2008-2009FO
Gianini M.F.D, A. Fischer, R. Gehrig, C. Hueglin, A. Ulrich, E. Wettstein, A. Wichser, C. Zellweger
2010Variation of PM10 chemical composition between kerbside, urban, suburban and rural sites in SwitzerlandFO
Gianini M.F.D., R. Gehrig, A. Fischer, A. Wichser, A. Ulrich, C. Piot, J.L. Jaffrezo, C. Hueglin
2011Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of PM10 at Different Swiss Locations 2008/2009 Compared to 1998/1999PO
Gibbs R., T. Lanni, B. Frank, S. Tang
2003Ultrafine particulate emissions from CNG and Clean Diesel BusesPO
Gidhagen L., Ch. Johansson, J. Langner, G. Olivares
Smhi AND itm
2003Monitoring And modeling of ultrafine particles in a street canyon in Stockholm, SwedenPO
Giechaskiel B., J. Andersson, P. Dilara
European Commission, ISPRA
2007Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) light duty inter-laboratory exercise: Final resultsPR
Giechaskiel B., A. Bergmann
European Commission, ISPRA
2010Validation of new, used and re-calibrated automotive CPCsPR
Gieré R., Biocombust-Team
Uni Pennsylvania
2015BIOCOMBUST- Biomass, Energy, HealthPR
Gilham R.
National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex
2010Calibration of aerosol electrometers for PMPPR
Gilot P.
University Mulhouse
2000Comparison of Soot Reactivity in the Presence of O2 or NO2PR
Gloor B.
2018Diesel Particle Filter: Failure Statistics of a Swiss In-Use FleetFO
Godnic-Cvar J., E. Valic, K.E. Schmidt, A. Graff, A. Schuster, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, Ch. Oberhuber, O. Scheiner, A. Goll, P. Bauer
Medical University of Vienna
2007No Health Effects Following Exposure to Ultrafine Particles at a Shooting RangePO
Goel Vikas, Sumit Kumar Mishra, Ajit Ahlawata, Chhemendra Sharma, N. Vijayan, S. R. Radhakrishnan, A.P. Dimri, R. K. Kotnala
2018Effect of Vehicular Emission Control Measures on PM Characteristics over DelhiPO
Goel Vikas, Sumit Kumar Mishra, Ajit Ahlawat, Chhemendra Sharma, N. Vijayan, S. R. Radhakrishnan, A.P. Dimri
2019Effect of Road Space Rationing Policy on PM Characteristics: A case study over DelhiPO
Goel Vikas, Srishti Jain, Mayank Kumar, Vikram Singh
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
2023Sources and Light Absorption Properties of Black Carbon over DelhiPO
Goos E.
2004Sooting premixed C2H2 counter flow flames: measurements and calculationsPR
Gorbunov B., H. Gnewuch, R. Muir, R. Gilham, P. Quincey
Medical University of Vienna
2008A Novel Airborne Nanoparticle Size Distribution SpectrometerPR
Görsmann C., A. Walker
Johnson Matthey
2003Catalytic coatings for diesel particulate filter regenerationPR
Goto Y., T. Kawai
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan
2003Dilution process of fine particles by means of thermodiluterPR
Goto Y.
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan
2004Fine particle emissions from a DI gasoline vehicle with NOx storage catalystPR
Goto Y., Hajime Ishii, Hisakazu Suzui, Terunao Kawai
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan
2005Particles Emission from a HD Diesel Vehicle with Urea SCR CatalystPR
Goto Y., H. Yamada, T. Kawai
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan
2006Comparison of Particle Measurements by Various InstrumentsPR
Goto Y.
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, Japan
2007Composition Analysis of Fine Particles from Diesel Vehicles by using PIXEPR
Gottet H.J.
Bundesamt für Verkehr Bern
2011Der Weg zu Partikelfiltern für Schiffe in der Schweiz und auf dem BodenseeFO
Goudeli Eirini, M.L. Eggersdorfer, S.E. Pratsinis
2013Accounting for the Variable Fractal Dimension during Coagulation & Sintering of Fractal-Like ParticlesPO
Goudeli Eirini, M.L. Eggersdorfer, S.E. Pratsinis
2014Coagulation of Fractal-like Aerosols in the Transition RegimePR
Goudeli Eirini, J. Arto, E. Sotiris
2015The Effect of Sampler Design on Nanoparticles Sizing at High TemperaturesPO
Goudeli Eirini, M.L. Eggersdorfer, S.E. Pratsinis
2015Coagulation – Agglomeration of Fractal-like ParticlesPO
Goudeli Eirini, Eggersdorfer M.L., Pratsinis S.E.
ETHZ, Switzerland
2016Agglomeration with Polydisperse Primary Particles in the Free Molecular RegimePO
Gouriou F.
2001Quantitative Investigation on Diesel Exhaust : Influence of Dilution, Residence Time and Hygrometry on Soot Particle PR
Graham L.
Environment Canada
2004Chemical and physical characterization of particulate matter emissions from stationary combustion sourcesPO
Graham L., M. Christenson
Environment Canada
2005The Transient Nature of Particle Emissions from Light Duty Hybrid VehiclesPR
Graham Uschi M., Guenter Oberdorster
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
2021Differentiating Translocated Exogenous vs Bio-generated Endogenous Nanoparticle Types in Olfactory Bulb of Humans with NeurodegenerationPR
Graham Uschi M., Günter Oberdörster
University of Kentucky 
2022Inhalation Exposure to Wildfire and Burn Pit Smoke: A Common Etiology for Neurogenic and Oncogenic Diseases of the Brain Involving Iron?PR
Gramlich Yvette, K. Siegel, S. L. Haslett, R. S. Cremer,, C. Lunder, S. M. Kommula, A. Buchholz, K. E. Yttri, G. Chen, R. Krejci, P. Zieger, A. Virtanen, I. Riipinen, and C. Mohr
LAC, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
2024Impact of biomass burning on Arctic aerosol compositionPR
Grass R.N., St. Loher, T.J. Brunner, W.J. Stark
2006Preparation of Oxide, Salt, Metal and Carbon Nanoparticles in Flames: Safety Precautions for Everyday Work with Nanoparticles and Sustainable Product DevelopmentPO
Grimm H.
GRIMM Aerosol Technik
2001New Portable Fine and Ultrafine Aerosol SpectrometerPR
Grimm H.
GRIMM Aerosol Technik
2002Diesel soot monitoring with a high speed aerosol spectrometerPR
Gröhn A.J., M.L. Eggersdorfer, C.M. Sorensen, P.H. McMurry, S.E. Pratsinis
2012Mass-Mobility Characterization of Flame-made ZrO2 Aerosols: the Primary Particle Diameter & extent of AggregationPO
Gröhn A.J., S.E. Pratsinis, K. Wegner
2013On-line Diagnostics for Growth and Monitoring of Combustion AerosolsPR
Gruber M.
Techn. Universität Wien
1998Influences of Motor Parameters and Fuels on Particle Size DistributionPR
Gruber M.
Techn. Universität Wien
2000Influence of Fuel Properties and Aftertreatment Techn. On Particles in Tailpipe and Ambient AirPR
Grünzweig Chr., D. Mannes, F. Schmid, A. Kaestner, P. Vontobel, E. Lehmann, J. Hovind, M. Mehring, M. Vogt, H. Grützmacher, P. Comte, J. Czerwinski
Paul Scherrer Institut
2011Visualization of Soot and Ash Distributions in DPF using Neutron ImagingPR
Grünzweig Chr., Mannes D., Schmid F.
PSI, Switzerland
2016Three-dimensional Visualization of Soot, Ash, Urea and Coating Distributions in Canned Exhaust After-treatment Components by Neutron TomographyPO
Gualtieri Maurizio, R. Roberto, T. Pignatelli, D. Zambelli, G. Vialetto
2014Modeling of the environmental benefits of a post-market dual-fuel kit for light and heavy duty trucksPO
Gualtieri Maurizio
University of Milano-Bicocca
2022On the toxicological effects of primary vs secondary aerosols: implication for human healthPO
Guido Chiara, Dario Di Maio, Pierpaolo Napolitano, Carlo Beatrice, Edoardo Merlone Borla, Stefano Golini
2024Strategies for particle emission control from gas fuelled heavy-duty engines: potentiality of filter technologyPR
Gülder Omer, Vargas A.
University of Toronto, Canada
2016The Effect of Combustion Pressure on Primary Soot Particle Size in Methane-air Diffusion FlamesPO
Gunasingam Gowsinth, Ruiwen HE, Alke Petri-Fink, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
Adolphe Merkle Institute
2024Assessing the direct and indirect effects of diesel exhaust particles on human intestine tissuePO
Guo Yi, Zoran Ristovskiv, Svetlana Stevanovic, Branka Miljevic, Elizabeth Graham;
Queensland University of Technology / Australia
2019Diesel soot thermal decomposition investigation based on chemical structurePO
Gupta Govind, Vera M. Kissling, Peter Wick, Tina Buerki-Thurnherr
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa)
20232D-hexagonal boron nitride and lung exposure: Exploring cellular interaction and potential health ettects in bronchial and alveolar airway epithelial cell modelsPO
Gupta S.
Argonne National Laboratory
2002TG-1: Instrument to measure Diesel exhaust particulate emissions in real-timePR
Gysel M., T. Tritscher, M.F. Heringa, R. Chirico, P.F. DeCarlo, J. Noda, T. Gustafssosn, J.B.C. Petersson, J. Dommen, E. Weingartner, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2009Is black carbon internally or externally mixed? An experimental answer from recent laboratory and field experimentsPR
Gysel M., M. Laborde, N. Bukowiecki, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2012Strengths and limitations of the Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) for the measurement of black carbon nanoparticle propertiesPR
Gysel-Beer Martin, Dario Di Maio, Pierpaolo Napolitano, Carlo Beatrice, Edoardo Merlone Borla, Stefano Golini
Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI
2024Anthropogenic aerosol emissions at the nexus between air quality, climate and geoengineeringPO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Habre Rima, Hui Zhou, Sandrah P. Eckel, Temuulen Enebish, Scott Fruin, Theresa Bastain, Edward Rappaport, Frank Gilliland
University of Southern California
2019Short-Term Effects of Airport-Associated Ultrafine Particle Exposure on Lung Function and Inflammation in Adults with AsthmaPR
Haddad Thoelke Pascale, Haeran Jeong, Ron Kappeler, Hicran Altug, Zorana Jovanovic Andersen, Christof Asbach, Marie Bergmann, Johanna Boogaard, Peter Coenen, Volker Diegmann, Ulf Janicke, Heinz Kaminski, Meltem Joss Kutlar, Youn-Hee Lim, Steffen Loft, Astrid Manders-Groot, Florian Pfäfflin, Tobias Pohl, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Martijn Schaap, Ana Maria Todea, Konradin Weber, Carmen Wolf, Barbara Hoffmann
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
2024Systematic review on health effects of long-term exposure to UFPPR
Haefner Verena, L. Han, D. Kutschke, B. Steer, A. O. Yildirim, H. Adler, T. Stoeger
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2022Nanoparticle-Triggered Reactivation of Latent Virus Infection – A Link between the Inflammatory Response to Air Pollutants and Chronic Lung Disease PR
Haffner-Staton E., La Rocca A., Orhan O
University of Nottingham, UK
2016Uncertainties in the Traditional 2D-TEM Characterization of Carbon NanoparticlesPR
Haffner-Staton E., Antonino La Rocca, Mike Fay
University of Nottingham
2017Optimisation of 3D-TEM Methods for High-throughput Flame-generated Soot Nanoparticles AnalysisPO
Hagen D., Ph. Whitefield, Prem Lobo
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2005PM Emissions from a Commercial Jet Engine – Project APEXPR
Hagen D., P. Lobo, Ph. Whitefield
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2006Volatile Aerosol in Gas Turbine Emissions PO
Hagen D., P. Lobo, Ph. Whitefield
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2007An Advected Plume Study of Commercial Aircraft Take-off PM EmissionsPR
Hagen D., P. Lobo, Ph. Whitefield
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2008Evolution of PM Emissions in the Near Field Plume of a Jet EnginePR
Hagen D., P. Lobo, Ph. Whitefield
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2009Impact of Temperature on Jet Engine Emissions Tests Using Alternate FuelsPR
Hagen D., P. Lobo, Ph. Whitefield
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2010Influence of ambient temperature on the PM emissions from a gas turbine enginePR
Hagen D., P. Lobo, Ph. Whitefield
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2011Mean Sizes for Gas Turbine Exhaust Soot Sampled at Engine Exit PlanePR
Hagen D.
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2012An Observed Correlation Between Mean Size and Number- and Mass- Concentrations for Jet Engine SootPR
Hagen D., Ph. Whitefiels, Prem Lobo
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2014PM Line Loss Correction without Direct Size MeasurementPR
Hagen D., Lobo P., Whitefield P., Christie D.
Missouri University of Science & Technology
2015Influence of Ambient Temperature on Gas Turbine EmissionsPO
Hagen D.
Missouri University, USA
2016Updates to System Loss Correction Model for Jet Engine ExhaustPO
Hagen Gunter, Benedikt Streibl, Andreas Mittereder, Julia Herrmann, Andreas Müller, Ingo Hartmann, Dieter Brüggemann, Ralf Moos
University of Bayreuth - Zentrum für Energietechnik (ZET)
2024On the emissions of wood-log fueled fireplaces: correlation of continuous gas sensor data with particle spectra analysisPR
Hagendorfer H., S. Koeppel, A. Ulrich, H.L. Andrea
2010Determination of Cr(VI), selected heavy metals, and elemental carbon in PM10 from a roadside sampling spot in ViennaPO
Hagino Hiroyuki, Motoaki Oyama, Yoshio Tonegawa, Sousuke Sasaki
2015Brake Wear Particles Emissions using a Dynamometer System under Driving CyclesPO
Hagino Hiroyuki, Yoshio Tonegawa, Martin Tannerm, Olga Borovinskaya, Toshihide Hikita, Akio Shimono
2018Real-time Measurement of Lubricant Oil additive Elements in Automotive Exhaust Particles by Inductivity Coupled Plasma Time-of-flight Mass SpectrometryPO
Hagino Hiroyuki
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2022Environmental temperature effects on secondary organic and inorganic aerosols formed from vehicle exhaustsPO
Hagino Hiroyuki
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2023Exhaust and non-exhaust particle emission measurements using a road tunnel environment in TokyoPO
Hagino Hiroyuki
2024Implications of Nanoparticle Emissions from Passenger Car Brakes based on the WLTP Brake CyclePR
Hall O.
1998Measurement of Number, Size and Mass of Automotive Particulate EmissionsPR
Hallauer Ph.
2013UNECE Regulation concerning the approval of Retrofit Emission Control Devices (REC): amendment to the regulationPR
Hama Sarkawt M.L., P.S. Onks, R.L. Cordell, I.R. White
Uni Leicester
2015Monitoring of Ultrafine Particle Number Concentration and other Traffic- related Air Pollutants at one Urban Background in Leicester, over the Course of a YearPO
Hama Sarkawt M.L., Monks P.S., Cordell R.L.
University of Leicester, UK
2016Temporal Variations of Lung Deposited Surface Area (LDSA) Concentrations in LeicesterPO
Hammer E., Z. Juranyi, N. Bukowiecki, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, J. Spiegel, W. Eugster, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2011Calculation and Interpretation of Cloud Peak Supersaturations at the High Alpine Site JungfraujochPO
Hammer Tobias
Federal Institute of Metrology METAS
2023Influence of the type of soot generator on counting efficiency of PN-PTI instrumentsPR
Hamzehlouyan Tayebeh, Chaitanya Sampara, Juhnui Li, Ashok Kumar, William Epling
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
2018Sulfur Storage and Release over a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst: The Different Deactivation Impacts of SO2, SO3 and H2SO4PR
Hamzehlouyan Tayebeh, Arman Taheri
Sharif University of Technology
2021Investigation of the aging effect on the activity of a wiremesh oxidation catalyst as an emission control device for 4-stroke gasoline carburetor motorcyclesPO
Han Lianyong
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2022Environmental nanoparticle exposure triggers gammaherpesvirus reactivation via the MAPK signaling pathway in macrophagesPO
Hands T., St. Reavell, N. Collings, C. Nickolaus
2003GDI measurements with a fast particulate spectrometerPR
Hands T., R. Brand, K. Reavell
2011In Situ Crack Detection for Automotive Diesel Particulate FiltersPO
Hansel Armin, Johannes Moser
University of Innsbruck
2018Spatial distribution of LDSA in Innsbruck confirm combustion related nanoparticles as sourcePO
Haralampous Onoufrios, Payne S.
TEI of Thessaly, Greece
2016Measurement and Modelling of PM Loading in Bare and Catalytic Flow-Through MonolithsPO
Hartikainen Anni, Mika Ihalainen, Quanfu He, Arya Mukherjee, Tuukka Kokkola, Seongho Jeong, Deeksha Shukla, Uwe Etzien, Marius Rohkamp, Delun Li, Krista Luoma, Aki Virkkula, Hanna Koponen, Martin Sklorz, Thorsten Streibel, Benedikt Gündling, Thorsten Hohaus, Bert Buchholz, Andreas Hupfer, Thomas Adam, Johan Øvrevik, Ralf Zimmermann, and Olli Sippula
University of Eastern Finland
2024Effects of photochemical aging on the chemical and optical properties of exhaust emissions from a small-scale jet engine burnerPR
Hartmann Hans, Schön C., Mack R-
TFZ-Technology and Support Centre, Straubing, Germany
2016User and Fuel Impact on Emissions of Wood StovesPR
Hartmann Ingo, Matthes M., König M.
DBFZ, Germany
2016Micro-scale Biomass Combustion System with Very Low EmissionPO
Hartmann Ingo, Volker Len z
DBFZ Germany
2019Measurement and reducing particulate number emission at single room wood log stovesPR
Hasset Sipple Beth, R. Baldauf
2015US-EPA-Workshop on Ultrafine Particles - Summary and Consideration of Next StepsPR
Hausberger S., S. Vuckovic
Technische Hochschule Graz
2005Emission Behavior of Different City Bus Concepts PR
Hauser G.
Oberer Triftweg 33 D – 38640 Goslar
2004Smoke particle sensor for on-board diagnoses and high sensitivity measurementsPR
Hauser G., Gerold Hauser
Oberer Triftweg 33 D – 38640 Goslar
2005Impedance smoke particulate sensor PO
Hauser G., Gerold Hauser
Oberer Triftweg 33 D – 38640 Goslar
2006Progress in OBD Measuring Procedures PO
Hauser G.
Oberer Triftweg 33 D – 38640 Goslar
2007Smoke Particle Sensors for OBD and High Sensitive MeasurementsPR
Hauser G., Gerold Hauser
Oberer Triftweg 33 D – 38640 Goslar
2009Measurements of Vehicles and Non-Road Applications PO
Hayashi Shun-ichi, Michihiiro Aimoto, Tetsuya Suzuki, Shun-ichi Ishiucchi, MasaakiFujii
Nippon Steel Corp., Japan
2006PAHs Emission on-line Monitoring by Proto-Type Jet-REMPI-TOFMSPO
He Ruiwen, Olivier Schaub, Christoph Geers, Gowsinth Gunasingam, Maik Schultheiß, Bastian Gutmann, Tobias Krebs, Alke Petri-Fink, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Fribourg
2024An online measurement approach to monitor diesel exhaust particles in lung cells during exposurePO
He Weidong, Fuze Jiang, Yinghe Guo, Jingxian Liu, Jing Wang
ETH Zürich
2019The Filtration Performance of Electret PTFE Filter during Soot Particles Loading and ReusabilityPO
Heeb Norbert, M. Zennegg, E. Gujer, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, U. Gfeller, A. Wichser, M. Kohler, P. Schmid, L. Emmenegger, A. Ulrich, D. Wenger, J.L. Petermann, J. Czerwinski, T. Mosimann, M. Kasper, A. Mayer
2007Secondary Effects of Catalytic Diesel Particulate Filters: Assessment of the PCDD/F Formation PotentialPR
Heeb Norbert, P. Schmid, M. Kohler, D. Wenger, E. Gujer, M. Zennegg, A. Wichser, A. Ulrich, U. Gfeller, P.Honegger, K. Zeyer, L. Emmenegger, J.L. Pétermann, J. Czerwinski, T. Mosimann, M. Kasper, A. Mayer
2008Secondary Effects of Catalytic Diesel Particulate Filters: Conversion of PAHs versus Formation of Nitro-PAHsPR
Heeb Norbert, P. Schmid, M. Kohler, E. Gujer, M. Zennegg, A. Wichser, A. Ulrich, U. Gfeller, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, L. Emmenegger, J.-L. Petermann, J. Czerwinski
2009Effects of Low and High Oxidation Diesel Particulate Filters on Genotoxic Exhaust ConstituentsPR
Heeb Norbert, M. Zennegg, R. Haag, C. Seiler, P. Schmid, A. Wichser, A. Ulrich, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, L. Emmenegger, Y. Zimmerli, J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, A. Mayer
2011Parameters Affecting the Dioxin Formation in Diesel Particle FiltersPR
Heeb Norbert, R. Haag, C. Seiler, P. Schmid, M. Zennegg, A. Wichser, A. Ulrich, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, L. Emmenegger, Y.Zimmerli, J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, A. Mayer
2012Effects of a Combined Diesel Particle Filter-deNOx System on Reactive Nitrogen Compounds EmissionsPR
Heeb Norbert, M. Zennegg, R. Haag, M. Rey, C. Seiler, P. Schmid, A. Wichser, A. Ulrich
2013PCDD/F Formation in Catalytic Diesel Particle Filters: New Risks with BiofuelsPR
Heeb Norbert, R. Haag, P. Schmid, C. Seiler, A. Wichser, M. Zennegg, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, L. Emmenegger
2014Catalysis – a Key Property of Diesel Particle Filters to Lower Emissions of Genotoxic CompoundsPR
Heeb Norbert, M.D. Rey, M. Zennegg, R. Haag, A. Wihser, P. Schmid, C. Seiler, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, J. Mohn, S. Bürki, Y. Zimmerli, J. Czerwinski, A. Mayer
2015PCDD/F Formation in active DPFs: the Inconvenient truth about BiofuelsPO
Heeb Norbert, Czerwinski J., Mayer A.
2016Particle-NOx Trade-off: Two Decades of Diesel Converter Technology Have not Settled Both IssuesFO
Heeb Norbert, Comte, Pierre, Zimmerli, Yan, Czerwinski, Jan, Mayer, Andreas
2017Blue Technology not green enough: Nitrogen Chemistry of Current On-road DeNOx-TechnologiesPR
Heeb Norbert, Munoz, Maria, Haag, Regula, Zeyer, Kerstin, Mohn, Joachim, Bonsack, Peter, Czerwinski, Jan, Mayer, Andreas;
2018Nitration Chemistry in Non-catalyzed Diesel Particle Filters: A Consequence of the Co-release of Nitrogen Oxides, Soot and Soot AdsorbatesPR
Heeb Norbert, Munoz, Maria, Haag, Regula, Zeyer, Kerstin, Mohn, Joachim, Comte, Pierre, Zimmerli, Yan, Czerwinski, Jan, Mayer, Andreas.
2019Adsorbate chemistry of combustion generated nanoparticles from diesel- and gasoline-enginesFO
Heeb Norbert
Empa Dübendorf 
2022New legislation to guide the world: Where are we now and in which direction should we go?FO
Heejung J., B.Johnson, T.D. Durbin, D.R. Cocker
University of California
2010In-use PEMS correlations with UCR's MEL (Mobile Emission Laboratory)PR
Heejung J., Xiaochen Tang, Zhongqing Zheng, Akua Asa-Awuku
University of California
2011The Hygroscopic and Droplet Growth of Cigarette Smoke ParticlesPO
Heejung J., Zhongqing Zheng, Kent Johnson, Zhihua Liu, T. Durbin, Shaohua Hu, Tao Huai, D. Kittelson
University of California
2011Measurement of Diesel Solid Nanoparticle Emissions using a Catalytic Stripper for Comparison to Europe's PMP ProtocolPR
Heiden B.
Technical University Graz
2004Nanoparticle Formation as a Function of different ConcentrationsPO
Heiden B.
Technical University Graz
2006About the irregularities measured with the SMPS without reverse scanning modePO
Heijari J., H. Junninen, T. Nieminen, K. Lehtipalo, J. Kangasluoma, J. Hakala, R. Taipale, S. Schobesberger, M. Sipilä, K. Larnimaa, H. Westerholm, J. Heijari, T. Petäjä, M. Kulmala
Neste Oil
2015Sulphuric acid and aerosol particle production in the vicinity of oil refineryPO
Heim M.
University of Karlsruhe
2002Performance of a new commercial electrical mobility spectrometerPR
Heller F.
2004Magnetic quantification of road traffic pollution in atmospheric particulate matterPO
Helmers Eckard, Uwe Tietge, Tim Butler
University of Applied Sciences Trier
2018Radiative forcing from European passenger vehicles missions (1995-2015) based on real-world usePR
Helmers Eckard, Martin Weiss
University of Applied Sciences Trier
2019Power and mass growth of popular cars since 1980 and resulting efficiency lossesPO
Hensel Volker
2019Fleet – Upgrade, an Absolute Must to Clean Urban AirFO
Herich H., L. Kammermann, D. Cziczo, M. Weingartner, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, U. Lohmann
2007Aerosol Chemical Composition and Hygroscopic Growth - First Results from Field Studies.PO
Heringa M.F., P.F. DeCarlo, R. Chirico, T. Tritscher, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2009Investigation of primary and secondary organic aerosols from wood combustion with a high resolution time of flight aerosol mass spectrometerPR
Hertler D., S. Arndt, R. Stirn, R. Grzeszik, A. Dreizler
Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research and Development, CR/AED2-SP, Postfach 10 60 50 D – 70049 Stuttgart T: +49(711)811 6449
2011Investigations of Soot Formation in an Optically Accessible Gasoline Direct Injection EnginePR
Herzog P.
1999Particles from Direct Injection IC-EnginesPR
Hess A., Chr. Ludwig, A. Ulrich
2012Simultaneous Analysis of Size Distribution and Elemental Composition of Airborne Nanoparticles Using an Online-Coupling of SMPS and ICPMSPO
Hess A., A. Wichser, M. Tarik, Chr. Ludwig
2013Size Distribution and Elemental Composition of Airborne Nanoparticles Measured On-Line by SMPS-ICPMS Coupling TechniquePO
Hess A., S. Losert, M. Tarik, Chr. Ludwig
2014On-Line SMPS-ICPMS Coupling for Simultaneous Analysis of NanoparticlesPR
Hess A., M. Tarik
2015Particulate Metal Emissions from Wood Incineration Measured Online Using RDD-SMPS-ICPMSPO
Hess A., Ludwig Christian
PSI Switzerland
2016Size-resolved Element Characterization of Aerosol Particles Emitted from Thermal Wood TreatmentPR
Hesterberg T.W., W.B. Bunn
Navistar Inc
2010Human clinical studies with diesel exhaust particulate:implications for the potential human health hazards of nanoparticlesPR
Hesterberg T.W., W.B. Bunn
Navistar Inc
2011Potentially Toxic Components in New Technology Diesel Exhaust (NTDE) are Dramatically Reduced Compared to Traditional Diesel Exhaust (TDE)PR
Heuss W., T. Matsumoto, Y. Furuta, P. Kattouah, T. Kuki, M. Makino, C. Saito, T. Nakatani, Y. Miyairi, K. Yuuki, C.D. Vogt, H. Kurachi
NGK Europe GmbH
2011New Particulate Filter Concept for Gasoline EnginesPO
Heutz Niels, Felix Krüger, Henry Jahnke, Yosuke Uesaka, Claus Vogt, Masataka Yamashita
2018Investigation of Particle Emissions with a Light Duty Diesel Vehicle – Challenges by 3rd RDE Regulatory PackagePO
Heyder J.
1999Are physical/chemical Properties of Nanoparticles relevant for Biological Effects?PR
Heyder J.
2003Particle dosimetryWS
Hildebrandt Margit, Nowak, Jordan, Gehrkens, Kuntze, Lindner, Heine, Ebert
Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt
2013A standard soot aerosol generator system for the validation and calibration of particle measurement instruments PO
Hildebrandt Margit, Nowak A., Kuntze A., Rosahl J., Ebert V.
PTB Braunschweig, Germany
2016Analysis of a New Diesel Soot Generator with Regard to Particle Size and Number ConcentrationPO
Hillemann L.
TU Dresden
2004Applying SMPS to hot exhaust gases for the evaluation of diesel particle filtersPO
Hillemann Lars, Daniel Göhler, Stephan Große, Jan Müller, Andreas Rudolph
Topas GmbH
2024Reference aerosols for PTI-PN countersPO
Hinds W.C., Yifang Zhu, Wayne Cascio
2010Traffic related nanoparticles: results of an on-road exposure studyPR
Hinot K.
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt
2006On the Effect of the Contact between Platinum and Soot Particles on the Catalytic Oxidation of Soot Deposits on a Diesel Particle FilterPR
Hirsch C., L. Belyanskaya, St. Weigel, U. Tobler, H.F. Krug, P. Wick
2009Effects of single-walled carbon nanotubes on mixed neuro-glial cultures from chicken spinal cord and dorsal root gangliaPO
Hoet P.
Laboratorium Longtoxicologie, Leuven
2006Impact of PM on Cardio-Vascular Pathologies PR
Hofer L.
2001The Health Risk of Solid Particle Diesel Engine EmissionsPR
Höfert N., Ch. Helsper
VDI Düsseldorf
2017An Approach to a Harmonized Method for Monitoring the Particle Number Size Distribution of Ultrafine Particles in Ambient AirPO
Hoffmann B., Simone Ohlwein, Ron Kappeler, Nino Künzli
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
2018Systematic Review on Ultrafine Particle Health E ffectsPR
Hofmann H.
EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
2016Alternative Metrics for the Physicochemical Characterization of UFP PR
Högström R., P. Karjalainen, J. Jli-Ojanperä, A. Rostedt, M. Heinonen, J.M. Mäkelä, J. Keskinen
2012A Novel Diesel Soot Particle Generator for Calibration PurposesPO
Högström R., P. Quincey, D. Sarantaridis, F. Lüönd, A. Nowak
2013Comparison of Aerosol Electrometers using soot particlesPO
Hohl Y., A. Amstutz, Ch. Onder
Liebherr Machines Bulle
2007Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Retrofit KitPR
Hohl Y., R. Vonarb
Liebherr Machines Bulle
2014Evaluation of the fuel quality on new coating technology for advanced exhaust gas after treatment systemPO
Hohl Y.
Liebherr Machines Bulle
2015Impact of different fuels on engine out emissions and on the SCR on Filter systemPR
Hohl Y.
2016DPF Quality in Off-Road EnginesFO
Holmén B.
University of Connecticut
2002Oxidation catalyst effects on natural gas transit bus ultrafine particle emissionsPR
Holubcik M., Jozef Jandacka, Radovan Nosek
University of Zilina, Slovakia
2017Particulate Matter Production of Small Heat Source Depending on the Bark Content in Wood PelletsPO
Honkisz Wojciech, P. Bielaczyc, D. Klimkiewicz, K. Czarniecki, P. Aakko-Saksa, A. Järvinen, H. Kuutti, T. Rönkkö, K. Kylämäki, M. Jäppi, L. Markkula, L. Salo, H. Lintusaari, T. Lepistö, R. Ashger, S. Farhoudian, S. Iyer, A. Kumar, H. Timonen, M. Rissanen, L. Barreira, D. Li, L. Simon, M. Aurela, S. Saarikoski, S. Harni, T. Cervena, M. Vojtisek-Lom, M. Pechout, J. Topinka
2024Road to Lab Light-Duty vehicle campaign in terms of Particle Number emission over custom RDE test cyclePO
Horn H.-G.
2000Sampling and Dilution fort he Measurement of Nanoparticles from Engine ExhaustPR
Horn H.-G., O. Bischof, A. Zerrath
2006The Traceable Calibration of Condensation Particle CountersPO
Horn H.-G., Ch. Nolte
2007Tail-Pipe Measurements of Emissions from LD Vehicles with Diesel Engines: A Direct Comparison of Five Different Measurement MethodsPR
Horn H.-G., A. F. Zerrath
2009Comparison of Primary and Secondary PNC-Calibration with Electrosprayed Poly-Alpha-Olefin Particles and Flame-Generated Soot ParticlesPR
Horn H.-G., B. Osmondson, J. Johnson, A. Avenido
2014Field Measurement, Technical Aspects of the First Generation PN Field InstrumentFO
Horn H.-G., Gladis D.
Consultant for TSI Aachen, Germany
2016Calibration of Engine Exhaust CPCs: Measurement Uncertainty Following ISO 27891 ProceduresPO
Horn Suranie, L. Lucas, D. Rogowski, J. Venter, I. Engelbrecht
North-West University, South Africa
2024Occupational exposure risks of hazardous biological agents in an animal testing facilityPR
Hosseini V., Mahdi Doozandegan, Aidin Akbarzadeh, Saeed Malekloo, Saeed Noroozi
Sharif University
2017New-fit Sulfur Tolerant DPF Solution to Meet Iran's New Emission LegislationPR
Hosseini V., Mahdi Doozandegan
Sharif University
2018Evaluation of CRT-DPF Filters with Low and Medium Sulfur Diesel Fuels in Iranian MarketPO
Hosseini V., Saeed Malekloo
Sharif University
2018Performance Evaluation of FBC-DPF using PEMS instrumentsPR
Hosseini Vahid, Mohammad Ali Ehteram, Omid Orujlo, A. Mayer, V. Hensel
Sharif University
2014Tehran Air Pollution with Respect to Particles: Problem and Mitigating Solutions PR
Hosseini Vahid
Sharif University
2015The battle against solid UFP-emissions from internal combustion engines withFO
Hosseini Vahid, Saidi Mohammad, Doozandegan M.
Sharif-University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
2016Analyses of Effects of Fuel Sulfur Content on DPF Particle Removal Efficiency and Particle Deposition in Human Lungs. PR
Houle C., H. Burtscher, M. Fierz
Fachhochschule Windisch
2009Improving Heated Dilution Systems for Nanoparticles PO
Hu Zhiyuan, Haochen Zhang, Piqiang Tan, Diming Lou
Tongji university, China
2019Effect of Temperature on Oxidation Reactivity and Nanostructure of Particulate Matter from a China Ⅵ GDI VehiclePO
Hueglin Chr.
1998Apportionment of the Road Traffic to PM10 and PM2.5PR
Hueglin Chr., C.Ordonez, St. Henne, A.S.H. Prévôt, B. Buchmann
2006Meteorologically Adjusted Long-Term Trends (1991 to 2004) of PM10 in SwitzerlandPO
Hueglin Chr., L. Emmenegger, R. Gehrig, D. Hasenfratz, M. Müller, O. Saukh
2013Real Time Mapping of Air Quality in Cities for Improved Exposure EstimationFO
Hueglin Chr., S. Bugmann, H. Herich, M. Mueller
2015Trend and Spatial Variability of Ambient Ultrafine Particle Concentration in SwitzerlandPO
Hueglin Chr.
2017Effects of traffic related abatement policies on Swiss air quality trendsFO
Hueglin Chr.
2019Regulations for Vehicle Emissions and Ambient Air Quality – Is there a Need for Harmonization?FO
Huewe Florian, Thomas Maier
2018Automated Validation and Calibration of Solid Particle Counters: Tackling the Accuracy ChallengePO
Hüglin Christoph, EMPA
2012Impact of Wood Burning Emissions on Carbonaceous Aerosols and PM in the Alpine RegionPO
Hüglin Christoph
2022On the effects of past and future ambient air regulations on air quality in Switzerland Presentation in the Focus Event 2022: New legislation to guide the worldFO
Hugony F., S. Ozgen, C. Morreale, St. Signorini, St. Cernuschi, A. Maggioni, G. Migliavacca, S. Marengo, M. Giugliano, G. Lonati, G. Ripamonti
2012Nanoparticles Size Distribution in Wood CombustionPO
Hummel R.
2001Engine and fuel effects on particles emitted from modern diesel vehiclePR
Hytönen K., M. Ihalainen, K. Kuuspalo, T. Karhunen, J. Jokiniemi
University of Kuopio
2009Soluble organic fraction of particle emissions and PAH emissions from a non-road engine fuelled with a sulphur free EN590 diesel fuel and biobased alternativesPO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Ihalainen M., K. Kuuspalo, T. Karhunen, J. Ruusunen, P. Willman, M. Tapanainen, P. Jalava, R.O. Salonen, A. Pennanen, M. Happo, M.R. Hirvonen, J. Jokiniemi
University of Kuopio
2009Biobased diesel fuels: particulate emissions and their inflammation responsePR
Ikeda T. , Yasunori Iwakiri
Cosmo Oil
2006JCAPⅡ Cross Check Tests on High-speed Particle Sizing Instruments– JCAP Unregulated Material Working GroupPO
Im DongGuk, Lee I., Moon G., Ko D., Jeong Y., Nam Y.
Korean Register of Shipping
2016Particulate Emission Characteristics of Two Stroke Marine Diesel EnginePO
Imhof D., U. Baltensperger, E. Weingartner, R. Gehrig, M. Hill
2003In-field verification of PM emission factors of road trafficPR
Imhof D., A. Mayer
2006The Potential of a Particle Filter Considering a Highly Frequented RoadPO
Imhof D.
2007Potenziale der Nachrüstung von Partikelfiltersystemen in ZürichFO
Imhof D., A. Mayer
2007The Benefit of Particle Filter Systems for Improving Kerbside Air QualityPO
Imhof D., M. Kasper
2010Particle number emissions of offroad engines in NRSC and NRTC using the EC-standardised PMP measuring methodPO
Invernizzi G., S. Moroni, A. Ruprecht, M. Bedogni, B. Villavecchia, G. Tosti, C. Sioutas, D. Westerdahl
2012The Black Carbon Monitoring Project of "Area C", the new Milan City Center Traffic Restriction Zone. Results of the 2012 Wintertime Campaign at Urban Residential SitesPO
Iojoiu E.E., V. Lauga, J. Abboud, G. Legros, A. Matynia, J. Bonnety, P. Da Costa, J. Schobing, A. Brillard, G. Leyssens, V. Tschamber, P. Anguita, J.M. Garcia-Vargas, L. Retailleau, S. Gil, A. Giroir-Fendler, M.-L. Tarot, F. Can, D. Duprez, X. Courtois
2017Biofuel Impact on Diesel Engine After-treatment: Deactivation Mechanisms and Soot ReactivityPO
Irwin Martin, Dantong Liu, Rutambhara Joshi, James Allan, Hugh Coe, Michael Flynn, Jason Olfert, Kurtis Broda, Pingqing Fu, Yele Sun, Xinlei Ge, Junfeng Wang
2017A New Method to Obtain the Black Carbon Mixing State of Biomass and Combustion AerosolsPR
Irwin Martin, T.J. Johnson, R.T. Nishida, J.P.R. Symonds, J.S. Olfert, A.M. Boies
2018Tandem Configurations of Different Aerosol Classifiers with the AACPO
Irwin Martin, Jacob Swanson, Vinicius Berger, Umesh Sonkamble, Adam Boies, Hans-Joachim Schulz
Catalytic Instruments
2021A Silver Particle Generator for PN-PEMS Calibration and ValidationPO
Irwin Martin, T. Hammer, J. Swanson, V. Berger, U. Sonkamble, A. Boies, H. Schulz, K. Vasilatou
Catalytic Instruments
2022Characterising the Silver Particle Generator: a pathway towards standardising aerosol generationPR
Isaxon Christina, C. Abrahamsson, J. Rissler, M. Kåredal, M. Hedmer
Lund University
2024Airborne PM generated from handling of crushed carbon nanotube-enhanced concretePR
Isella L., B.Giechaskiel, Y. Drossinos
European Commission Ispra
2007Particle Transport and Dynamics in a Full Dilution Tunnel of Diesel Vehicle EmissionsPO
Isella L., Y. Drossinos
European Commission Ispra
2008Nanoparticle Langevin dynamicsPO
Iskra Ivan
AethLabs, San Francisco, CA, USA
2023The new real-time source apportionment feature of the portable AethLabs microAeth black carbon monitorPO
Itoh H., Tetsuya Yamashita, Syuichi Kubo
2005Study of Relation between Road-Side Nanoparticles and Vehicle Nanoparticle EmissionPR
Iwasaki K., T. Kukielka, A. Narewski
Sumika Ceramics
2013Thermal Shock Investigation of Aluminum Titanate-based Ceramic Filters under Robustness TestingPO
Iwasaki Kentaro, Picher Wojciech
Sumika Ceramics, Poland
2016DPF Design Concept and Catalyst Coat-ability InvestigationPO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Jacobson M.
Stanford University
2002Current and future effects of black carbon on climatePR
Jacobson M.
Stanford University
2009The Global and Regional Climate and Air Pollution Health Effects of Fossil-Fuel versus Biofuel SootPR
Jain Akshat, Anirudha Ambekar, Thaseem Thajudeen
Indian Institute of Technology Goa
2022Enhancement in Performance Parameters and Reduction in Exhaust Emissions of a Compression Ignition Engine using Stable Nanofuel SuspensionPO
Jain Srishti, S.K. Sharma, N. Vijyan, T.K. Mandal
CSIR India
2019Seasonal variability of PM2.5 composition and its sources over Delhi, IndiaPO
Jain Srishti
IIT Delhi
2023Heavy metal characteristics and health risk assessment of PM2.5 over Delhi, lndiaPO
Jaiswal N.K., K.S. Patel
University Raipur
2013Indoor Carbonaceous Particulate PollutionPO
Jaliliantabar F., Ghobadian B.
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
2016Investigation of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesels Effects on Performance and Emissions in a CI EnginePO
Jaliliantabar Farzad, Rizalman Bin Mamat, Sudhakar Kumarasamy, Abdul Adam Abdullah, Muhammad Fikri Bin, Muhammad Azlan
University Malaysia Pahang
2021Morphology and structure of biofuel combustion generated particlesPO
Jang Jinyoung, Youngjae Lee, Ohseok Kwon, Minseob Lee, Dongyoung Jin, Cha-Lee Myung
Korea Institute of Energy Research
2015Emission Characteristics by DPF Regeneration and Ash Contents in 1.6 L CRDI Diesel VehiclePO
Jang Jinyoung, Youngjae Lee, Ohseok Kwon, Youngming Woo, Dongyoung Jin, Chalee Myung, Simsoo Park
Korea Institute of Energy Research
2016Nanoparticle from Light Duty Vehicles Using Various Fuels for FTP-75 and WLTCPO
Janson S., H.J. Buers, H. Hackfort, F. Rohrer, D. Klemp
Geosphäre, Jülich
2008Investigation of "Hot-Spot" Concentrations of Particulate Matter and NO2 for Inner-City Districts by Means of a Mobile VanPO
Järvinen A., A. Rostedt, H. Wihersaari, M. Olin, J. Yli-Ojanperä, T. Rönköö, J. Keskinen
Tampere University
2015Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) for Exhaust AerosolsPO
Järvinen A., Wihersaari H., Karjalainen P., Nuottimäki J., Kytö M., Keskinen J., Rönkkö T.
Tampere University, Finland
2016Particle Emission from Loaders Using Normal and Bio Based Diesel FuelsPO
Järvinen Anssi, Aakko-Saksa P., Karppanen M., Koponen P., Markkula L., Hoivala J., Rönkkö T., Aurela M., Harni S., Timonen H.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
2023Reduced particle emissions from paraffinic diesel blended with polyoxymethylene dimethyl etherPO
Järvinen Anssi, Hannu Kuutti, Päivi Aakko-Saksa, Juha Lehtonen, Topi Vilenius, Sonja Kouva, Kalle Lehto
2024Emissions of an agricultural tractor with experimental e-diesel and commercial dieselsPR
Järvinen Anssi
2024Emissions of passenger cars with different engine and aftertreatment technologiesPO
Jarvis I., Ian Mudway, Volker Arlt, David Phillips
King's College London
2017Genotoxic and Inflammatory Responses of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells to Diesel and Biodiesel ExhaustPR
Jasiński R., Pielecha J., Markowski J.
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
2016Danger of Nanoparticle Emissions in the Vicinity of AirportsPO
Jaspers I., J. Ciencewicki, K. Gowdy, M.I. Gilmour
University of North Carolina
2006Effects of Diesel Exhaust on Epithelial Cells: Potential Interactions with Viral InfectionsPR
Jayaratne R., L. Morawska, Z. Ristovski, C. He
Queensland University
2006Particle Number Emissions from a Large Fleet of Diesel and CNG Powered BusesPR
Jeannet N., M. Fierz, D. Egli, P. Steigmeier, Z. Juranyi, Kalberer, H. Burtscher
Uni Bern
2013Effects of Inhaled Nanoparticles in Health and Disease by in vitro TechnologyPO
Jensen T.N., Peter B. Pedersen, Morten Køcks
Danish Technological Institute Aarhus
2017Characterization of Particle Emissions from CandlesPO
Jensen T.N., Peter B. Pedersen, Morten Køcks
Danish Technological Institute Aarhus
2017Characterization of Particle Emissions from CandlesPR
Jensen T.N., Peter B. Pedersen
Danish Technological Institute Aarhus
2018Development and Characterization of Candles with Reduced Particle EmissionsPO
Jensen T.N., Thomas Nørregaard Jensen, Morten Køcks, Troels Dyhr Pedersen
Danish Technological Institute Aarhus
2019Real-time measurements of cost-efficient filter solutions for small construction machinesPO
Jeon Youngjae, Chanbin Lee, Mun Soo Chon, Junepyo Cha
Korea National University of Transportation
2023A Study on Predicting C02 Emissions Based on Calculated ECU Data and Deep Learning Model on Real-Driving Conditions for LDVsPO
Jeong Jun Woo, Mun Soo Chon1), Su Han Park2) , Junepyo Cha1)
1)Department of Automotive engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungbuk, 380-702, Republic of Korea 2)School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 61186, Republic of Korea
2019A correlation analysis of between PEMS and SEMS according to develop SEMS devicePO
Jeong Seongho, Jan Bendl, Uwe Käfer, Thomas Adam, Ralf Zimmermann
Helmholtz Zentrum München/University of Rostock
2022Evaluation of aerosol emission from a marine diesel engine using a wet sulfur scrubber and filtration system for exhaust gas abatementPR
Ježek Brecelj lrena, L. Zgonik, M. Ivančič, B. Alfoldy, T. Rutar, G. Močnik, A. Gregorič, M. Rigler
Aerosol d.o.o.
2023Monitoring vehicle emissions with the on-road chasing method over a decadePO
Ježek Irena, Matic Ivančič, Tjaša Rutar, Martin Rigler, Asta Gregorič, Griša Močnik
Aerosol d.o.o.
2021Super Polluter IDentifiER (SPIDER) – a tool for on-road detection of vehicles that contribute disproportionally to the vehicle fleet emissionsPR
Ji Ping Shi
University of Birmingham
1997Measurement of Fine Particle Size Distribution in Diesel Exhaust and Ambient AirPR
Ji Ping Shi
University of Birmingham
1998Ultrafine Particle Formation during Diesel Exhaust DilutionPR
Ji Ping Shi
University of Birmingham
2000Particle Number Emission from Diesel and Petrol Vehicles Driving on RoadPR
Jin Dongyoung, Myung Cha-Lee, Park Simsoo
Korea University
2015Analysis of Aged Diesel Particulate Filter and Ash Components with Physicochemical ValidationPO
Jing L.
Jing Ltd.
1998Generation of Combustion Soot Particles for Calibration PurposesPR
Jing L.
Jing Ltd.
1999Standard Combustion Aerosol Generator (SCAG) for Calibration PurposesPR
Jing L.
Jing Ltd.
2000Properties of Soot Particles Produced by a Combustion Aerosol StandardPR
Jing L.
Jing Ltd.
2002Influence of air on the soot particles in co-flow diffusion flamePR
Jing L.
Jing Ltd.
2003CAST soot generator for liquid fuelPO
Jing L.
Jing Ltd.
2004Comparison of PAH in made by propane, gasoline and diesel using CASTPR
Jo Seongin, Hyung Kim, Sang Kwon, Jong-Tae Lee, Suhan Park
Chonnam National University
2021Study on the Emission Level of Heavy-duty Vehicles in South Korea according to Real Driving Emission RegulationPO
Jo Seongin
Chonnam National University
2023Comparative Study on Combustion and Emissions Characteristics in Dual-Fuel and Blended Fuel Combustion Modes using Ethanol/Diesel and Naphtha/DieselPO
Joergl H., A. Bergmann, W. Schindler
2008Volatile and Non-Volatile Particles: First Investigations with a PMP-SystemPO
Johansen Julie, Kåre Press-Kristensen, Teis Nørgaard Mikkelsen
Technical University of Denmark
2023lndoor particle pollution from residential wood stovesPO
Johansson Chr., L. Burman, B. Forsberg
Stockholm University
2008Effects on Emissions, Air Quality and Health of Congestion Charging and the Low Emission Zone in StockholmFO
Johnson T.
2002Response of an electrical aerosol detector based on a corona jet chargerPR
Johnson T.
2003An engine exhaust particle sizer for transient emission particle measurementsPR
Johnson T.
2004Mobile Measurements Using an EEPS SpectrometerPO
Johnson T.V.
2002Update on Diesel emission control technologiesPR
Johnson T.V., M. Singh
2005A Novel Instrument for Measuring Surface Area of Exhaust Particles Deposited in Different Regions of the LungPO
Johnson T.V.
2005Impact of Advanced Diesel Combustion Modes on Diesel Particulate Filter OperationPR
Johnson T.V.
2009Current Status and Future Directions/Opportunities in Diesel Particulate ControlPO
Johnson T.V., Th. Boger, S. He, Th. Collins, A. Heibel, D. Beall, Ch. Remé, J. Jamison, J. Warkins, N. Golomb, Chr. Warren
2011Next Generation Diesel Particulate Filters for Light- and Heavy-Duty ApplicationsPR
Jokiniemi J., Tissari J., Lamberg H., Sippula O.
University of Eastern Finland
2016Chemical and Physical Properties of Biomass Combustion AerosolsPR
Jokiniemi J., Heikki Lamberg, Olli Sippula, Jorma Joutsensaari, Mika Ihalainen, Anna Lähde, Jarkko Tissari
University of Eastern Finland
2017Study of High-temperature Oxidation of Wood Combustion Particles Using Tandem Differential Mobility AnalysisPO
Jokiniemi J., Heikki Suhonen, Julija Grigonyte, Ari Laitinen, Miika Kortelainen, Jarkko Tissari, Petri Tiitta, Olli Sippula
University of Eastern Finland
2017Novel Electrical Charging Condensing Heat Exchanger for Efficient Particle Emission Reduction and Heat Recovery in Small BoilersPR
Jones M.
2002Advanced opacimeters: their potential role in future emission testing legislation for Diesel vehiclesPR
Jordan-Gerkens A., A. Nowak, N. Boese, V. Ebert
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
2012Evaluation of Measuring Methods for Particle Emission from Modern Diesel Vehicles in Periodic Emissions ControlPO
Jordan-Gerkens A., A. Nowak, M. Hildebrandt, A. Kuntze, N. Boese, V. Ebert
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
2013Evaluation of Measuring Methods for Particle Emission from modern Diesel Vehicles in Periodic Emissions ControlPO
Jordan-Gerkens A., Spiegel J., Hogström R., Riccobono F., Nowak A., Hildebrandt M., Kuntze A.
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
2014Evaluation of Measuring Methods for Particle Emission from Modern Diesel Vehicles in Periodic Emissions Control – Studies and ResultsPO
Jourdain Cyprien, Y. Wang, D. Neubauer, J.P. Symonds, U. Lohmann, A.M. Boies
University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
2024Atmospheric black carbon radiative forcing driven by coating morphologyPO
Jourdain Cyprien, J. Pongetti, J.P. Symonds, A.M. Boies
University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
2024Measurement of nanoparticles true volume and density in the aerosol phasePO
Jung Heejung, K.C. Johnson, Th.D. Durbin, A. Chaudhary, D.R. Cocker, J.D. Herner, W.H. Robertson, T. Huai, A. Ayala, D.B. Kittelson
University of California
2008Evaluation of the European PMP Methodologies using Chassis Dynamometer and Onroad-Testing of Heavy Duty VehiclesPR
Jung Heejung, Zhongqing Zheng, Durbin T., K. Johnson, Shaohua Hu, Tao Huai, D. Kittelson
University of California
2012Comparison of Particle mass (PM) AND particle number (PN) emissions from a heavy-duty diesel vehicle DURING ON-Road and a standard testing cyclePR
Jung Heejung, Pham L.
University of California, USA
2016Alternative Metrics for Spatially and Temporally Resolved Ambient Particle MonitoringPO
Jung Heejung
University of California, Riverside
2021Behavior of particles and gases in vehicle cabinPR
Jung Heejung, Xiaoliang Wang, L.-W. Antony Chen, Guoyuan Wu, Max Zhang
University of California, Riverside
2022Real-World Brake and Tire Wear PM Emissions Near Californian HighwaysPR
Jurányi Z., L. Besner, J. Cozic, N. Perron, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008Measurement at Low Carbon Concentration with a Semi-Continuous OC/EC Thermo-Optical AnalyzerPO
Jurányi Z., A. Keller, H. Burtscher
2012Development of a Portable Instrument to determine the Fractal Dimension from Angular Light Scattering MeasurementsPO
Jurányi Z., H. Burtscher
2013Combination of Optical and Mobility based Number Size Distribution Measurements of Combustion Generated ParticlesPO
Jurányi Z., M. Loepfe, M. Nenkov, H. Burtscher
2015Determination of the Shape of Combustion Aerosol Particles based on their Angular Light ScatteringPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Kadau D., M.L. Eggersdorfer, H.J. Herrmann, S.E. Pratsinis
2013Aggregate Morphology Evolution by Sintering: Number and Diameter of Primary ParticlesPO
Kadijk G., H. Baarbé, R. van Asch, R.P. Verbeek
2009Experimental program with retrofit open particulate filters for diesel trucksPR
Kadijk G., Mitch Elstgeest;Norbert Ligterink;Peter van der Mark
2017Investigation into a Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) test method to check for presence and proper functioning of Diesel Particulate Filters in light-duty diesel vehiclesFO
Kadijk G.
2017High Emission Risks Despite Highly Effective Emission Control TechnologyPR
Kadijk G., A. Mayer
2017NPTI – the New Periodic Technical Inspection emission test procedure for vehicles with emission control systems.PO
Kadijk G.
2018New Periodic Technical Inspection: Concept for DPF Proven and Ready to IntroduceFO
Kadijk G.
2019Update Dutch PTI DPF test procedure and deterioration of older gasoline vehiclesPR
Kägi R.
2002Analysis of particles from wood combustionPR
Kägi R.
2004Single particle analysis of nanoparticles from light oil combustionPR
Kägi R., St. Steinle, P. Thali
2005Ultrafine Particle Concentration at a Tunnel Construction SitePR
Kalberer M., M. Geiser, M. Savi, D. Lang, A. Gaschen, M. Ryser, J. Ricka, M. Fierz
University of Cambridge
2009A new exposure system for an efficient and controlled deposition of aerosol particles onto cell culturesPO
Kammerer Matteo, Fabian Purkl
Robert Bosch
2019A compact and mobile optical particle counting sensor based on continuous wave laser-induced incandescencePO
Kammerer Matteo, Fabian Purkl, Klaus Peter Geigle
University of Stuttgart
2021Evaluating the performance of a particle counting sensor based on continuous-wave laser-induced incandescencePR
Kammermann L., H. Herich, D. Cziczo, M. Gysel, E. Weingartner, U. Lohmann, U. Baltensperger
2007Hygroscopic Growth and Chemical Composition: First Results from Combined Measurements with an HTDMA and an ATOFMSPO
Kanjarkar S.R., C.Wahl, M. Aigner
DLR Institute of Combustion Technology
2008Experimental investigation of non-catalytic soot particle oxidation. A contribution to understand complex flame chemistryPR
Karadima Katerina S., Dimitrios G. Tsalikis, Vlasis G. Mavrantzas, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
Particle Technology Laboratory, ETH-Z
2023Molecular dynamics simulations of fullerene and silica nanoparticles diffusion coefficients in airPO
Karahanogullari Serap
RWTH Aachen University
2022The effects of three-way catalyst samples on particulate emissions from a spark ignited single cylinder enginePO
Karavalakis Georgios, Patrick Roth, Jiacheng Yang, Thomas Durbin, Akua Asa-Awuku
University of California
2019Effects of ethanol and aromatic levels on primary emissions and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from GDI vehiclesPO
Karg E., G.A. Ferron, G. Matuschek, O. Schmid, A. Schroeppel
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2005Thermogravimetric analysis of ambient and surrogate carbonaceous particlesPO
Karg E., G.A. Ferron, X. Hecht, G. Schumann, O. Schmid
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2008Specific BET Surface Area Measurement of Low-Mass-SamplesPR
Karg E., George A. Ferron, Stefanie Bauer, Sebastiano Di Bucchianico, Ralf Zimmermann
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2019Why Detoxing All Combustion Engines? A Computer Model Approach to Regional Lung DepositionPO
Karjalainen Panu, J. Heikkilä, T. Rönköö, M. Happonen, S. Saari, A. Malinen, T. Lähde, L. Pirjola, P. Matilainen, T. Kinnunen, J. Keskinen
Tampere University
2012Particle Emission Reduction in a Spark-Ignited direct Injection Vehicle by open Channel FilterPR
Karjalainen Panu, J. Heikkilä, T. Rönkkö, M. Haponen, F. Mylläri, L. Pirjola, T. Lähde
Tampere University
2013Use of Hydrotreated Vegetable oil reduces Particle Number Emissions of a heavy Duty Diesel EnginePO
Karjalainen Panu, J. Yli-Ojanperä, Chr. Tyroller, D. Rothe, H. Beck, J. Vanhanen, J. Mikkilä, J. Keskinen, T. Rönkkö
Tampere University
2014Performance Evaluation and Calibrations of two Commercial Exhaust Particle Counters During a Long Operation WindowPO
Karjalainen Panu, L. Pirjola, J. Heikkilä, L. Ntziachristos, Th. Tzamkiozis, T. Lähde, R. Hillamo, J. Keskinen, T. Rönkkö
Tampere University
2014Exhaust Particles Formed During Engine Braking of GDI VehiclesPR
Karjalainen Panu, A. Arffman, T. Murtonen, P. Aakko-Saksa, L. Pirjola, J. Keskinen, T. Rönköö
Tampere University
2015Real-Time Exhaust Particle Measurements with High-Resolution Low-Pressure Cascade ImpactorPR
Karjalainen Panu, Ntziachristos L., Murtonen T., Mylläri F., Wihersaari H., Keskinen J., Rönkkö T.
Tampere University, Finland
2016Non-combustion Exhaust Particles Observed During Decelerations of Heavy Duty Diesel VehiclesPO
Karjalainen Panu, Timonen H., Saukko E., Kuuluvainen H., Saarikoski S., Aakko-Saksa P., Murtonen T., Bloss M., Dal Maso M., Ahlberg E., Svenningsson B., Brune W.H., Hillamo R.,, Keskinen J., Rönkkö T.
Tampere University, Finland
2016Time-resolved Characterization of Secondary Particle Formation from a Gasoline Passenger CarPR
Karlsson Hua Lu
2006AVL MTC PMP Interlaboratory Correlation ExercisePO
Karthikeyan S., E. Thomson, P. Kumarathasan, J. Guenette, D. Rosenblatt, T. Chan, G. Rideout, R. Vincent
Environmental Health Science and Research Bureau, Research and Radiation Directorate, Ottawa
2010Treatment of Diesel Exhaust by a Diesel Particulate Filter enhances Lung InflammationPR
Karthikeyan S., E. Thomson, D. Breznan, P. Kumarathasan, D. Rosenblatt, G. Rideout, R. Vincent
Environmental Health Science and Research Bureau, Research and Radiation Directorate, Ottawa
2012In Vitro - In Vivo Comparison of the Toxicity of Diesel Emission Particles Derived from Biodiesel Blends of Different Feedstock OriginPO
Kasper A., H. Burtscher, D. Kittelson, W. Watts, U. Baltensperger
2003Particle emissions from spark ignition enginesPR
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
1999NanoMet: Online Characterization of Nanoparticle Size and CompositionPR
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2000NANOmET: On-Line Characterization of Nanoparticle Size and CompositionPR
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2001Ultralow emissions from trap equipped diesel engines, a challenge for instrumentationPR
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2003Number concentration of non-volatile particles – instruments design study acc. To PMP-conclusionsPR
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2004CAST – Combustion Aerosol Standard: Principle and New ApplicationsPO
Kasper M., A. Reinoso
Matter Engineering AG
2005PMP Golden Instrument – Evaluation of the Volatile Particle RemoverPO
Kasper M., A. Reinoso
Matter Engineering AG
2005Efficiency of Aftertreatment Devices for the Transantiago Bus Retrofit ProjectPR
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2006Soot Generators for Filter Testing and Instrument Calibration - An UpdatePO
Kasper M., A. Mayer, T. Mosimann, F. Legerer
Matter Engineering AG
2006Analysis of Nanoparticle Emission of a Euro 4 HDV with SMPS, PASS, ELPI and NanoMet PR
Kasper M., Th. Mosimann
Matter Engineering AG
2007Conformity of Production Testing for Particle Traps - a Model ExperimentPO
Kasper M., A. Mayer, P. Gehr, Chr. Leuenberger
Matter Engineering AG
2007PM10-TEQ - Approach to a Health-Oriented Descriptor of Particulate Air PollutionPR
Kasper M., A. Mayer
Matter Engineering AG
2008PM10-Toxicity-Aquivalent – New Approach to a Health-Oriented PM-CharacterizationPO
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2009Particle Number Exhaust Emission Measurement with Mobile UnitsPO
Kasper M.
Matter Engineering AG
2009Nanofiltration for Healthy Vehicle Cabin AirPO
Kasper M., S. Loretz, H. Burtscher, A. Keller, A. Mayer
Matter Engineering AG
2010Nanoparticle Filtration for Car CabinsPO
Kasper M.
201310th Anniversary of the PMP Golden Instrument: A Short ReviewPR
Kassab J.B.
FH Offenburg
2004Sedimentation field flow fractionation for the characterization of soot particlesPR
Kato Kyohei, D. Thier, P. Kattouah, E. Ohara, C.D. Vogt, Y. Ito, T. Shimoda, T. Aoki, K. Yuuki, H. Sakamoto
2014Advanced Catalyzed Gasoline Particulate Filter to Fulfill Future Emission TargetsPR
Kato Kyohei, D. Their, E. Ohara, C. Cogt, Y. Ito, T. Shimoda, T. Aoki, K. Yuuki, H. Sakamoto
2015GPF Concepts with Integrated Catalyst for Low Backpressure and Low CO2 Emissions under Real Driving ConditionsPO
Kato Kyohei, Their D., Ohara E., Vogt C., Ito Y. Shimoda T., Aoki T., Yamashita M., Sakamoto
NGK Europe Kronberg, Germany
2016Gasoline Particulate Filter Technology – Readiness for Real Driving EmissionsPO
Katsouyanni Klea, Uni Athen
2012Acute Health Effects: Epidemiologic Evidence for Independent Relevance of Nano-Sized versus Fine ParticlesPR
Kattouah Ph., W. Heuss, T. Matsumoto, K. Kato, M. Makino, Y. Ito
NGK Europe
2013Latest Particulate Filter Technology to reduce Particle Emissions from Gasoline EnginesPO
Kauffeldt Th.
University of Duisburg
2000Test of Cabin Air Filter with Soot-Similar Test AerosolPR
Kaur Parminder, Anirban Guha
Tripura University
2021Surface Electron Microscope Based Morphological and Chemical Characterization of Combustion Generated AerosolsPO
Kawai T.
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2002Influence of thermodenuder dimensions on nanoparticle measurementPR
Kawai T.
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2003Research on generation process of nanoparticles in Diesel engine exhaust pipePR
Kawai T.
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2004Effect of thermal conditioning on nanoparticle measurementPR
Kawai T., M. Rahman, R.M. Montajir, Yuichi Goto, Matsuo Odaka
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2005Transient Measurement of Diesel Nanoparticles by a Newly Developed DDMAPR
Kawano D., H. Ishii, Y. Goto, A. Noda
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2006Effect of Biodiesel on PM Emission Characteristics of Modern Diesel EnginePR
Kazemimanesh Mohsen, Alireza Moallemi, Larry W. Kostiuk, Jason S. Olfert, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
University of Alberta
2018The Effect of Sodium Chloride on the Nanoparticles Observed in a Laminar Methane Diffusion FlamePO
Kedwell Katie, Teresa Moreno, Christof Asbach
2024Particle characterization for the development of a brake wear particle collection systemPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Furrer F., Goudeli E., Wegner K., Pratsinis S.
ETHZ, Switzerland
2016Control of Particle Structure & Size Distribution by HumidityPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Goudeli E., Pratsinis S.
ETHZ, Switzerland
2016Nascent Soot Formation by Agglomeration and Surface GrowthPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Eirini Goudeli, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2017Agglomerate Structure and Size Distribution in the Transition Regime: The Effect of Primary Particle PolydispersityPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Eirini Goudeli, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2017Mobility Size and Effective Density of Soot NanoparticlesPR
Kelesidis Georgios A., Joel Zürcher, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2017Optical Properties of Nascent and Mature Soot Aggregates Growing by Agglomeration & Surface GrowthPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Mohammad Reza Kholghy, Joel Zuercher, Julian Robertz, Martin Allemann, Aleksandar Duric, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2018Soot morphology, Light Scattering and Direct Radiative ForcingPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2018From Nascent to Mature Soot Light Absorption During Agglomeration and Surface GrowthPR
Kelesidis Georgios A., Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2019Internal and External Soot OxidationPR
Kelesidis Georgios A., Alexander Bruun, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2019Impact of organic carbon on soot light absorptionPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Florian M. Furrer, Karsten Wegner, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
2019Impact of humidity on silica nanoparticle agglomerate structure and size distributionPO
Kelesidis Georgios A., Christian Bruun, Sotiris Pratsinis, Sotiris Pratsinis
ETH Zurich
2021Impact of organic carbon on soot light absorptionPR
Kelesidis Georgios A., David Neubauer, Liang-Shih Fan, Ulrike Lohmann & Sotiris E. Pratsinis
ETH Zürich
2022Enhanced light absorption and radiative forcing by black carbon agglomeratesPR
Keller Alejandro, K. Siegmann, H.C. Siegmann (ETH)
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
1999Evaluation of the Surface Properties of NanoparticlesPR
Keller Alejandro
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2000Scaling Laws with Combustion ParticlesPR
Keller Alejandro, A.Hunt, M. Loepfe, P. Nebiker, R. Pleisch, I. Shepherd, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2003Optical properties of fire-originated aerosolsPR
Keller Alejandro, N.K. Meyer, M. Sattler, C. Gaegauf, A. Lauber, A. Doberer, J. Good, T. Nussbaumer, M.F. Heringa, P.F. DeCarlo, R. Chirico, A. Richard, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2009Quantifying wood combustion emissions with on-line methodsPR
Keller Alejandro
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2010Reconciling particulate emissions with ambient measurements for biomass combustionPR
Keller Alejandro, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2011Considering Potential Secondary Organic Aerosol in Wood Combustion Emission MeasurementsPR
Keller Alejandro, J. Corbin, A.A. Mensah, B. Sierau, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2012On-line Measurement of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Wood burning using a Continuous Flow Photo-Oxidation ReactorPR
Keller Alejandro, J.C. Corbin, A.A. Mensah, B. Sierau, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2013On-site Estimation of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production potential from Wood burning AppliancesPR
Keller Alejandro, J. C. Corbin, A. A. Mensah, B. Sierau, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2014SOA - from Wood Burning Appliances in a Simplified Total Carbon MeasurementPR
Keller Alejandro, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2015Estimation of the SOA-Formation Potential in Emissions from GDI EnginesPO
Keller Alejandro, Burtscher H.
University of Applied Sciences Northwest, Switzerland
2016Time-resolved Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Potential of Wood Burning EmissionsPO
Keller Alejandro, Burtscher H.
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
2016High Time-resolved SOA-formation Potential of Emissions from GDI enginesPR
Keller Alejandro, Heinz Burtscher, Pierre Comte, Jan Czerwinsk, Maria Muñoz, Adrian Wichser, Norbert Heeb, Simone Piebers, Nivedita Kumar, Andre Prévot
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2017High Time-resolved SOA-formation Potential of Emissions from GDI enginesPO
Keller Alejandro, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2017FATCAT: New Characterization Method for Particulate Emissions from Wood Burning AppliancesPR
Keller Alejandro, Daniel Egli, Peter Steigmeier, Heinz Burtscher, Ernest Weingartner
Nordwestschweizer Fachhochschule
2018Development of a Semi-continuous Measurement System for the Carbonaceous Fraction in Ambient AerosolPO
Keller Alejandro, P. Specht, P. Steigmeier, M. N. Ess, K. Vasilatou
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2019The Synthetic Carbonaceous Atmospheric Aerosol (SCAA) generator: towards the creation of an atmospheric aerosol standardPO
Keller Alejandro, P. Steigmeier, E. Weingartner
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2019Stand-alone system for reliable determination of carbonaceous aerosolPR
Keller Alejandro, Peter Steigmeier, Patrick Specht, Ernest Weingartner
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, 5210 Windisch, Switzerland
2021Performance of the new continuous carbonaceous aerosol measurement system FATCAT during long term unattended measurement campaignsPR
Keller Alejandro, Konstantina Vasilatou, Patrick Specht, Peter Steigmeier, Daniel Kalbermatter, Konstantina Vasilatou, Alejandro Keller
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, 5210 Windisch, Switzerland
2021Novel, all-in-one apparatus for stable and reproducible generation of atmospherically relevant aerosols using simulated atmospheric agingPO
Keller Alejandro, P. Specht, P. Steigmeier, D. Kalbermatter, T. Hammer, K. Vasilatou, K. Wolfer, J. Resch, M. Kalberer
2022The organic coating unit, an all-in-one system for reproducible generation of secondary organic aerosolPR
Keller Alejandro, P. Specht, P. Steigmeier, E. Weingartner
2024Enhancing total carbon quantification using fast-thermogramsPR
Kelly F.J.
King's College London
2005Oxidative Stress: the Missing Link between PM Toxicology and Epidemiology?PR
Kendall M.
University Uludag
2004Molecular adsorption at PM-surfacesPR
Keskinen H.
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
1997Real Time Measurement of Combustion Aerosol Size DistributionPR
Keskinen H., A. Virtanen, J. Ristimäki
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
2003Real time measurement of the effective density and fractal dimension of diesel exhaust particlesPR
Keskinen H., Jaatinen Antti, Miettinen Pasi, Romakkaniemi Sami, Joutsensaari Jorma, J. Smith, A. Laaksonen
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
2010Water adsorption on silica nanoparticlesPO
Ketzel M.
2002Street level versus urban background concentrations of submicron particles, first modeling studiesPR
Ketzel M., P. Wählin, R. Berkowicz, F. Palmgren
2003Experimental and modeling studies of ultrafine particle concentrations in urban street and backgroundPR
Khair M., Chr. Sharp
Southwest Research Institute
2005Characterization of Nanoparticles from a 2010-Type HD EnginePR
Khair M., I.Khalek
Southwest Research Institute
2007Beijing Pilot Retrofit - Real World PM Reduction from Three Retrofit TechnologiesPR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
1999Nanoparticle Growth During Dilution and Cooling of Diesel Exhaust: Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Assessment PR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2000SMPS and ELPI Calibration using Diesel Exhaust ParticlesPR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2001Real Time Particle Number Weighted Size Distribution Using Parallel Flow Diffusion BatteryPR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2002Particle size distribution and mass emissions from a mining diesel engine equipped with a dry systemPR
Khalek I. A., P. Cantrell, M. Spears
Southwest Research Institute
2003Particulate matter mass measurements from a heavy duty Diesel engine using 2007 CVS PM sampling in parallel to QCM and TEOMPO
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2003New catalytic stripper system for the measurement of solid particle mass number and size emissionsPR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2004Solid and Total Exhaust Particle Mass, Size, and Number Emissions from a Diesel Powered GeneratorPO
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2005Nanoparticle Emissions from Old and New Gasoline VehiclesPO
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
20052007 PM Measurement ResearchPR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2006Particle Size and Number Emissions from a Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition Engine (HCCIPR
Khalek I. A., T. Bougher, P. Merritt
Southwest Research Institute
2008Phase 1 of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES-1)PO
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2008Particulate Matter Portable Emissions Measurement Systems Measurement Allowance (PM-PEMS-MA) ProjectPR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2009Particle Emissions from 2007 Heavy-Duty On-Highway Diesel Engines During Active Regeneration of Catalyzed DPFPR
Khalek I. A., T. Bougher, J. Jetter
Southwest Research Institute
2010Particle mass and number emissions from a 2009 GDI engine using different U.S. commercially available fuelsPR
Khalek I. A., J. Jetter
Southwest Research Institute
2011Total and Solid Particle Mass and Number Emissions from a 2010 Vehicle Equipped with a GDI Engine Using 11 Different FuelsPO
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2012The Role of High Efficiency Exhaust Particle Filters in Engine Emissions Reduction: A Look Into the FuturePR
Khalek I. A.
Southwest Research Institute
2013Emissions from USs 2010 compliant Engine Technologies with DOC, DPF, SCR, AMOXPR
Khalek I. A., H. Badshah
Southwest Research Institute
2014Solid Particle Number and Size and Ash Emissions from Vehicles during Engine Start-UpPR
Khalek I. A., V. Premnath
Southwest Research Institute
2015GPF Concepts with Integrated Catalyst for Low Backpressure and Low CO2 Emissions under Real Driving ConditionsPR
Khalek I. A., Jeyashekar N.
2016Effect of Jet Fuel Properties on Solid Particle Number and Mass Emission from Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine: Development of a Jet Fuel Particle IndexPR
Khalek I. A., Huzeifa Badshah, Vinay Premnath, Daniel Preece, Rasto Brezny
Southwest Research Institute
2017Particle Number and Ash Emissions from a Heavy Duty Natural Gas and Diesel w/DPF EnginesPR
Khalek I.A.
Southwest Research Institute
2019State of Spark-Plug Sized Exhaust Sensors for Real World Emissions MonitoringPR
Khalek I.A., Meet Patel, Chet Mun Liew, Shirish A. Shimpi, Nathan Scott
Southwest Research Institute
2019Evaluation of Horiba PN-PEMS against PMP based PN systems for Heavy Duty diesel EnginesPO
Khalek Imad
Southwest Research Institute
2023New Proposed Light-Duty PM Mass Regulations in the USA: Can it be Controlled and MeasuredPR
Khan M. Y., Shirish Shimpi
2015Characterization of Repeatability and Reproducibility of BSN-Measurements from AVL Particle CountersPO
Khan M. Y., Sagar Sharma, Chet Mun Liew, Abhay Joshi, Daniel Barnes, Nathan Scott, Benjamin Mensen, Sam Cao, Yang Li
2017Comparison of Full Flow Dilution, Partial Flow Dilution, and Raw Exhaust Particle Number MeasurementsPR
Khan Tahmeena, Alfred Lawrence, Alfred Lawrence
Integral University
2021A Critical Analysis of COVID-19 with Special Emphasis to Air Quality and its ConsequencesPO
Khan Tahmeena
Integral University, Lucknow
2022Indoor Air Pollution and COVID-19 load in Lucknow - Capital of Most Populate Indian statePO
Khan Yusuf, Nikhilesh Agarwal, Nathan Scott, Tina Salemme, Montajir Rahman
Cummins Inc.
2023Evaluation of Tailpipe Solid Particle Number Measurement MethodologiesPR
Khatchikian P.
2003Influence of injection pressure on particle size distribution and number concentrationPO
Kholghy Reza, G.A. Kelesidis, S.E. Pratsinis
ETH Zürich, Technology Laboratory
2018Reactive Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dimerization Drives Soot NucleationPR
Kholghy Reza, G. A. Kelesidis:J. Zuercher:J. Robertz:M. Allemann:A. Duric:S.E. Pratsinis
ETH Zürich, Technology Laboratory
2019Soot Optical Properties in Premixed FlamesPO
Kholghy Reza, G. A. Kelesidis;S.E. Pratsinis
ETH Zürich, Technology Laboratory
2019Simplified Coagulation Dynamics of Agglomerates @ Self-PreservationPO
Kholghy Reza
Carleton University, Canada
2021Surface growth, coagulation and oxidation of soot by a monodisperse population balance modelPR
Khosravi Farnaz, Francesco Carbone
University of Connecticut
2022Controlling the Sampling Parameters to quench Collision Growth of Soot Particles extracted from Laminar Premixed FlamesPO
Kilchhofer Kevin, Alexander Barth, Battist Utinger, Markus Kalberer, Markus Ammann
2024Reactive Oxygen Species Build-up in Photochemically Aged Iron- and Copper-doped Secondary Organic Aerosol ProxyPO
Kilchsperger R.
HUG Engineering AG
2009Stationäre Motoren, Erfahrungen mit der PartikelfilternachrüstungFO
Kilic D., B. Brem, F. Klein, I. El-Haddad, L. Durdina, Th. Rindlisbacher, R. Huang, J. Slowik, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt
2015Characterization of non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from aircraft turbine enginesPO
Kim K., Dongyoung Jin, Cha-Lee Myung, Youngjae Lee, Simsoo Park
University Korea
2017Size-resolved Nanoparticle and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Emissions Characteristics with Low-, Medium-, and High-proportion of Ethanol Contents Fuels from a Direct Injection Spark Ignition (DISI) VehiclePO
Kim Yongrae, Cheolwoong Park, Jun Ha, Young Choi, Seokhwan Lee
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
2023Comparison of particle number between the gasoline and hydrogen combustion engine and NOx reduction strategy in the hydrogen enginePO
Kindler Ph., Chr. Monn, O. Brändli
2007Particle Emissions from WaterpipesPO
Kirchen P., K. Boulouchos, R. Margari, P. Wilhelm
2006Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Particulate Formation and Oxidation Mechanisms in Common Rail Diesel EnginesPR
Kirchen P., S. Walther, K. Boulouchos, P. Obrecht, D. Karst
2007Measurement of the Instantaneous In-Cylinder Soot Concentrations and Temperatures in a Multi-Cylinder Diesel EnginePR
Kirchen P., K. Boulouchos
2008Measurement and Analysis of the Soot Emissions from a Common Rail Passenger Car Diesel Engine during Transient Engine OperationPR
Kirchen P., K. Boulouchos, A. Bertola
2009Investigation of the In-Cylinder Soot Formation and Oxidation during Transient Engine OperationPR
Kirchner U., J. Schneider, N. Hock, S. Weimer, V. Scheer, R. Vogt
Ford Aachen
2003Mass spectrometric analysis of nanoparticles from diesel exhaustPR
Kirchner U., J. Gallus, R. Vogt
Ford Aachen
2013Particle Number Emission of Light-Duty Vehicles during Real-World DrivingPR
Kireeva Elena, O. Popovicheva, M. Vijtisek-Lom
Uni Moscow
2012FTIR Spectroscopy of Diesel and Biofuel Particles in off-road Engine ExhaustPO
Kireeva Elena, O.B. Popovicheva, N.M. Persiantseva, P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, S. Steiner, B. Rothen Rutishauser
Uni Moscow
2012Characterization of Diesel and Biodiesel exhaust Particles for Nanotoxicity StudiesPR
Kireeva Elena, Popovicheva O., Nguyen D.L., Nguyen X.A.
University Moscow, Russia
2016Size–segregated Organic/Inorganic Composition of Particulate Emissions in Periods of Extensive Biomass Burning.PO
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
1997Engines and NanoparticlesPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
1998Nanoparticle Formation during Exhaust DilutionPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
1999Influence of Sampling and Dilution Conditions on Nanoparticle MeasurementsPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2000Diesel Aerosol Sampling in the AtmospherePR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2001Response of DC and PAS to Size Fractionated ParticlesPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2001On-Road Measurements of Nanoparticle EmissionsPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2002Chemical and physical characteristics of diesel aerosolPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2002Particle Measurement Methodology: Comparison of On-road and Lab Diesel Particle Size DistributionsPR
Kittelson David, M. Stenitzer
University of Minnesota
2003A new catalytic stripper for removal of volatile particlesPR
Kittelson David, W. Watts, J. Johnson, J. Schauer
University of Minnesota
2003Gasoline vehicle exhaust particle sampling studyPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2004On-Road Exposure and Emission MeasurementsPO
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2004Evaporation of volatile aerosolsPR
Kittelson David, Ma Hongbin, Heejung Jung
University of Minnesota
2006The Role of Ionic Nucleation in the Formation of Nucleation Mode Particles Associated with Diesel Engine ExhaustPO
Kittelson David, M. Fink, H. Sakurai, J. Savstrom, M.R. Stolzenburg, F. Winthrop, Watts Jr Christopher, G. Morgan, I.P. Murray, M.V. Twigg, P.H. McMurry
University of Minnesota
2006Chemical and Physical Properties of Nucleation Mode Diesel Exhaust Particles Sampled Downstream of a Catalyzed Filtration SystemPR
Kittelson David, W.F. Watts, J. Johnson, C. Thorne, C. McCann, M. Payne, S. Goodier, C. Warrens, H. Preston, U. Zink, D. Pickles, C. Goersmann, M.V. Twigg, A.P. Walker, R. Boddy
University of Minnesota
2007Effect of Fuel and Lube Oil Sulfur on the Performance of a Diesel Exhaust Gas Continuously Regenerating TrapPR
Kittelson David, J. Johnson, W. Watts, A. Heinzen
University of Minnesota
2008Effects of the U.S. EPA Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Standard on Heavy-Duty Fleet Average Nanoparticle Emissions in MinnesotaPR
Kittelson David, J. Gidney, M. Twigg
University of Minnesota
2009Effect of Organometallic Fuel Additives on Nanoparticle Emissions from a Gasoline Passenger CarPR
Kittelson David, Luke Franklin
University of Minnesota
2010Nanoparticle emissions from an ethanol fueled HCCI enginePO
Kittelson David, B.Gladis, Win Watts
University of Minnesota
2010Real time measurements of ash particle emissionsPR
Kittelson David, Anil Bika, Wei Fang, Luke Franklin, Bin Huang
University of Minnesota
2011Particles from soot free enginesPR
Kittelson David, Udayan Patwardhan, Darrick Zaring, Winthrop Watts
University of Minnesota
2013Real-time Measurements of Metallic Ash Emissions from EnginesPR
Kittelson David, W. Northrop, W. Watts, D. Bennett, K. Vignali
University of Minnesota
2014Nanoparticle Emissions from a Second Generation Biofuel: DMEPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2015Characterization of non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from aircraft turbine enginesPO
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2015Ultrafine Particles: How Should They Be Defined and Measured?PR
Kittelson David, Swanson J., Boies A.
University of Minnesota USA
2016Carbon Nanotubes, Nanorods, and Nanoparticles from EnginesPR
Kittelson David, Fang W., Lucachick G., Northrop W.
University of Minnesota, USA
2016Semi-volatile Particle Emissions from Engines Operating in Low Temperature Combustion ModesPO
Kittelson David, Jeffrey Stevens, USEPA: Robert Giannelli, USEPA
University of Minnesota
2017Diesel and Gas Turbine Nanoparticle Density Distribution MeasurementsPR
Kittelson David, William Northrop, Andrew Kotz
University of Minnesota
2018Particle Number Emissions from In-Use Transit Buses with Advanced SCR SystemsPR
Kittelson David, Robert Gianelli, Jeffrey Stevens, Weiqi Chen
University of Minnesota
2019Particle effective density measurements: alternative approachesPR
Kittelson David, Robert Giannelli, Jeffrey Stevens, John Kinsey, Robert Howard
University of Minnesota
2021Particle Emissions from Aircraft Gas Turbines: A Coarse Size Mode from Low Emission EnginesPR
Kittelson David, Weiqi Chen, Noah Bock, Will Northrop
University of Minnesota 
2022Effective Density and IPSD Measurements of solid PM from a Lean and Stoichiometric GDI Engine Operating on Ethanol BlendsPR
Kittelson David, Myles D. Hicks, William F. Northrop
University of Minnesota
2023Engine Crankcase Particulate Matter: Measurement IssuesPR
Kittelson David
University of Minnesota
2024Changes in particle emissions and measurement during the past 30 yearsPR
Kiwull B., R. Niessner
Institute of Hydrochemisry
2015Evaluation of Volatile Particle Remove Devices for Exhaust Particle QuantificationPO
Klauser F., Christoph Schmidl, Anne Kasper Giebl
2018Effect of an Oxidizing Catalyst on PAH Emissions at Log Wood CombustionPO
Klein T., T. Tuch, E. Buhr, A. Wiedensohler
2012Generation and Traceable Electron-microscopic Characterization of Monodisperse Silver Aerosols for CPC CalibrationPO
Klein Tobias, Andreas Nowak, Dorothee Hüser, Detlef Bergmann, Egbert Buhr
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
2023Traceable size measurement of polystyrene particles for calibration of particle counters using SEM in transmission modePO
Klippel N.
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
2002Gas turbines – sources or sinks for ambient air aerosols?PR
Klippel N., Th. Nussbaumer, K. Meurer
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
2005Health effects of particles from Diesel engines and wood combustionPO
Klippel N., B.Hausammann, Th. Nussbaumer
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
2006Particle Size Distribution in the Ambient Air during a Period of High PM10 ImmissionsPO
Klippel N., Th. Nussbaumer, A. Hess
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
2006Particle Emissions from Residential Wood Combustion - Design and Operation Conditions Determine Health ImpactsPR
Knutti Reto
ETH Zurich
2021Climate change: causes, impacts, scenarios and the need for net zero CO2 emissionsFO
Ko Ahyun, Youngmin Woo, Jinyoung Jang, Yongjin Jeong, Young Jae Lee
University Korea
2018Development of DPF, SCR System with Low Balance Point Temperature for Retrofit Market of Diesel EnginePO
Ko J., Seonghoon Kim, Cha-Lee Myung, Simsoo Park
University Korea
2017Impact of Catalytic Stripper (CS) on the Characteristics of Particle Number (PN) Emissions from a GDI Vehicle over the World-harmonized light-duty Vehicle Test Cycle (WLTC)PO
Kobashi Noriyasu, Tetsuya Yamashita, Nobuhisa Mori, Katsunori Kawatake
NIES Japan
2009Investigation of the particle number emissions measurement proposed by PMPPR
Kobashi Noriyasu, Kazuhisa Mogi, Tetsuya Yamashita, Satsuki Osada
NIES Japan
2011Investigation of Solid Particle Number Measurement Smaller than 23nmPR
Kobayashi S., S. Hasegawa, T. Katsuyuki, A. Fushimi, K. Tanabe, Y. Fujitani
NIES Japan
2006Measurements of Ultrafine Particles in the Roadside and Urban AtmospheresPO
Köbölová Klaudia
Brno University of Technology
2022Influence of the combustion phase on the physico-chemical properties of particulate matterPO
Köbölová Klaudia
Brno University TechnoLogy
2023Potential ecotoxicity of biomass combustion-derived fine and ultrafine particlesPO
Koch Sergej, F. Hagen, H. Kubach, A. Velji , T. Koch
KIT Karlsruhe
2019Reactivity of particles from gasoline direct injection enginePO
Koch W., O. Pohlmann
Fraunhofer Institut
1999Diesel Engines, Welding Furnes, Environment, Chemical ReactionsPR
Køcks M., A. G. Hemmersam, K. Fuglsang, T. Rosenoern, J. B. Markussen, J. P. Hansen, K. I. Lieke, M. Bilde
Danish Techn. Institute
2012Shipboard Characterization of a Wet Scrubber System: Influence on Particle Number Concentration, Particle Size Distribution and Chemical CompositionPO
Køcks M., T. Rosenorn, A. Burtscher, S. Molgaard, Fuglsang, M. Bilde
Danish Techn. Institute
2013Shipboard Characterization of a Wet Scrubber System during Operation (part II): Influence on Particle Number Concentration, Particle Size Distribution and Chemical CompositionPR
Køcks M., J.N. Holm, K. Grønne Nielsen
Danish Techn. Institute
2014Shipboard Characterization of a Particle Filter During Operation: Influence on Particle Number Concentration, Particle Size Distribution and Gas EmissionsPO
Køcks M., P.B. Pedersen, T.D. Pedersen
Danish Techn. Institute
2015Real-time Characterization of Particle and Gas Emissions from Construction Equipment during OperationPO
Køcks M., Pedersen T.D., Jensen Th.N., Pedersen P.B., Trajkovski M.
Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
2016DPF+SCR retrofit of Construction Machines: Real-time Characterization of Emission Reduction and Optimization During Realistic Operating ConditionsPO
Køcks M., Thomas N. Jensen, Jesper N. Holm, Jacob B. Jeppesen
Danish Techn. Institute
2017Shipboard characterization of a combined particle filter and SCR system: Influence on particle number concentration, particle size distribution and gas emissionsPO
Køcks M., Thomas N. Jensen, Jesper N. Holm, Jacob B. Jeppesen
Danish Techn. Institute
2017Shipboard Characterization of a Combined Particle Filter and NOx-reducing Technology: Influence on Particle Number Concentration, Particle Size Distribution and Gas EmissionsPR
Køcks M., Thomas N. Jensen, Troels D. Pedersen
Danish Techn. Institute
2018Retrofit of Three Danish Ferries with DPF and NOx-reducing Technology – a New Danish VenturePR
Køcks M., Thomas N. Jensen, Søren N. Skov, Troels D. Pedersen, Lars Overgaard
Danish Techn. Institute
2019Retrofitting a Danish inland ferry with DPF: Reduction in particle emissions, noise, and implication on the ambient environmentPR
Køcks Morten, Jacob Hansen, Thor-Bjørn Ottosen
Danish Technological Institute
2021Clean air test-zone – reduction of emissions from wood stovesPR
Koczak J., Andre Boehman, Matthew Brusstar, Frank Ruiz
University of Michigan
2017Morphology and Nanostructure of Size-Selected Ultrafine Particles Emitted by a Gasoline Direct Injection EnginePO
Kohli T., T. Johnson
2007Diesel Particulate Control Technology in ReviewPR
Kohn Tamar
EPFL Lausanne
2023Aerosol pH is an overlooked driver of airborne influenza- and corona viruses inactivationPR
Kolodziej Chr., J. Benajes, R. Novella, S. Arthozoul
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
2010Injection timing effects on premixed low temperature combustion particle emissions from light and heavy duty diesel enginesPO
Komori T., K. Iwasaki
Sumitomo Chemical
2011Newly-developed Diesel Particulate Filter - the Sumitomo DPFPR
Kondo A., Shoji Yokoi, Takayuki Sakurai, Satoshi Nischikawa, Takashi Egami, Masahiro Tokuda, Takeshi Sakuma
NGK Insulators
2011New Particulate Matter Sensor for On Board DiagnosePR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
2000Diesel particulate aftertreatment: characteristics of various filter mediaPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
2000The Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Cluster in the EU-growth programmePR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2001The Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment (DEXA) Cluster in the EC GROWTH ProgramPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2001Optical, Electrical Mobility and Aerodynamic Measurements of Soot Particles before and after Filter Media in Diesel ExhaustPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2002Growth dynamics of soot deposits in diesel particulate filtersPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2002An update on the diesel exhaust aftertreatment (DEXA) cluster of the EU-GROWT programmePR
Konstandopoulos A.G., E. Kladopoulou, P. Baltzopoulou, S. Skopa, N. Vlachos
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2003Real-time hardware and virtual soot sensors for on-board measurements of diesel particlesPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2003The Diesel exhaust aftertreatment (DEXA) cluster of the EU growth programPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2004Design and evaluation of a selective particle size sampler for continuous delivery of different size ranges of diesel exhaust particles for health effect studiesPO
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2004Effective density and fractal-like dimension of soot particlesPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., S. Skopa, D. Zervalis
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2005Ash Effects on Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter PerformancePR
Konstandopoulos A.G., E. Kladopoulou
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2005Ash Effects on Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter PerformancePO
Konstandopoulos A.G., E. Papaioannou, P. Baltzopoulou, St. Papachristou, L. Hasapidis, I. Papageorgiou
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2005Design and evaluation of a Selective Particle Size Sampler (SPS)PO
Konstandopoulos A.G., D. Zarvalis, I. Dolios
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2006Multi-instrumental Assessment of Various Filter Media in Diesel Exhaust under Transient conditionsPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2007Transport and Reaction Phenomena in Diesel Particulate FiltersPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2008Multifunctional Reactors for Diesel Nanoparticle Emission ControlPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., Eleni Papaioannou, Apostolos Tsakis, Dimitrios Zarvalis
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2009Nanoparticle Measurements in Urban Routes with a Mobile LaboratoryPO
Konstandopoulos A.G., Evdoxia Kladopoulou, Alexandra Zygogianni, Georgia Kastrinaki, Souzana Lorentzou, Dimitrios Zarvalis
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2009Soot Deposits, Catalyst Coatings and Ash Layers: Creation, Function and Fate in Diesel Particulate FiltersPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., M. Kostoglou, S. Lorentzou
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2010Multistructural aspects of catalytic soot oxidationPR
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2011The Microstructure of Soot Aggregates Produced by the Combustion Aerosol Standard (CAST) GeneratorPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., A. Zygogianni, M. Kostoglou
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2013Study of Diesel Soot Structure and Reactivity upon Oxidation by Raman MicrospectroscopyPO
Konstandopoulos A.G.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2013Functionalized, Structured Reactors for Sustainable Mobility and Clean EnergyPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., Kostoglou M.
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2014Asymmetric and Variable Cell Geometry Diesel Particulate FiltersPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., A. Melas, O. Baltzopoulou, N. Vlachos, M. Kostoglou
Aerosol & Particle Technologie Laboratory, CERTH/CPERI
2015Soot Deposit Evolution and the Mechanism of Particle Emissions During Regeneration in Diesel Particulate FiltersPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., Kastrinaki G., Pagkoura Ch., Lorentzou S.
2016Effects of Catalyst Particle Structure on Soot Oxidation KineticsPR
Konstandopoulos A.G., Margaritis Kostoglou, Anastasios Melas
2017On the Soot Particle Size Distribution Evolution During Oxidative FragmentationPR
Kontses Aanastasios, E. Saltas, A. Raptopoulos-Chatzistefanou, Z. Toumasatos, L. Ntziachristos, Z. Samaras
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2022Urban and Cold-State Phase Particle Emissions of a Gasoline Hybrid and a CNG VehiclePO
Kook Sanghoon, Renlin Zhang
University New South Wales, Australia
2014In-Flame Soot Particles in an Automotive-Size Diesel EnginePR
Kook Sanghoon
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
2016In-flame and Exhaust Soot Particles Under the Influence of Jet-jet Interactions in a Small-bore Diesel EnginePR
Kook Shawn, Shawn Kook
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
2021Soot morphology and internal structure variations with fuel aromatics inside the cylinder of a diesel enginePO
Kook Shawn, T. Aizawa, K.S. Kim, C.-B. Kweon
The University of New South Wales
2023Evolution of nano-scale particle structures within a pilot-main injected Jet tuel flame in a small-bore optical diesel enginePO
Kooter Ingeborg
2019A role for in vitro inhalation studies in the evaluation of the toxicity of emissions from combustion processesPR
Korzeniewska Anna, Anna Korzeniewska, Katarzyna Szramowiat, Karolina Kołczyk-Siedlecka, Dawid Kutyła, Faustyna Wierońska, Marta Marczak, Krzysztof Sornek, Mariusz Filipowicz, Janusz Gołaś
AGH University
2019Emission of heavy metals and solid particles from domestic wood combustion processesPR
Kostoglu M.
CERTH/CPERI, Thessaloniki
2003Modelling of diesel particle size distributions with oxidative fragmentation and coagulationPO
Koust Stig
Danish Technological Institute
2022Evaluating clean air technologies for mobile air purifiersPR
Kraft M.
University of Cambridge
2007ModellingParticle Shape and Compsotion of Soot Particles in Laminar Premixed FlamesPO
Kraft M., S. Mosbach, M. Celnik, H. Zhang, S. Kubo, K.O.Kim
University of Cambridge
2008Towards a Detailed Soot Model for Internal Combustion EnginesPR
Kraft M., S. Mosbach, J.E. Etheridge, T.S. Totton, M. Sander, A. Raj, A.J. Misquitta, D. Chakrabarti, D.J. Wales
University of Cambridge
2009New Developments in Modelling Soot Formation in Internal Combustion EnginesPO
Kraft M., M. Botero, N.M. Morgan
University of Cambridge
2012An Improved Methodology for Determining Threshold Sooting Indices from Smoke Point LampsPO
Krähenbühl S., BAFU
CERTH/CPERI, Thessaloniki
2014New Instruments for PN-based Periodic Inspection: Results of a First Measurement CampaignFO
Kral K., R. Janus
2015Evaluation of Aerosol Particle Characteristics with different Conditioning UnitsPO
Krämer L., Kai Behnk
IAV GmbH, Berlin
2006Assessment of Particulate Measurement Techniques and Physico-chemical Soot Properties at Different Diesel Combustion ModesPR
Kreutziger Philipp, M. Rieker, F. Huewe, L. Japs, Y. Otsuki, C. Focsa, D. Duca, T. Tritscher, J. Spielvogel, M. Rahman, A. Boies, K. F. Lee, A. Bhave, S. Legendre, A. Pérez Martínez
2019The PEMs4Nano project: measuring engine emissions below 23 nmPR
Kreyling W.G.
GSF München
2003Translocation of ultrafine solid combustion particles into the vascular and the central nervous sys t emWS
Kreyling W.G.
Helmholz-Center München
2018Is there Sufficient Evidence of Adverse Effects of Nanoparticles on Neuro-degenerative Diseases when Compared to their Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health Effects?PO
Kreyling W.G.
Helmholz-Center München
2018Engineered Nanoparticles versus Ambient Ultrafine Particles: How Comparable are their Interactions with the Organism and what do we Know and where are the Gaps?PR
Krishna Kumar Nivedita, E.A. Bruns, I. El Haddad, M. Krapf, S.M. Pieber, L. Drinovec, G. Mocnik, J.G.Slowik, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
2014Effects of Aging on the Optical Properties of Light-absorbing Carbon from Biomass- burning EmissionsPO
Kristine Baden Ane, Patricia Hernández-Fernández: Hugo J. L. Silva: Leif H. Christensen: Christian Kallesøe
Danish Technological Institute
2019Production of fine-tuned nano-catalysts for exhaust emission treatment: The potential of supercritical flow synthesisPO
Krug H.
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
2006Ultrafine Dust and Nanoparticles: Hazard Identification in vitroPR
Krzyzanowski Michal, M.-E. Heroux
2012The WHO and EU Approach to Revise the EU Air Quality Policies – Current State and PlansFO
Kubo Sh.
2004Chemical properties and formation mechanism of volatile nanoparticles from LDVPR
Kubo Sh., Hideto Inagaki, Atsuo Fukumoto, Yoshiki Takatori, Teruaki Kondoh, Takuya Mitsuoka, Noritomo Suzuki, Masae Inoue
2006In-cylinder Soot Nanoparticle Formation MechanismPR
Kuenzli N., P. Mathys, L. Oglesby, W.B. Stern, Ch. Braun, C. Monn, M. Jantunen (Uni Basel, ETH, KTL Kuopio)
ICREA, Center for Researching Environmental Epidemiology
1999Traffic related PM2.5 Efficiently Penetrate from Outdoor to IndoorPR
Kuenzli N.
ICREA, Center for Researching Environmental Epidemiology
2009Chronic pulmonary effects of ambient nano-PM: Lessons learned from PMPR
Kuenzli N.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2011Effects of Black Carbon Exposure on Human HealthPR
Kuenzli N.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2012Regulating Ambient Nanoparticles? Approach of the Swiss Federal Commission on Air QualityFO
Kuenzli N.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2017Ultrafine particles and Health: reviewing the evidence in the current policy contextPR
Kuenzli N., Kutlar Joss Meltem
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2018Defending Public Health Priorities at Times of Scandals and Media Hypes around "Dirty Diesel"PR
Kuenzli N.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2019Bringing science back to clean air policy making - a response to fakes celebrated by (a few) media in GermanyPR
Kuittinen N., Panu Karjalainen, Päivi Aakko-Saksa, Hilkka Timonen, Pauli Simonen, Fanni Mylläri, Hugo Wihersaari, Jorma Keskinen, Topi Rönkkö
Tampere University
2017Number and Characteristics of Particles Emitted from a Marine Engine Using Different FuelsPO
Kuittinen Niina, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Jenni Alanen, Leonidas Ntziachristos, Panu Karjalainen, Päivi Aakko-Saksa, Eija Asmi, Heikki Lihavainen, Hilkka Timonen, Topi Rönkkö
Tampere University
2021Assessment of global particle number emissions from shipping and effect of scrubbersPR
Kumagai Y.
Japan Petroleum Energy Centre
2001JCAP Studies on Retrofit of CR-DPF and Diesel Particle Size MeasurementsPR
Kumar Aiswarya, Manoranajan Sahu
IIT Bombay, lndia
2023Comparison of charging mechanism, the efficiency of particle matter capture and generation of byproducts from different ionization based indoor pollution control technologiesPO
Kumazawa Shinji, Inagaki H., Inoue Y., Yazawa K.
NGK Spark Plug, Japan
2016PM/PN Measurement Repeatability of Compact Multi Gas Measurement SystemPO
Kunte St.
2001Influence of oxygenated fuels on the sooting behavior within a laminar diffusion flamePR
Kunte St.
2002The influence of oxygenated fuels on the soot production potential – experiments and modellingPR
Kunte St., P. Obrecht, B. Ineichen, C. Cavalloni, D. Karst
2003A new sensor for soot measurements inside combustion systemsPR
Kunte St.
2004In-cylinder soot concentration and soot temperature measurementsPR
Kuntze Arne, A. Nowak, M. Hildebrandt, A. Jordan-Gerkens, V. Ebert
2014Characterization of a PTB-standard for particle number concentration of soot particlesPO
Kuntze Arne, Nowak A., Hildebrandt M., Rosahl J., Ebert V
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
2016Metrology for Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS)PO
Künzi L., S. Schneider, P. Mertes, J. Dommen, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt, M. Kalberer, M. Geiser
Uni Bern
2012Responses of Lung Cell Cultures after Realistic Exposure to Primary and Aged Carbonaceous AerosolsPO
Künzli L.
Uni Bern
2014New Proposal of Swiss FCAH on how to Regulate Ambient Particulate Matter (PM)PR
Künzli Nino
ICREA, Center for Researching Environmental Epidemiology
2007Traffic Related Pollution: Risk Factor for the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases?PR
Künzli Nino
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2013Setting the Stage: Linking Policy with ScienceFO
Künzli Nino
University of Basel 
2022Role of the new WHO Air Quality GuidelinesFO
Kuo Yu-Mei
Chung Hwa University of Medica/ Technology
2023Performance Evaluation Methods for Air CleanersPO
Kureti S., H. Bockhorn, D. Reichert, B. Schneider
University of Karlsruhe
2007Mechanism of the Catalytic Soot Oxidation on Fe2O3PR
Kureti S., H. Bockhorn, D. Reichert
University of Karlsruhe
2008Kinetic Modelling of the Catalytic Soot Oxidation on Fe2O3PR
Kureti S., D. Reichert, H. Bockhorn, M. Sander, A. Raj, O. Inderwildi, M. Kraft
University of Karlsruhe
2009Is there a chance for the direct conversion of soot and NOx on a catalyst?PO
Kureti S., S. Wagloehner
Uni Freiberg
2013Effect of Physical-Chemical Soot Properties on the Kinetics of Catalytic Soot OxidationPR
Kureti S., M. Nitzer-Noski, St. Wagloehner
Uni Freiberg
2014Soot Oxidation on Manganese Oxide Catalysts in Diesel and Gasoline Exhaust GasPR
Kureti S., Nitzer-Noski M.
University of Freiberg Germany
2016Soot Oxidation on Manganese Oxide Catalysts in Gasoline ExhaustPO
Kureti S., Christian Singer
Uni Freiberg
2017Soot Oxidation on Manganese Oxide Catalysts in Gasoline ExhaustPR
Kureti S., Christian Singer, Kai Kettenring (OPEL/GM)
Uni Freiberg
2019Soot Oxidation on Manganese Oxide Catalysts in Gasoline ExhaustPO
Kureti Sven, C. Singer, C. Hahn, D.Q. Phan, T. Russwurm, M. Wensing, M. Koegl, L. Zigan
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
2023Catalytic Soot Oxidation in Gasoline Engine ExhaustPR
Kutlar J.M., R. Rapp, N. Künzli
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Inst.
2014LUDOK – Documentation Database on Air Pollution and Health ResearchPO
Kutlar J.M., D. Dyntar, R. Rapp, N. Künzli
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Inst.
2015Ultrafine Particles in the Air – what has been Studied Epidemiologically to date?PO
Kwon Ryubin
Mokpo National Maritime University
2023Algorithm for Determining Abnormal Signs of Ship Propulsion Engines Using Machine LearningPO
Kylämäki Katariina, M. Jäppi, L. Markkula, W. Honkisz, L. Salo, H. Lintusaari, T. Lepistö, P. Marjanen, K. Teinilä, L. Barreira, D. Li, L. Simon, M. Aurela, S. Saarikoski, S. Harni, A. Järvinen, H. Kuutti, R. Ashger, S. Farhoudian, S. Iyer, A. Kumar, T. Cervena, K. Honkova, M. Vojtisek Lom, M. Pechout, M. Rissanen, A. Szczotka, P. Bielaczyc, J. Topinka, H. Timonen, P. Aakko-Saksa, T. Rönkkö
Tampere University
2024Secondary Aerosol Emissions from Diesel and Natural Gas VehiclesPO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
La Rocca A.
Uni Nottingham
2013Nanoparticle Characteristics of Exhaust and Soot-in-oil from a light duty Diesel EnginePO
La Rocca A., Bonatesta F., Campanella F., Fay M.
Uni Nottingham
2014Characterization of Unregulated Gaseous and Particulate Emissions During Active Regenerations of Diesel Particulate FiltersPO
La Rocca A., J.G. Campbell, M.W. Fay
Uni Nottingham
2015Electron Tomography of Combustion Generated NanoparticlesPO
La Rocca A., Andrea Pacino, Taufik Yuwono
Uni Nottingham
2019Copper leaching from the fuel line of a HPCR DI diesel engines and its effect on combustion characteristics and particulate emissionsPO
Laboureur Marvin
University of Namur
2023Catalytic solutions for the cleansing of wood stove emissions: a physico chemical characterization of effluents generated by wood combustion and their maturation in the atmospherePR
Lademann Jürgen, H. Richter, L. Frazier, S. Schanzer, I. Gross, A. Patzelt
Center of Experimental and Applied Cutaneous Physiology (CCP), Department of Dermatology and Allergology,
2019Decontamination of the skin from environmental pollutantsPR
Laganá Salvatore, Antonino La Rocca, Kevin Webb, Michael Fay, Alasdair Cairns
The University of Nottingham
2024Assessing the benefits of novel nanoporous silicon nitride membranes to capture and analyse particulate emitted from spark ignited hydrogen internal combustion enginePO
Lähde T., T. Rönkkö, J. Keskinen
Automotive and Transport Engineering, Metropolia university of applied science
2011Size Dependent Charge-Balance in the Diesel Exhaust Particle Size DistributionPO
Lall A.A., W.H. Robertson, K. Sahay, S.K. Friedlander
UCLA Los Angeles
2006Online Measurement of Ultrafine Diesel Exhaust Emission Aggregate Number, Surface Area and Volume Distributions by Differential Mobility Analizer Method of Idealized AggregatePO
Lambrecht U.
2000How can we Estimate Today's and Future Particulate Emissions from Transport and Air Quality?PR
Lamminen E., J. Tikkanen, P. Mikkanen, J. Ojanen
Dekati, Tampere
2003Sampling parameter effect on the particle size distribution during controlled dilutionPR
Landis M., U. Wolfensberger, I. Schiess
Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon
2006Particulate Filters on Tractors PO
Landis M., U. Wolfensberger, I. Schiess
Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon
2007Particulate Filters on TractorsPO
Landis M.
Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon
2009Retrofitting of Particle Filters to Agricultural Vehicles FO
Landis M., F. Machatschek
Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon
2009Field test in tractors with low ash engine oil, Shell Rimula R6 LMPO
Landis M., R. Favero
Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon
2010Particulate filters in rotary cultivatorsPO
Landl Lukas, Stefan Hausberger, Enis Ketan, Martin Opetnik
TU Graz
2024Trends in exhaust and non-exhaust particle emissions in road transportPR
Langenkamp Peter N., Mokhov A.V., Levinsky H.B.
University of Groningen, Netherland
2016Silica Formation in Flames with Siloxane Admixture: Effects of Admixture Concentration, Flame Temperature and Equivalence RatioPO
Lanni Th.
1999Current Particulate Matter Emissions Research at the New York State Department of Environmental ConservationPR
Lanni Th.
2000Particle size distributions from CRT-equipped NYC transit busesPR
Lanz V., A. Prévôt, R. Alfarra, U. Baltensperger, B. Buchmann, C. Hüglin, S. Weimer
2007Source Apportionment of Submicron Organic Aerosols at an Urban Background Site in Zürich, SwitzerlandPR
Lappi M.
VTT Energy and Pulp&paper, Emission Control, Finland P.O.Box 1000
2004Particle sizing and number measurement with EEPS, ELPI, SMPS and CPC techniquesPO
Lappi M., Versala Hannu, Aakko, Päivi, Jokiniemi Joma
VTT Energy and Pulp&paper, Emission Control, Finland P.O.Box 1000
2005Phenomena in sampling diesel particles with full flow and partial flow dilution systemsPO
Lappi M., Unto Tapper, Petri Hirvonen, Jorma Jokiniemi, Hannu Vesala
VTT Energy and Pulp&paper, Emission Control, Finland P.O.Box 1000
2006Morphological characteristics of diesel emission particles from image analysis of electron microscopy imagesPR
Lappi M., S. Hänninen, T. Murtonen, J. Lehtomäki
VTT Energy and Pulp&paper, Emission Control, Finland P.O.Box 1000
2012Origin of Particle Emissions of a new IMO NOx Tier 2 Category Cruising Ship Compliant with European SOx Emission Control AreasPO
Lappi M., J.P. Jaikanen, L. Johansson
VTT Energy and Pulp&paper, Emission Control, Finland P.O.Box 1000
2013Effect of Speed Reduction on Particle Emissions of the ShipPO
Lara Sonia
Castilla La Mancha University
2022Accurate quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs) adsorbed on soot samplesPO
Larsen B.R., A. Farfaletti, C. Astorga, G. Martini, U. Manfredi, A. Mueller, M. Rey, A. Krasenbrink, G. De Santi
European Commission Ispra
2005Effect of water/fuel emulsions and a Cerium based combustion improver additive on HD and LD diesel exhaust emissionsPO
Latzin Ph., M. Röösli, A. Huss, C.E. Kuehni, U. Frey
University of Bern
2009Air pollution during pregnancy and lung function in newborns: a birth cohort studyPR
Lauber A., Th. Nussbaumer
University of Lucerne
2009Design and operation characteristics for electrostatic precipitators for wood combustion particles as function of combustion conditionsPR
Lauber A., Th. Nussbaumer
University of Lucerne
2011Adhesion of Particles from Wood Combustion on Precipitation SurfacesPR
Lauer P., B.Kurok, A. Petzold
MAN Diesel SE
2005Emission and Chemical Composition of PM from Medium Speed 4‑Stroke Marine Diesel Engines for Different FuelsPR
Lauer P.
MAN Diesel SE
2006New findings on PM emission and composition for medium speed 4‑stroke marine Diesel engines operating on Bio-FuelPO
Lauer P.
MAN Diesel SE
2007Internal Reduction and in Service Measurements of PM from large 4-stroke Diesel EnginesPR
Lauer P., A. Petzold, C. Kurok
MAN Diesel SE
2008Comparison of Particulate Matter and Dust Measurements and Determination of Elemental Carbon Content from Marine Diesel EnginesPR
Lauer P.
MAN Diesel SE
2009Actual changes in emission limits for shipsPR
Lauer P.
MAN Diesel SE
2012On the experience of first DPF operation at a medium speed 4-stroke Diesel engine on board a commercial ocean going vesselPR
Lauer P., A. Petzold
MAN Diesel SE
2012On the Correlation of Black Carbon, Filter Smoke Number and PM related Elemental Carbon measured at large Medium Speed 4-stroke Diesel EnginesPO
Lavy J., C.M. Millet, B. Réveillé, H. Abassi, L. Landry, Y. Creff, F. Duault, S. Raquin
IFP Energies nouvelles
2012PM Sensor Development for Diesel Particulate Filter Failure on-board DiagnosticPR
Lawrence Alfred
Isabella Thoburn College Lucknow, India
2017Indoor Air Quality Assessment and Health Impact with Respect to Household Conditions in Urban and Rural Lucknow HousesPR
Lawrence Alfred, Tahmeena Khan
Isabella Thoburn College Lucknow, India
2018Indoor Air Quality Exploration - In Relation to Ambient Pollution and House Characteristics in Urban Lucknow housesPO
Lawrence Alfred, Tahmeena Khan;Jamson Masih
Isabella Thoburn College Lucknow, India
2019Exposure of Heavy Metals and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Indoor Environment: Assessing health Impacts in LucknowPO
Lawrence Alfred, Tahmeena Khan
Isabella Thoburn College
2021Air Quality Variation in Six Most Polluted Cities of Northern India during Diwali 2020PO
Lawrence Alfred, Samridhi Dwivedi, Anam Taushiba
Isabella Thoburn College
2023Health risk assessment of Sub-Micron Particles and Heavy Metals on Children in North Indian Indoor Air  - An Interim AnalysisPR
Lawrence Alfred
Isabella Thoburn College
2024Distribution Assessment and Source apportionment of Particulate bound-PAHs in Indoor Air of south Asian precinct using IDW and PMF receptor model: A comprehensive studyPR
Lawyer Matthew, Brett Bailey
Florida Polytechnic University
2018Global Real Driving Emissions (RDE) Reduction Technology Modeling and Vehicle Demonstration ResultsPR
Le Cornec Clémence, Mino Woo, Marc E.J. Stettler
Imperial College London
2018Prediction of Soot Loading onto DPFs Using Artificial Neural NetworksPO
Le Dur D., H. Isherwood, Erkki Lamminen, Ville Niemelä, Alexandre Marpillat
2009PMP compliant particle number concentration measurement system using ejector dilutersPO
Leach F., R. Stone, D. Richardson
Uni Oxford
2012The Effect of Fuel Volatility and Aromatic Content on Particulate EmissionsPO
Leach F., R. Stone, D. Richardson, N. Wicks
Uni Oxford
2013Evaluation of a PN index on SGDI engines at steady state and over the NEDCPO
Leblanc M., L. Noel, P. Hayrault, St. Raux, B. D'Anna, A. Boreave, B. R'Mili, Ph. Vernoux
IFP Energies nouvelles
2014Characterization of unregulated gaseous and particulate emissions during active regenerations of Diesel Particulate FiltersPO
Lee Chun-beom
2004Laser Induced 2-D In-cylinder soot measurementsPR
Lee Chun-beom, Kwangchul Oh, Jonghun Kim, Kyoungbok Lee, Deokjin Kim, Chunhwan Lee
2010Experimental study on the PM emission characteristics of filter failure conditionsPR
Lee Chun-beom, Oh Kwnag-chul
2014Multi-Purpose Novel Exhaust Gas Test Rig (High Temperature Exhaust Gas Simulator and Soot/SOF Generator)PO
Lee Chun-beom, Seong H.
2015Multi-purpose High Temperature Exhaust Gas SimulatorPR
Lee Chun-beom, Seong H.
2015Black Carbon Concentration at an Inland Area in KoreaPO
Lee Dong-In, Young Soo Yu, Junepyo Cha, Mun Soo Chon
Korea University
2018Characteristics of PN-Emission during Cold- and Hot-starts in Real World Driving TestsPO
Lee Gunhee, Chaeyeon Jo, Dongho Shin, Daehoon Park, Bangwoo Han
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
2024Particle characterization for the development of a brake wear particle collection systemPO
Lee Jeonghoon, SeungCheol Han
Korea University
2014Black carbon and elemental carbon concentrations of spark-generated carbon particlesPO
Lee Jeonghoon
Korea University
2015Black Carbon Concentration at an Inland Area in KoreaPO
Lee K., Kyeong Lee, Seung Yang
Argonne National Laboratory
2010Detailed morphological investigation of diesel nano-particles for their efficient controlPR
Lee Seokhwan, Park Inyong, Kim Minjae, Lee Janghee
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
2016Particulate Emissions Emitted from DI Diesel Engine Operated with Wood Pyrolysis OilPO
Lee Seokhwan, Gibaek Kim, Kernyong Kang, Junbeen Yim, Cheonseog Yoon
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
2018Particulate Emissions from Diesel Engine Operated with Coffee Ground Pyrolysis OilPO
Legerer F.
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2003AKPF (Arbeitskreis Partikelfilter / Association of Key People in Filtertechnology), a task force invaluable to DPF industryPO
Legerer F., A. Mayer
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2003VERT-verification of particulate trap systems in Switzerland and efforts for worldwide harmonizationPO
Legerer F.
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2005Update on Nanoparticle Filtration PO
Legerer F.
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2005An Engineering Estimate to Correlate Number Count and PM CriteriaPO
Legerer F., A. Mayer
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2008Mass and Number - An Exercise in Convolution of Frequency-DistributionsPO
Legerer F., A. C. R. Mayer
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2010Mass and Number: An algorithm for convolution of frequency-distributions with measured numerical resultsPO
Legerer F., A. C. R. Mayer
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2010Number Count – A plea for logarithmic scalingPO
Legerer F., Th. Legerer, A. Mayer
Rotenturmstr. 21/15 A – 1010 Wien Tel. +43(1)535 4148
2011Sensitivity to Measuring Accuracy in Estimating Parameters of Logarithmic Standard DistributionPO
Lehmann A., F. Blank, O. Baum, M. Wehrli, P. Gehr, B. Rothen Rutishauser
University of Bern
2008Analysis of Tight Junction Protein Expression in Macrophages and Dendritic cells after Exposure to Diesel Exhaust Particles and its Functional Aspects Drawn from a Cellular Airway ModelPO
Lehmann A., F. Blank, O. Baum, P. Gehr, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Bern
2009Diesel exhaust particles affect expression and arrangement of the tight junction protein occludin in lung cells in vitroPO
Lehmann Martin J., Lars C. Larsen, Lauretta Rubino, Hartmut Niemann, Carlos Casado, Teresa Moreno, Christof Asbach, Tome Canas, Katie Kedwell, Keld A. Jensen, Biase Liguori, Dalila Antunes
2024Reducing Brake Dust Particle EmissionsPO
Lehmann U.
2001Characterization and Cross-Validation of Particle Measurement InstrumentsPR
Lehmann U.
2002Particulate emissions of heavy duty engines on different test c yclesPR
Lehmann U.
2004Particle characterization of modern SI and CI passenger cars at low ambient temperaturesPR
Lehtoranta Kati, Hannu Vesala, Rasmus Pettinen, Timo Murtonen, Mia Isotalo, Jenni Alanen, Topi Rönkkö, Sanna Saarikoski, Hilkka Timonen, Joonas Vanhanen, Pekka Salo
VTT; Finland
2018Particle emissions from gas engine utilizing natural gas and propane as fuelPO
Lehtoranta Kati, Aakko-Saksa Päivi, Murtonen Timo, Vesala Hannu, Ntziachristos Leonidas, Karjalainen Panu, Rönkkö Topi, Kuittinen Niina, Alanen Jenni
VTT; Finland
2018Particle mass and number emissions from marine engines preparing for the upcoming sulphur cap limitsPR
Lehtoranta Kati, Matilainen Pekka, Asenbrygg Juha-Matti, Lievonen Ari, Kinnunen Toni
2007Reducing Diesel Particle Emissions by Particle Oxidation CatalystPR
Lehtoranta Kati, H. Vesala, S. Nyyssönen, P. Koponen, T. Murtonen, S. Korhonen,
2015Impact of SCR on particle emissions in HFO applicationPO
Lehtoranta Kati, Alanen J., Rönkkö T., Simonen P., Murtonen T., Vesala H., Saarikoski S., Timonen H., Maunula T., Kallinen K., Korhonen S
VTT, Finland
2016Particle Emissions from a Natural Gas Engine with and without a CatalystPO
Leidenberger U., Ch. Hütti, D. Brüggemann
University Bayreuth
2009Influence of engine operating parameters on physical and chemical properties of emitted soot particlesPR
Leidenberger U., U. Brüggemann
University Bayreuth
2010Optical investigations to the influence of engine operating parameters on physical and chemical properties of soot particlesPO
Leidenberger U., S. Koch, W. Mühlbauer, S. Lorenz, D. Brüggemann
University Bayreuth
2011Optical Investigations of the Influence of Diesel Engine Operating Parameters on Physical and Chemical Properties of Emitted SootPR
Leidenberger U., S. Lorenz, S. Lehmann, D. Brüggemann
University Bayreuth
2012Detailed Investigation to the Influence of Diesel Engine Operating Parameters on Physicochemical Properties of Emitted Soot PR
Leipertz A.
LTT Erlangen
2000On-Line Diesel Soot Diagnostics by Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence (TIRE-LII)PR
Lemaire J.
1997The Industry of Emissions Controls and the Ultrafine ParticlesPR
Lemaire J.
1999What are the Ultimate Limits of Integrated Emission Controls Strategies?PR
Lenz K., D. Scheder, T. Kusaka, K. Inoue, I. Asano
2011Propriety to use NaCl Particles by Atomizing on Calibration of Particle Number Counting System as Reference ParticlesPO
Lepperhoff O., A. Pungs, B. Lüers
1999New Insights into In-Cylinder Particle Size Distribution changes during a Diesel Engine Combustion ProcessPR
Leskinen Ari, P. Yli-Pirilä, L. Hao, J. Kim, T. Torvela, E. Asmi, D. Brus, J. Grigonyte, A. Jaatinen, E. Kari, A. Kortelainen, K. Kuuspalo, H. Lamberg, J. Leskinen, U. Makkonen, P. Miettinen, I. Nuutinen, T. Raatikainen, O. Sippula, H. Hakola, J. Jokiniemi, A. Virtanen, M. Komppula, K.E.J. Lehtinen
Finnish Meteorological Inst.
2014Aging of Diesel Engine Exhaust, Pellet Boiler Exhaust, and their Mixture PR
Leskinen Ari, A. Ruuskanen, D. Fang, K. Kuuspalo, P. Jalava, P. Wang, Ch. Qu, J. Jokiniemi, M. Hirvonen, K. Lehtinen, M. Komppula
Finnish Meteorological Inst.
2015Aerosol Measurements in Nanjing, ChinaPO
Leskinen Ari, Tiita P., Hao L., Yli-Pirilä P. et al.
University of Eastern Finland
2016Daytime and Nighttime Aging of Logwood Combustion AerosolsPR
Leuenberger Chr.
2014Legislation Towards Risk based Ambient Air Quality StandardsPR
Leutert G.
Air Consult
2007SNR 277205 - Swiss Rule for Testing Particle Filter Systems PO
Leutert G.
Air Consult
2008Swiss Standard NNR 277 205 for Particle Filter VerificationPO
Li Cheng G., F. Mao, H.J. Koelmann
Dow Automotive
2006New High Performance DPF Development and Its ApplicationPO
Li Kun, Jun Zhang, David Bell, Tiantian Wang, Neelakshi Hudda, Imad El Haddad, Jay Slowik, Andre Prevot
Paul Scherrer Institute
2021Secondary nanoparticles formation and composition from open and residential wood burningPR
Li Zepeng, Roberts W., Chung Suk Ho
King Abdullah University, Jeddah
2016Effect of Dimethyl Ether Mixing on Soot Size Distribution in Premixed Ethylene FlamePO
Li Zepeng, Hafiz M. F. Amin, Yu Wang, Suk Ho Chung, William L. Roberts
King Abdullah University of Science, Saudi Arabia
2018Effect of Dimethyl Ether Addition on Sooting Limits in Counterflow Diffusion Flames at Elevated PressuresPR
Li Zepeng, Peng Liu, Suk Ho Chung, William L. Roberts
King Abdullah University, Jeddah
2019A Theoretical Study of PAHs Growth by Phenylacetylene AdditionPO
Liati A., P.D. Eggenschwiler, D. Schreiber
2014Electron Microscopic Analysis of Metal-bearing Particle Emissions from Diesel EnginesPR
Licina Dusan, Shen Yang, Tatjana Mueller, NijingWang, Gabriel Bekö, MeixiaZhang, Marouane Merizak, Pawel Wargocki, Jonathan Williams
2024Influence of ventilation and room air movement on formation and growth of 1-20 nm particles via ozone-human chemistryPR
Ligterink Norbert, F.J.M. van den Putte, F. Heepen, R.N. van Gijlswijk, E.G. Buskermolen, M. Elstgeest, G. Kadijk, E. Voogd
2019Smart Emission Measurement System (SEMS) for real-world driving emissions monitoringPO
Lim I.G.
University Myong-Ji
2004Introduction of DPF S-Cube by volumetric filtration and active regenerationPO
Lim I.G.
University Myong-Ji
2004Introduction of DPF S-Cube by volumetric filtration and active regenerationPR
Limbach L.K., T.J. Brunner, P. Wick, W. Bruinink, W.J. Stark
2006In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Oxide Nanoparticles: Comparison to Asbestos, Silica and the Effect of Particle SolubilitPO
Limbach L.K., R.N. Grass, P. Wick, A. Bruinink, W.J. Stark
2007Exposure of Engineered Nanoparticles to Human Lung Epithelial Cells: Influence of Chemical Composition and Catalytic Activity on Oxidative StressPR
Linares W., F. Payri, V. Bermudez, J. Miguel Salavert
CMT-Motores Termicos, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
2011Evaluation of non-volatile Nucleation Particles in a HSDI Engine over Transient Operating ConditionPO
Lind T., U. Tapper, J. Hokkinen, J.K. Jokiniemi
Paul Scherrer Institut
2006Formation of Fine and Ultrafine Particles during Waste CombustionPR
Lindner Gert, Nowak A., Rosahl J., Bär M., Ebert V.
PTB Braunschweig, Germany
2016An Accompanying CFD-study on Partial Flow Sampling from a Soot Aerosol Dilution SetupPO
Link O.
2014The testo 380: New Portable Apparatus for Real-Time Gravimetric Measurement of Particulate Matter in the Sub-Micrometer RangePO
Lintis L., Vallières C. , Coppalle A. , Salm F. , Ouf F.-X
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
2017Water Sorption Phenomenon on Solid Particles Emitted during a Fire: Identification of the Influencing Physico-chemical ParametersPO
Lintusaari Henna, Heino Kuuluvainen, Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, Jarkko V. Niemi, Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority, Helsinki, Finland, Joonas Vanhanen, Airmodus Oy, Helsinki, Finland, Anssi Järvinen, Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, Hilkka Timonen, Atmospheric Composition Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, Topi Rönkkö, Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
Tampere University
2019Non-volatile sub-23 nm particle concentrations in a busy street canyonPO
Littera D., M. Velardi, A. Cozzolini, M.C. Besch, A. Thiruvengadam, D.K. Carder, M. Gautam
Uni West Virginia
2012Integrated Physical and Chemical Measurements of PM Emissions in a Dispersing Plume of Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck: Wind Tunnel StudiesPR
Littera D., M. Besch, A. Cozzolini, M. Velardi, D.K. Carder, M. Gautam
Uni West Virginia
2013Real-Time DPF-Filtration Efficiencies Using In-Line Particle Matter SensorsPO
Liu Peng, Zepeng Li, Anthony Bennett, William L. Roberts
Kaust University Saudi Arabia
2018The Formation Pathway of Soot Precursors (PAHs) and its Transformation to Soot in FlamePO
Liu Peng, Peng Liu, Zepeng, Li, Anthony,
Kaust University Saudi Arabia
2019Soot nucleation triggered by PAH with vinyl radical substitutionPO
Liu X.
Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area
2010The offroad particle filter retrofit project in Beijing 2011 PR
Liu Z.
2002Particle sizing experience with composite and extruded Diesel particulate filtersPR
Lixi Simone, Simone Casadei, Davide Faedo, Martina Martini, Tommaso Rossi
Innovhub - SSI
2023Particulate matter and CO2eq. emissions from three Euro 6d bi-fuel LPG passenger cars, fed by an innovative LPG/DME 80/20 (V/V) blendPR
Lloyd Marshall, Toyib Olaniyan, Arman Ganji, Junshi Xu, Leora Simon, Mingqian Zhang, Milad Saeedi, Shoma Yamanouchi, An Wang, Richard T. Burnett, Michael Tjepkema, Marianne Hatzopoulou, Scott Weichenthal
McGill University
2024Airborne Nanoparticle Concentrations are Associated with Brain Cancer Incidence in Canada's Two Largest CitiesPR
Lloyd Marshall, Scott Weichenthal, Alessya Venuta, Shaainee Ramnawaz, Marianne Hatzopoulou, Doug Petican, Blake Laufer
McGill University
2024Developing and Evaluating an Integrated Machine Learning Approach to Estimating Near Real-Time Local Level Concentrations of Outdoor Ultrafine Particles using Street-Level Images and City SoundsPO
Löber Manuel., L. Bondorf, T. Grein, T. Schripp, S.Wieser, S. Reiland, F. Philipps
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Stuttgart, Germany
2023Formation and Morphological Appearance of Tyre Wear Particle EmissionsPO
Lohe S., Arpan Patra, Harish C. Phuleria
IIT Bombau, India
2017Lung-Deposited Surface Area, Number, Black Carbon and Mass Concentration of PM2.5 from Different Kerbside MeasurementsPO
Lohmann Ulrike, K. Dieh
2005Importance of anthropogenic soot aerosols for clouds and climatePR
Lohmann Ulrike
2011Impact of Black Carbon Aerosols on Global WarmingPR
Lohmann Ulrike
2014Climate Effects of Black Carbon AerosolsPR
Lohmann Ulrike, Abegglen M., Sierau B
ETHZ Switzerland
2016Chemical Characterization of Freshly Emitted Particulate Matter from Aircraft Exhaust Using Single Particle Mass SpectrometryPR
Lohmann Ulrike, F. Friebel, Z. A. Kanji, F. Mahrt, A. A. Mensah, D. Neubauer
ETH Zurich
2021Future warming exacerbated by aged-soot effect on cloud formationFO
Lonati G., S. Ozgen, G. Ripamonti, S. Cernuschi, M. Giugliano
DIIAR, Politecnico di Milano
2010Ultrafine particle emissions from municipal solid waste incineration plantsPO
Lonati G., A. Colombi, S. Ozgen, G. Ripamonti
DIIAR, Politecnico di Milano
2012Daily Patterns of Traffic-Generated Particles and Gaseous Pollutants at a Kerbside Site in Milan, ItalyPR
Lonati G., V. Giugliano, G. Ripamonte
DICA Milano
2014Ultrafine Particles Generation from Plasma Processing of GraphitePO
Lonati G., Fermo P., Galli C.L., Vecchi R.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
2016In Vitro Assessment of Proinflammatory and Genotoxicological Effects of Wood Combustion-Generated Ultrafine ParticlesPR
Lonati G., Paola Fermo, Marina Marinovich, Roberta Vecchi
DIIAR, Politecnico di Milano
2017Toxicity of Biomass Combustion Generated Ultrafine Particles: Evidence from Stack-sampled and Airborne UFPsPO
Lonati G., Senem Ozgen, Stefania Gilardoni
DIIAR, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
2018Ultrafine Particles and Black Carbon Measurements at an Urban Background Site in Milan (Italy)PO
Lonati G., Senem Ozgen, Stefano Cernuschi
DIIAR, Politecnico di Milano
2019Black carbon concentration levels along pedestrian routes in MilanPO
Lopez Brenda, Xiaoliang Wang, Antony Chen, Tianyi Ma, David Mendez-Jimenez, Ling Cui Cobb, Chas Frederickson, Ting Fang, Brian Hwang, Manabu Shiraiwa, Minhan Park, Kihong Park, Qi Yao, Seungju Yoon, Heejung Jung
University of California Riverside CE-CERT
2023Elemental content of brake and tire wear PM2.5 and PM10 at Near-Road EnvironmentsPR
Lorenzo R., R. Kägi, P. Steinle, P. Thali, B. Grobéty
2006Single Particle Analysis of Welding FumePO
Löschau G.
Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landschaft + Geologie, Dresden
2010Ultrafeine Partikel – Sondermessung im Luftgütemessnetz in SachsenFO
Löschau G., S. Batian, A. Hausmann, F. Rasch, W. Birmili
Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landschaft + Geologie, Dresden
2013Saxony – A Pioneer in Monitoring ultrafine Particles in GermanyPR
Lowther Scott, Scott Lowther, Kevin Jones, Wang Xinming, Duncan Whyatt, Oliver Wild
Lancaster University, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2019Low cost PM sensors; are they suitable for measuring subtle particle variations in ambient or indoor air?PO
Lu Xingming, Khizer Saeed
University of Brighton
2014Understanding the effects of Precursor Loading Factors on the Morphology of Premixed Flame Synthesized nanoparticlesPO
Lüders H.
Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landschaft + Geologie, Dresden
1997Effect of Measurement Conditions on Ultrafine Particle EmissionsPR
Lüönd Felix, J. Schlatter
MTU Friedrichshafen
2011Charge Distribution in a Combustion Aerosol StandardPO
Lüönd Felix, F. Schlatter
MTU Friedrichshafen
2012Aerosolization of Monodisperse Spherical Gold Particles as Reference for Calibration of Mobility AnalyzersPR
Lüönd Felix, J. Schlatter
2013A New Method to Improve Performance of a Tandem-DMA Setup for Size Selection of Airborne NanoparticlesPO
Lüönd Felix
2016A new, traceable METAS calibration service for particle countersPO
Luttinger A., D. Katoshevski, E. Sher, M. Ruzal-Mendelevich, Hongjun Mao
2015Particle Agglomeration Inducer application in EURO-II Heavy Duty truck retrofittingPO
Lutz M.
Senate Department for Health, Environment and Consumer Protection Berlin
2008Berlin's Low Emission Zone – rationale and resumee after 100 days in forceFO
Lutz M., A. Rauterberg-Wulff
Senate Department for Health, Environment and Consumer Protection Berlin
2010Umweltzone in Berlin – Top oder Flop ? Resultate einer Wirkungsanalyse nach zwei BetriebsjahrenFO
Lutz Thomas
ETHZ, Switzerland
2016DPF Inspection & Maintenance, Methodology and Practice FO
Lykkegaard M., A. G. Hemmersam, T.N. Jensen, K.G. Nielsen, H. Tarp, M. Poulsen
Danish Technological Institute, Kongsvang Aarhus
2011Shipboard Characterization of Particle and Gas Emission from a Danish Inland FerryPO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Ma Dong
VECC Beijing
2015China Air Quality Status and Emission Reduction for Mobile SourcesFO
Macduff M.
2002The benefits of platinum based additives for diesel particulate filter functionPR
Maggiore Maurizio, Barouch Giechaskiel, Ricardo Suarez-Bertoa
EU Commission
2019Retrofits: an effective stopgap solution for current and future air quality problems? The results of the EU prize for the Cleanest Engine RetrofitPR
Magno Agnese, Silvana Di Iorio, Francesco Catapano, Bianca Vaglieco, Sebastian Pfau, Antonino la Rocca
2021Sub-23 nm particle contribution from DI spark ignition engines fueled with gasoline and ethanol blends: PMP compliant measurement and digital filteringPO
Magno Agnese, F. Catapano, S. Di Iorio, B. M. Vaglieco
2024Comprehensive investigation on the effect of different brake profiles and temperature on the brake wear particle emissionsPR
Mahamuni Gaurav, Jay Rutherford, Igor Novosselov
University of Washington Seattle
2019Fluorescence Spectroscopy based Sensing of Combustion Generated Particulate MatterPO
Mahrt Fabian, C. Marcolli, R. O. David, U. Lohmann, P. Grönquist, E. J. Barthazy Meier, Z. A. Kanji
2018Soot Aerosols as a Source for Ice Nucleating Particles in the Cirrus Regime – the Role of Soot Particle properties.PR
Mahrt Fabian, Kevin Kilchhofer, Claudia Marcolli, Philippe Grönquist, David Neubauer, Robert O. David, Michael Rösch, Ulrike Lohmann, Zamin A. Kanji
2019The impact of cloud processing on the ice nucleation abilities of soot particles at cirrus temperaturesPO
Mamakos A., L. Ntziachristos, Z. Samaras, J. Tikkanen, M. Maricq
Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2007A Revised Data Inversion Algorithm for the Dekati's Mass MonitorPR
Mamakos A., Chr. Dardiotis, G. Martini, A. Perujo, A. Marotta, U. Manfredi
Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2011Measurements of Sub 23 nm Particles emitted from late Technology Passenger Cars, using a PMP compliant Volatile Particle RemoverPO
Mamakos A., P. Bonnel, M. Carriero
Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2011Correlation Between PM, Soot and Airborne Particle Mass Emitted from Diesel Heavy Duty Engines at PM Levels Ranging from Euro V to Post-DPFPR
Mamakos A., G. Martini
Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2012On the Feasibility of Measuring the Number of sub-23 nm non-volatile Particles following the PMP procPR
Mamakos A., Reinisch T., Bergmann A., Fierz M., Brunnhofer G., Roveda D., Vescoli V
Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2015Bringing the PMP Methodology on-BoardPO
Mamakos Athanasios, Michael Arndt, Katharina Kolbeck, Thomas Schroeder, Matthias Bernhard, David Hesse, Christopher Hamatschek, Klaus Augsburg
AVL List GmbH
2021Solid and volatile brake-wear nanoparticles under real-world operating conditionsPR
Mandal Bijan Kumar, Achin Kumar Chowdhury, Amitava Datta
Bengal Engineering and Science University
2009A Simplified Numerical Model of Transient Soot Formation and its Oxidation in Diffusion FlamePO
Mandal Bijan Kumar, Achin Kumar Chowdhuri, Somnath Chakraborti
Bengal Engineering and Science University
2014Fuel Dilution and Air-Preheating Effect on Soot Formation in Diffusion FlamePO
Mandal Bijan Kumar, Kumar Chowdhuri Achin, Chakraborti Somnath
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Delhi
2016Numerical Study on the Combined Effect of Fuel Dilution and Air Preheating on Soot Formation in Diffusion FlamePO
Marcolli Claudia, Fabian Mahrt, Bernd Kärcher
ETH Zurich
2023Heterogeneous ice nucleation of soot particles: measurements, predictions and implicationsPR
Marczak Marta, Tadeusz Dziok, Piotr Bochenek, Faustyna Wierońska
AGH University Krakow
2019The influence of boiler type, Hg and As content in combusted coal on the content of these elements in chimney soot as a source of air pollutionPO
Marczak-Grzesik Marta, Faustyna Wieronska-Wiśniewska, Lukas Pilar, Jerzy Górecki, Karel Borovec
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
2021Distribution of Hg and As in the process of lignite and subbituminous coals combustion in the pulverised and fluidized bed reactorPO
Margari Ourania, S. Kunte, K. Boulouchos
2006Quantitative Optical Measurements of Soot Evolution in Diesel Sprays in a Constant Volume Chamber with Different Fuel CompositionPO
Maricq M., Dick Chase, Diane Podsiedlik
Ford Motor Company
1999Comparing ELPI and SMPS Measurements of Motor Vehicle Exhaust PMPR
Maricq M.
Ford Motor Company
1999Compering ELPI and SMPS Measurements of Motor Vehicle Exhaust PMPR
Maricq M.
Ford Motor Company
2001The Roles of Fracture and Coagulation in Determining a Universal Size Distribution for Light Duty Diesel Particulate MatterPR
Maricq M.
Ford Motor Company
2001The effects of the catalyst and fuel sulfur on PM emissions – wind tunnel and dynamometer measurementsPR
Maricq M.
Ford Motor Company
2002Constant volume rapid exhaust dilutionPR
Maricq M.
Ford Motor Company
2010Particle free combustion: What are the possibilities and tradeoffs?PR
Markowski Jaroslaw, J. Merkisz, J. Pielecha, D. Karpinski, M. Galant
Poznan University
2014Influence of an Oxygen Additive to Jet Fuel on the Particle Emissions from a Small Turbine EnginePO
Markowski Jaroslaw, J. Pielecha, R. Jasinski
Poznan University
2015Particulate Emissions from Jet EnginePO
Markowski Jaroslaw, Pielecha J., Jasiński R.
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
2016Effect of Biofuel Additive on Particle Size DistributionPO
Marshall I.
2001The UK Valid Analytical Measurement Programme for Ultrafine ParticlesPR
Martikainen Sampsau, Sampsa Martikainen, Panu Karjalainen, Antti Rostedt, Markus Bainschab, Alexander Bergmann, Jon Andersson, Leonidas Ntziachristos, Ananias Tomboulides, Zisimos Toumasatos, Zissis Samaras, Jorma Keskinen
Tampere University
2018Dependence of Dilution Performance of a Prototype Setup for Sampling Non-volatile Engine Exhaust Particles down to ten Nanometer in Diameter on Pressure Variations in Sample LinePO
Martin de Lagarde Violaine, T. Rogez, F. Cazier-Dennin, D. Dewaele, M. Janona, F. Cazier, C. Monteil, C. Corbière
University of Rouen Normandy
2021Characterization of oxidative potential and toxicology in vitro study of fine and ultrafine PM generated by smoke grenades shotsPO
Martini G., P. Bonnel, A. Krasenbrink, G. De Santi
EU Joint Research Centre, Ispra
2003Particulate emissions from mopeds: effect of lubricant and fuelPR
Maskova Ludmila, V. Zdimal, J. Ondracek, J. Schwarz, P. Bradna, D. Pelclova
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS
2024Personal exposure to particulate matter during grinding of dental nanocompositePR
Massling A., J.K. Noejgaard, P. Waahlin, B. Jensen, A.G. Hemmersam, C. Raahede
Danish Technological Institute, Kongsvang Aarhus
2009A laboratory emission study on biodiesel fuelled low duty enginesPO
Mathies K., V. Hosseini
2015The new Heavy Duty Diesel Environmental Regulation of IranPR
Mathis U.
2001EU-Programme "Particulates"PR
Mathis U.
2002Influencing parameters of nanoparticle formation from diesel exhaustPR
Mathis U.
2003Effect of organic vapour in diesel exhaust on nanoparticle formationPR
Matousek Th., H. Dageörde
2013Investigations on the Influence of Injection Pressures up to 300 bar on Particle Emissions in a GDI-Engine using Multiple Particle SensorsPR
Matter U.
ETH / Matter Engineering
1997Penetration of Diesel Particle Filters Evaluated by Various Soot Analyzing TechniquesPR
Matter U.
ETH / Matter Engineering
1998Particle Measurement of Combustion Exhaust and Occupational ExposurePR
Matter U.
ETH / Matter Engineering
1999Formation of Volatile Particles in TrapsPR
Matter U.
ETH / Matter Engineering
2000Stand Alone Soot Generation – New Standard, Adjustable in Size and ConcentrationPR
Matter U.
ETH / Matter Engineering
2001Influence of Sampling Conditions, Engine Load and Fuel Quality on Measurement of Ultrafine Particles from a Modern Diesel Vehicle – Sampling-Measuring- and Analyzing MethodsPR
Mätzing H., W. Baumann, H.R. Paur, H. Seifert
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2010Particle mass spectrometry of soot particle formationPR
May J., D. Bosteels, J. Andersson, A. Nicol, Chr. Such
2008Particle Number and Particulate Mass Emissions Measurements on a EURO VI DPF-and SCR-equipped Heavy-duty Engine using the PMP MethodologiesPO
May J., A. Favre, D. Bosteels, J. Andersson, Ch. Such, S. Fagg
2010AECC heavy duty NRMM test programme: particle measurement and characterisationPR
May J., D. Bosteels, C. Favre
2011Particulate Emissions from Typical Light-Duty Vehicles taken from the European Fleet equipped with a Variety of Emissions Control TechnologiesPR
Mayer Andreas C.
1997VERT: Diesel Nano-Particulate EmissionsPR
Mayer Andreas C.
1998Emission Factors for Fine Dust from Road TrafficPR
Mayer Andreas C.
1999Trapping Efficiency for solid Particles … and the Volatiles?PR
Mayer Andreas C.
2001Experience with trapping diesel nanoparticles in SwitzerlandPR
Mayer Andreas C., A. Hebert, J. Czerwinski, J.-L. Pétermann
2003Particle emission of HD-2-stroke engines and reduction strategies for transit bus applicationsPO
Mayer Andreas C., Th. Lutz, Chr. Lämmle, F. Legerer
2003Intake throttling, a very effective tool for trap regenerationPO
Mayer Andreas C., M. Kasper
2005Fine Dust and Nanoparticles PO
Mayer Andreas C., T. Mosimann, F. Legerer, R. Kotzick
2006Nanoparticle-Emission of a Euro 5 HDV compared to Euro 3PR
Mayer Andreas C., M. Kasper, A. Ulrich, J. Czerwinski
2007Properties of particle filters after long term real world operationPO
Mayer Andreas C., J. Czerwinski
2008Nanoparticle Emissions Biofuel operated Diesels PO
Mayer Andreas C.
2009Properties of Partial Flow Filter Systems for Reduction of Particle Emissions with LDV and HDVPO
Mayer Andreas C., J. Czerwinski, A. Ulrich, M. Kasper
2010Engine emitted metal oxide nanoparticlesPR
Mayer Andreas C., J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, J. Jooney, L. Karvonen
2011Diesel Particle Filter Systems for High Sulfur FuelPO
Mayer Andreas C., F. Legerer, J. Mooney
2014Request for BAT-Level of All In-Use Engines – a New Challenge for the OEMPR
Mayer Andreas C.
2014PN versus PM: which Metric for Emission Limits and Air Quality Limits PR
Mayer Andreas C., V. Hensel, M. Wyser, Th. Lutz
2018100 Million of Highly Efficient Particle Filters, now Operational in Diesel Vehicles - a Unique Success for Preventive MedicinePO
Mayer Andreas C., J.Schiltknecht, M.Wyser, F.Legerer, J.Czerwinski
2018PN as Toxic Air Contaminant is by far Underestimated while NO2 is OverestimatedPO
Mayer Andreas C., J. Czerwinski, M. Wyser, N. Heeb
2018Uniform Metrics for Toxic Air Contaminants are Required to Link Vehicle Emissions, Air Quality Criteria and the Working PlacePO
Mayer Andreas C.
2019Emission Reduction Measures Recommended for "Post Euro 6"FO
Mayer Andreas C.
2019Particle Surface to characterize biologic activity - but which one ?PO
Mayer Andreas C., Thomas Lutz
2019Periodic Emission Inspection of SCR-equipped cars and trucksPR
Mayer Andreas C., J. Czerwinski, M.Wyser, F.Legerer
2019PM ambient must be specified by EC like PM tailpipe by PNPO
Mayer Andreas C., M.Wyser, J.Czerwinski, V.Hensel
2019White Spots on the Emission Reduction RoadmapPR
Mayer Andreas C.
2022How to guide legislation - An introduction to the ETH-NPC Focus Event 2022FO
Mayer Andreas C.
2023Millions of Soot Filters mitigating Climate ChangePR
Mayer H.
Badstrasse 26 Waldshut Tiengen
2010Active DPF-System for nanoparticle-filtration und NO2-reduction in real life at low exhaust temperaturesPO
Mayer Joerg, Burtscher H., Lutz T., Czerwinsky J., Mayer R., Mayer A., Specht P., Lämmle C., Jent P., Feld H.-J., Legerer F., Frey J.
2023Aerodynamics and Filtration Conditions for Bio-Aerosol Protection shown for the NanoCleanAir Baldachin, a Hospital Bed Protection System for an Intermediate Care SettingPR
Mazaheri M., C. Reche, I. Rivas, S. Clifford, L. Crilley, A. Alastuey, M. Viana, J. Sunyer, M. Alvarez, X. Querol, L. Morawska
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
2015Environmental Factors Affecting Exposure to Ambient Ultrafine Particles at Urban Schools PO
1997Evaluation of Instruments for Vehicle Emission Particle SizingPR
1998Fuels Measurement StudiesPR
1999Interaction of Metrology and the Assessment of Health EffectsPR
2000Health Effects of Particle Emissions – Impact on MetrologyPR
2000Questionnaire from the 3th ETH Workshop 1999PR
2000VPEC-Programm / UKPR
2001A Review of Recent Health Effects ResearchPR
McDonald J., M. Campen, Mauderly
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute Albuquerque
2007Contributions of Carbonaceous (Nano) Particulate and Non-Particulate Components to Health Hazards of Engine EmissionsPR
Mehring M., O. Kröcher, M. Elsener, A. Wokaun
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008Development of a TGA-FTIR-method as R&D tool in exhaust gas aftertreatmentPO
Mehring M., O. Kröcher, M. Elsener
Paul Scherrer Institut
2009First investigation of the SCR reaction over diesel soot with new TG-FTIR system for research with condensable and reactive gasesPO
Mehring M., O. Kröcher, M. Elsener
Paul Scherrer Institut
2010Investigation of diesel soot reactivities with condensable and corrosive gases in a new TG-FTIR systemPR
Mei F.
2002Metal fiber based DPF for wide range of applicationsPR
Meier R., M. Riediker
Université de Lausanne/Genève
2011Field comparison of two hand-held devices to assess airborne ultrafine particle ConcentrationsPO
Meier R., M. Eeftens, H. Phuleria, A. Ineichen, M. Davey, R. Ducret-Stich, Chr. Schindler, R. Gehrig, Th. Rochat, J.-M. Gaspoz, N. Probst-Hensch, N. Künzli, Ming-Yi Tsai
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
2014Indoor and Outdoor Concentrations of Ultrafine Particles PM2.5, PMabsorbance and NO2PR
Melas A., M. Kostoglou, P. Baltzopoulou, Y. Konstandopoulos
2013On the Relation between Aerodynamic and Mobility Diameter Distributions for Aggregates Consisting of few MonomersPO
Melas A.
2015Oxidative Fragmentation of Soot AggregatesPO
Mendoza Villafuerte P.
European Commission
2015Results of the PM Pre-Pilot Program. PO
Mendoza Villafuerte Pablo, Joachym Demuynck, Dirk Bosteels
AECC - Association for Emissions Control by Catalysts
2021Ultra-Low PN10 Emissions of a Close-Coupled Emission Control System on a Heavy-duty Truck ApplicationPR
Merkisz J., J. Pielecha
Poznan University of Technology
2008Measurement of Particle Matter Composition in Common Rail Diesel EnginePO
Merola S.S.
Istituto Motori – CNR
1998Optical Detection and Sizing of "Hyper-Fine" Organic ParticlesPR
Merola S.S., P. Sementa, C. Tornatore
Istituto Motori – CNR
2010In-cylinder investigations of particulate formation in SI boosted enginePR
Mertes P., S.M. Platt, I. El-Haddad, L. Pfaffenberger, J. Dommen, A.S.H. Prévôt, M. Kalberer, U. Baltensperger
2012Determination of Peroxides and Brown Carbon in Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol using a Novel Long Path Absorption PhotometerPO
Messerer A., D. Rothe, C. Knab, U. Pöschl, R. Niessner
TU München, Oberland, MAN
2003Soot particle deposition and oxidation in novel catalyst structuresPR
Messerer A.
TU München, Oberland, MAN
2004New strategies for emission reduction of HD vehiclesPO
Metz N.
1998Influence of Modern Diesel Technology on the Size of Aggregate ParticlesPR
Metz N., O. Resch, F. Steinparzer
1999Characterization of Particulate Matter Emission of Modern Diesel Passenger CarsPR
Metz N.
2000Mass, Size, Number and Surface of Diesel Soot Particles of DI Engines with Common RailPR
Metz N.
2001Development of particle numbers in cities of the diesel passenger car fleet in GermanyPR
Metz N.
2003Criteria for health effects evaluation of diesel particulate matterPR
Metz N.
2004Nanoparticles from Combustion Processes in situ, in the ambient air and in the respiratory systemPO
Meyer N., Z.D. Ristovski
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2005Analysis of the Volatile and Hygroscopic Properties of Diesel Exhaust using the VH-TDMAPO
Meyer N., Z.D. Ristovski, E.R. Jayaratne
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2006Volatile Properties of CNG and Diesel Bus Emissions Produced During Steady State and Transient Driving ModesPO
Meyer N., Z.D. Ristovski, E.R. Jayaratne, M. Fierz, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2007Steady State and Transient Vehicle Emissions Measured Using a Diffusion Size ClassifierPO
Meyer N., M. Fierz, C. Houle, P. Steigmeier, H. Burtscher
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2008A new electrical bi-polar neutralizerPO
Meyer N.
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
2011Emissions from future sustainable increases in residential wood combustion in SwitzerlandPO
Middendorf A.
DES-Diesel Exhaust
200914 Jahre Erfahrung im Feld mit passiven und aktiven Abgasreinigungssystemen zur Nachrüstung von Fahrzeugen aller ArtFO
Miettinen Elina, Joonas Vanhanen, Minna Väkevä
2018Using a Battery of Airmodus A20 Butanol Condensation Particle Counters for Fast Aerosol Particle Number Size Distribution MeasurementPO
Migliorini F., K. Thomson, G. Smallwood
National Research Council of Canada
2010Constancy of soot refractive index absorption function - implications for optical measurements of nanoparticlesPR
Migliorini F., S. De Luliis, S. Maffi, G. Zizak
National Research Council of Canada
2013High sensitivity Laser-Induced Incandescence instrument for carbonaceous particles detectionPR
Migliorini F., Silvana De Iuliis, Roberto Dondè, Giorgio Zizak
National Research Council of Canada
2017Can Black Carbon be defined by the Absorption Properties of Laser-heated Combustion Generated Nanoparticles?PR
Miklánek L., M. Vojtisek
Czech Technical University
2014Size Distribution of Particles from a Diesel Direct-Fired HeaterPO
Miklovà Barbora, Marek Staf
Czech Technical University
2018Dangerous Fly Ash as a Solution for Global WarmingPO
Miller H., E. Adkins
George Washington University
2014Extinction Measurements for Determination of Optical Band Gaps for Soot in Nitrogen-diluted, Ethylene/Air Non-premixed FlamesPO
Minagawa T.
Tsukasa Sokken
2015Development of a Next Generation Opacimeter by using the Light Scattering and the Light Absorption Method for Periodic Technical Inspection UsePO
Minderyte Agne
Vilnius University
2022Assessment of personal exposure to black carbon pollution level in an urban areaPO
Minderytė Agnė, Julija Pauraite, Vadimas Dudoitis, Jonas Didžbalis, Kristina Plauškaitė, Vidmantas Ulevičius, Artūras Kilikevičius, Jonas Matijošius, Steigvilė Byčenkienė
SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
2021Determination of Absorption Ångström Exponent Values for Black Carbon source apportionment Aethalometer Model in Urban Background EnvironmentPO
Minger J.
2007Der schweizerische Aktionsplan gegen FeinstaubFO
Minger J.
2011Erfolge und Lücken bei der Dieselruss-Minderung in der SchweizFO
Močnik Griša, L. Drinovec, U. Jagodič, L. Pirker, M. Škarabot, M. Kurtjak, K. Vidović, L. Ferrero, B. Visser, J. Röhrbein, E. Weingartner, D. M. Kalbermatter, K. Vasilatou, T. Bühlmann, C. Pascale, T. Müller, A. Wiedensohler
University of Nova Gorica
2022A dual-wavelength photothermal aerosol absorption monitor: design, calibration and measurements of absorption enhancement due to coatingPR
Mohr C., S. Weimer, R. Richter, P.F. DeCarlo, R. Chirico, M.F. Heringa, A.S.H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2009Investigation of sources of ambient submicron aerosol using AMS mobile and stationary dataPR
Mohr Claudia
ETH, Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry, PSI
2023Nanoparticles, climate and health: From observations to impactPR
Mohr M.
1997Formation of Carbon in Combustion: The Influence of Fuel AdditivesPR
Mohr M.
1998Particle Emission from Gasoline and Diesel VehiclesPR
Mohr M.
2000EU-Program "Particulates"PR
Mohr M.
2000Investigation on the Effect of Engine Management on the Particle EmissionsPR
Mohr M.
2002Comparison study of PMP instrument candidates at EMPAPR
Mohr M., U. Lehmann
2003PMP comparison study of particle measurement systemsPR
Mohr M.
2004Draft for the particle number measurement procedure for regulation purposePR
Mohr M.
2005Research on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles at EMPAPO
Mohr M., U. Lehmann, A.M. Forss
2005Measurement of post-trap emissions by a particle number count method developed for possible future type approval purposePR
Moisio Mikko, Lamminen E.
Dekati, Finland
201647 mm PM-Filter Holder with Real Time Particle DetectionPO
Molden Nick
Emissions Analytics
2019Comparative ratings of vehicles for ultrafine particle exposure in the cabinPO
Mölter L., M. Schmidt, M. Weiss
Palas GmbH
2009Clear Function Test of the PMP Testing Method with Diesel-Soot-Similar Nano-ParticlePR
Monjezi M., M. Said Saidi, M. Rahmati
Sharif University
2015Modelling the transport of inhaled nano-particles from human lung to whole body using compartment methodPO
Monsé Chr., Chr. Broding, B. Jettkant, H. Berresheim, J. Bünger, K. Sucker, Th. Brüning
Institut f. Prävention und Arbeitsmedizin (IPA), Bochum
2011Expolab: A New Whole Body Exposure Chamber for Assessing Occupational Health RisksPO
Mønster J., K. Fuglsang, J. Knudsen
2015Validation and Application of a novel Optical Particle CounterPO
Montajir R.M., Asano Ichiro, Takeshi Kusaka, Qiang Wei
2006Performance of HORIBA-SPCS in the PMP LDD Inter-Laboratory Correlation ExercisePR
Moon G., H. Park
Korean register of shipping
2015An Experimental Study on Effect of Sulfur Contents in Fuel Oil on Particulate Emission Emitted from Marine Diesel EnginePO
Moon Seokho
Konkuk University
2023Study on Effective Variables for CO2 Prediction of Construction Equipments using Supervised LearningPO
Moon Seokho, D. H. Shin, J. Y. Ham, H. C. Kim, S. H. Park
Konkuk University
2024Study on Virtual PM Sensor of Construction Machinery by utilizing Machine-Learning AlgorithmPO
Moore R.H., L.D. Ziemba, K. Chang, A.J. Beyersdorf, S. Crumeyrolle
2013Mapping the Operation of the Miniature Combustion Aerosol Standard (mini-CAST) Soot GeneratorPO
Moore R.H., Michael A. Shook, Luke D. Ziemba, Joshua P. DiGangi, Edward L. Winstead, Bastian Rauch, Tina Jurkat, Kenneth L. Thornhill, Ewan C. Crosbie, Claire Robinson, Taylor J. Shingler, Bruce E. Anderson
2017Engine Particle Emission Indices for Aircraft Taking Off at Los Angeles International AirportPO
Morales Betancourt Ricardo, Sebastian Espitia-Cano, Andres F. Rosero
Universidad de los Andes
2019Ultra-fine particles emission factors for the BRT fleet in Bogota: A Base-line for the evaluation of a fleet renewal projectPO
Morán José, Alexandre Poux, Fengshan Liu, Felipe Escudero, Andrés Fuentes, Jérôme Yon
INSA Rouen
2021Effects of overlapping in the evaluation of volume and surface area of complex soot aggregates in flamesPO
Morawska Lidia
Queensland University of Technology
2024Exposure-response to ultrafine particles: how to advance knowledge about itPR
Morin J.P.
2000In vitro Lung Toxicity of Diesel Exhausts using Continuous Flow Sampling and Exposure DevicesPR
Morin J.P.
2002On board ELPI meas. Of PM size and numbers in vehicle aeration system – lung deposition dynamicsPR
Morin J.P.
2002Comparative toxicol. Evaluation of SI and Cl engine exhausts in an in vitro model of rat lung slicesPR
Morin J.P., S. Loriot, F. Anselme, J.P.Henry, F. Dionnet
2003Electrocardiographic changes during inhalation exposure to diluted Diesel engine emissions in a rat model or myiocardial infarction (MI)PO
Morin J.P., S. Loriot, A. Bion, M. Fall, F. Gouriou, F. Dionnet
2003Methodologies for the valuation for cardiorespiratory impact of complex aerosols : application to combustion emission aerosolsWS
Morin J.P.
2004Lung toxicity response due to NO2/NOx versus particulate matter in vitro and in vivoPR
Morin J.P., A. Bion, St. Loriot, D. Preterre, K. Laude, V. Keravec, F. Dionnet
2005Pro-Oxidant Impacts of Diesel Engine Emissions according to Fuel and After-treatment Strategies: in vitro and in vivo Biological EvidencesPR
Morin J.P.
2006Form Particulates to NO2 as health concern triggers from Diesel engine emissions. A link with emission after-treatment strategies.PR
Morin J.P., F. Gouriou, D. Preterre, M. Bobbia, V. Delmas
2009Evaluation de l'exposition aux polluants atmosphériques des conducteurs de véhicules automobiles par la mise en œuvre de Mesures dynamiques dans l'habitacle du véhiculePR
Moroni S., A. Ruprecht, G. Tosti, B.C. Sioutas, D. Invernizzi
2013Airborne Black Carbon and Traffic Patterns during the First Year of "Area C" LEZ in MilanPR
Moschos Vaios, Nivedita K. Kumar, Kaspar R. Daellenbach, Urs Baltensperger, André S.H.Prévôt, Imad El Haddad
2018Biomass Burning Dominates Brown Carbon Absorption in SwitzerlandPO
Moschos Vaios
Paul Scherrer Institute
2022Brown-black carbon aerosol ambient sources, absorption properties and optical interactionsPO
Moshammer H.
Uni Wien
2013How Health-Predictive are Routine Air Monitoring Data?PR
Mousavi Amirhosein, Mohammad H. Sowlat, Sina Hasheminassab, Olga Pekinova;, Andrea Polidori, George Ban-Weiss, Constantinos Sioutas
2018Relative importance of emissions from ships, locomotives, and freeways in the communities near Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and their impact on the air quality of Los Angeles BasinPO
Moussa Fathi
Université Paris-Sud, France
2016Anthropogenic Carbon Nanotubes and Air PollutionPR
Mühlbauer W., U. Leidenberger, S. Lorenz, S. Lehmann, D. Brüggemann
Uni Bayreuth
2012Investigations of Emitted Particles of a Direct Injection Gasoline Engine under Stationary and Transient Operating ConditionsPO
Mühlbauer W.
Uni Bayreuth
2013Influence of Engine Parameters on Physical Properties of Emitted Diesel Soot ParticlesPO
Mühlbauer W., Chr. Zöllner, S. Lorenz, S. Lehmann, D. Brüggemann
BERC Bayreuth
2014Influence of different diesel fuels under variation of injection pressure and boost pressure on combustion and on physicochemical properties of engine-out soot emissionsPO
Mühlbauer W., R. Petsch, Ch. Zöllner, S. Lorenz, D. Brüggemann
LTTT Bayreuth
2015Influence of in-Cylinder Soot Formation and Oxidation on Engine-out Soot Emissions in Operation with 1st and 2nd Generation BiofuelsPO
Muhle H.
Fraunhofer Institute
1999Toxic and Carcinogenic Effects of Fine Particles – Observations and HypothesesPR
Mühlfeld Chr., T. Mayhew, M. Geiser, N. Kapp, P. Gehr, B. Rothen-Ruthishauser
University of Bern
2007The relative deposition index: A novel quantitative method to analyze the distributions of nanoparticles within tissues and cells - Theory and PracticePO
Mukherjee Arya
University Of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, FI-70211, Finland
2022Particle effective densities and size distributions in vehicular and wood combustion exhaust emissions: Implications to particle deposition in the human respiratory systemPO
Müller G.
2018Loaded Tests for Petrol and Diesel EnginesFO
Müller J.O., D.S. Su, R. Schlögl
Fritz-Haber-Institut of the Max Planck Society, Berlin
2005Structure - Reactivity Investigations on Diesel Engine SootPR
Müller L., B.Rothen Rutishauser, P. Compte, J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, A. Mayer, J.P. Morin, P. Gehr
University of Bern
2008A New Exposure System to Evaluate the Toxicity of Scooter Emission in Lung Cells In VitroPR
Müller L., P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, A.C.R. Mayer, P. Gehr, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Bern
2009Cytotoxicity and inflammatory potential of two stroke scooter exhaust in lung cells in vitroPO
Müller L., P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, P. Gehr, M. Kasper, A.C.R. Mayer, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Bern
2010Higher toxic potential of 2-stroke scooter exhaust emissions compared to 4-stroke scooter and diesel car emissionsPR
Müller L., M.W. Henderson, C.V.E. Chehrazi, T. Noah, I. Jaspers
University of Bern
2013Diesel Exhaust Particles Modify Natural Killer Cell function and 1 cytokine releasePR
Müller L., M. Roth, Chr. Bisig, P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, Ph. Latzin
University Children's Hospital Basel
2015Effect of Gasoline Exhaust Emission on Bronchial Epithelial Cells and Natural Killer CellsPR
Müller M., St. Schraml, P. Broll, H. Bülte, H. Harndorf
Deutz AG
2009Combined SCR - A novel approach for NOx and PM aftertreatment PR
Müller M.D., D. Hasenfratz, O. Saikh, M. Fierz, Ch. Hüglin
2014Modelling Ultrafine Particle Number Concentration in Zurich with High Spatio-Temporal ResolutionPR
Müller N., A. Ulrich, J. Buha, J. Wang, B. Nowack
2012The Nanoparticulate Fraction of Fly Ash compared to the Modeled Contributions of Engineered NanomaterialsPR
Mulone V., A. Cozzolini, P. Abeyratne, D. Littera, M. Thiagaraian, M. Besch, M. Gautam
University of Roma
2010Exhaust soot model for advanced design and control of diesel engine aftertreatment systemsPR
Multari A., E. Tschinkel, M. Olson
2009Monitoring and Managing of PM EmissionsPO
Multari A., E.Tschinkel, P. Anyon
2010Effective PM measurement for I/M programsPO
Multari A., E.Tschinkel, P. Anyon
2011Update of Gasoline and Diesel I/M ProgramsPO
Multari A.
2012Emission Testing at Periodical Technical Inspection on Diesel Passenger Cars Experience and further Developments in GermanyPR
Multari A.
2014OBD vs. Tailpipe Testing - Future Test,Options for Emission Control Systems of Modern In-Use VehiclesPO
Multari A., Daniel Mohr
2019Emission Testing under load for Pollutants e.g. NOx and PNPO
Muñoz Maria, N. Heeb, P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, R. Haag, C. Seiler, P. Schmid, P. Honegger, K. Zeyer, J. Mohn
2015PAH and nitro-PAH Emissions from GDI VehiclesPR
Muñoz Maria, Bisig Ch., Heeb N., Rothen-Rutishauser B., Comte P., Czerwinski J., Haag R., Seiler C., Schmid P., Honegger P., Zeyer K., Mohn J.
EMPA, Switzerland
2016Comparison of PAH Levels and Mutagenicity of GDI- and a Diesel Vehicle Exhaust and Impact of (Bio)ethanolPO
Muñoz Maria, Heeb, Norbert, Comte, Pierre, Czerwinski, Jan, Haag, Regula, Zeyer, Kerstin, Mohn, Joachim;
2017Effect of two Oxygenated Fuels on Genotoxic Emissions of GDI VehiclesPO
Muñoz Maria, Heeb, Norbert, Comte, Pierre, Czerwinski, Jan, Haag, Regula, Zeyer, Kerstin, Mohn, Joachim;
2017Are GDI Vehicle Exhausts Genotoxic like Non-treated Diesel Exhausts?PR
Muñoz Maria
2018Thrust-dependent Emissions of PAHs of an In-service Turbofan Jet EnginePO
Muñoz Maria, Comte, Pierre, Czerwinski, Jan, Haag, Regula, Zeyer, Kerstin, Mohn, Joachim, Heeb, Norbert.
2018Co-formation and co-release of genotoxic PAHs and nanoparticles from GDI vehicles support the Trojan-horse effectPR
Murtonen Timo, Päivi Aakko-Saksa, Kati Lehtoranta, Petri Söderena, Hannu Kuutti
VTT Finland
2019Non-volatile particle number emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles and marine enginesPO
Müschenborn P.
Universität Duisburg
1999Development of a New Wide-range Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS)PR
Mylläri Fanni, Panu Karjalainen, Erkka Saukko, Eija Asmi, Ville Niemelä, Raili Taipale, Heikki Lihavainen, Joni Maunula, Pami Aalto, Anna Häyrinen, Jani Rautiainen, Risto Hillamo, Liisa Pirjola, Jorma Keskinen, Topi Rönkkö
Tampere University, Finland
2017Total Particle Number Concentration and Particle Size Distribution of Nanoparticles from Real-scale Pulverized Solid Fuel CombustionPR
Myojo T, Mariko Ono-Ogasawara
National Institute of Industrial Health, , Japan
2005A Nano-Size Particle Sampler Using a Differential Mobility AnalyzerPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Nakamura Kazuki, Izumi Fukano, Seiichi Hosogai, Christos Dardiotis, Alexander Painsi, Christoph Kandlhofer
AVL Japan
2019Solid Particle Number Emissions of Gasoline Direct Injection Vehicles from CVS Versus Raw Exhaust SamplingPO
Nakhawa H.A.
2012Characterization of Nano Particle Emissions and it's metrices for Diesel 3-wheelersPO
2021Abundance and distribution of nitrogen dioxide  (NO2) and particulate nitrate (pNO3−) at an urban site of Delhi-NCRPO
Netkueakul Woranan, Brem B., Wang J., Setyan A., Bahk Y.
EMPA/ETHZ, Switzerland
2016Development of Soot Sensor for Candle Emission MeasurementPO
Netkueakul Woranan, Tobias Hammer, Ari Setyan, Jing Wang
2019Characterization of aerosol released from the combustion of nanoparticle-containing materialsPO
Netkueakul Woranan, Savvina Chortarea, Hao Li, Guangyu Qiu, Milijana Jovic, Sabyasachi Gaan, Tina Buerki-Thurnherr;Peter Wick;Jing Wang
ETH Zurich
2021In vitro toxicity of airborne emissions from combustion of graphene nanoplatelet-enabled epoxy nanocompositesPO
Neukirchen Carsten, Mohammad Reza Saraji-Bozorgzad, Ajit Paul Mudan, Ralf Zimmermann, Thomas Adam
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
2024Physical and chemical characterization of emissions from a EURO 7 brake dynoPR
Ngo Linh Dan, C. Irimiea, A. Faccinetto, N. Nuns, Y. Carpentier, C. Focsa, E. Therssen
University of Lille, France
2018Investigation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot formation in swirled flames of n-butanol and conventional diesel fuelPO
Nibbrich B., A. Wiederkehr
2003Elimination of ultrafine particles by oxidation on Diesel catalystsPO
Nicolet A., F. Lüönd, F. Schlatter
2012Nanoparticles Trajectories in an Electrostatic Precipitator: Numerical Simulation and Experimental ValidationPO
Niemelä V.
Dekati Ltd
2002Sampling automotive exhaust with dilution and/or adsorption of volatile speciesPR
Niemelä V., M. Moisio, U. Lehmann
Dekati Ltd
2003Mass monitor and fine particle sampler in vehicle PM emission measurementsPO
Niemelä V.
Dekati Ltd
2004Measuring vehicle exhaust solid and volatile material with real-time mass monitor DMM-230PR
Niemelä V., Erkki Lamminen
Dekati Ltd
2005Real-Time Measurement of Diesel Trap PM Removal EfficiencyPR
Niemelä V.
Dekati Ltd
2006Electrical Tailpipe pm Sensor for Diesel Engine Emission MeasurementsPR
Niemelä V., Erkki Lamminen
Dekati Ltd
2010Flue gas particle characterization at different points of a power plantPR
Niemi S., M. Laurén, T. Karhu, K. Ekman
University of Vaasa
2005Effect of Internal EGR on the Exhaust Particle Number and Size Distribution of an Off-Road Diesel EnginePR
Niemi S., K. Ekman, J. Hyvönen, J. Virtanen, M. Laurén
University of Vaasa
2006Effects of injec­tion nozzles, waste-gate turbocharger and oxidation catalyst on the exhaust particle number and size distributions of an off-road diesel enginPR
Niemi S., T. Paanu, M. Laurén, K. Ekman, T. Karhu, J. Puukka, T. Ranta
University of Vaasa
2007Effects of Injector Tips on the Exhaust Particle Size Distribution of a Common-Rail Non-Road Diesel EnginePO
Niemi S., K. Lundin, M. Laurén, J. Perus
University of Vaasa
2008Effectiveness of Different Aftertreatment Systems in PM Reduction of Non-Road Diesel EnginesPR
Niemi S., V. Vauhkonen, E. Hiltunen, S. Virtanen, T. Karhu, K. Ekman, N. Koskinen, P. Palmgren
University of Vaasa
2009Effects of several biofuels on the particle size distributions of an off-road diesel enginePR
Nikitina L., Herbert Juch, Sabine Reimann, Martin Gauster, Gottfried Dohr, Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch, Dominic Gröger, Rainer Haag
Medical University of Graz
2017Nanotoxicology of Human Placenta: Evaluation of Suitable Model for Environmental ToxicityPR
Nikka Markus
Dekati Ltd. 
2022Dekati® ePNC™ - A Novel Technology for Regulatory PTI Particle Number MeasurementsPO
Nikka Markus
Dekati Ltd. 
2022Performance of the new PN-PEMS instrument MPEC+ and comparison of real driving emission between cold and warm engine for a fleet of EURO 5 and Euro 6 vehiclesPO
Noel L., P.Hayrault, M. Leblanc, St. Raux, N. Jeuland
IFP Energies nouvelles
2013Detailed Characterization of Nanoparticles emitted by Spark Ignition direct Injection EnginesPO
Nordin E.Z., A. Eriksson, P. Nilsson, M.K. Kajos, P. Roldin, J. Carlsson, J. Rissler, B. Svenningsson, E. Swietlicki, M. Kulmala, M. Bohgard, J. Pagels
Lund University
2010Smog chamber experiments of SOA formation from gasoline exhaust and light aromaticsPO
Norman M., S. Silvergren, C. Johansson, B. Sjövall
2013Exposure of air pollutants inside vehicles while driving in road tunnels PO
Northrop W., Lucachick G.
University of Minnesota
2015Semi-Volatile Nanoparticle Emissions From Diesel Low Temperature Combustion ModesPR
Notheis Denis, Dr. Markus Bertsch, Dr. Amin Felji, Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch
Karlsruher Institute for Technology
2018Investigation on PN Formation at GDI Engines at High LoadsPR
Notter Benedikt, Heldstab J., Wüthrich Ph.
INFRAS, Switzerland
2016Non-road Mobile Machinery as a PM/PN Source in SwitzerlandPR
Nowak A.
Physikalisch Techn. Bundesanstalt
2012Developing a National Standard for Measuring Mass Concentration and Opacity of Soot ParticlesPO
Nowak A., G. Lindner, A. Jordan, M. Kuntze, N. Boese, V. Ebert
Physikalisch Techn. Bundesanstalt
2013Validation and Evaluation of Novel light Scattering Devices for Measuring of Opacity and Soot Mass in GermanyPR
Nowak Andreas, Andres H.P. F. Lüönd, K. Auderset, A. Jordan-Gerkens, A. Kuntze, V. Ebert, E. Buhr, T. Klein, Th. Tuch, A. Wiedensohler, A. Mamakos, F. Riccobono, D. Kischerl, R. Högström, J. Yli-Ojanperä, P. Quincey
2014Measuring Soot Particles from Engines: Recommendations from EMRP-ENV02 Project in WP1PR
Nowak Andreas, J. Rosahl, M. Hildebrandt, A. Kuntze, V. Ebert
2015Optimization of Silver Particle Number Size Distributions from a Nucleation Furnace by Modification of Heat Shields and Injection NozzlesPR
Nowak Andreas, Jorge Saturno, Mohsen Kazemimanesh, Alexandre Bescond, Rasmus Pettinen, Tobias Hammer
2023Improving counting efficiency and linearity beyond the on-road emission measurement regulations for Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS)PR
Nowak Andreas
2024Development of a primary standard for particle number concentrationPO
Nowak Nora, Benjamin T. Brem, Martine Collaud Coen, Martin Steinbacher, Stefan Reimann, Martin K. Vollmer, Stephan Henne, Franz Conen, Martin Gysel-Beer
Paul Scherrer Institute
2023Optical and Chemical Properties of Wildfire Aerosol Plumes in the Free TropospherePO
Nussbaumer Thomas
2007Beitrag der Holzfeuerungen zur Feinstaub-Belastung: Arten von Feinstaub, gesundheitliche Aspekte, Hochrechnungen und MinderungspotenzialFO
Nussbaumer Thomas, A. Lauber
2014Monitoring of Electrostatic Precipitators in Automatic Biomass Combustion PlantsPO
Nussbaumer Thomas
VERENUM, Switzerland
2016Particulate Matter (PM) from Biomass Combustion: An Overview on Particle Types and Measures to Reduce Biomass ParticlesPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Oberdörster Günter
Uni Rochester
2004The respiratory tract as a portal for inhaled nano-sized particlesPR
Oberdörster Günter
Uni Rochester
2005Extrapulmonary Effects of Inhaled Nanosized Particles PR
Oberdörster Günter
Uni Rochester
2012Effects and Safety Evaluation of NanoparticlesPR
Oberdörster Günter
University of Rochester, USA
2016Dosimetry, Dosemetrics, Biokinetics and Bioprocessing of Inhaled Nanoparticles: A basis for toxicity testing and dosimetric risk extrapolationPR
Ochoterena R.L., M. Andersson, S. Andersson
Department of Applied Mechanics Göteborg
2006Determination of Soot Size and Concentration in Optically Dense Sprays by Optical MethodsPR
Ochoterena R.L., M. Andersson
Department of Applied Mechanics Göteborg
2009Determination of soot size and concentration in combusting diesel sprays by optical methods under conditions similar to low temperature combustion (LTC)PR
Offer Svenja, Elena Hartner, Yinon Rudich, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Sebastiano Di Bucchianico, Ralf Zimmermann
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2021Differential impact of biogenic and anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol compounds adsorbed on soot particles in lung cell models at the air-liquid interfacePR
Ogurtsova Katherine, Soppa V., López-Vicente M., Guxens M., Weinhold K., Winkler U., Wiedensohler A., Held A., Lüchtrath S., Cyrys J., Kecorius S., Gastmeier P., Wiese-Posselt M., Hoffmann B.
2024Association of ultrafine particle exposure with lung and neuro-cognitive functions in elementary school children in the Berlin-Brandenburg Air Study (BEAR)PR
Oh Kwang Chui, Lee Chun
Korea Automotive
2007An Experimental Study of PM Emission Characteristics of Commercial Diesel Engine with SCR System to meet EURO-PO
Okamura K., Tetsuya Yamashita, Kazuhisa Mogi
Toyota Motor
2010Measurement methods of the oxidative potential of automobile emissionsPO
Okamura K., Tetsuya Yamashita, Kazuhisa Mogi
Toyota Motor
2012The Oxidative Potential of Nanoparticles Exhausted from AutomobilesPO
Okamura K., Tetsuya Yamashita, Hiroyuki Kawase
Toyota Motor
2014Chemical Composition of the Size-Classified Nanoparticle Exhausted from Gasoline VehiclePR
Okamura K., Tetsuya Yamashita, Toru Kidokoro, Motoki Ohtani
Toyota Motor
2017Investigation of the Simplified Measurement Technique of the Secondary Aerosols Formed from Gaseous Emissions of Vehicle Exhaust.PO
Okamura K., Tetsuya Yamashita, Motoki Ohtani
Toyota Motor
2018Investigation of the Simplified Measurement Technique of the Secondary Aerosols Formed from Gaseous Emissions of Vehicle ExhaustPR
Okuda Hiroshi, Terunao Kawai, Hiroyuki Yamada, Daisuke Kawano, Shigeru Kimoto, Daiji Okuda, Fujio Inoue
Shimadzu Kyoto
2008Development of A Novel Method for Broad-Band and High Response Nanoparticle Concentration CounterPR
Okuda Hiroshi, H. Yamada
Shimadzu Kyoto
2014Development of a novel electro mobility analyzer based on a new classifying principle and applications for nanoparticles from different types of vehicles under various conditionsPO
Oles J.P., Dr. Antonino La Rocca, The University of Nottingham, Dr. Lauretta Rubino, General Motor Europe, GPS, Rüsselsheim Germany
University Nottingham
2017Evaluating Performance on Uncoated GPF in Real World Driving Using Experimental Results and CFD ModellingPO
Olfert J.
University Cambridge
2004Modeling diffusion in an aerosol particle mass (APM) analyzerPR
Olin M., Dal Maso M., Rönkkö T.
Tampere University
2014Sulfur Driven Nucleation in Diesel Exhaust: Simulations of a Laboratory Sampling SystemPO
Olzem Katharina
Volkswagen Wolfsburg, Germany
2016Counting Particles with the Principles of Condensation vs. DiffusionPO
Ono-Ogasawara M., T. Myojo
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Japan
2006PAHs and EC in Nano-Size DEP Collected by DMA SamplerPO
Onwukwe U. K., I. Jaffer AL-Timimi, Paul Sermon
Brunel University, Uxbridge (UK)
2021Combustion-generated carbonaceous urban ultrafine atmospheric UFPs: Waterborne-flora traps PO
Oravisjärvi K., M. Pietikäinen, A. Raution, M. Haataja, A. Voutilainen, J. Ruuskanen, R.L. Keiski
University of Oulu
2008Deposition of Inhaled Particles fromDiesel Fuelled Engines in Human Lungs: Comparison between Men and Women in Different Activity LevelsPR
Oravisjärvi K., M. Pietikäinen, A. Rautio, M. Haataja, A. Voutilainen, J. Ruuskanen, R.L. Keiski
University of Oulu
2009Effect of physical exertion on the deposition of traffic related aerosols in the children's respiratory systemPO
Ortega Ismael Kenneth, Mathieu Cazaunau, Antoine Farah, Rafael Barrellon-Vernay, Antonin Bergé, Veronique Riffault, David Delhaye, Alexandre Albinet, Cristian Focsa, Ismael Ortega, Jean-François Doussin
2021The UNREAL (Unveiling nucleation mechanism in aircraft engine exhaust and its link with fuel composition) project: Results from simulation chamber and reactor experimentsPR
Oser M., T. Nussbaumer, P. Müller, M. Mohr, R. Figi
VERENUM, EMPA and Müller
2003Particle formation in wood combustion and a new concept for a low-particle-furnacePR
Osmondson B.
2004Traceable calibration of CPC with respect to smallest particle sizePR
Oswald F.
2015Megacities – inherent problems of growing urban structuresFO
Otsuki Y., Ichiro Asano
2014Performance of Particle Counting System Utilizing a Commercially Available PMP SystemPO
Øvrevik Johan
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
2024Revisiting the Trojan Horse Effect – On the role of lipophilic chemicals in the toxicity of fine and ultrafine combustion particles and implications for regulatory needsPR
Ozgen S., St. Cernuschi, M. Giugliano, L. Lonati
DIIAR, Milano
2010Ultrafine particle emissions from small scale combustion installationsPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Pachano Leonardo, Damien Aubagnac-Karkar;
IFP Energies nouvelles
2021Study of soot production in ethylene pyrolysis using a sectional modelPR
Pacino Andrea, Antonino La Rocca, Michael Fay, Alasdair Cairns
University of Nottingham
2024Exploring the morphological and structural attributes of carbon nanoparticles used as soot replica in combustion studies: A comprehensive 2D/3D analysisPO
Pacura Wiktor, Janusz Golas, Katarzyna Szramowiat-Sala, Dawid Kutyla, Karolina Kolczyk-Siedlecka, Piotr Bielaczyc, Joseph Woodburn
AGH University Polen
2019Gasoline exhaust filtration as a valid method of obtaining particulate matter for further analysis.PO
Pacura Wiktor, Katarzyna Szramowiat-Sala, Janusz Golas, Piotr Bielaczyc, Piotr Bielaczyc
AGH University of Science and Technology
2021Non-regulated emissions from the gasoline vehicles – an ion chromatography analysis of the anionsPO
Padhi Annada, Habib Gazala
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
2016Laboratory Based Assessment of a Portable Multi-arm Smoke Collector System Developed for In-situ Aerosol Emission Measurement from Residential Biomass Burning Sources in the Northern Part of IndiaPO
Padman R., Paul Sermon, W. Johnson
Brunel University, Uxbridge (UK)
2021In-vehicle CO2 and ultrafine particle (UFP) Microenvironments: Climate ChangePO
Padmanaban V., Arvind Thiruvengadam, Marc C.Besch
University West Virginia
2017Characterization of Particle Number (PN) Emissions from Modern Gasoline Vehicle during High Transient Vehicle ActivityPO
Pagels Joakim, Eriksson A., Lindgren R., Martinsson J., Svenningsson B., Boman Chr.
Lund University, Sweden
2016Characteristics of Major Particle Types in Emissions from Biomass Combustion – Implications for Health and Climate EffectsPO
Pagels Joakim, Malmborg V., Shen M., Eriksson A., Tuner M., Andersson Ö.
Lund University, Sweden
2016Probing the Evolution of Soot Characteristics During Soot Formation, Soot Oxidation and in the Exhaust of a Modern CI Engine Equipped with EGRPO
Pagels Joakim, V. B. Malmborg, S. Török, L Gren, A. C. Eriksson, S. Shamun, P. Shukla, Y. Zhang, S. Kook, M. Tunér, Ö. Andersson, P.E. Bengtsson
Lund University
2018Similarities between Soot Properties from Low Temperature Combustion to a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine and MiniCAST Flame SootPR
Palmgren F.
2001Experimental studies of size distributions of ultrafine particles: Emissions and concentrations in streets, indoor along streets and in urban backgroundPR
Palmgren F.
2002The effect of particle filters on heavy duty vehicles in DenmarkPR
Panessa-Warren B., T. Butcher,;J.Warren, R.Trojanowski, K.Kisslinger ;Y. Celebi, G. Wei
Guest Scientist, Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton,NY
2018Wood Combustion Emission Nanoparticle Morphological/ Elemental Characterization, and TEM Visualization of In-vitro Attachment, Entry and Fate of Nanoparticles within Human Bronchiolar Epithelial MonolayersPR
Papaioannou Eleni, P. Baltzopoulou, D. Deloglou, G. Tsakonas, R. Stamatiou, A. Lazou, Z. Samaras
2024Health effect assessment of hybrid gasoline vehicle emissions by in-vitro cell exposure experiments in air-liquid interfacePO
Park Cheolwoong
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
2023Study on the Effects of Operating Conditions on Nanoparticle Emissions in Direct lnjection Ammonia Engines PO
Park Dae Hoon, Dae Hoon Park, Younghun Kim, Gunhee Lee, Sang-Bok Kim, Bangwoo Han
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
2024Development of an Antiviral Electrostatic Precipitator to Prevent Airborne Transmission within Indoor Air Environments by Dry-aerosol Antiviral Coating MethodPR
Park W.
Korea Institute
2017Effects of Oxygenated Fuels on Soot from Diesel SprayPO
Parrish D.
University Boulder Colorado
2015Lessons learned from Los Angeles struggling 5 decades and still not as clean as we feel needed FO
Pashneva Daria, Julija Pauraite, Agnė Minderytė, Inga Garbarienė, Vadimas Dudoitis, Kristina Plauškaitė, Simonas Kecorius, Gediminas Mainelis, Jurgita Ovadnevaite, Steigvilė Byčenkienė
Department of Environmental research
2021Outdoor-indoor concentration of black carbon during high pollution events in urban environmentPO
Patel K.S., R. Baghel, N.K. Jaiswal, H. Saathoff, U. Schurath, T. Leisner, Jutta Lintelmann, G.F. Matuschek, G.F. Ni Aguilera, E.Y. Funes
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University India
2009Toxicants burning exposure in IndiaPR
Patel K.S., R. Baghel, H. Saathoff, T. Leisner, L. Jutta, M. Georg, J. Nicolés, E. Yubero
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University India
2010Distribution and composition of mosquito coil fuming smokePO
Patel K.S., N.K. Jaiswal, M. Rajak, Y. Nayak
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University India
2012Black carbon emission and climate change in central IndiaPO
Patel K.S., Yogita Nayak, Chin-Chang Hung, Harald Saathoff, Jutta Lintelmann, Georg Matuschek
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University India
2014Carbons and persistent organic pollutants distribution in ambient air of IndiaPO
Patel K.S., A. Mohammad
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University India
2015Segregation of Indoor AerosolPO
Patru Antoaneta, Young Min Song, Fang Yang, Aiguo Wu, Costas A. Charitidis, Stefan G. Stanciu
National Technical University for Science and Technology
2024On the effects of combustion generated nanoparticles on human health: Overview of the current body of understandingPO
Paulson Suzanne, Wonsik Choi, A. Winer, Meilu He, Shishan Hu, K. Kozawa, St. Mara
University of California
2013Factors controlling spatial variations of combustion related pollutants in urban areasPR
Paulson Suzanne, Wonsik Choi, Dilhara Ranasinghe, Lisa Wu, J.R. DeShazo
University of California at Los Angeles, USA
2016Effects of the Built Environment, Micrometeorology and Traffic on Street Level Ultrafine Particle Concentrations at a Block ScalePR
Paulson Suzanne, Wonsik Choi, Dilhara Ranasinghe, J.R. DeShazo, Suzanne E. Paulson
University of California
2017Cross-Intersection Profiles of Ultrafine Particles in Different Built Environments: Implications for Pedestrian Exposure and Bus Transit StopsPR
Paulson Suzanne, David H. Gonzalez, Christopher K. Cala, Qioyun Peng, Suzanne E. Paulson
University of California
2017HULIS Enhancement of Hydroxyl Radical Formation from Fe(II): Kinetics of Fulvic Acid-Fe(II) Complexes in the Presence of Lung Anti-OxidantsPO
Paur Hans-Rudolf, Bologa A., Ecker M., Aich W., Rheinheimer H.P.
Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie, Germany
2016Field Performance of Carola®- Precipitators for Small Wood-fired BoilersPO
Pauraite Julija, Gediminas Mainelis, Simonas Kecorius, Agnė Minderytė, Vadimas Dudoitis, Kristina Plauškaitė, Jurgita Ovadnevaite, Inga Garbarienė, Steigvilė Byčenkienė
SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
2021Effects of Outdoor Smoke Events on Indoor air QualityPO
Pauraite Julija
State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
2022Alteration of single scattering albedo during high pollution event in Vilnius, LithuaniaPO
Payne S.
Cambridge University
2002Aerosol laboratory assessment of particle sizing instruments for vehicle emissionsPR
Payne S., N. Collings, M.V. Twigg
Cambridge University
2008Fundamental Studies of Soot deposition PO
Payne S., N. Collings
Cambridge University
2011Visualisation and Monitoring of Diesel Particulate DepositionPO
Payne S., N. Collings
Cambridge University
2012Study of Diesel Particulate Bridging Behaviour with SEMPR
Payne S., J. Symonds, .K. Reavell, J. Olfert
Cambridge University
2013The CPMA-Electrometer System as a Traceable Mass Concentration StandardPO
Payne Simon, Luke Barron, Bruce Campbell, Steve Dinsdale, Chris Nickolaus, Jonathan Symonds
Cambridge University
2019Multi-Instrument Characterisation of Particulate Emissions from a Gasoline Direction Injection Engine: Investigation of Size, Volatility and DensityPO
Pechout M., M. Mazac, M. Vojtisek-Lom
Uni Liberec
2012Nanoparticle Emissions from Spark Ignition Engines Powered by n-butanol BlendsPO
Pechout M., Jindra P., Vojtisek-Lom M., Kotek M.
Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic
2016Experimental Investigation of Particles Produced by Combusting Blends of "High-quality" and "Cost-competitive" Biofuels in a Tractor EnginePO
Pedersen P. B., Frederiksen M.
Danish Technological Institute
2016Illegal "Fuel" in Private Wood-Burning StovesPO
Pedersen P. B.
Danish Technological Institute
2016Particle Emissions from Various Candle TypesPO
Peeters Weem H., RDW, Zwolle, Netherlands
2018Legislation Must be Adapted on EU-Level and on Member-State LevelFO
Perez Grau L.
Uni Basel
2012The Burden of Near-Road Traffic-Related Pollution: the Example of Asthma in ChildrenPR
Peter-Hoblyn J.
2000Size specific chemical analysis of engine emitted nanoparticles with traps and fuel additivesPR
Pétermann J.L.
2004Influences of Oil, Fuel & Catalyst on Particle Emissions of a DI 2-Stroke ScooterPO
Pétermann J.L.
2004Particle Emissions of a TDI-Engine with different lube oilsPO
Peters A., H.E. Wichmann
GSF-Institut für Epidemiologie
2003Health effects of fine and ultrafine particles in epidemiological studiesWS
Peters A.
GSF-Institut für Epidemiologie
2005Effects of Fine and Ultra-fine Particles on the Heart PR
Peters A., H.E. Wichmann
GSF-Institut für Epidemiologie
2008Epidemiology on Health Effects of solid Nanoparticles PR
Peters A.
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2014Health Effects of Ambient Ultrafine Particles – Do we know enough?PR
Petrea M., M. Kapernaum, C. Wahl
Institute of Combustion Petrea, Stuttgart
2009Non-regulated emissions speciation in reference gasoline and gasoline-EtOH blend on passenger vehicles exhaust PO
Petzold A., M. Schönlinner, E. Weingartner
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
2003Multi-angle absorption photometry – a new method for the measurement of ae rosol light absorption and atmospheric black carbonPO
Petzold A., P. Lauer, J. Hasselbach, F. Fleischer
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
2008ParticleEmissions from Marine Diesel Engines Operating on BiofuelsPR
Pfiffner A., N. Bergamin, R. Büeler, R. Bunge
2009"Emergency Regeneration" of DPF PO
Phairuang Worradorn, Surapa Hongtieab, Mitsuhiko Hata, Atsushi Matsuki, Masami Furuuchi, Kazuhiko Sekiguchi, Fumie Yoshikawa, Fumikazu Ikemori, Rie Nishimura, Perapong Tekasakul;, Sivmey Hor, Kunaifi Kunaifi, Daishi Onizuka, Akira Toriba, Kensaku Kakimoto, Nobuyoshi Yamashita, Ning Tang, Thunyapat Thongyen, Sirikalaya Suvachittanont, Panwadee Suwattiga, Thaneeya Chetiyanukornkul, Khajornsak Sopajaree, Surajit Tekasakul, Jiraporn Chomanee, Seingheng Hul, Seingheng Hul, Porsry Ung, Peou Hang
Prince of Songkla University
2018Ambient Nano-Aerosol in East Asian Cities based on East Asia Nanoparticle Monitoring Network (EA-Nanonet)PO
Phairuang Worradorn, Hisam Samae, Surajit Tekasakul, Perapong Tekasakul, Masami Furuuchi
Prince of Songkla University
2018Development of Emission Factors of Nanoparticles (PM0.1) from Solid Biomass Combustion.PR
Phairuang Worradorn, Hisam Samae, Surajit Tekasakul, Perapong Tekasakul, Masami Furuuchi
Prince of Songkla University
2018Development of Emission Factors of Nanoparticles (PM0.1) from Solid Biomass Combustion.PO
Phairuang Worradorn, Muanfun Inerb, Panwadee Suwattiga, Thaneeya Chetiyanukornkul, Perapong Tekasakul, Surajit Tekasakul, Mitsuhiko Hata, Masami Furuuchi
Prince of Songkla University
2019Ambient Nano-aerosol and Carbon Components in ThailandPO
Phares D., Zhongquing Zheng, Heejung Jung
Uni Southern California
2012Characterization of Cigarette Smoke using Chemical Ionization time-of-flight Mass SpectrometryPO
Phuleria H.C., T.V. Larson, B. Zielinska, R.G. Ireson, M.E. Davey, Chr.S. Weaver, J.M. Ondov, Th.W. Hesterberg, L.J.S. Liu
University of Basel
2009Assessment of self-pollution of school buses with various retrofit technologiesPR
Phuleria H.C., R. Ducret-Stich, A. Ineichen, L.J. Sally Liu
University of Basel
2010Trace metal composition of ambient PM2.5 and PM10 and their spatio-temporal variation near a major highway in an Alpine valley in SwitzerlandPO
Phuleria H.C., E. Corradi, M. Foraster, X. Basagana, R. Slama, N. Künzli, L.J. Sally Liu
University of Basel
2011Correlation between Short-Term Measure of Traffic Noise, Traffic Volume and Particle Number Concentration in a Swiss Urban City, BaselPO
Phuleria H.C., E. Corradi, A. Ineichen, N. Künzli, L.J. Sally Liu
University of Basel
2011Spatiotemporal Variation of Particle Number Concentration in Urban Area of Basel, Switzerland and Relationship with Mass MeasurementsPR
Phuleria H.C., A. Ineichen, E. Corradi, Ming Yi Tsai, Ch. Schindler, N. Künzli
University of Basel
2013Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Indoor and Outdoor Particulate Mass and Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration in eight Swiss AreasPO
Phuleria H.C., Ming Yi Tsai, M.S. Ragettli, E. Corradi, A. Fierz, N. Künzli
University of Basel
2013Spatiotemporal Variation of Particle Number and Surface Area Concentration in four Swiss Areas and its Relationship with Mass MeasurementsPR
Phuleria Harish C., Sohana Debbarma
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2023Developing real-world emission factors for individual vehicles using low-cost sensorsPO
Pieber S.M., J.G. Slowik, R.J. Huang, S.M. Platt, I. El Haddad, A.A. Zardini
2013Flow Reactor Measurements of Submicron Secondary Organic Aerosol from Vehicle EmissionsPO
Pieber S.M., A. Kampolis, E. A. Bruns, I. El Haddad, N. K. Kumar, D. Ferri, O. Kröcher, U. Baltlensperger, A. S. H. Prévôt
2014Catalytic Reduction of VOCs from Wood Burning EmissionsPR
Pieber S.M., U. Baltensperger, D. Bhattu, E.A. Bruns, P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, J. Dommen, N. Heeb, A. Keller, F. Klein, N.K. Kumar, A.S.H. Prévôt, J.G. Slowik
2017Gas Phase Composition and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Gasoline Direct Injection Vehicles Investigated in Batch and Flow ReactorsPR
Pieber S.M., Anastasios Kampolis, Davide Ferri, Deepika Bhattu, Emily A. Bruns, Martin Elsener, Oliver Kröcher, André S.H. Prévôt, Urs Baltensperger
2018Aromatic Hydrocarbon Conversion through Catalytic Converters Significantly Reduces Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Wood Burning EmissionsPR
Pielecha Ireneusz, Jacek Pielecha, Filip Szwajca
Poznan University of Technology
2024Particulate number emissions during dynamic operating states of a hydrogen-fueled Turbulent Jet Ignition enginePO
Pielecha J., J. Merkisz
Poznan University
2010Comparative investigations into particulate matter cold start emissions from Euro 1 to Euro 4 passenger carsPO
Pielecha J., J. Merkisz, J. Pielecha, W. Stawecki
Poznan University
2010PM Emission from combat vehicle engine during start and warm-upPO
Pielecha J., Merkisz Jerzy, Pielecha Jacek, Szukalski Maciej
Poznan University
2010PM Emission of diesel rail-road vehicles operated on Polish rail linesPO
Pielecha J.
Poznan University
2011The On-Road Particle Emissions Characteristics of Vehicles Fitted with Diesel EnginesPO
Pielecha J., J. Merkisz, K. Labedz
Poznan University
2013Particulate Matter Emission from Bi-fueled Vehicles powered by compressed Natural Gas and GasolinePO
Pielecha J., J. Merkisz
Poznan University
2014On-road Particle Emissions of Passenger Cars Using Portable Emission Measurement SystemPO
Pielecha J., Merkisz J., Stojecki A., Jasińki
Poznan University
2015Measurements of Particles Mass, Number and Size Distribution from Light-Duty Vehicles in Conditions of Variable Terrain TopographyPO
Pielecha Jacek, Merkisz J., Markowski J., Jasinski J.
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
2016Evaluation of Exhaust Emissions of Vehicles with Emission Euro 6 Class According to RDE Tests Proposed by the European UnionPO
Pielecha Jacek
Poznan University of Technology
2024Particle number emissions from a hydrogen-fueled Turbulent Jet Ignition engine with a passive prechamberPO
Pietikäinen M., K. Oravisjärvi, A. Rautio, M. Haataja, A. Voutilainen, J. Ruuskanen, R.L. Keisi
University of Oulu
2009Assessment of the lung deposition of particulates originating from diesel and CNG fuelled enginesPO
Pignatelli Alessia, F. Picca, F. Sasso, M. Commodo, P. Minutolo, A. D'Anna
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
2023Formation, Growth, and Photochemical Aging of Laboratory-Generated NanoparticlesPR
Pinkerton K.E., L.E. Plummer, C.M. Carosino, A.R. Castaneda, K.J. Bein, A.S. Wexler
University of California
2013Cardiopulmonary Toxicity of Urban Source-oriented ultrafine and submicron fine particulate Matter from California's San Joaquin ValleyPR
Pinturaud D., A. Charlet, P. Higelin, P. Girot, S. Bardon
LME university of orléans france
2006Experimental Study of Partial RegenerationPR
Piri Amin
Yonsei University
2023Nano-dry-salt deposition on electret nonwoven confers anticoronaviral effect while retaining aerosol filtration perfor­mancePO
Piri Amin
Yonsei University
2023Aero-manufacture of nanobulges for an in-place anticoronaviral on air filtersPO
Pirjola L., T. Rönkkö, H. Pariainen, A. Virtanen, J. Keskinen
University of
2008Reduction of Exhaust Nanoparticles by Retrofitted After-Treatment Systems in Diesel Passenger CarsPR
Pisnoy Shimon, Steven Frankel, Leonid Tartakovsky
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
2021Numerical Investigation of Soot Formation and Oxidation in Wankel Rotary Engine Using Particulate Mimic Soot ModelPO
Platt St., R. Chirico, M. Clairotte, A.S.H. Prévôt, L. Pfaffenberger, P. Barmet, J. Slowik, C. Astorga, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2011Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol Emissions from MopedsPR
Platt St., I.El Haddad, S.M. Pieber, A.A. Zardini, R. Suarez-Bertoa
Paul Scherrer Institut
2013Secondary Aerosol Production from Modern Diesel and Gasoline CarsPR
Poláčik Ján, J. Pospisil
Brno University, Czech Rep.
2018Experimental observation of fine particle production decrease at ignition temperature level of wood samplesPO
Poláčik Ján, Tomáš SITEK, Jiří POSPÍŠIL, Barbora SCHÜLLEROVÁ
Brno University, Czech Rep.
2019Experimental Investigation of Concentration and Size Distribution of Fine Combustion Particles Emitted by Small Biomass Boiler under Various Operation ConditionsPO
Poluzzi Vanes, Lonati G., Scotto F., Özgen S., Bacco D., Ricciardelli I., Joutsensaari J., Patti S., Ferrari S., Laaksonen A., Cavalli F., Bellis C.Trentini A.
Agency for Prevention Bologna, Italy
2016Particle Number Concentrations and Size Distributions in Po Valley (Northern Italy) During PoAIR ExperimentPO
Ponsonby Joel, Leon King, Benjamin J. Murray, Marc E. J. Stettler
Imperial College London
2023Jet aircraft lubrication oil droplets as contrail ice-forming particlesPR
Pope A.C.
Brigham Young University
2005Health Effects of Ambient Combustion–related Fine and Ultra-fine Particulate Air Pollution: Recent Epidemiological EvidencePR
Popovicheva O., N.M. Persianseva, E.D. Kireeva, N.K. Shonija
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow
2008Water Interactions with Combustion Particles in AtmospherePR
Popovicheva O., N. Shonija, N. Persiantseva
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow
2010Quantification of water uptake by combustion (soot) particlesPO
Popovicheva O.
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow
2010Towards the development of tailored reference materials for black carbon measurementsPR
Pratsinis S.E., M.C. Heine
2007Agglomerate Dynamics at High Concentrations PR
Pratsinis S.E., M.L. Eggersdorfer, D. Kadau, H.J. Herrmann
2011Multiparticle Sintering Dynamics: From Fractal-Like Aggregates to Compact StructurPR
Pratsinis S.E., M.L. Eggersdorfer
2012The Structure of Agglomerates Consisting of Polydisperse NanoparticlesPR
Pratte P., Stéphane Cosandey, Catherine Goujon Ginglinger
Philip Moris
2017Solid Particle Investigations in the Mainstream of 3R4F Reference Cigarettes, and the Tobacco Heating System THS2.2 and Commercial CigarettesPO
Pregger O.
Contecca Plan AG
2011Partikelfiltereinbau bei Dieselloks in der PraxisFO
Press-Kristensen Kaare, Tanja Willumsen, Bilal Siraq Ademnur Abrahim, Teis Nørgaard Mikkelsen
Healthy Indoor Environment
2024Indoor particle pollution from cooking in DenmarkPO
Press-Kristensen Kåre, Laurvig L., Huth P., von Blumröder H., Friedrich A.
Ecological Council Denmark
2016Residential Wood Burning: Particle Pollution and Solutions PO
Press-Kristensen Kåre, Lotte Laurvig, Patrick Huth, Hannah von Blumröder & Axel Friedrich
Ecological Council Denmark
2017Taxation of Residential BurningPO
Press-Kristensen Kåre, Lotte Laurvig, Patrich Huth, Ellen Marie Drastrup
Ecological Council Denmark
2018Flue Gas Cleaning for Small Stoves and BoilersPO
Press-Kristensen Kåre, Patrick Huth, Hannah von Blumröder, Axel Friedrich
Ecological Council Denmark
2019Indoor air pollution with ultrafine particles from stovesPO
Press-Kristensen Kåre, Tanja Willumsen, Stig Koust, Christel Søgaard Kirkeby, Freja Rydahl Rasmussen, Naja Villadsen, Peter Egholm Bøgh Pedersen
Green Transition Denmark
2022The efficiency of mobile air purifiers in private homesPO
Press-Kristensen Kåre
Green Transition Denmark
2023Ultrafine particles from cruise ships and ferries in portsPO
Prévot A.S.H., S. Henne, J. Dommen, N. Bukowiecki, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institute
2003Aerosol size distribution and NO2 measurements during and after the gotthard tunnel shutdown 2001PR
Prévot A.S.H., J. Sandradewi, R. Alfarra, S. Szidat, L. Kammermann, K. Gaeggeler, A. Gascho, N. Bukowiecki, J. Dommen, E. Weingartner, M. Furger, S. Weimer, D. Schreiber, M. Mohr, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institute
2005Aerosols from Wood Combustion versus Traffic in an Alpine ValleyPR
Prévot A.S.H., S. Szidat, M.R. Alfarra, J. Sandradewi, M. Furger, S. Weimer, Chr. Hüglin, V. Lanz, N. Bukowiecki, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institute
2006The High PM10 Episode in Switzerland in January and February 2006PR
Prévot A.S.H., R. Alfarra, J. Sandradewi, N. Perron, E. Weingartner, S. Szidat, V. Lanz, Chr. Hüglin, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institute
2007Overview of the Particulate Matter Composition in Various Regions of SwitzerlandPR
Prévot A.S.H., V. Lanz, C. Mohr, P.F. DeCarlo, N. Perron, S. Szidat, N. Bukowiecki, M. Furger, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institute
2010Composition of particulate matter and the sources oft he carbonaceous fraction in urban and rural areas in SwitzerlandFO
Prévot A.S.H., S. Platt, I. El-Haddad, A.A. Zardini, M. Clairotte, C. Astorga, R. Wolf, J.G. Slowik, B. Temime-Roussel, N. Marchand, I. Jezek, L. Drinovec, G. Mocnik, O. Möhler, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institute
2012First Results on Primary Emissions and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles as well as Scooters PR
Price Ph.
University of Oxford
2006Particulate Emissions from a Gasoline Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition EnginePR
Probst-Hensch N.
Uni Basel
2012Gene-Air Pollution Interactions and BeyondPR
Probst-Hensch N., M. Imboden
CSIC and Public Health Institute
2015Health Consequences of Ultrafine Particles – an Exposome PerspectivePR
Probst-Hensch N., Nicole Probst-Hensch, Medea Imboden, Ayoung Jeong
CSIC and Public Health Institute
2019Ultrafine particles and health - the urban exposome perspectivePR
Pucher E., Andreas Gruber, Andreas Eidmann, Christian Spitzwieser
Vienna University of Technology
2019Validation of a Universal Short-Test Procedure für PN and NOx by RDE MeasurementsPO
Pucher Ernst, A. Schilk, A. Gruber, A. Hacker, A. Eidmann
Vienna University of Technology
2015Route Related Real-World Particulate Number and NOx Emissions of Euro 5 and Euro 6 LDVPR
Pucher Ernst
Technische Universität Wien, Austria
2016Short Test Procedures for Nanoparticles Emission and Gaseous Exhaust Components of Combustion EnginesPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Querol X.
2012New Trends in Urban Air Quality Monitoring: Ultrafine Particles and Black CarbonFO
Querol X., I.Rias, C. Reche, A. Alastuey, M. Viana, M. Alvarez, J. Sunyer
2015Outdoor and Indoor Particle Concentrations in Schools of Barcelona during the BREATHE-ERC-AG studyPR
Quinn Cian, Smith W.J.
University College Dublin, Ireland
2016Analysis of Particulate Matter Emissions from Combustion of Peat Briquettes in a Domestic-scale StovePO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Rabl Alexander, Marius Rohkamp, Mohammad Reza Saraji-Bozorgzad, Christian Helcig, Reetu Sallinen, Jesse Vilja, Jan Bendl, Thomas Adam, Andreas Hupfer, Volker Gümmer
TU Munich - LTF
2024Particulate emissions of a turboshaft engine running on HEFA-SPK and its Jet A-1 blendsPO
Raes F.
European Commission Ispra
2011Tackling Black Carbon Emissions within a Multi-Pollutant Multi-Effect ContextPR
Ragettli M., H.C. Phuleria, N. Künzli, L.J. Sally Liu
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel
2011Commute Exposure to Ultrafine Particles - Measurement Approaches and Investigation of Exposure DeterminantsPO
Ragettli M.S., H.C. Phuleria, E. Corradi, Ch. Braun-Fahrländer, N. Künzli
Uni Basel
2012Commute Exposure to Ultrafine Particles - Measurement Approaches and Investigation of Exposure DeterminantsPR
Ragettli M.S., O.C. Mudaheranwa, M. Bouchard, Ch. Beaudry, M. Debia
University of Montreal
2014Diesel exposures in port workers in MontrealPO
Rahbar Hossein
Carleton University
2022Sintering rate of nickel nanoparticles by molecular dynamicsPO
Rahinov I., M. Poliak, A. Fomin, V. Tsionsky, S. Cheskis
Uni Raanana/Israel
2014Diagnostics of Combustion Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: from Gas Phase Intermediates to Solid ParticulatesPO
Rahman Mostafizur, A. M. Pourkhesalian, S. Stevanovic, H. Wang, B. Miljevic, Z. Ristovski
Queensland University
2013Variation in Particle Emissions and Morphology among Biodiesels with controlled Physicochemical PropertiesPO
Ramteke Shobhana
Integrated Regional Office, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
2022Distribution, size segregation, sources of indoor particulate matter during burning ofmosquito coils and incense sticks emissions and their health impactsPO
Raparthi Nagendra, Sohana Debbarma, Harish C. Phuleria
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2021Optical properties of light-absorbing carbonaceous aerosols from on-road vehiclesPO
Rapp R.
University of Basel
2007Gesundheitliche Aspekte von Feinstaub-Belastungen: Neue ResultateFO
Raptis Ioannis, Ntampos I., Kousias N., Stylogiannis A., Haedrich L., Ntziachristos V., Ntziachristos, L.
Aristotle University Thessaloniki
2023Evaluation of a miniaturized exhaust emission measuring system using an optoacoustic BC sensor and low-cost gas sensorsPR
Raptis Ioannis, T. Tziovas, G. Triantafyllopoulos, N. Kousias, L. Haedrich, U. Stahl, V. Ntziachristos, L. Ntziachristos
2024Evaluation of a miniaturized exhaust emission measuring system for L category Vehicles measurements in real world driving conditionsPR
Raptis Ioannis, N. Kousias, L. Haedrich, U. Stahl, V. Ntziachristos, L. Ntziachristos
2024Portable optoacoustic Black Carbon Sensor for Exhaust Emissions MeasurementPO
Rathee Amarjeet, Sudesh Yadav, Sudesh Yadav
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi- 110067
2021Carbonaceous Aerosol at Breathing Height during Wintertime in Ambient Atmosphere of National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi, IndiaPO
Reavell K.St.J.
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Reavell K.St.J., N. Collings, J. Gidney, M. Twigg
2006A Standard Diesel Combustion Aerosol Generator for DPF TestingPO
Reavell K.St.J., J.P.R. Symonds
2007Calibration of Fast Electrical Mobility Spectrometers for Engine Particulate MeasurementPR
Reavell K.St.J., T. Hands
2009Performance evaluation of Diesel Particulate Filters during loading from cleanPR
Reavell K.St.J., G. I nman
2010Backpressure characteristics of a DPF loaded with as soot generator and a diesel engine under different operating cyclesPO
Reavell Kingsfey
Cambustion Ltd
2023The M2AS - Mass and Mobility Aerosol SpectrometerPO
Rebuli Meghan E.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
2022Impact of combustion-generated particles on respiratory response to viral infectionPR
Rehberg Markus, Qiongliang Liu, Otmar Schmid, Tobias Stöger, Markus Rehberg
2021Real time in vivo investigation early alveolar neutrophil dynamics during ventilator-assisted nanoparticle inhalationPO
Reinoso A.R.
3CV - Maipú - Santiago
2005Retrofitting Program for Santiago Bus Fleet: Pilot project resultsPR
Reinoso A.R.
2017Santiago de Chile Experience with Respect to Inspection and Maintenance Using Particle Number MeasurementPO
Reinoso Aliosha, Manriquez N.
2016Bus Fleet of Santiago with DPF since 2008 – Experience with Respect to Maintenance; Study of the Chilean Ministry of EnvironmentFO
Reith J., H.G. Horn, O.F. Bischof, B. Osmondson
2007Features and Advantages of a new Engine Exhaust CPC (EECPC), TSI Model 3790PO
Reith J., R. Zahoransky
2010Exhaust gas aftertreatment by micro wavesPO
Reuter K., J. Meyer, G. Kasper
University of Karlsruhe
2006Investigations on the Precipitation of Particles Charged by Thermionic EmissionPO
Rexeis M., St. Hausberger
Graz University of Technology
2011Partikel-Emissionen der Schweren NutzfahrzeugeFO
Riccobono F., U. Manfredi, G. Martini
European Camission
2013The Future of the Particulate Measurement ProgramPR
Riccobono F. , P. Bonnel, B. Giechaskiel, M. Weiss, G. Martini
2014How to extend the Real Drive Emission test procedure to particle numberFO
Richard A., M. Heringa, M. Sattler, K.M. Meyer, M. Furger, A. Prévôt, Chr. Gaegauf
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008Trace Elements in Wood Combustion Performed with Different Domestic Heating StovesPR
Richard A., M. Fierz, P. Steigmeier, H. Burtscher
Paul Scherrer Institut
2012Mobile Measurements of Number Concentrations of Ultrafine Particles in Different Swiss Cities with the miniDiSCPR
Richards P., M. Vincent, W. Kalischewski
2003Additional NOx-benefits as a result of using FBC to aid DPF regenerationPR
Richards P.
2004DPF/FBC systems to reduce both PM and NO2PR
Richards P.
2006Metal Emissions Reduction Benefits without NO2 PenaltyPR
Rickeard D.J.
1997Fuel and Vehicle Effects on Particulate EmissionsPR
Rickeard D.J., Y. Kwon, J. Bateman
1999What Causes High Particle Emissions from Gasoline Vehicles? A Study of Vehicle EffectsPR
Rickeard D.J.
2000CRC-Meeting, Paris, 19.6.2000PR
Rickeard D.J.
2002CRC particle workshop, San Diego 21 October 2002PR
Riediker M., M. Gasser, A. Perrenoud, P. Gehr, B. Rothen Rutishauser
Institute for Work and Health, Lausanne, Switzerland
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Riediker M., B.J.Daly, K. Schmid
Institute for Work and Health, Lausanne, Switzerland
2009Contribution of smokers, ambient air pollution and establishment characteristics to fine particulate matter concentrations inside bars, restaurants and cafesPO
Riediker M.
Institute for Work and Health, Lausanne, Switzerland
2009NanoImpactNet – the European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of NanomaterialsPO
Riediker Michael
SCOEH (Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health)
2023Clean air against pathogens: the role of air flow and ventilationPR
Riediker Michael
SCOEH: Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health
2024Aerosols, a tool for assessing airborne transmissions of hazardous substances and agentsPR
Rienks Rafael
2016Quality Control During Filter ManufacturingFO
Rigaudeau Ch., O. Belot
PSA Peugeot Citroen
1999Influence of Fuel Sulphur on the Formation of Ultrafine Particulate in DieselPR
Rigaudeau Ch.
PSA Peugeot Citroen
2009Contribution of smokers, ambient air pollution and establishment characteristics to fine particulate matter concentrations inside bars, restaurants and cafesPO
Rigler Martin, Irena Ježek, Luka Drinovec, Janja Turši?, Irena Kranjc, Kristina Glojek, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Valerie Gros, Olivier Favez, David Green, Athanasia Vlachou, Christoph Hüglin, Tong Yandong, Giulia Stefenelli, Jay G. Slowik, Andre S.H. Prévôt , Anthony D.A. Hansen
2018Optical and thermal measurements and source apportionment of TC, BC, OC, EC and CM with high time-resolution and comparison to aerosol mass spectrometryPO
Rinaldo M., A. Lacourt, P. Andujar, L. Martinon, X. Janson, J.-C. Pairon, M. Canal Raffin, E. Sellier, P. Dumortier, P. Brochard
Université de Bordeaux
2015Retention of Inhaled Fine and Ultrafine Particles by the Pleura and Accumulation in Black SpotsPO
Rindlisbacher T.
Federal Office for Civil Aviation Bern
2019The first global regulatory limits for aircraft engine particle mass and number emissionsPR
Rindlisbacher Theo
Federal Office for Civil Aviation Bern
2011Steps Towards a Certification Measurement Approach for Aircraft PM EmissionsPR
Rindlisbacher Theo
Federal Office for Civil Aviation Bern
2013Planned Introduction of a non-volatile Particle Mass and Number Standard for Aircraft Gas TurbinesPR
Rindlisbacher Theo
BAZL Switzerland
2016Introduction of the First Particulate Matter Standard for Aircraft EnginesPR
Rindlisbacher Theo
Swiss Civil Aviation Authority, FOCA
2024Aircraft particle emissions in cruisePR
Rippe A.
Corning Wiesbaden
2003Different technologies for reduction of emissions in commercial vehiclesPO
Rissanen Matti, Avinash Kumar, Shawon Barua, Jian Zhao, Lukas Pichelstorfer, Mojtaba Bezaatpour, Prasenjit Seal, Anni Savolainen, Pontus Roldin, Mikael Ehn, Siddharth Iyer
Tampere University & University of Helsinki
2024Rapid formation of aerosol precursors from o/m/p-Xylene and their contribution to secondary organic aerosol formationPR
Ristimäki J., M. Lappi
Wärtsilä Finland
2011Black and Organic Carbon Emissions from Marine (medium speed) Diesel EnginesPO
Ristovski Z.
ILAQH, Queensland University
2001Nanoparticle emission from petrol to CNG and LPG converted spark ignition enginesPR
Ristovski Z.
ILAQH, Queensland University
2002Formation of nanoparticles in the exhaust of diesel busses for different levels of fuel sulfur contentPR
Ristovski Z., G. Gramotnev
ILAQH, Queensland University
2003Evolution of particle size distribution near a busy road: observation of secondary particle formationPR
Ristovski Z., B.Miljevic, N. Surawski, S. Stevanovic, R. Brown, K. Fairfull-Smith, St. Bottle
ILAQH, Queensland University
2011Measurements of Oxidative Capacity of Combustion Generated Nanoparticles using Profluorescent Nitroxide ProbesPR
Robertson W., A. Ayala
2014Current Tailpipe PM Issues: A California UpdatePO
Robertson W., A. Ayala
2015Toward Widespread e-Mobility and the Ultimate Solution for Combustion-generated NanoparticlesPR
Rodriguez F. , Acevedo H., E. Lopez, L. Cachon, N. Rojas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
2014Particle Number Measurements of a CNG Euro VI Bus Operating in Bogotá for Public TransportPR
Rodt S.
UBA Berlin
2001EU / GRPE: "Particulate measurement programme" (PMP)PR
Rodt S.
UBA Berlin
2004All new diesel cars from German manufacturers sold in Germany will have particle filters until 2008/2009PR
Rogers T., W. Copan
Clean Diesel Technologies
2009Investigation and speciation of Platinum Group Metals (PGM) found in Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) emitted from Heavy Duty Engines employing various DPM Emission Control TechnologyPR
Rohkamp Marius, Alexander Rabl, Carsten Neukirchen, Jan Bendl, Mohammad Reza Saraji-Bozorgzad, Thomas Adam, Andreas Hupfer
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
2024Gaseous and Non-Volatile Particulate Matter Turboshaft-Engine Emissions using 30%, 50% and 100% HEFA Sustainable Aviation FuelPR
Rojas Néstor Y.R.
Universidad National de Colombia
2000Deposition/Release of Particles in a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst, Effect of EGR on Cold StartPR
Rojas Néstor Y.R., Kauko Janka, Antti Rostedt, Mark Davis, Barouch Giechaskiel
Universidad National de Colombia
2006Particulate matter pollution in Bogotá: research opportunities and needsPO
Rongchai Kanchit Jeng, N. Collings
University of Cambridge
2011Development of a High Temperature Condensation Particle CounterPO
Rongchai Kanchit Jeng, N. Collings
University of Cambridge
2012High Temperature Condensation Particle CounterPR
Rongchai Kanchit Jeng, N. Collings
University of Cambridge
2013High Temperature Condensation Particle Counter; a Novel Device for Nanoparticle Emission MeasurementPO
Rönkkö T., T. Lähde, A. Virtanen, L. Pirjola, D. Rothe, J. Keskinen
Tampere University of Technology
2008Effect of exhaust aftertreatment on characteristics of diesel nucleation mode particlesPR
Rönkkö T., A. Arffman, T. Lähde, P. Karjalainen, J. Heikkilä, L. Pirjola, D. Rothe, J. Keskinen
Tampere University of Technology
2011Diesel Exhaust Nanoparticle Volatility Studies using a new Thermodenuder with low Solid Nanoparticle LossesPR
Rönkkö T., Jenni Alanen, Erkka Saukko, Kati Lehtoranta, Sanna Saarikoski, Panu Karjalainen, Pauli Simonen, Timo Murtonen, Hilkka Timonen, Kimmo Teinilä, Heino Kuuluvainen, Risto Hillamo, Jorma Keskinen
Tampere University of Technology
2017Nanoparticles in natural gas engine exhaustPO
Rönkkö T., Heino Kuuluvainen, Panu Karjalainen, Jorma Keskinen, Risto Hillamo, Jarkko V. Niemi, Liisa Pirjola, Hilkka Timonen, Sanna Saarikoski, Erkka Saukko, Anssi Järvinen, Henna Silvennoinen, Antti Rostedt, Miska Olin, Jaakko Yli-Ojanperä, Pekka Nousiainen, Anu Kousa, Miikka Dal Maso
Tampere University of Technology
2018Vehicles are a Major source of Atmospheric Sub-3nm ParticlesPR
Rönkkö T., Heino Kuuluvainen, Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, Laura Salo, Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, Liisa Pirjola, Department of Technology, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland, Kimmo Teinilä, Atmospheric Composition Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, Hilkka Timonen, Atmospheric Composition Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, Erkka Saukko, Pegasor Oy, Finland, Ville Niemelä, Dekati Oy, Finland, Mikko Moisio, Dekati Oy, Finland, Panu Karjalainen, Aerosol Physics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere Finland
Tampere University of Technology
2019Feasibility of diffusion chargers for particle emission measurement in periodical inspectionPR
Rose K.D., Th. Grigoratos, S. Constantini, G. Fontaras, M. Kalogirou, Z. Samaras
2010Impact of FAME in diesel on particle emissions from Euro4-compliant light-duty vehiclesPO
Rosenoern Th., K. Fuglsang, L. Jorgensen, L. Per, G. Kristensen, K. Larsen
2013Factors Controlling Condensed Phase Emissions from Gas engine Fired combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) – a field StudyPO
Rossi Michel J.
Paul Scherrer Institut
2004Interaction of H2O vapour with flame soot in the range 193-300K: the role of fuel sulfurPR
Rossi Michel J.
Paul Scherrer Institut
2007The Reaction of Flame Soot with Nitrogen Oxides (NO2, NO3, N2O5, HONO, HNO3): A brief Overview of the ChemistryPR
Rossi Michel J., A. Setyan, J.-J. Sauvain, M. Riediker, M. Guillemin
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008The Surface Characterization of Carbonaceous Nanoparticles and Flame Soot: the chemical composition of the interfacePR
Rossi Michel J., A.Setyan, J.-J. Sauvain, M. Riediker, O. Popovicheva
Paul Scherrer Institut
2013Molecular View on Functional Groups on the Surface of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials (Soot Reference Materials, Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes) and what it may mean for Human HealthPR
Rossi Michel J., Sauvain J.-J., Tapia A., Salgado-Muñoz M.S., Maria Pilar M.,Magin L., Rodriguez-Fernández J., Cabañas B., Popovitcheva O.
PSI, Switzerland
2016Surface Composition and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Generation: Evaluation of Health Risks of Soot NanoparticlesPO
Rossner Jr. Pavel, Milcova A., Pokorna M., Ambroz A., Stolcpartova J., Beranek V., Rossnerova A., Ciganek M., Neca J., Vojtisek M., Topinka J.
Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech. Rep.
2016Emissions from Standard and Alternative Diesel and Gasoline Fuels: Chemical Characterization and GenotoxicityPO
Rossnerova Andrea, Cervena T., Stolcpartova J., Beranek V., Rossner P., Vojtisek-Lom M., Topinka J.
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Czech.Rep.
2016Frequency of Micronuclei in Human Bronchial Epithelium Cells Induced by Major Diesel Exhaust Components and Organic Extracts from Diesel EmissionsPO
Rothe D.
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge
2006Some Remarks about the Nucleation Mode in Diesel ExhaustPO
Rothe D., H. Beck, Chr. Tyroller, D. Deyerling, G. Emmerling
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge
2012Particle Number Counting in Heavy Duty Diesel exhaust: Routine or still a challengePO
Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, F. Blank, S. Schürch, P. Gehr
University of Bern
2005Interaction of Nanoparticles with Cells of the Airway Tissue Barrier: a Study with Cell Culture ModelsPR
Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, F. Blank, P. Gehr
University of Bern
2006An epithelial airway model to visualize cellular interplay after nanoparticle exposurePR
Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, R.N. Grass, F. Blank, L.K. Limbach, Chr. Mühlfeld, P. Gehr, W. Stark
University of Bern
2007Risk assessment of nanoparticle exposure at working placesPO
Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, M.J.D. Clift, D.O. Raemy, A.D. Lehmann, C. Brandenberger, P. Wick, W.J. Parak, R.P.F. Schins, P. Gehr
University of Bern
2011Understanding Nanoparticle Muta-Genicity: Is the Ames Test a Suitable Technique to provide Insight into the Relative Unknown?PR
Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, Clift M. J.D., Petri-Fink A.
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2016Differentiating the Mechanism of Lung Cell Interactions between Diesel Exhaust Particles and Carbonaceous Fibrous StructuresPR
Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara
2019Point of View of a Biologist on Combustion Engine Exhaust – Current Knowledge of Adverse Effects and Underlying Cellular MechanismsFO
Rubinetti Donato, Weiss D.A., Egli W.
University of Applied Sciences Northwest, Switzerland
2016Electrostatic Precipitator – Numerical Modeling and Verification ConceptPO
Rubino Lauretta
Sensors Europe GmbH
2001Nanoparticle emissions from gasoline engine exhaustsPR
Rubino Lauretta
Sensors Europe GmbH
2002After-treatment of nanoparticle emissions from gasoline engine exhaustsPR
Rubino Lauretta, P. Bonnel, A. Krasenbrink, F. Montigny, M. Carriero, I. Fumagalli
Sensors Europe GmbH
2006On-Board PM Measurements: Status of Regulatory Developments and Instrumentation TechnologyPR
Rubino Lauretta
Sensors Europe GmbH
2009Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS) for heavy duty diesel vehicles PM measurements: the SEMTECH Portable Particulate Measuring Device (PPMD) and the EU PEMS program experiencePO
Rubino Lauretta, Dominic Their, Thorsten Schumann;
Sensors Europe GmbH
2017GPF Durability Study at two Different Exhaust Locations for two Identical Vehicles: Effect of Soot and Ash accumulation over LifetimePO
Rubino Lauretta
VERT Association
2023HORIZON AeroSolfd project: Retrofit Filtration Devices for Cleaner Urban Mobility - Focus on highly efficient fitter systems for large scale petrol engine retrofitPO
Rubino Lauretta, T. Lutz, J. Czerwinski, L. Larsen, H. Burtscher, A. Mayer
VERT Association
2024The Dirty Tail of Vehicle Fleets and how to Detect and Clean the High Emitters - the Fastest Route to Clean Urban Air at Low CostPR
Rubino Lauretta, A. Mayer, J. Cerwinski, T. Lutz, L. C. Larsen
VERT Association
2024VERT GPF-Retrofit Program for Cleaner Urban Mobility within the HORIZON Europe AeroSolfd projectPO
Rueda Jaime, Molano E., Avenido A., Saenz H.
District Secretariat of Environment Bogotá, Columbia
2016Field Evaluations of Retrofit DPF in Public Transport Buses Using Number Concentration of Solid Particle Number in Bogotá.PR
Rüggeberg T., Martin Fierz, Heinz Burtscher
FHNW, Switzerland
2018An Electrical Detector for Particle Counting below 23 nmPO
Rüggeberg T., H. Burtscher, M. Fierz, A. Melas, D. Deloglou, E. Papaioannou, A.G. Konstandopoulos
FHNW Windisch
2019Measuring combustion emissions down to 10 nm with DC-sensorsPR
Rüggeberg Tobias, Patrick Specht, Peter Steigmeier, Martin Fierz, Ernest Weingartner, Heinz Burtscher
2021Handheld Emission Particle Counter for testing diesel particle filters of off-road enginesPO
Ruprecht A.A., C. De Marco, P. Pozzi, E. Munarini, R. Mazza, G. Angelotti, F. Turla, R. Boffi
Tobacco Control Unit, Firenze
2014Comparison between Particulate Matter Mass, Number of Particles, Ultrafine Particle and Black Carbon Emissions by Electronic and Normal Cigarettes in Real-Life ConditionsPO
Ruschel Y., Prof. Krahl
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institut (vTI)
2008Emissions of Ultrafine Particles Emitted from an EURO III Engine Running on BiodieselPO
Ruzal-Mendelevich Michal, A. Katoshevski, E. Sher, T. Shaked
Ben-Gurion University Israel
2010Particle grouping, a new method for reducing the health risk associated with Diesel-particulate emissionPO
Ruzal-Mendelevich Michal, C.Katoshevski, E. Sher, A. Luttinger
Ben-Gurion University Israel
2012A new Exhaust Methodology for Decreasing Combustion Generated Nanoparticle EmissionPO
Ruzal-Mendelevich Michal, D.Katoshevski, E. Sher, A. Liebermann
Ben-Gurion University Israel
2013Agglomeration Inducing Exhaust Pipe / impact on particle number and morphologyPO
Ruzal-Mendelevich Michal, D. Katoshevski , E. Sher
Ben-Gurion University Israel
2015Controlling Nanoparticles Emission with Particle-Grouping Exhaust-PipePO
Ruzal-Mendelevich Michal, Katoshevski David, Sher Eran
Ben Gurion University, Israel
2016Grouping Manipulation of Nanoparticles Emitted from ICEsPO
Rydahl Rasmussen Freja, Naja Villadsen, Stig Koust
Danish Technological Institute
2024Enhancing Air Quality: Investigating Filter Lifespan and Byproducts in Air Purification SolutionsPR
Rydahl Rasmussen Freja, Lars Schwarzer, Per Holm Hansen
Danish Technological Institute
2024Cost-efficient sensor solution for reducing emissions from woodstoves through user guidancePO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Sachse H., H. Sachse, R. Horn, S. Gramstat
Technische Universität Ilmenau
2011Brake Dust EmissionPR
Sadler L.
Airquality Emmendingen
2007Policies driving the Use of Diesel Particle Filters in EuropePR
Sadler L.
Airquality Emmendingen
2008Introduction: Air Quality Legislation, Management, Emission Sources and Health ImpactsFO
Sadler L.
Airquality Emmendingen
2009Introduction: European Air Quality Legislation and Management, including Low Emission ZonesPO
Sadler L.
Airquality Emmendingen
2010The impact of low emission zones and some conclusions for particulate matter researchPR
Saitoh Katsumi, Akihiro Fushimi & Yuji Fujitani (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan), Nobuyuki Takegawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
ESAR Japan
2019Characteristics of chemical composition for ultrafine particle collected at Narita International AirportPO
Saitoh Katsumi, Akihiro Fushimi, Shigeo Matsuyama, Misako Miwa, Sho Toyama, Yohei Kikuchi, Lukas Durdina, Julien Anet, Nobuyuki Takegawa
Environmental Science Analysis & Research Laboratory, Japan
2021Elemental and ionic analysis of aircraft engine smoke number filter samples with micro-PIXE and IC PO
Sakellarakis Vasileios David, Farrace D., Barro Chr., Wright Y., Boulouchos K.
ETHZ, Switzerland
2016Large Eddy Simulations for Detailed Soot Formation InvestigationsPO
Sakurai Hiromu, Naoko Tajima, Nobuhiko,Fukushima, Kensei Ehara
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, , Japan
2005Development of a Primary Calibration Standard for the Aerosol Particle Number Con-centration using the Aerosol Electrometer MethodPR
Sakurai Hiromu, Kensel Ehara
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, , Japan
2007Primary Standard for Aerosol Particle Number ConcentrationPR
Sakurai Hiromu, Keizo Saito, Masaaki Tsuji, Tsuyoshi Taishi, Tetsuji Koyama
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, , Japan
2009Evaluation of uncertainties in the calibration of the volatile particle removerPO
Sakurai Hiromu, Keizo Saito, Tsuyoshi Taishi, Tetsuji Koyama
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, , Japan
2011Errors in determination of VPR's Particle Concentration Reduction FactorPO
Sakurai Hiromu, Yoshiko Murashima, Hitoshi Fujiwara, Nobuyuki Takegawa
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
2018Uncertainties in the Determination of the Penetration Efficiency of the Volatile Particle Remover Used in Number Emission Measurement of Non-volatile Nanoparticles from Aircraft Turbine EnginesPO
Sakurai Hiromu, Yoshiko Murashima (AIST), Yuji Fujitani (National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)), Nobuyuki Takegawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, , Japan
2019Accuracy of particle size distribution and number concentration measured by the Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS) spectrometer for particles in the size range from 6 nm to 300 nmPO
Salem S., F. Bondiloi
University of Urmia Iran
2012Evaluation of green and blue Nano Cobalt Aluminate Spinels Synthesised by Combustion MethodPO
Salgado S.
2001Control of Combustion Conditions – Soot Generator for Liquid FuelsPR
Samaras Z.
2003Overview of the EU DG TREN particulates projectPR
Samaras Z., B.Giechaskiel, L. Ntziachristos
2006The Effect of Driving Conditions and Aftertreatment Preconditioning on the Formation of Nucleation Mode Particles from Diesel VehiclesPO
Samaras Z., Savas Geivanidis, Willar Vonk, J. Hausberger, A. Perujo
2013Testing of Soot Sensors for DPF Failure MonitoringPR
Sandbach E.L.
2004Preliminary Assessment of the Matter Engineering Rotating Disk Diluter Type MD19-2EPO
Sandradewi J., R. Alfarra, N. Perron, A. Prévôt, E. Weingartner, S. Szidat, R. Schmidhauser, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2007Quantification of Wood Burning versus Traffic Contributions to Particulate Matter during a Winter Period in an Alpine ValleyPO
Santos John, Yun-Chi Hsu, Lin-Chi Wang
Chung Yuan Christian University
2023The Influence of a Diesel Particulate Filter with Low-Temperature Regenerability on Diesel Engine EmissionsPR
Sanui Ryoko, Hanamura K.
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2016Electron Microscopic Visualization of Soot Bridge Formation and Configuration Analysis of Diesel Particulate FilterPO
Sappok A., P.Ragaller, L. Bromberg
Filter Sensing Technologies Inc.
2015Real-Time Particulate Filter Soot and Ash Measurements via Radio Frequency SensingPR
Sappok A., Paul Ragaller, Andrew Herman, Leslie Bromberg, Vitaly Prikhodko, James Parks, John Storey
CTS Corporation
2017In-Use Particulate Filter State of Health Monitoring: Prognostics and Diagnostics Using Radio Frequency SensingPR
Sasaki S.
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2002PM size measurement to simulate atmospheric dilutionPR
Sasaki S.
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2004Particle size distribution with partial flow diluter and nuclei mode during the transient cyclesPR
Sasaki S., Yoshio Tonegawa, Toru Nakajima
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2005Potential of nano-particle formation with vehicles PO
Sasaki S., Yoshio Tonegawa, Toru Nakajima
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2006Nanoparticle Characteristics with the Latest After-Treatment Systems on the Market - Urea SCR and DPNR SystemPR
Sato Keiichi, Akihiro Iijima, Naoki Furuta
Acid Deposition and Oxidant Research Center (ADORC) Japan
2009Characteristics of Nanoparticulate Matter Collected in Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Focusing on Particles Containing Heavy MetalsPO
Sattler K.
2000Nanoparticles in the Time of Flight Mass SpectrometerPR
Sattler Michael, M.F. Heringa, N.K. Meyer, A.S.H. Prévôt, C.K. Gaegauf
Oekozentrum Langenbruck
2008Physical and chemical on-line characterization of nanoparticles in transient burn phases of modern wood heat appliancesPR
Sattler Michael, Fraboulet I., Bachellez S., Brunner Th., Kelz J., Goile F., Jespersen M.G.,Gustavson L., Horak J., Hartmann H., Hugoni F., Jokiniemi J., Keller A., Le Dreff C., Miggliavaca G., Rogaume C., Tissari J., von Sonntag J., Wuest J., Gaegauf Chr.
Ökozentrum Langenbruck Switzerland,
2016Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Solid Biomass Fuel Burning Appliances and Boilers – Proposal for a Common European Test Method.PO
Saturno Jorge, Andreas Nowak, Thomas Müller, Baseerat Romshoo, Joel Corbin, Gregory J. Smallwood, Paul Green, Krzysztof Ciupek, Konstantina Vasilatou, Michaela Ess, François Gaie-Levrel, Kostas Eleftheriadis, Maria Gini, Martin Irwin, Martin Gysel-Beer, Volker Ebert, Paul Quincey
2019Comparison of different soot generators: Towards a standard reference material for aerosol absorptionPO
Saturno Jorge, Andreas Nowak, David Worton, Menne Schakel, Rasmus Pettinen, Volker Ebert
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
2021MetroPEMS: Metrology for portable emission measurement systems. Project goals and preliminary findingsPO
Saukko Erkka, Janka K.
Pagasor-Oy, Finland
2016Dynamic Cutpoint Switching of Nanoparticle Detector for Improved Aerosol CharacterizationPO
Saukko Erkka, Kauko Janka
Pegasor Oy, Tampere, Finland
2021Fast PN-PTI sensor based on electrical detection and real-time particle size estimationPO
Saukko Erkka, Kauko Janka, Pegasor Oy
2024Integrated PN measurement system performance and VPR requirementsPR
Sauvain Jean-Jacques, A. Toto, N. Concha-Lozano, G. Suarez
Unisanté, DSTE
2024Towards continuous measurement of the oxidative potential of the airPR
Savela K., S. Pahjola
FIOH Helsinki
2003Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derived from vehicle air pollutants in work environment and bronchus epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B)WS
Schäfer-Sindlinger A., C.-D. Vogt
NGK Europe
2003Recent trends of filter development for diesel particulate aftertreatmentPR
Schänzlin K.
2002Comparison of the soot formation inside the cylinder and soot particle emission of a DI.SI. enginePR
Scharpf Inge
IUF – Leibniz Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
2022Effects of Traffic-Related Nanoparticles in the animal model C. elegans: Neurodegeneration and Neurodegenerative DiseasesPO
Scharpf Inge, A. Limke, F. Blesing, A. von Mikecz
IUF - Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine
2023Tire wear and ambient temperature - Their accelerating effect on neurodegenerative diseases and aging in the animal model Caenorhabditis elegansPR
Scheckman J.H., H.G. Horn, R. Andersen
2013Pulse Height Monitor to Improve Data Reliability of Condensation Particle Counter for Engine Exhaust Emission ApplicationsPO
Scheer V.
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen
2002Real-world assessment of exhaust particles in chase vehicle studiesPR
Scheer V., J. Schneider, U. Kirchner, R. Vogt
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen
2006In situ Measurements of Chemical and Physical Parameters of Various Traffic related Particles under Cruise ConditionsPR
Schegk C.-D.
1999Particle Size Classification by Means of Particle Centrifuge and Diffusion BatteryPR
Schenker Moritz
ETH Zurich
2023Crystallization of Ag-Au alloyed Nanopartieles by Molecular DynamicsPO
Schiess M.
2005Measures and Plans for Reduction of Nanoparticles in the Ambient Air in SwitzerlandPO
Schindler Chr.
University of Basel
2001Stability of the Combustion Aerosol Standard CASTPR
Schindler Chr.
University of Basel
2004Notes on "soot" measurement of Diesel enginesPR
Schindler Chr., E. Samoli, K. Katsouyanni
University of Basel
2006Short- and long term effects of nitrogen dioxide on mortality and respiratory health - with emphasis on results from the APHEA and the SAPALDIA studyPR
Schindler Wolfgang, Reinisch T.
AVL List, Graz, Austtria
2016Black Carbon: Shades of GrayPO
Schins R.P.F., M. Hullmann, C. Albrecht, D. van Berlo, M.E. Gerofs-Nijland, A. Hillmann, A.J.F. Boere, P.H.B. Fokkens, S. Weggen, T.A. Bayer, J. Krutmann, F.R. Cassee
IUF Leibniz
2012Effects of Subchronic Inhalation Exposure to Diesel Engine Exhaust in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer's DiseasePR
Schladitz A., G. Löschau, A. Hausmann
2012UltraSchwarz – Ultrafine Particles and Health in the Ore Mountains: Annaberg-Buchholz (Germany) and Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic)PO
Schlatter J.
1999From Generation of Combustion Aerosols to Reference MaterialsPR
Schlatter J.
2000Legal Aspects of Particle MeasurementsPR
Schlatter J.
2001Interlaboratory Comparison with Mobility Particle SizersPR
Schlatter J.
2003Calibration of instruments for particle measurements – chain of traceabilityPO
Schlatter J.
2003Calibration of SMPS with particles from CASTPO
Schlatter J.
2004A New Approach to a primary Standard for Particle Number ConcentrationPO
Schlatter J.
2004Calibration Concepts for Particle Conccentration Measurement at Vehicles – a ComparisonPO
Schlatter J.
2005Influence of Ambient Pressure on Combustion Aerosol Standard (CAST)PO
Schlatter J.
2005Research on Nanoparticles at METASPO
Schlatter J.
2005Memory Effect of Particles in the SMPSPO
Schlatter J., K. Auderset
2006Comparison of Grimm and TSI Condensation Particle CounterPO
Schlatter J., K. Auderset
2006Comparison of Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) and Laser Particle Counter (LAPAZ)PO
Schlatter J., G. D'Urbano
2007Portable Particle Counter for Engines with Diesel Particle FilterPO
Schlatter J.
2008Diesel smoke measurement –optical methods vs particle countingPO
Schlatter J., K. Discherl, K. Fuglsang, R. Gilham, H. Sakurai, K. Wirtz
2009New International standard for aerosol particle sizing (ISO 15900)PO
Schlatter J., K. Discherl, K. Fuglsang, R. Gilham, H. Sakurai, K. Wirtz
2009International comparison of national standards for particle counting and sizingPR
Schlatter J.
2010Requirements for a portable particle counter for construction machineryPR
Schlatter J.
2012Automotive combustion particle metrics: Metrological implementation within EMRPPO
Schlickum V.
Sen. UVK Berlin
2017Defects by DPFPO
Schmatloch V.
1999Fine Particle Emissions of Small Wood Fired FurnacesPR
Schmatloch V.
2000Fine Particle Emissions from Wood and Oil Fired FurnacesPR
Schmatloch V.
2001Particle Emissions from Small Wood Fired Furnaces and a Way to Reduce them.PR
Schmatloch V.
2002Reduction of particle emissions from small wood fired furnacesPR
Schmatloch V.
2003Particle Seperator for Small FurnacesPO
Schmatloch V.
2004Particle separator for small heating applicances: characterization, field tests and future potentialPO
Schmatloch V., Hartmann I.
Spartherm, Germany
2016Small Wood Fired Appliances – Emission Reduction by Combined MethodsPO
Schmatloch V.
Spartherm Melle, Germany
2016Emission Testing of Wood Fired Stoves or Fireplaces – Standards and Test Procedures in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North AmericaPR
Schmid O., E. Karg, H. Schulz, G. Ferron
GSF-Research Center for Environment and Health
2006Calculating Particle Deposition in Human Lungs for Particles of Unknown Shape: Implications for Soot AgglomeratesPO
Schmidhauser R., P. Zieger, G. Wehrle, E. Weingartner, A. Jefferson, J.A. Ogren, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008Aerosol light scattering at high relative humidity PR
Schmidl Chr., Schwabl M., Schwarz M., Meier F., Kumar-Verma V.
BIOENERGY 2020+, Austria
2016Real-life Emission of Automatically Stoked Biomass BoilersPR
Schmidt M., L. Mölter
Palas GmbH
2005Soot Generation for the Testing of Diesel Particulate Filters and Particle Control within the Nanometer RangePR
Schmidt M.
Palas GmbH
2006Soot generation from 7.5 nm up to 200 nmPO
Schneider J.
Umweltbundesamt GmbH Wien
2005Clean Air for Europe and Future Legislation on Air Quality in the EUPR
Schneider J.
Umweltbundesamt GmbH Wien
2006Latest Developments in the Chemistry of NanoparticlesPR
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1998Health Risk due to Nanoparticle Exposition now and in future?PR
Scholkmann Felix
University of Zurich
2023Nano- and microparticles in human blood: An analysis of the eluate from double filtration plasmapheresisPO
Schrade A.
1998PM10 and Nano-ParticulatesPR
Schraml S.
University Erlangen
2001Real-Time Measurement of Soot from Low-Emission Diesel Engines by Laser-Induced IncandescencePR
Schraml S.
University Erlangen
2004Performance of the LI2SA-Soot-Sensor for ultra-low concentration levels in comparison to conventional PM measurement methodsPO
Schriefl Mario, Tristan Reinisch, Alexander Bergmann
2019Calibration of a particle number sensor for PTI measurements based on pulsed-mode diffusion chargingPO
Schripp Tobias, Osswald P.
German Aerospace Center
2017Ambient Ultra-fine Particle Concentration Monitoring During a "Fine dust alert" Event in Stuttgart Focusing on High Size and Time ResolutionPR
Schripp Tobias, Prem Lobo, Joel C. Corbin, Gregory Smallwood, Ewan Crosbie, Claire Robinson, Michael Shook, Patrick Oßwald, Markus Köhler
German Aerospace Center
2018Ground Measurements on Aircraft Exhaust for a Series of Alternative Jet Fuels during the ECLIF and ND-MAX CampaignPR
Schripp Tobias, Claus Wahl, Martin Plohr, Patrick Oßwald, Markus Köhler
German Aerospace Center
2019"Real Driving Emission" measurements at Frankfurt AirportPR
Schripp Tobias, Tobias Grein, Marlin Beuse, Burkhard Schneider
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
2023Field Study on the Impact of Sustainable Aviation Fuels on Helicopter Engine EmissionsPR
Schröter M., L. Mölter
Universität Bayreuth
2005Investigating nanoparticle processes and optical properties from particle size distribution measurementsPO
Schubiger R.
2001Influence of common rail fuel injection parameters on particulate emissions of heavy duty diesel enginesPR
Schulte L.-E.
2001ABEME-PM Measurement System fort he Evaluation of Extremely Low Emission VehiclesPR
Schulz H.
GSF Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit
2004Cardiovascular effects of nanoparticlesPR
Schulz Hans-Joachim
Catalytic Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
2023Impact of Operating Conditions on the Performance of a Silver Particle GeneratorPO
Schurl Sebastian, Mathias Lankau, Christian Hafenmayer, Stefan Keller, Roland Kirchberger, Stephan Schmidt
Technische Universität Graz
2024Assessment of pollutant emissions including ultrafine particles down to 10nm of high-performance motorcycles – lab and real-world evaluation using advanced PEMS technologyPR
Schwanzer P., Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Rabl
OTH Regensburg
2018Problems with Synthetic Soot Loadings for the Development of Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) Load SensorsPO
Schwanzer P., Markus Dietrich , Gerhard Haft , Matthias Gaderer , Hans-Peter Rabl
OTH Regensburg
2019Oxidation Kinetics Determination of GDI Engine Soot by a Radio-Frequency SensorPO
Schweiger G.
2004Detection and quantification of carbonaceous particles in ambient airPR
Scott Jason P., Reza Kholghy, Reza Kholghy
Carleton University
2021Morphology, Composition and Optical Properties of Jet Engine-like Soot Made by Flame Spray PyrolysisPO
Scott Jason P.
Carleton University
2022Flame Spray Pyrolysis to Asses Sustainable Aviation Fuel EmissionsPO
Seipenbusch M., S.K. Friedlander
Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik, Karlsruhe
2006Catalytic Oxidation of Soot in Microscale ExperimentsPR
Seipenbusch M.
Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik, Karlsruhe
2010Interparticle forces in nanoparticle agglomeratesPR
Seipenbusch M., M. Kasper, A. Mayer
Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik, Karlsruhe
2014Interdependence of Particle Number Concentration and PM 2.5 in Highly Polluted Urban AtmospheresPR
Seljeskog Morten, Sevault A., Østnor A., Skreiberg Ø.
Department of Thermal Energy, Norway
2016Variables Affecting Particulate Emissions from Residential Wood Combustion – Simultaneous Sampling on Hot and Ambient FilterPR
Sem G., O. Bischof, D.B. Kittelson
TSI Inc.
2005Early Engine Exhaust Particle Size Distribution MeasurementsPR
Seong, Seungmok Choi, Chunbeom Lee, Kwangchul Oh
Argonne National Laboratory
2015Morphology and Crystalline structures of Engine-like Soot from KATECH's Soot GeneratorPO
Sermon Paul, J.C. Eloi
Brunel University
2017Carbonaceous Combustion-Generated Nanoparticles (PM0.1)PO
Sermon Paul, Victoria E. Bull
Brunel University
2018Efficiency of scavenging of atmospheric carbonaceous nanoparticles by human lungs: Real-time non-invasive analysis of retention of airborne UFPs by an individualPO
Sermon Paul
Brunel University
2023Comparison of outdoor and indoor emissions of ultrafine particles (UFPs) generated by combustionPO
Sermon Paul
Brunel University
2023Biomonitoring of airbome- and waterbome- ultrafine particLes (UFP) emitted from combustionPO
Sermon Paul A., S. Rust
Brunel University, Uxbridge (UK)
2021Combustion-generated carbonaceous urban atmospheric UFPs: Efficiencies of face mask control of urban atmospheric particulate pollution: A pointer to control of future pandemicsPR
Setyan A., J.J. Sauvain, M. Riediker, M.J. Rossi, M. Guillemin
Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail
2006Assessment of Particulate Exposure and surface characteristics in association with Urinary Levels of Biomarkers of Oxidative StressPO
Setyan A., J.J. Sauvain, M. Riediker, M.J. Rossi, M. Guillemin
Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail
2007Assessment of Particulate Exposure and Surface Characteristics in Association with Urinary Levels of Oxidative Stress BiomarkersPR
Setyan A., J.J. Sauvain, M. Riediker, M.J. Rossi, M. Guillemin
Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail
2008Assessment of Diesel exhaust particulate exposure and surface characteristics in association with levels of oxidative stress biomarkersPO
Setyan A., Patrick M., Wang J.
EMPA, Switzerland
2016Emission Measurement of Airborne Pollutants in two Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants in SwitzerlandPO
Setyan A., Tadas Prasauskas, Dainius Martuzevicius, Grant O'Connell, Xavier Cahours, Stéphane Colard, Jing Wang
2017Dynamic Properties of Exhaled e-Cigarette Aerosol vs. Conventional Cigarette SmokePO
Sgro L.A.
University Naples
2001Particles < 3 nm in different combustion systems: UV-Vis extinction, atomic force microscopy and differential mobility analysisPR
Sgro L.A.
University Naples
2004Combustion Generated Particles Below and Above 10 nmPO
Sharma Nikhil, Nikhil Sharma, Jonas Sjöblom*, Sreelekha Etikyala, Petter Dahlander, Jacob Kindbom, Otto Savolainen
Postdoctoral Researcher Institutionen för Mekanik och Maritima vetenskaper (M2) | Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences Förbränning och framdrivningssystem | Combustion and Propulsion Systems
2019Particle Size Distribution and Semi-Volatile Components from Gasoline and Oxygenated FuelsPO
Sharma Pooja, Basu Saptarshi
Indian Institute of Science
2016Heteroatomic Nanostructures of Jet Fuel Soluble Macromolecular Oxidatively Reactive Species (SMORS)PO
Sharma Pooja, Basu Saptarshi
Indian Institute of Science
2018Analysis of Jet A-1 Deposits Containing Carbon Spheres and Nanostructures: Effect of Trace Metals and Heteroatomic ComponentsPO
Shaygani Afshin, Sani M., Saidi M.
Sharif University Tehran, Iran
2016Electrode Interface Design for High-accuracy Size Distribution Measurement of Aerosol Nanoparticles Using Electrical Mobility Spectrometer Integrated with Triplet ChargerPO
Shaygani Afshin, Sani M., Saidi M.
Sharif University Tehran, Iran
2016Outfitted Electrical Mobility Spectrometer with Spatial Coded Aperture Mask for Accurate Size Distribution Measurement of Aerosol NanoparticlesPO
Shaygani Afshin, Reza Saifi, Mahdi Sani, Mohammad Said Saidi;
Sharif University Tehran
2017Bayesian Inference Applied to a CFD-generated Database for Calibration of Electrical Mobility Spectrometer (EMS) and Size Distribution Measurements of ParticlesPO
Shaygani Afshin, Reza Saifi, Mahdi Sani, Mohammad Said Saidi;
Sharif University Tehran
2017Quasi-Smoluchowski Equation and Deposition of Macro-Nano Particles onto a SurfacePO
Sheng Su, Wang Yanjun
VECT China
2015Diesel Particle Filter Testing for in-use Vehicle Retrofit PR
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University of Birmingham
1999Source and Concentrations of Ultrafine Particles of < 10 nm in the Urban AtmospherePR
Shibata Y.
JPEC, Japan Petroleum Energy Center
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Chonnam National University
2021Study for Reducing Fuel Consumption of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles using OBD Driving Data and Machine LearningPO
Shin Dalho, Yunseo Park, Chul Yoo, Suhan Park
Konkuk University
2023Exhaust Emission Characteristics according to Load Factor of Construction Machinery in Real-work ModePO
Shin Dalho, S. H. Moon, J. Y. Ham, H. C. Kim, S. H. Park
Konkuk University
2024Real-world PM Emission Patterns according to Load Factor of off-road Construction MachineryPO
Shingler T., R. H. Moore, C. E. Robinson, E. L. Winstead, E. C. Crosbie, L. D. Ziemba, L. K. Thornhill, B. E. Anderson
2017Black Carbon Shootout: Instrument IntercomparisonPO
Shinohara M., Yoshinori Otsuki, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Ichiro Asano, Daniel Scheder
Horiba Europe GmbH
2009Development of a New Solid Particle Counting System for Engine Exhaust Emission MeasurementPO
Shinohara M., I.Asano
Horiba Europe GmbH
2010Evaluation of diverse engine exhaust particle emissions using a new solid particle counting systemPO
Shinohara M., Saisuke Satake, Kenji Kondo, Ichiro Asano
Horiba Europe GmbH
2012Influence factors of NaCl particle generated by atomization method and Particle Concentration Reduction Factor on calibration of Solid Particle Counting System PR
Shirmohammadi Farimah, Mohammad H. Sowlat, Sina Hasheminassab, Arian Saffari, George Ban-Weiss, Constantinos Sioutas*
University of Southern California
2017Comparison of Aircraft Emissions from Los Angeles International Airport to Urban Vehicle Traffic Emissions and its impact on air quality in Los AngelesPR
Shirvastava M., Anh Nguyen, Zhongqing Zheng, Hao-Wei Wu, Heejung Jung
University of California
2010Kinetics of soot oxidation by NO2PO
Shokouhmand M., Payam Asadollahzadeh, Mehdi Bidabadi
Lavizan Town – Shiyan Tehran-Iran
2010Mathematical investigation over the Lewis number effect on the combustion of biomass particlePO
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2013Transport Properties Effects on the Combustion of Lycopodium ParticlesPO
Shukla Pravesh Chandra, Sam Shamun, Martin Tunér
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai
2019Influence of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), fuel rail pressure and inlet air temperature on the particle number emission from a compression ignition engine fueled with HVOPR
Siegmann H.C.
AVL List Austria
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Siegmann H.C.
AVL List Austria
2000Phys. And Chem. Properties of Particulate Air Pollution in Major Cities by Portable SensorsPR
Siegmann K.
1998Source Attribution of Combustion AerosolPR
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AVL List Austria
2014Aircraft Gas Turbine Non-Volatile Particle Mass and Number Emissions Measured With an AIR 6241 Compliant SystemPO
Simon Matthew, Chloe Kim, Claire Schollaert, Jonathan I. Levy, Kevin J. Lane
Boston University
2019Using Machine Learning to Investigate Ultrafine Particle Emissions from Arriving Aircraft at Near-Airport and Background SitesPO
Indian Institute Delhi
2017Understanding the Current Usage Pattern of Residential Biomass Fuel and its Implications in Northern Indian RegionPO
Singh G., Habib Gazala
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2016Health Risk Assessment for Carcinogenic and non Carcinogenic Trace Elements in Ambient Fine Aerosol over New Delhi, IndiaPO
Sintermann Jörg, Christoph Hüglin, Urs Schauffelberger, Michael Götsch, Roy Eugster
Canton Zürich, AWEL
2021Ultrafine particle concentrations in Kloten near the Zurich Airport (Switzerland)PR
Sioutas C., M.D. Geller, S. Sardar, H. Phuleria, M.Ph. Fine
University of Southern California
2005Trends in Size-Fractionated Particle Number and Mass Emission Factors from Light and Heavy Duty Vehicles in California and Health ImplicationsPR
Sioutas C., S. Biswas, S. Hu, V. Verma, A. Ayala, J. Herner, W.H. Robertson
University of Southern California
2008Physicochemical and Toxicological Assessment of Semi Volatile and Non volatile Component of PM from Heavy-Duty Vehicles Operating With and Without Advanced Emission Control TechnologiesPR
Sioutas C., Vishal Verma Payam Pakbin, Ka Lam Cheung, Cho A.K., J.J. Schauer, M.M. Shafer, M.T. Kleinman
University of Southern California
2010Physico-chemical characteristics and oxidative potential of semi-volatile and non-volatile fractions of quasi-ultrafine particles in an urban environmentPO
Sioutas C.
University of Southern California
2011Toxicity of Emissions from Heavy Duty Diesel Engines with Retrofit ControlsPR
Sioutas C., W. Kam, J. Liacos, J.J. Schauer
University of Southern California
2013On-road Emission Factors of PM Pollutants for Light-Duty Vehicles (LDVs) based on Urban Street Driving ConditionsPR
Sioutas C., Dongbin Wang, Martin M. Shafer, James J. Schauer
University of Southern California
2015New technique for online measurements of trace metals in ambient particulate matter (PM)PR
Sioutas C., Shirmohammadi Farimah, Hasheminassab S., Saffari A., Schauer J., Delfino R..
University Southern California, USA
2016Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Organic Carbon in the Los Angeles Basin: Trends in Sources and CompositionPR
Sioutas C.
University of Southern California
2019Impact of emissions from fossil fuel and biomass burning on ambient concentrations of black carbon (BC) in the Milan metropolitan areaPO
Sippula O., Ihalainen M., Titta P., Yli-Pirilä P., Kortelainen M., Sklorz M., Stengel B., Müller L., Stanglmaier St., Kohlmeier V., Jakobi G., Hartikainen A., Orasche J., Streibel Th., Zimmermann R., Lamberg H., Tissari J., Jokiniemi J.
University of Eastern Finland
2016Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol Emissions from a Gasoline Engine and Small-scale Wood Combustion: First Results with the New Photochemical Emissions Aging ReactorPO
Sjöblom J., H. Ström
Chalmers, Gothenburg
2013Capture of Automotive Particulate Matter in open SubstratesPO
Sjöblom J., Salo K., Zetterdahl M.
Chalmers University, Sweden
2016Particulate Emissions from Aromatic Containing FuelsPO
Sjöblom J., Jan Koegler, Oskar Sundborg, Alessia Natta
Chalmers, Gothenburg
2018Systematic Evaluation of PM loading and Oxidation in Diesel Particulate FiltersPO
Sjögren St.
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University of Applied Sciences Northwest, Switzerland
2016Development of a Photochemical Interferometer for Aerosol Absorption Measurements PO
Skacel Jan, Michal Vojtisek-Lom, Vit Beranek, Martin Pech out, Petr Vomacka
Czech Technical University, Prague
2018Black Sheep - Detecting Vehicles on the Road that are too Black to be there Using Roadside Particle MeasurementPO
Smallwood G.
2001Measurement of Particulate Matter under Transient Conditions with Self-Calibrating Laser-Induced IncandescencePR
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2004Application of Auto-compensating Laser-Induced Incandescence (AC-LII) to measure Particulate EmissionsPO
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2004Advances in high energy laser diagnostics (HELD) for the measurement of PMPR
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2012Black Carbon Emissions from Gasoline Vehicles are Underestimated in Canada: Insights Gained from LII and SP2PR
Smallwood G., K. Thomson, M. Dickau, T. Johnson, F. Liu, D. Clavel, J. Olfert
2014Calibration of Black Carbon Real-Time Mass Instruments: Development and StatusPO
Smallwood Gregory J., Joel Corbin, Jason Olfert, Prem Lobo
National Research Council Canada
2021Calibration of Black Carbon Instruments with the CPMA-Electrometer Reference Mass Standard (CERMS)PR
Smits M., B. Hauchecorne, T. Tytgat, S. Lenaerts
University Antwerp
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2008Estimation of Temporary Emission Reductions by a Low Emission Zone in ZurichFO
Sommer R.
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, Erlangen
2002Application of the LI2 SA-Soot-Sensor fort he characterization of modern low emission enginesPR
Sommer R., S. Schraml, A. Leipertz
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, Erlangen
2003Determination of soot primary particle size distribution with laser-induced incandescence soot analyserPO
Sommer R., A. Kaste, A. Leipertz
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, Erlangen
2005Real-time road field determination of ultra fine particulate matterPR
Sommer R., A. Kaste, A.Leipertz
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, Erlangen
2006Development and Performance Characteristics for Selective Particle Characterization of a New Compact LI2SA-SensorPO
Soppa V., R.P.F. Schins, F. Hennig, B. Hellack, U. Quass, H. Kaminski, T.A.J. Kuhlbusch, G. Weinmayr, B. Hoffmann
Uni Düsseldorf
2015Controlled Human Exposures to Fine and Ultrafine Particles from Indoor Sources – Changes in Lung Function and Blood PressurePR
Soroudi Bazzaz Amir, Mohammad Ali
Combustion Chamber Group, Tehran
2016LES of Soot Evolution During Biofuel Spray Combustion and GasificationPO
Sorrentino R., Chiara Colarusso, Gianluigi De Falco, Michela Terlizzi, Mario Commodo, Mariano Sirignano, Andrea D'Anna, Rita P Aquino, Aldo Pinto, Antonio Molino, Rosalinda Sorrentino
University of Salerno
2017Oxidized Ultrafine Particles Induce the Activation of the Inflammasome in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Obtained from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients.PR
Soylu Seref
Uni Sakarya (Turkey)
2012Examination PN Emissions of a Hybrid city bus under Real World Urban Driving ConditionsPO
Soylu Seref
Uni Sakarya (Turkey)
2014Examination of the Effects of Basic Vehicle and Engine Operating Parameters on Particle Number Emissions of a City BusPO
Šperka Jiří, Václav Hortvík, Radek Šlesinger, Jan Martinek, Petr Klapetek
Czech Metrology Institute Brno
20173D Printed Module for Air Flow Control of PPD42 Particle SensorPO
Šperka Jiří, Marek Havlíček, Petr Klapetek
Czech Metrology Institute Brno
2019Characterization of Collected Aerosol Carbonaceous Particles using Atomic Force MicroscopyPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, St. Carli, S. Usarek, L. Brandt, L. Keck, M. Pesch, H. Grimm, R. Albrecht, M. Richter
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH
2009Comparison of two Condensation Particle Counters for automotive applications using a combustion soot generatorPR
Spielvogel Jürgen, L. Keck, M. Pesch
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH
2010Engine exhaust gas measurements: Comparison of a PMP-system and a fast particle mobility sizerPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, M. Weiss
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH
2011Simultaneous use of a Butanol and Water CPC that are connected to a Size Classifier to Obtain Time resolved Submicrometer Particle Size Distributions in the Vicinity of a Mail Distribution CenterPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, M. Weiss
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH
2013New measurement system for the combined measurement of PM-fractions and ultrafine/nanoparticles PO
Spielvogel Jürgen, M. Weiss, L. Mölter
2014New Certified Optical System for Continuous Ambient Aerosol MonitoringPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, Bischof O., Scheckman J.
TSI Aachen, Germany
2016CEN/TS 16976 – Harmonizing Number Concentration Measurements of Ultrafine Particles in Atmospheric AerosolPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, Axel Zerrath, Jason Johnson, Oliver F. Bischof
2018A New Portable Test Instrument for the Reliable Measurement of Particle Number Emissions from Combustion Engines During Periodic Technical InspectionPR
Spielvogel Jürgen, Florian Dahlkötter, Thomas Krinke, Torsten Tritsche
2019Measurement of ultrafine particle emissions from passenger carsPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, Andrea Tiwari, Carsten Kykal, Stephane Percot
2022Airborne Particle Measurement Used in Brake Wear Emission Research, Occupational Exposure Assessments and Numerous Other ApplicationsPO
Spielvogel Jürgen, Hiromu Sakurai, Stefan Seeger
2023Upcoming standardization for charge conditioners used in particle characterization and for the generation of calibration and test aerosols - ISO 19996PO
Stabile L., G. Buonanno, F.C. Fuoco, P. Vigo, A. Viola
2011Measurement of Black Carbon Content Distribution during Incense Burning EventPO
Stabile L., G. Buonanno, M. Scungio, W. Tirler, P. Vigo, A. Viola
2011Comparison of Different Flue Gas Treatment Sections in the Abatement of Ultrafine Particles Emitted by Waste IncineratorsPR
Stabile Luca, Giorgio Grossi, Fausto Arpino, Giorgio Buonanno, Gino Cortellessa
Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
2024Design of an innovative personal air cleaner to prevent airborne disease transmission in transport microenvironmentsPO
Stachulak J., V. Hensel
Vale, Copper
2011Evaluation of DPF Systems at Vale Creighton MinePR
Stachulak J.
Vale, Copper
2013Development and Optimization of DPF System for Underground Mining OperationPO
Stanciu St.G., Denis E. Tranca, Alina Holban, Radu Hristu, Marius Popescu, George A. Stanciu
University of Bucharest
2017Characterization of Nanostructured Materials, Biological Specimens, and their Interaction by means of Correlative Optical Imaging in the Far-field and Near-field RegimesPO
Stefanidis Evangelos K., Thomas A. Ebaugh, Stoyan Bliznakov, Leonard Bonville, Radenka Maric, Francesco Carbone
University of Connecticut
2022In-situ Characterization of Catalyst Nanoparticles from Reactive Spray Deposition Technology (RSDT)PR
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University of Duisburg
2013Mass-mobility Exponent and Primary Particle Diameter of Zirconia and Copper NanoparticlesPO
Steiner S., L. Müller, D.O. Raemy, J. Czerwinski, P. Comte, A.C.R. Mayer, P. Gehr, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, M.J.D. Lift
University of Bern
2011Investigating the Effects of Cerium Dioxide and Diesel Exhaust Co-Exposure to the Epithelial Airway Barrier at the Air-Liquid Interface in vitroPO
Steiner S., L. Steiner, P. Comte, J. Czerwinski, M. Kasper, A.C.R. Mayer, P. Gehr, M.J.D. Clift, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Bern
2011An optimized system to Investigate the Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust in Lung Cells in vitroPO
Steiner S., J. Czerwinski, P. Comte, A. Mayer, P. Gehr, B. Rothen Rutishauser
University of Bern
2012Effect of a Diesel Particle Filter on the Emission Toxicity in Lung Cells in VitroPR
Steiner S., J. Czerwinski, P. Heeb, A. Fink, B. Rothen-Rutishauser
University of Bern
2013Genotoxicity of Diesel Exhaust – what is the most reliable in vitro test?PO
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Adolphe Merkle-Institute, Fribourg
2014In-vitro Genotoxicity of Diesel Exhausts: Impact of Filtration and CatalysisPR
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EU Brussel
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European Commission, Automotive Industries, Bruxelles
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European Commission, Automotive Industries, Bruxelles
2010Automotive particle emissions: an update of regulatory Euro 6/VI and UNECE developmentsPR
Steininger N., T. Mamakos, G. Martini
European Commission, Automotive Industries, Bruxelles
2011Particle Number Emission Limits for Euro 6 Positive Ignition VehiclesPR
Steininger N.
European Commission, Automotive Industries, Bruxelles
2012Automotive particle emissions: recent and upcoming regulatory developmentsPR
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2007Measurement of Ultra Fine Aerosols at Workplaces in SwitzerlandPO
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WTZ Rosslau
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Institute of Petroleum Processing, Krakow
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Sterlepper Stefan, Johannes Claßen, Prof. Stefan Pischinger, Jim Cox, Michael Görgen, Helmut Lehn, Dr. Johannes Scharf
RWTH Aachen
2018Design of a Novel Gasoline Particulate Filter Aging MethodPO
Stettler M.E.J., Dr. Adam, M. Boies
Uni Cambridge
2012Evaluation of Uncertainties in Aircraft Engine Soot Emissions Derived from Engine Smoke NumberPO
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Uni Cambridge
2014Aircraft Non-volatile Particle Emissions: Estimating Number from MassPO
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Uni Cambridge
2014Nanoparticle Emissions from Heavy Duty Dual-Fuel Diesel and Natural Gas EnginesPR
Stoeger T.
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2005Instillations of Different Carbonaceous Nanoparticles Indicate a Surface Area Threshold Dose for Acute Inflammation in MicePR
Stoeger T., O. Schmid, K. Maier, S. Takenaka, H. Schulz
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2007Differentiation between Sources of Particle-induced Oxidative Stress: Surface Area Versus Organic CompoundsPR
Stoeger T., E. Karg, S. Takenaka, K. Maier, H. Schulz, O. Schmid
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2008Relationship Between in Vivo and in VitroToxicity of Six Types of Carbonaceous NanoparticlesPR
Stoeger T., O. Schmid, D. Dittberner, S. Takenaka, H. Schulz
Helmholtz Zentrum München
2009Deducing the inflammatory in vivo toxicity of combustion derived nanoparticles from in vitro dataPR
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Institute of Aerospace Medicine, DLR
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Stolcpartova J., M. Pechout, L. Dittrich, M. Mazac, M. Vojtisek
Czech Technical University
2014Locating Urban Hot-Spots with mobile On-line Size-resolved Nanoparticle MeasurementPO
Stolcpartova J., K. Vrbova, L. Dittrich, M. Pechout, M. Fenkl, M. Vojtisek-Lom
Czech Technical University
2015Particle Spatial Distribution in Suburban Area Celakovice: The Effect of Commuter Vehicle Traffic.PO
Stone V.
Napier University
2004The effects of ultrafine or nanoparticles on lung cellsPR
Straehl P.
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
1999Health Effects of fine Particles – Immediate Action Imperative?PR
Straehl P.
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
2004Air Pollution and Cancer in SwitzerlandPO
Streibel Thorsten, Hendryk Czech, Toni Miersch, Anni Hartikainen, Mika Ihalainen, Sebastiano DiBucchianico, Jürgen Orasche, Gülcin Abbaszade, Sebastian Öder, Jarkko Tissari, Jorma Jokiniemi, Olli Sippula, Ralf Zimmermann
University of Rostock and Helmholtz Zentrum München
2019Implications of photochemical ageing for source apportionment and health effects of wood combustion aerosolPO
Streibel Thorsten, Thorsten Streibel, Anni Hartikainen, Uwe Etzien, Mika Ihalainen, Sandra Piel, Tuuka Kokkola, Martin Sklorz, Deeksha Shukla, Jürgen Schnelle-Kreis, Ralf Zimmermann
University of Rostock
2024Influence of photochemical aging on physical-chemical properties of ultrafine particulate matter from the exhaust emissions of a ship diesel enginePR
Stumpf M.
University Karlsruhe
2004Soot particle properties in combustion chamber and exhaust – steady and non-steadyPR
Suarez-Bertoa R., A.A. Zardini, C. Astorga
European Commission
2013Effect of Temperature on Ammonia Emissions from Gasoline and Ethanol Flexi Fuel CarsPO
Suarez-Bertoa R., A. Zardini, C. Astorga
European Commission
2015Ammonia Exhaust Emissions from Euro 5 and Euro 6 light Duty VehiclesPO
Suarez-Bertoa R.
European Commission
2018Verification of NPTI-Instruments for Diesel and Petrol Vehicles – first ResultsPR
Subramanian R., G. Kok, D. Baumgardner, O. Popovicheva, R. Cary, Th. Kirchstetter et al.
Droplet Measurement Technologies, DMT
2008Towards a Reference Material for Soot Measurement: Evaluation of Candidates with Scanning Electron Microscopy, an SP2 and an OC/EC AnalyzePR
Sulovacova K., Radovan Nosek, Jozef Jandacka, Michal Holubcik
University of Zilina, Slovakia
2017Geometrical Optimization of the Flue Gas Path with Regard to Particulate Matter ReductionPO
Surawski N., Z. Ristovski, B. Miljevic, B. Roberts, R. Brown, R. Situ
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
2009Particulate emissions from a dual-fuel compression ignition engine utilising ethanol fumigationPR
Surawski Nic, M. Z. Awadallah, E. Zhao, R. Smit, S. Bagheri and P.D. Walker, T. Dunn
University of Technology Sydney
2024Real driving solid particle number emissions from a hydraulic hybrid heavy commercial vehicle and diesel sports utilities vehicles in AustraliaPR
Švaikauskaitė Judita, Virpi Leivo, Tadas Prasauskas, Dainius Martuzevičius, Violeta Kaunelienė, Ulla Haverinen-Shaughnessy
Kaunas University of Technology
2024Impact of Building Renovation on Indoor Particulate Matter Levels in Finnish and Lithuanian DwellingsPR
Svedberg M., J. Vanhanen
2017Fast Size Distribution Measurement for < 10 nm Plasma Generated ParticlesPO
Swanson J., D. Kittelson, A. Dallas
University of Minnesota
2007Effect of Controlling Dilution Air Quality on Different Emissions MeasurementsPO
Swanson J., D. Kittelson, A. Bergmann, B. Giechaskiel, M. Twigg
University of Minnesota
2011Comparison of VPR and CS Methods for Solid Particle MeasurementsPO
Swanson J., Isil Ayranci, A. Boies, B. Jones, S. Hochgreb
University of Minnesota
2012Size, Charge, and Volatility Characteristics of Particles Generated by a Full-scale Gas Turbine CombustorPO
Swanson J., Febo R., Boies A., Kittelson D.
Minnesota State University, USA
2016Fuel Sulfur Impacts the Formation of Carbon Nanotube-like Particles in Diesel EnginesPR
Symonds J.P.R., M.G. Rushton, K.St. Reavell
Cambustion Ltd
2007A Comparison of Real-Time on -road Diesel particulate emission with Chassis Dynamometer MeasurementsPO
Symonds J.P.R., P. Williams, R. Stone
Cambustion Ltd
2008Density of Particles Emitted from a Gasoline Direct Injection EnginePO
Szramowiat-Sala Katarz yna, Katarzyna Styszko, Lucyna Samek, Magdalena Kistler, Mariusz Macherzyński, Anna Korzeniewska, Piotr Bielaczyc, Anne Kasper-Giebl, Janusz Gołaś
AGH Polen
2019The effect of fuel applied on the chemical composition of PM generated in combustion processes – the preliminary case studyPO
Szramowiat-Sala Katarzyna, Katarzyna Styszko, Magdalena Kistler, Anneliese Kasper-Giebl, Janusz Golas
AGH University of Science and Technology
2021Macro tracer model as a technique for source apportionment of particulate matter in Krakow agglomeration – an optimization approachPR


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Takada T.
JPEC (Japan Petroleum Energy Center)
2004Roadside observations of chemical composition and size distribution of fine particlesPR
Takeuchi K.
2004A new dual-type DMA for the measurement of nanoparticles from enginesPR
Takiff L., G. Aiken
ICx Nomadics, Inc.
2009A Real-time, Wearable Elemental Carbon Monitor for Use in Underground MinesPO
Talebizadeh P., M. Babaie, K. Inthavong, G. Ahmadi, H. Rahimzadeh, R. Brown
Amirkabir University Iran
2015Investigation of diesel particle deposition in tubesPO
Tammaro M., F. Di Natale, A. D'Anna, A. Salluzzo, A. Lancis
2010An experimental device for growth of the submicron particles through heterogeneous condensation in order to separate them from gases with a conventional methodPO
Tanda Stefan, Goessler W., Hegrova J., Licbinsky R., Steiner O.
University of Graz, Austria
2016Size-resolved Element Distribution in Airborne NanoparticlesPO
Tanner Martin
2022Inductively Coupled Nitrogen Plasma Mass Spectrometry for online monitoring of metals in airborne particles. PO
Tanner Martin, Carsten Stoermer
2024Quantitative Measurement of Dynamic Changes of Trace Element Content in Ambient Aerosol by MICAP-TOFMSPR
Tarik M. , Hess A.
2014Online Determination of Size Distribution and Elemental Composition of Nanoparticle Aerosols by a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Coupled to an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (SMPS-ICPMS)PO
Tartakovsky Leonid, V. Baybikov, J. Czerwinski, M. Gutman, M. Kasper, M. Veinblat, Y. Zvirin
Technion Haifa
2010Measurements of particulates concentrations inside vehicle cabinPO
Tartakovsky Leonid
Technion Haifa
2014Effects of Cabin Filter on Ultrafine Particle Concentrations inside Passenger CarsPO
Tartakovsky Leonid, Andy Thawko, Ben Holtzer, Michael Shapiro
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
2023An updated mechanism of particle formation in non-premixed hydrogen combustion in internal combustion enginesPR
Taushiba Anam
Isabella Thoburn college
2022Assessment of Indoor air quality in three different hospitals in Lucknow city-Most populous city in IndiaPO
Taushiba Anam
Integral University
2023Microbial lndoor Air Contaminants and lts' Health Risk Assessment in different microenvironments of Lucknow: capital of most polluted State of lndiaPO
Tavangar Saeed, Seyed Hadi Motamedalshariati
Malek Ashtar University
2006Synthesis of nanosize aluminum carbide powders by detonation of nanodiamond/geraphite-nanoaluminum-explosive compoundsPO
Taylor M., M. Ott
2014SCRT® Technology and Application. First Experiences with 3rd Generation SCRT® SystemsPO
Teoh R., M. Stettler
Imperial College London
2017Aircraft Black Carbon Particle Number Emissions – New Predictive Method & Uncertainty AnalysisPO
Teoh R., Marc E.J. Stettler, Arnab Majumdar, Ulrich Schumann
Imperial College London
2018A Methodology to Relate Black Carbon Particle Number and Mass Emissions from various Combustion SourcesPO
Terres A., Barouch Giechaskiel, Andreas Nowak, Volker Ebert
2017Inter-laboratory Comparison of Calibration Aerosols for Engine Exhaust Condensation Particle CountersPR
Thawko Andy, Andy Thawko, Harekrishna Yadav, Michael Shapiro
Technion Israel
2019Particle emissions of direct injection IC engine fed with a hydrogen-rich gaseous fuelPR
Thawko Andy, Michael Shapiro, Leonid Tartakovsky
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
2021Particle emission from direct injection internal combustion engine fed with various gaseous fuelsPR
Thébault Eric
2023lntegrating a particulate fitter system in the frontend: a step towards achieving emission-neutral vehiclesPO
Thébault Eric, Bernd Junginger, Florian Keller
2024Integrating a particulate filter system in the frontend: A step towards achieving emission-neutral vehiclesPO
Thier Dominic, D. Waters, F. Gaermer dit Richter, Y. Ito, M. Yamashita, Claus Dieter Vogt, K. Kato, T. Shimoda, T. Aoki, M. Makino;
2018Optimizing Gasoline Particulate Filter Technologies in order to Improve Filtration Performance under Current RDE ConditionsPO
Thirumalesha Ch., D. Thevenin, M. Peglow, G. Yaniga, A. Oncül
University of Magdeburg
2009Numerical prediction of soot emissions in ethylene flames based on DQMOMPO
Thiruvengadam A., M. Gautam, M. Krishnamurthy
West Virginia University
2008Reduction of Ultrafine Nanoparticles from Natural Gas Fuelled Heavy Duty Transit Bus Equipped with an "Alternative" Oxidation CatalystPO
Thiruvengadam A., M.C. Besch, M. Gautam
West Virginia University
2009PM Size Distributions from a DPF-SCR equipped 2010 compliant Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine during NTE Zone OperationPO
Thiruvengadam A., D.K. Carder, M.C. Besch, M. Gautam
West Virginia University
2011Characterization of Particulate Matter Toxicity as a Function of Volatility from an Advanced Heavy-Duty Natural Gas VehiclePO
Thiruvengadam A., M.C. Besch, H.K. Kappanna, D.K. Carder, M. Gautam, Tikkanen
West Virginia University
2013Characterization of Particulate Matter Emissions from a current Technology Natural Gas EnginePR
Thiruvengadam A., M. Besch, S. pradhan, D. Quiros
West Virginia University
2015Real-World On-Road Particulate Matter Emissions from Latest Technology Heavy-Duty Vehicles using a Mobile CVS LaboratoryPR
Thiruvengadam Pragalath, Sanfilippo D., Thiruvengadam A., Carder D., Gautam M., Shimpi S., Mun Liew C
West Virginia University, USA
2016Determination of a Preconditioning Protocol to Stabilize NOx and PN Emissions for Euro 6 Engine CertificationPO
Thomas Daisy B., Gurdas Sandhu
3DATX Corporation
2021Measuring and reporting PN and PM values from vehicles with different engines, aftertreatment technologies and fuel typesPO
Thompson N.
2004Overview of the results and conclusions of the EU "Particulates" projectPR
Thurnherr T., D. Su, J.P. Kaiser, P. Manser, X. Maeder-Althaus, P. Wick, H. Krug
2009In vitro studies on pulmonary- and immunotoxic effects of industrially relevant multiwalled carbon nanotubesPO
Tikkanen J.
Dekati Ltd.
1999ELPI in Automotive Exhaust MeasurementPR
Tikkanen J.
Dekati Ltd.
2002Continuous measurement of density and mass concentration of vehicle exhaust aerosol with MASMOPR
Tikkanen J.
Dekati Ltd.
2004ELPI in the Automotive MarketPO
Tikkanen J., K. Janka, A. Rostedt, M. Röbel
Dekati Ltd.
2013Dilution artifacts. A Significant Source of Error from Absolute Concentration and Possibly Difficult to Reproduce. PMP vs. Raw ExhaustPR
Tirler W., G. Angelucci, K. Bedin
Ufficio gestione rifiuti, Bolzano
2011Sources of ultra-fine particles in ambient air of the City of BolzanoPO
Tirler W., G. Voto, M. Donegà, K. Mair, M. Gallmetzer, Th. Klauser, W. Huber, G. De Sangro, M. Capoccia, F. Rampelotto, C. Fazzari, L. Grimolizzi
Ufficio gestione rifiuti, Bolzano
2012The use of Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures in BusesPO
Tochino S., Y. Otsuki, J. Danzer, I. Asano
2015Repeatability study of detection efficiency and linearity during CPC calibration using Emery Oil AerosolPO
Tonegawa Y., Sousuke Sasaki, Kenji Tsuchiya
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2009Crosscheck of Particle Number Counting Systems and Influence of Particle Species on Particle Concentration Reduction FactorPR
Tonegawa Y., Tatsuo Fujikawa, Sousuke Sasaki
Japan Automobile Research Institute
2015Development of Tire Dust Emission Measurement for Passenger VehiclePO
Tong Hui Ling
Tsinghua Unversity
2000Continuous Measurement of Fine Particles and Gases in the Exhaust of a Coal Power PlantPR
Topinka J., J. Hovorka, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, J. Krouzek, P. Rossner jr., R.J. Sram
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2010An acellular assay to assess the genotoxicity of complex mixtures of organic pollutants bound on size segregated aerosolPO
Topinka J., A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, M. Mazac, M. Pechout, M. Vojtisek-Lom
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2011Comparison of Genotoxicity of Exhaust from a Diesel, Biodiesel and Rapeseed Oil Powered Engine – pilot studyPR
Topinka J., J. Hovorka, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, J. Krouzek, R.J. Sram
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2012Nanoparticles are not Major Carriers of Carcinogenic PAHs and their Genotoxicity in the Size Segregated AerosolPO
Topinka J., P. Rössner, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, A. J.M. Vojtisek-Lom
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2013Truck Emissions under severe Congestion Conditions: Part 2 - Effects of Extended low-load Operation of a non-DPF Diesel Engine on the relative Toxicity of Particulate Matter Organic ExtractsPR
Topinka J., A. Milcova, J. Pavlikova, P. Rossner, J. Schmuczerova, E. Hruba, M. Machala
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2014Toxicity of Size Segregated Aerosol in the Ambient from Heavily Polluted City of Ostrava, Czech RepublicPO
Topinka J., P. Rossner, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, V. Svecova, J. Stolcpartova, M. Fenkl, M. Pechout, M. Vojtisek-Lom
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2015P. Rossner, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, V. Svecova, J. Stolcpartova, M. Fenkl, M. Pechout, M. Vojtisek-LomPR
Topinka J., Jiří Horák, František Hopan, Alena Milcová, Antonín Ambrož, Pavel Rossner, Kamil Krpec, Petr Kubesa
Institute of Experimental Medicine Prague
2017Genotoxic Potential of Particulate Emissions from Residential Solid Fuel Boilers: The Effect of Technology, Fuel, and Operation OutputPO
Topp M.
2015Exhaust Gas Purification System for Ground Power Units (GPU)PO
Toro Huertas Eliana, Rueda G.J., Molano R.E., Robayo M.I., Saenz P.H.
District Secretariat of environment – Bogotá, Colombia
2016Personal Exposure to Nanoparticles Inside Transmilenio Buses on Caracas Avenue in Bogotá– ColombiaPO
Torres Yabar Alessandra S., Ryan Cali, Senbao Lu, Alicia Howell-Munson, Gavin Nephew, Benjamin Nephew
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2021The Impact of Ultrafine Particles on Mental HealthPR
Tort F.
2000Influence of Water Emulsions on Nanoparticle Emission CharacteristicsPR
Trckova J., J. Macak, P. Hrabak, E. Kakosova
Elmarco s.r.o., Czech Republic
2010Electrospun TiO2/WO3 Nanofibers as a catalyst for combustion gasesPO
Tregrossi A., C. Russo, F. Stanzione, V. Gargiulo, A. Ciajolo
CNR Naples
2014Analysis of Large PAH as Components and Precursors of Nano/Ultrafine Carbon Particulate MatterPO
Trentini A., D. Bacco, V. Poluzzi, J. Joutsensaari, A. Laaksonen, F. Scotto
2015Comparison nucleation event in rural and urban sites in Po Valley, ItalyPR
Tri Le Dang
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
2022Nanoparticles – Neurodegeneration in nematode C. elegans, a causative relationshipPO
Tritscher T., R. Chirico, M. Hering, J. Duplissy, M. Gysel, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2008Hygroscopicity Properties of Aged Aerosols from Diesel and Wood CombustionPO
Tritscher T., M.F. Heringa, R. Chirico, R. Schmidhauser, M. Gysel, P.F. DeCarlo, J. Dommen, A.S.H. Prévôt, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
2009Change of physical aerosol properties during aging of combustion emissions in a smog chamberPO
Tritscher T., R. Chirico, Z. Juranyi, M. Martin, M.F. Heringa, M. Gysel
Paul Scherrer Institute
2010Transformation from hydrophobic to hygroscopic diesel soot particles by photochemical agingPR
Tritscher T., T.J. Krinke, A.F. Zerrath, O.F. Bischof
Paul Scherrer Institute
2012Introduction and Initial Field Data of a Novel, Portable Nanoparticle Sizing InstrumentPR
Tritscher T., A. Avenido, J. Spielvogel, C. Kykal, J. Johnson, H.-G. Horn, B. Osmondson, O.F. Bischof
Paul Scherrer Institut
2015Laboratory and Field Measurements of Solid Particle Number with the Nanoparticle Emission Tester (NPET)PO
Trivanovic Una, Georgios A. Kelesidis, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
ETH Zürich
2022High-throughput generation of aircraft-like sootPO
Trivanovic Una, Georgios A. Kelesidis, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
ETH Zurich
2023High-throughput generation of aircraft-like soot: Dynamics of soot surface growth and agglomeration by enclosed spray combustion of jet fuelPR
Tsai Jiun-Horng, Xu-Shi Qi
Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan, ROC
2024Air Toxics Emissions from Cogeneration Boilers by Applying Multiple Fuels in TaiwanPO
Tsai Ming
Uni Basel
2013Bridging the gap: bringing measurements closer to health effectsPR
Tsai Ming, R. Meier
Uni Basel
2015Insights into the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of UFP from Swiss Health StudiesPR
Tsakis A., E. Papaioannou, L. Chasapidis, A. Konstandopoulos
2015Particles Emitted During Braking – A preliminary studyPO
Tsakonas Georgios, Stamatiou, R., Vouitsis, I., Sainidis, C., Juárez Facio A.T., Introna M., Steimer S.S. Elihn K., Lazou, A., Samaras, Z.
LAT, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2024Physical and cell toxicity properties of Euro 6d diesel vehicle particle emissions with and without DPF regenerationPR
Tsakonas Georgios, Stamatiou, R., Margaritis, D., Juárez Facio A.T., Introna, M., Steimer S.S., Petromelidou, S., Lambropoulou, D., Elihn K., Lazou, A., Samaras, Z.
LAT, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2024Nanoparticle profiling: a comprehensive assessment of physical, chemical, and toxicological characteristics at Thessaloniki airportPO
Tsalikis Dimitrios G. , Mavrantzas V.G., Pratsinis S.E.
ETH Zürich
2023Mean free path of air: The impact of inelastic molecular collisionsPO
Tsyupa Bozhena, Chiara Emma Campiglio, Elena Carrara, Alessandro Mancini, Karine Elihn, Georgios Tsakonas, Andrea Remuzzi, Manuela Teresa Raimondi
Brembo SpA
2024On-site ALI versus Submerged Culture: Toxicological and Chemical Characterization of Brake Wear NanoparticlesPR
Tuch Th., K. Weinhold, M. Merkel, A. Nowak, T. Klein, A. Wiedensohler
Leibniz Institut
2013Effect of silver particle shape on cut-off diameter of TSI 3790 CPCs.PO


to top

Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Ubogu E.A.
University of Sheffield
2014Evaluating The Effects of Effective Density Measurements on Particle Mass Emissions From a Gas TurbinePO
Uhrner U.
IfT Leipizig
2004Dilution and Transformation Processes of Particulate Emissions in a Car Exhaust PlumePO
Uhrner U., S. von Löwis, H. Vehkarnäki, B. Wehner, F. Stratmann, A. Wiedensohler
Graz University of Technology
2005Dilution and Aerosol Dynamics in a Diesel Car Exhaust Plume - Measurements and Simulations of On-road ConditionsPO
Uhrner U., S. Drechsler, R. Wolke, R. Lumpp, D. Ahrens, A. Wiedensohler
Graz University of Technology
2006Sensitivity of urban and rural Ammonium-Nitrate Particulate Matter to Precursor Emissions in Southern GermanyPO
Uhrner U., S. von Löwis, B. Wehner, M. Zallinger
Graz University of Technology
2009Volatile nanoparticle formation and growth simulations within a diluting diesel car exhaustPO
Uhrner U., B.C. Lackner, R. Reifeltshammer, R. Forkel, P.J. Sturm
Graz University of Technology
2014Inter-regional Air Quality Assessment – bridging the Gap between Regional and Kerbside PMPO
Ulrich A., A. Wichser
2003Determination of additive metals in fuel and emissions of diesel vehiclesPO
Ulrich A., L. Emmenegger, A. Wichser, P. Honegger, P. Stilli, S.K. Matam, D. Ferri, C. Bach, A. Winkler
2004Sampling and Analysis of Trace Elements Emitted by Diesel VehiclesPO
Ulrich A., A. Wichser, J. Czerwinski
2006Tracer doped lubrication oils: a new method to investigate the Influence on particle formationPO
Ulrich A., A. Mayer, J. Czerwinski
2007Identification of storage and release effects of sulphate artefacts on diesel particle filter systems after longterm usePO
Ulrich A., A. Wichser, J. Czerwinski, A. Mayer
2008Determination of the Penetration of Nano-Sized Metallic Fuel Additives from Diesel Vehicles with and without Particlulate TrapsPR
Ulrich A.
2010Tracer study to assess the effect of lubrication oil and fuel on catalyst aging for different combustion techniques, oil and fuel typesPO
Ulrich A., A.Mayer, A. Wichser, N. Heeb, L. Emmenegger, P. Comte
2011Emissions of Metal Oxides from IC EnginesPO
Unsworth J.F.
Shell Global Solutions
2000Fuel Quality Effects on Diesel Particle Emission from HDV and LDVPR
Usemann Jakob
University of Zurich / UKBB Basel
2023Air pollution and lung development in the childPR
Utinger Battist
University of Basel
2023Online Quantification of Oxidative Potential from and Residential Wood Combustion (RWC) and Gar Exhaust Aero­solPO


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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Väkevä M., J. Vanhanen, K. Lehtipalo, J. Mikkilä, M. Kulmala
20141-3 nm Particles in Urban AirPO
Van Ekeren J.
2004Measurements at an alpine site with a new CCN counterPO
Van Gulijk C., M. Makkee, J.A. Moulijn
University of Technology Delft
1999The Turbulent Precipitator for Diesel Exhaust FilteringPR
Van Ham J., Th. Reichert
European Commission
2013Ultrafine Particles: some Views on Preferred MetricPR
Van Ham J., Th. Reichert, J. Murlis
European Commission
2014A fraction-by-fraction approach for particulate matterPR
Van Ham J., Mohr Claudia T. Reichert, J. Murlis
European Commission
2015Policies on Particulate Matter Miss Adequate ToolsPR
van Rijn Stijn, Haiyan Ni, Martijn Goudberg, Merel, van Helten, Anatoli Mokhov, Ulrike Dusek
University of Groningen
2024The effect of hydrogen addition on the aerosol properties of combustion generated nanoparticles from premixed ethylene flamesPR
van Rijn Stijn , van Helten Merel, van der Bijl Robin, Mokhov Anatoli, Dusek Ulrike
University of Groningen
2023The optical properties of combustion generated particles from 1-D hydrogen doped ethylene flamesPO
Vanhanen Joonas, Pfeiffer T., Kangasluoma J., Miettinen E., Väkevä M
Airmodus Helsinki, Finland
2016Spark Discharge as a Calibration Source for Particle Detectors in the Sub 5 nm Size RangePO
Vanhanen Joonas, Silvana Di Iori, Francesco Catapano, Pekka Salo, Elina Miettinen, Minna Väkevä
2019High number concentration of non-volatile sub-3nm aerosol particles emitted by gasoline direct injection enginePO
Varghese G., Dr.Khizer Saeed, Zaid, Al –Harbi, Xing, L
Brighton University
2017Investigation of the Characteristics of Nanoparticles Emissions from the Small Diesel EnginePO
Vasilatou Konstantina, Eija Asmi, Joel C. Corbin, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Martin Gysel, Thomas Müller, Andreas Nowak, Ernest Weingartner, Paul Quincey
2018Metrology for Light Absorption by Atmospheric Aerosols: the EMPIR Black Carbon ProjectPO
Vasilatou Konstantina, Ian S. Mudway, Katrin Hoffmann, Alejandro Keller, Monika Kåredal, Anna-Karin Larsson-Callerfelt, Zaira Leni, James Noble, Paul Quincey, Ute Resch-Genger, Karri Saarnio, Mike J. Shaw
2019Metrology for mitigating adverse health effects from airborne particulate pollutants: the EMPIR AeroTox projectPO
Vasilatou Konstantina
Federal Institute of Metrology METAS
2023Standardisation of Black Carbon aerosol metrics for air quality and climate modelling (EPM StanBC Project)PO
Verbeek R.P., I.M. Kooter, M.A.T.M. Houtzager, M.A.T.M. van Vugt, C.A.M. Krul, G. Kadijk
TNO Delft
2009Health Effects of Biofuels and Diesel Particulate Filter with a EURO-III Truck EnginePR
Vernooij M., R. Kägi, A. Braun, M. Mohr, R. Gehrig, M.S. Mun
2006Traffic Exhaust or Wood Smoke? Source Specification of Ambient Samples with C (1s) NEXAFS SpectroscopyPO
Vernooij M.G.C., M. Mohr, G. Tzvetkov, V. Zelenay, T. Huthwelker, R. Kaegi, R. Gehrig, B. Grobéty
University of Fribourg
2008Can Sources of Single Soot Particles in Atmospheric Samples be Identified Using x-Ray Microspectroscopy?PR
Viereck V., St. Carli
2003Influence of compressed air quality on CAST performancePO
Vineis P., Eija Asmi, Joel C. Corbin, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Martin Gysel, Andreas Nowak, Ernest Weingartner, Paul Quincey
Imperial College London
2018The New World of Omics in Environmental EpidemiologyPR
Violi A.
Università degli Studi di Cassino Uni Michigan
2005Carbonaceous Nanoparticles in Combustion: a Multiscale ApproachPR
Violi A., P. Elvati
Università degli Studi di Cassino Uni Michigan
2012Formation and Uptake of Environmental NanoparticlesPR
Violi A.
Università degli Studi di Cassino Uni Michigan
2014How Chemical Composition of Nanoparticles Affects Interactions with Biological SystemsPR
Violi A., Qi Wang, Doohyun Kim, Paolo Elvati
Università degli Studi di Cassino, Uni Michigan
2018Formation of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic compounds in flamePO
Violi Angela
University of Michigan
2021Predicting the permeation of PAHs and nanoparticles through biological cellsPO
Violi Angela, Angela Violi
University of Michigan
2021Network analysis for the formation of aromatics in a co-flow flamePR
Violi Angela
University of Michigan
2023Investigating the transition from gas-phase species to nanoparticle formation in high temperature regimesPR
Violi Angela
University of Michigan
2023lnteractions of PAHs and nanoparticles with biological systemsPO
Viskup Richard, Edita Alivuk, Ninon De Mecquenem, Yana Vereshchaga, Anna Stadler, Theresa Roland, Agnes Weth, Christoph Wolf, Werner Baumgartner
Johannes Kepler University
2021Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as analytical tool for spectrochemical characterisation of trace elements in Particulate Matter generated from in‐use Diesel engine passenger vehiclesPO
Visser B., Andrè Meier, Staffan Sjogren, Daniel Egli, Peter Steigmeier, Heinz Burtscher, Ernest Weingartner
2017Photothermal interferometry for the in-situ measurement of aerosol light absorptionPO
Visser B., Luka Drinovec, Peter Steigmeier, André Meier, Jannis Röhrbein, Griša Močnik, Ernest Weingartner
2019Investigation of the effects of humidity and volatile coatings on the photothermal interferometry signalPO
Vlachos N.D., L. Chasapidis, A.G. Konstandopoulos
2011Practically Relevant Ab-Initio Filtration Simulation with Full-Detail Nanoparticle Aggregate GeometryPO
Vlachos N.D., Eleni Papaioannou, G. Nicol, M. Sgroi, S. Zinola, B.M. Vaglieco, S. Di Iorio, C. Barrios, H. Burtscher, M. Fierz, Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos
2018THE SUREAL-23 PROJECT: Understanding and Measuring sub-23 nm Particle Emissions from Direct Injection Engines Including Real Driving ConditionsPR
Vogel Ulla
National Research Centre for the Working Environment
2022Airport emission particles: exposure characterization and toxicity following intratracheal instillation in micePR
Vogt R.
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
1999Comparison of Tailpipe and Dilution Tunnel MeasurementsPR
Vogt R.
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
2001Nanoparticle Formation in Diesel Vehicle Exhaust: a Comparison of Laboratory and Chasing ExperimentsPR
Vogt R., R. Kägi, U. Kirchner, V. Scheer
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
2005Size, volatility and morphology of nucleation particles in Diesel exhaustPR
Vogt R., M. Bergmann, U. Kirchner, Th. Benter
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
2008Investigation of Low-Level PM Emissions of a Modern European Diesel Particle Filter Equipped VehiclePR
Vogt R., U. Kirchner, M. Maricq
Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
2010Investigation of EURO-5/6 level particle number emissions of European diesel light duty vehiclesPR
Vojtíšek Michal, Miloslav Emrich, Tomáš Sommer, Martin Valach,Petr Vodička, MartinPechout
Technical University of Liberec
2024Mobile test rig for field measurement of small jet engine particle emissionsPR
Vojtíšek Michal, Luboš Dittrich, Tereza Cervena, Martin Pechout, Jakub Ondracek, Anezka Vimrova, Jan Topinka, Pavel Rössner Jr.
Czech Technical University in Prague
2024Portable air-liquid interface exposure chamber for field emissions toxicity assaysPO
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2007Real-time, on-road Measurements of Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Device PM Removal EfficiencyPR
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2008Reproduction of Chassis Dynamometer Drive Cycles on the Road Using a 5 Hz GPS Speed SignalPO
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2008Growth in Road Traffic, Off-Cycle Emissions, Aggressive Driving, and Real-World PM Emissions: Can the benefits of new vehicles keep up?PR
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2009Low-cost instrumentation for on-board real-time diesel PM measurementPO
Vojtisek-Lom M., M. Pechout, M. Fenkl, J. Mares
University of Liberec
2009Diesel particulate trap regeneration on a turbodiesel engine powered by heated rapeseed oilPO
Vojtisek-Lom M., M. Fenkl, J. Jirku, Z. Opava
University of Liberec
2010Measurement of exhaust emissions of railroad locomotives using an on-board systemPR
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2010On the effects of a fuel-born DPF regeneration catalyst on vegetable oil used as a diesel engine fuelPO
Vojtisek-Lom M., J. Blazek, R. Holubec, P. Stary
University of Liberec
2010On the fate of uncombusted vegetable oil in a diesel enginePO
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2011On-board Monitoring of Small Engine EmissionsPO
Vojtisek-Lom M., J. Topinka, M. Fenkl, M. Mazac
University of Liberec
2011Real-world Exhaust Emissions in Congested Urban AreasPO
Vojtisek-Lom M.
University of Liberec
2012Consideration of Congested Urban Traffic in Exhaust Toxicity AssessmentPR
Vojtisek-Lom M., M. Pechout, L. Dittrich, J. Topinka
University of Liberec
2013High-Volume Combustion Aerosol sampling using Tandem Atmospheric SamplersPO
Vojtisek-Lom M., M. Pechout, L. Dittrich, J. Topinka
University of Liberec
2013Truck Emissions under severe Congestion Conditions: Part 1 - Effects of extended low-load Operation of a non-DPF Diesel Engine on the Emissions of Particulate Matter and Carcinogenic PAHPR
Vojtisek-Lom M., M. Pechout, L. Dittrich, M. Mazac
University of Liberec
2014Measurement of Particle Emissions from Small Engines During Real World OperationPR
Vojtisek-Lom M., J. Jirku, M. Pechout
University of Liberec
2015Real Driving Emissions from a Diesel-Hydraulic Rail VehiclePO
Vojtisek-Lom M., Beranek V., Stolcpartova J., Schwarz J., Vodicka P., Ciganek M., Machala M.
University of Liberec
2015Lowering Laboratory and Real Driving Particle Emissions of direct Injection Spark Ignition Engines with n-Butanol and Isobutanol Blends.PR
Vojtisek-Lom M., Pechout M., Dittrich L., Beránek V
Czech Technical University, Prague
2016FTIR-PEMS, Mini-PEMS and Micro-PEMS: Extending Portable On-board Monitoring Systems to Nonregulated Pollutants and Small EnginesPR
Vojtisek-Lom M., Martin Pechout, Vit Beranek, Jonas Jirku
University of Liberec
2017On-track Measurements of Exhaust Emissions from Diesel Motorized Car and Locomotives During Line-haul passenger ServicePO
Vojtisek-Lom M., Vit Beranek, Vojtech Klir, Martin Pechout, Petr Jindra, Tomas Vorisek
University of Liberec
2017On-road Measurement of Emissions of Reactive Nitrogen Compounds and Greenhouse Gases from Euro 6 Diesel and Natural Gas Vans Using an On-board FTIRPR
Vojtisek-Lom M., Jan Skácel, Vít Beránek, Petr Vomáčka, Jakub Ondráček, Martin Pechout
University of Liberec
2018Roadside and Riverside Measurement of PM/PN Emissions from Individual Vehicles and Ships in PraguePR
Vojtisek-Lom M., Martin Pechout, David Macoun, Rajesh Rameswaran, Kalpit Praharaj, Tereza Cervena, Jan Topinka, Pavel Rossner
University of Liberec
2019Portable Exhaust Toxicity System Concept: Compact Air-liquid Interface Exposure System for Dynamic Engine OperationPO
Vojtisek-Lom M., Martin Pechout, Petr Jindra, Jakub Ondracek, Jan Topinka
University of Liberec
2019Detection of nanoparticles in workplace using inexpensive instrument based on ionization-type smoke detectorPO
Vojtisek-Lom Michal
Czech Technical University in Prague
2021Applying lessons learned from diesel exhaust to brake wear nanoparticle measurements and regulationPR
Vojtisek-Lom Michal, Martin Pechout, Tereza Cervena, Pavel Rössner
Czech Technical University in Prague
2021Portable exhaust toxicity system: A concept of a portable air-liquid interface cell exposure system for laboratory and on-road assessment of exhaust toxicityPO
Vojtisek-Lom Michal
Czech Technical University in Prague
2021Potential of portable on-board FTIR analyzers for real driving emissions and chase vehicle monitoringPO
Vojtisek-Lom Michal, Martin Pechout, Martin Kotek, Michal Fleischhans, Libor Fleischhans
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
2023Roadside detection of excess particle emitters: practical limits & potential for garage-grade instrumentsPR
Vojtisek-Lom Michal, Martin Pechout, Luboš Dittrich
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
2023On-road & field measurement of exhaust flow of small enginesPO
Volz F.
Kutzner + Weber, Germany
2016Deposition of Particulate Matter on the Surface of Foam BubblesPO
Von Garnier Chr.
2014Health Effects of Nanoparticles in Susceptible PersonsPR
von Mikecz Anna
IUF — Leibniz Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Duesseldorf, Germany
2022From roadside to lab with elegant roundwormsPR
Von Sonntag J., T. Ulbricht
Deutsches BiomasseForschungs Zentrum
2010Monitoring of particle separators for emission control of small furnaces. Influences of test set-up and fuel typePO
Voss Carola, Meshal Ansari, Ilias Angelidis, Christoph Mayr, Maximilian Strunz, Herbert Schiller, Tobias Stöger
Helmholtz Center Munich
2021Single-cell sequencing reveals spatio-temporal and material specific cellular perturbation patterns in the lungs of nanoparticle exposed micePO


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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Waglöhner St., S. Kureti
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2010Towards a fundamental understanding of the catalytic soot oxidation on Fe2O3: Coupling the catalytic kinetics with the fluid dynamicsPO
Wagner J.
Baudirektion Kt Zürich / Tiefbauamt / Strasseninspektorat / Fahrzeugdienst
2009Erfahrungen mit der Partikelfilternachrüstung von SpezialfahrzeugenFO
Wahl C., M. Kapernaum, M. Aigner
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2003Validation of soot measurement techniquePO
Wahl C.
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2004Nanoparticle Emissions of a small Piston Engine Powered AircraftPO
Wahl C., Th. Rindlisbacher, L. Helmberg, M. Kapernaum
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2007Comparison of Nanoparticle Formation caused by Leaded and Unleaded Aviation Gasoline CombustionPO
Wahl C., M. Kapernaum, Th. Rindlisbacher
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2008Emission Indices of current Flight Gas Turbines compared with EURO IV Diesel Car Emission StandardPO
Wahl C., T. Rindlisbacher, M. Kapernaum
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2009"Aircraft Engine Nanoparticle Emission Indices" Measurements at Zurich Airport, SwitzerlandPO
Wahl C., T. Rindlisbacher, M. Kapernaum
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2009Online Determination of "Aircraft Engine Nanoparticle Emission Indices" at Zurich Airport, SwitzerlandPR
Wahl C.
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2010Particle formation in aircraft enginesPO
Wahl C.
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2010Direct soot formationPR
Wahl C., Th. Rindlisbacher, M. Kapernaum, T. Zornek, S. Kanjarkar
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2011Size Depending Particle Losses in Sampling LinesPO
Wahl C., M. Kapernaum, J. Melkert, T. Snijders, J. Bauldreay
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2013Nanoparticle Emissions of a Flight Gas Turbine running Jet A-1 and GTL MixturesPO
Wahl C., T. Zornek, M. Kapernaum, L. Haslach A.Zschocke, M. Mroch, P. Demoment, O. Rolland, F. Garcia
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt – DLR
2014Engine Emission Ground-Tests with Jet A-1 / Farnesane BlendsPO
Wahl C., Ehrenberger S., Brost M.K., Konrad M., Herrmann F., Kapernaum M.
German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany
2016Comparing Particle Emissions of a EURO 6 Plug-In Hybrid Passenger Car and a EURO6 Diesel CarPO
Wahman Peter, Jake Swanson, Monika Vadali, Jacob Swanson
Minnesota State University Mankato
2021Non-Linear Correction Methods Applied to Long Term Deployment of Low-Cost Air Quality SensorsPO
Walcher Felix M, Elia Hvalič
ETH Zurich
2023An interactive and playful air quality sensor as an alternative approach to foster students' awareness of bad air quality exposurePO
Walker K., Constantini, M. Frampton, M. Brauer, M. Kleeman, W. Kreyling, St. Sarnat
Health Effects Institute
2012Ambient Ultrafine Particles and Health: A Health Effects Institute PerspectivePR
Walter Stefanie, Markus Dietrich, Gunter Hagen, Ralf Moos
Department of Functional Materials, Bayreuth Engine Research Center (BERC), University of Bayreuth
2019Simulative Modelling of the Location Dependent Soot Distribution in Gasoline Particle Filters and their Influence to the Soot Mass Determination by Radio Frequency and Differential Pressure SensorsPO
Wang F., A. Massling, M. Ketzel, P. Waahlin, T. Ellermann, S.S. Jensen
National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Atmospheric Environment, Aarhus University, Roskilde
2009Particulate emissions from road traffic under varying driving conditionsPR
Wang F., Pavese G., Lonatti G., Ozegon S., Cernuschi St.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
2016Black Carbon and Aerosol Optical Property Measurement at a Midsize City in Po Valley, ItalyPO
Wang J., Jingxian Liu, J. Swanson, D.Y.H. Pui
2010Characteristics of diesel particulate matter loading on PTFE membrane filtersPR
Wang J., Zhun Liu, Seong Chan Kim, David Y.H. Pui
2011Mass Concentration and Primary Particle Size of Metal Nanoparticle Agglomerates from Spark Discharge Measured by Universal NanoParticle AnalyzerPO
Wang X., J.C. Chow, J.G. Watson, M.A. Grose, R. Caldow, B.L.Osmondson, J.J. Swanson, D.B. Kittelson, Yang Li, Xue Jian, Heejung Jung
Desert Research Institute
2014A New Inversion Matrix to Improve Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS) for Vehicle Emission MeasurementPO
Wang Y., Zhe JI, Qi TENG;Sheng SU, Jinsong MU
Chinese Research Academy of Env. Schiences
2017Real World Particle Number Reduction Evaluation under Shenzhen DPF Retrofit Program in ChinaPR
Wang Yi, S.E. Pratsinis
ETH Zurich
2023Crystallization Onset of Aerosol Au NanopartielesPO
Weber Ines, A. T. Güntner, S. Abegg, K. Wegner, S. E. Pratsinis
2019Highly selective formaldehyde detection with zeolite membranes for indoor air quality monitoringPO
Weber Patrick, Oliver F. Bischof, Benedikt Fischer, Marcel Berg, Jannik Schmitt, Gerhard Steiner, Lothar Keck, Andreas Petzold, Ulrich Bundke
Forschungszentrum Jülich
2023A New Working Fluid for Condensation Particle Counters with Proprietary BenefitsPR
Weber Patrick, O. F. Bischof, A. Petzold, U. Bundke
Forschungszentrum Jülich
2024A new kind of substance for the rapid activation and heterogenous growth of nanoparticles in particle countersPR
Wehner B.
Institute for Tropospheric Research
2000Temporal and Spatial Variation of Nanoparticle Number Concentration in the Urban AreaPR
Wehner B.
Institute for Tropospheric Research
2001Volatility of traffic-related aerosol particlesPR
Wei Qiang, Ichiro Asano
2005Real-time Engine Exhaust Solid Particle Measurement with a Prototype Particle Counting SystemPR
Weichenthal Scott
McGill University
2019Emerging Health Impacts of Within-City Spatial Variations in Ambient Ultrafine Particles and Deep Learning for Environmental Exposure AssessmentPR
Weimer S. , B.Mohr, R. Richter, M. Mohr, A.S.H. Prévôt
2006Investigations of Road Traffic Emissions in Southern Switzerland Using a Mobile LaboratoryPR
Weimer S. , R. Alfarra, D. Schreiber, M. Mohr, A.S.H. Prévôt
2007Characterisation of the Mass Spectra of Fine Particulate Matter emitted from Wood Burning EmissionSPO
Weingartner E.
Paul Scherrer Institut
1997Aerosol Emission in a Road TunnelPR
Weingartner E.
Paul Scherrer Institut
1998Fine Particle Formation at a High Alpine Site (3454 m)PR
Weingartner E., S. Nyeki, S. Henning, U. Baltensperger
Paul Scherrer Institut
1999Hygroscopic Properties of Aerosol Particles in the Temperature Range – 11°C c T < 20°CPR
Weingartner E., U. Baltensperger, A. Hannemann, H. Saathoff, M. Schnaiter
Paul Scherrer Institut
2003Calibration of aethalometers with different soot aerosolsPO
Weingartner E.
Paul Scherrer Institut
2004Aging processes of soot particles in the atmospherePR
Weingartner E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius
Paul Scherrer Institut
2007Impact of Black Carbon on Climate: Interaction of Soot Containing Particles with CloudsPR
Weingartner E., N. Karlen, B.R. Visser, L. Drinovec, G. Močnik
Paul Scherrer Institut,
2018Measurement Artefacts from Evaporation and Recondensation of Volatiles in In-situ Aerosol Light Absorption TechniquesPO
Weingartner Ernest, Bradley Visser, Jannis Röhrbein, Manuela Wipf, Luka Drinovec, Griša Močnik, Ernest Weingartner
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, 5210 Windisch, Switzerland
2021Development of a new photothermal interferometer for the in-situ measurement of carbonaceous aerosolsPR
Weingartner Ernest, Tobias Rüggeberg, Nadine Karlen
2023Physical properties of virus-containing aerosol particlesPR
Weise F., F.W. Dreher, K. Böhme, St. Lutz, M. Struschka, J. Brodbeck, S. Mülhopt, H.R. Paur, S. Diabaté
University of Tübingen
2010Toxic effects of nanoparticles from biomass combustionPR
Weise F., G. Baumbach, W.F. Dreher, E. Houas, J. Klostermann, S. Mülhopt, H.R. Paur, Chr. Schlager, M. Struschka, C. Warres, P. Winter
NMI Reutlingen
2014Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles from Biomass CombustionPR
Wellinger M., Chr. Ludwig, J. Wochele
Paul Scherrer Institut
2010Monitoring of alkali particles from thermal processing of biomassPO
Wende B.
Universität Karlsruhe
1999Online Particle Measurement under Industrial Conditions with the three Waverlengths Extinction MethodPR
Wendelspiess Stephan, Reza Kholghy, S.E. Pratsini
2019Evolution of surface fractal dimension during coagulation and surface growth with a monodisperse population balance modelPO
Wenger D., A. Gerecke, N. Heeb, M. Zennegg, M. Kohler, H. Naegeli, R. Zenobi
2007Secondary Effects of Catalytic Diesel Particulate Filters: Reduced Emissions of Potential Endocrine DisruptorsPR
Whitefield Ph., Donald E. Hagen, Prem Lobo, Max Trueblood
Missouri University
2017Plume Processing of Soot Aerosol in a Jet Engine ExhaustPO
Wichmann H.E.
GSF Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit
2004Health risk due to nanoparticles – epidemiological knowledgePR
Wick P.
2009Placenta perfusion system: a human ex vivo model system to study the maternal – fetal barrier capacity for nanosized materialsPR
Wiedensohler A., Birmili W., Löschau
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany
2016Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Low Emission Zone Leipzig by Measurements of Soot and the Ultrafine Particle Number ConcentrationPR
Wieser U.
Oekozentrum Langenbruck
1999New Ways in Nanoparticle Reduction in Combustion ProcessesPR
Wilhelm O., B. Keller, H.C. Siegmann
1999Exposure to Combustion Aerosols in Buildings – or how to make use of the Air PollutionPR
Williams R., Heather Hamje, Pauline Ziman
2017Effect of Fuel Properties on Particulate Emissions from Euro4, 5 and 6 Passenger CarsFO
Wohter Daniel
RWTH Aachen University 
2022Reduction of PAHs by the Use of Electrostatic Precipitators at Different Positions in the Exhaust Gas Stream of Logwood StovesPR
Wolff Th., F. Holger, Shahrokh Hajireza
AFT Auto Filter Technology GmbH
2010Design of a high porosity SiC substrate for future Euro VI applicationsPR
Wolff Th.
2012High Porous SiC for Future SCR-F SolutionsPR
Wolff Th.
2015Using SCR on Filter Technology for Downsizing Future HDD On-Road and Off-Road Systems for Euro VI and Stage VPR
Wollmann A., B.Benker, D. Rudolph
CUTEC-Institut GmbH
2006A Modern Diesel Engine Operated with Pure Rapeseed Oil; Effects on the EmissionsPR
Woo SangHee, Seokhwan Lee
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
2024Development of Dust Collector to Mitigate the BWPs (Brake Wear Particles) Using the Dispersion Characteristics of ParticlesPO
Woodburn J.
2013Particulate Emissions from Passenger Cars used for (very) Short Trips – the Impact of the Cold Start EffectPR
Wozniak Marek, Krzysztof Siczek, Przemyslaw Kubiak, Piotr Jozwiak, Gustavo Ozuna
Lodz University Poland
2019The effect of TiO2 amount in engine oil on composition of carbon deposits and the friction coefficient in the contact zone between them and valve head materialPO
Wozniak Marek, Krzysztof Siczek, Michal Glogowski, Przemyslaw Kubiak, Gustavo Ozuna
Lodz University of Technology, Poland
2021The investigations of emission of a variable compress ratio internal combustion engine driving the power generatorPO
Wu Anna H.
University of Southern California 
2022Airport-related ultrafine particles and risk of malignant brain cancer among Los Angeles participants in the Multiethnic Cohort StudyPR
Wyser M.
BUWAL Bundesamt für Umwelt, Schweiz
2002New Swiss regulation requires > 95% nanoparticle trapping efficiency for Diesels in constructionPR
Wyser M., A. Mayer, J. Czerwinski
BUWAL Bundesamt für Umwelt, Schweiz
2003VERT – certified Particle Filter SystemsPO


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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Xu Fan, R. Stone
University of Oxford
2011Testing of a Volatile Particle Remover (VPR) and a Thermo-denuder (TD) Using a DISI EnginePO
Xu Qi-Zhi, Barbara Bertozzi, Rob L. Modini, Benjamin T. Brem, Claudia Mohr, Baseerat Romshoo, Thomas Müller, Martin Gysel-Beer
2024Accurate retrieval of pure black carbon aerosol properties including light absorption from polarization-resolved in situ measurements of light scatteringPR
Xu QiZhi, Barbara Bertozzi, Alireza Moallemi, Robin L. Modini, Benjamin T. Brem, Philippe Giaccari, Martin Gysel-Beer
Paul Scherrer Institut
2023Assessing the potential to improve polarimetric aerosol property retrievals for black carbon aerosolPO


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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Yadav Amit Kumar, Pandit Khillare, Pandit Khillare
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi- 110067
2021Fine Particulate Matter Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Species in Ambient Atmosphere of Delhi: Concentration, Sources, and Associated Health Risk AssessmentPO
Yadav Sudesh
Jawaharlal Nehru University
2021Emissions of NH3, NO2 & their secondary aerosols during biomass burning at an agricultural area in NCR-Delhi, India.PO
Yamada Hiroyuki, Daisuke Kawano, Terunao Kawai, Mitsuo Koshi, Yuichi Goto
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2005Structural Property of Nanoparticles Emitted from DI Diesel EnginePR
Yamada Hiroyuki, T. Kawai, Y. Goto
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2006PAHs Formation from Benzene in a Laminar Flow ReactorPO
Yamada Hiroyuki, Hiroshi Itou, Hiroyuki Isawa, Ichiro Sakata
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2008Evaluation of PMP Number Counting Method Applying for HD Diesel EnginePR
Yamada Hiroyuki
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2009Particle Number emission from recent HD engines with PMP methodPO
Yamada Hiroyuki, Yukio Yamamoto, Kenichi Tonokura
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2011New Technique of Nitrogen Compounds Causing Secondary Aerosol Formation in Automobile Exhaust Based on IR – CRDSPO
Yamada Hiroyuki, Y. Goto
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2012PM and PN Emission Histories from HD Vehicle with Periodical Regenerating DPFPR
Yamada Hiroyuki
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2013Emission of sub 23 nm Particles from DPF Diesel and GDIPR
Yamada Hiroyuki, Koji Funato, Hiromu Sakurai
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2014Measuring Particles less than 23 nm using PMP MethodologyPR
Yamada Hiroyuki
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2015Emissions from HD Truck with Damaged DPF and its Detection at PTIPR
Yamada Hiroyuki
National Traffic Safety & Environment Laboratory, Tokyo
2016Correlations of Particle Mass and Particle Number with PMP MethodPO
Yamada Hiroyuki
National Traffic Safety and Environment Japan
2017Sub-10 nm Particles Observation Using PMP Methodology -Down from Ten-PO
Yamada Hiroyuki, Taichi KIMURA, Hidenori KONNO, Yoshinori KONNO
Tokyo Denki University
2023Off-Cycle Emissions of Particle Number from Gasoline and DPF diesel passenger cars in extremely low temperature and high-load conditionsPR
Yamada Hiroyuki, Shinichi Mukai, Hisakazu Suzuki
Tokyo Denki University
2024PN measurement at PTI in JapanPO
Yamamoto Kazuhiro, Yohei Kanamori
Nagoya University
2013Simulation on Soot Oxidation in Catalyzed DPFPR
Yamamoto Kazuhiro
Nagoya University
2014Size distribution and oxidation rate of carbon nanoparticlesPR
Yamamoto Kazuhiro, Shota Yagasaki
Nagoya University
2017Effect of Soot Size on Particle Filtration and Soot Cake Formation in Diesel Particulate FilterPR
Yamamoto Kazuhiro, Kenju Yoshizawa, Kiyotaka Suzuki, Terumasa Kanai, Keita Miyajima, Tomokazu Eda, Keitaro Sueda
Nagoya University
2018Fuel Supply System by Porous Ceramic Tube to Diesel Oxidation CatalystPO
Yamamoto Kazuhiro, Hiroya Kato, Daisuke Suzuki
Nagoya University
2018Pressure Response during Filtration and Oxidation in Diesel Particulate FilterPR
Yamamoto Kazuhiro, Shin Matsumoto
Nagoya University
2019valuation of Pressure Drop during Filtration of Gasoline Particulate FilterPR
Yamamoto Kazuhiro, M. Hirota, Y. Inui
Nagoya University
2022Numerical simulation of SiC sponge potentially applied for gasoline particulate filterPR
Yamamoto Kazuhiro
Nagoya University
2023Effects of GPF substrate structure on pressure drop and filtration efficiencyPR
Yamashita Tetsuya
Toyota Motor
2003Comparison of the measured values from the same emission source obtained by using various measurement instrumentsPO
Yamashita Tetsuya
Toyota Motor
2008Particle Number Emissions from Various Vehicles with PMP Proposal MethodPR
Yan Keping
Zhejiang University
2013Electrostatic Precipitation of fine Particles from Coal-Fired Power PlantsPO
Yanagisawa N., Tomoaki Ikeda
Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center
2005Investigation of Measurement Conditions of Ultrafine Particles Emitted by AutomobilesPR
Yanagisawa N., Keiko Shibata, Kenji Ennya, Yoshihisa Tashiro, Kaoru Satou
Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center
2010VOCs and particle emission from DPF equipped diesel engine during regeneration measured by on-line PTR mass spectrometerPO
Yanagisawa N.
Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center
2014On-line Measurement of Organic Compounds Adsorbed on Diesel Exhaust Particles by PTR-TOFMSPO
Yang Shen, Dusan Licina
2024Nanocluster aerosol generation from squalene-ozone reactionPO
Young Li Hao, Chau-Wei Lai, Hsi-Hsien Yang, Lin-Chi Wang, Jau-Huai Lu
Dept. of Occupational Safety and Health, China Medical University, Taiwan
2018Emissions of Volatile and Nonvolatile Nanoparticles from HDDE Running on Different Gas-Diesel Mixture FuelsPO
Young Li-Hao, L.-J. Lai, H.-C. Chuang, Z.-J. Lin, C.-C. Wang, S.-Y. Tang, M.-Y. Hung, Y.-H. Chen, B.-H. Lin, M.-T. Tang
China Medical University, Taiwan
2024Direct observation of the internal and external morphology of size-segregated single particles and their interactions with alveolar epithelial cellsPO
Yu F.
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center ASRC, University of Albany
2003The combustion-generated volatile "nanodroplets", what controls their formation and concentration?PR
Yu Fangqun, Bernd Kärcher, Bruce Anderson
State Unviersity of New York at Albany
2024Nanoparticle and contrail ice formation in next generation aviation fuels and enginesPR
Yu Young Soo, Junepyo Cha, Mun soo Chon, Jun woo Jeong
Korea University
2018Characteristics of Particle Emissions from Diesel and Gasoline Vehicles on Real Driving Emission for Ambient TemperaturePO
Yu Young soo, Junepyo Cha, Hyoungwook Lee, Mun Soo Chon
Korea University
2019Emissions characteristics for data analysis methods of Light-Duty Diesel vehicle on Real Driving Emissions TestPO


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Author, Co-Authors and AffiliationYearTitleType
Zabdiel Dominguez Trinidad, G.A. Sotiriou, A. Camenzind
2010Carbon coated metallic copper nanoparticles produced by an enclosed FSP for dielectric elastomersPO
Zabetta E., B.Ekholm, M. Hupa, T. Paanu, M. Laurén, S. Niemi
Abo Akademi, Finland
2005Effect of seed oils on the morphology of nanoparticles from diesel enginesPR
Zach J., M. Jakuttis
Fraunhofer Institut
2014Investigation of Potential Impacts on the Environment During Combustion of Nanomaterial Containing WastePO
Zahoransky R.
Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG
2000On-Line / In-Line Measurements of Particle Emissions by a Combustion Aerosol StandardPR
Zahoransky R.
Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG
2002Time resolved meas. Of soot concentrations and mean particle sizes during EUDC and ECE cyclesPR
Zahoransky R., E. Laile, S. Kerzenmacher, J. Kassab, D. Henneke
Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG
2003On-line particle emission analysis on the CAST burner using LPME (Long Path Multiwave-lengh Extinction)PO
Zahoransky R., B.Dorn
Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG
2005Influence of Different Sun Fuels on Particle Emissions of Diesel EnginesPR
Zahoransky R., B.Dorn, Chr. Zell, R. Winterhalter
Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG
2007Emissions and their Biological Impact of Diesel Engines Fuelled by Non-Esterified Plant OilsPO
Zahoransky R., B.Dorn
Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG
2009Non-Esterified Plant Oils as Fuel -Engine Characteristics, Emission Behaviour and Health ImpactPO
Zaira Leni, Michaela N. Ess, Alejandro Keller, Konstantina Vasilatou, Marianne Geiser
University of Bern
2019The role of laboratory-generated soot particles in respiratory health impairmentPR
Zanatta M., M. Gysel, F. Cavalli, E. Weingartner, U. Baltenspesrger, P. Laj
2013Absorbing properties of Black Carbon over EuropePO
Zarcone M., G. Amatngalim, E. Duistermaat, P. S. Hiemstra, I.M.Kooter
Leiden Universit y
2014Development of an Innovative in Vitro Inhalation Model for Studying the Effects of Diesel ExhaustPR
Zardini A.A., S.M. Platt, I. El Haddad, M. Clairotte, B. Temime, N. Marchand, I. Jezek, G. Mocnik, R. Wolf, J.G. Slowik, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt, C. Astorga
European Commission
2012Primary Emissions and Secondary Aerosol Formation from a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke Scooter fuelled with Standard and Alkylate PetrolPO
Zardini A.A., S.M. Platt, R. Suarez, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt, C. Astorga
European Commission
2013Primary Emissions and Secondary Aerosol Formation from two Heavy-duty TrucksPR
Zardini A.A., Suarez-Bertoa R., Forni F., Montigny F., Garcia M., Carriero M., Astorga C.
European Commission
2017Exhaust Emissions from Small Utility Engines: Effect of Different Fuels and Lube OilsPO
Zare Shahne Maryam
Khaje-Nasir-Toosi University of Technology
2022Determining the contribution of non-combustion sources by the fine PM source apportionment results in Tehran, IranPO
Zarvalis Dimitrios, Eleni Papaioannou, Penelope Baltzopoulou, Emmanouel Daskalos, Danis Deloglou, Leonidas Chasapidis, George Karagiannakis
2024Assessing particulate matter emissions from conventional cigarettes and heated tobacco productsPR
Zauli Sajani Stefano, Marchesi St.
ARPAE, Italy
20163D Variability of Different Particle Metrics in Urban Areas: Findings from the "Supersito" Project in Bologna, ItalyPO
Zauli Sajani Stefano, Marchesi St.
ARPAE, Italy
2016Indoor/Outdoor Seasonal Variability of Different Particle MetricsPO
Zavodna Tana, Ondřej Pařízek, Alena Milcová, Vítězslav Jiřík, Michal Stupák, Jana Pulkrabová, Jan Topinka
Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2023Personal exposure monitoring of size-segregated aerosol and PAHs in recreational runnersPO
Zavodna Tana, Helena Libalova, Hana Barosova, Tereza Cervena, Alena Milcova, Fatima Elzeinova, Katerina Honkova, Michal Vojtisek, Pavel Rossner, Jan Topinka
Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2024Genotoxicity of Organic Extracts of Particulate Emissions from Conventional Gasoline and Alternative FuelsPR
Zaw-Mon F., Guy John
US Environmental Protection Agency
2007Update on The US Diesel Retrofit Program PR
Zehra Farheen
Isabella Thoburn College
2022Controlling the indoor air pollutants utilising the solid industrial waste: a case study on coal fly ashPO
Zehra Farheen, Anam Taushiba, Alfred Lawrence
Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow India (presented by Alfred Lawrence)
2024Indoor TVOCs, RSPM and Fine Particulate matter: Health impact on young women of a rapidly growing urban city of Northern IndiaPO
Zelenka P.
2000Engine - management - supported after-treatment systems for HDV and LDVPR
Zelenka P.
Twintec AG
2005Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter System (CPF) for EURO 4 – Experiences of extended fleet test with 35 HMC/Kia vehiclesPR
Zelenka P., A. Zelenka
Twintec AG
2006Meeting EU 5 PM Emission Standards: Comparison of Different Particulate Traps"PR
Zellner R.
University Duisburg
2014Strategies for Research and Policies to Reduce Health Effects from Fine Particles in AmbientPR
Zeng L., A. P. Weber
TU Clausthal, Institute of Particle Technology
2011Catalytic Soot Oxidation Mechanisms in Structured Layers of NanoparticlesPO
Zerrath A., Thomas Krinke, Oliver Bischof, Torsten Tritscher, Jacob Scheckman
2017Design Criteria and Early Stage Development of the Next Generation of Butanol CPC'sPO
Zervas E.
2004Exhaust gas particle measurement: evaluation of an improved gravimetric methodPO
Zervas E.
2004Exhaust gas particle number measurement – round robin test using ELPIPR
Zervas E., P. Dorlhéne, J.C. Momique, R. Monier, L. Forti,
2005Interlaboratory measurement of exhaust particle number using CPCPO
Zervas E., P. Dorlhéne
2005Comparison of Particle Number Determination Using Several Analytical TechniquesPR
Zhang Jun, Kun Li, Tiantian Wang, Tianqu Cui, Lu Qi, Mihnea Surdu, Houssni Lamkaddam, Imad EI Haddad, Jay Slowik, David Bell, Andre Prevot
Paul Scherrer Institute
2021Primary organic aerosol emissions and chemical composition from biomass and cow dung burning characterized using extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometryPR
Zhang Jun
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
2023Chemically resolved volatility of biomass burning emissionPR
Zhang Min, Jiun Ong, Kar Pang, Xue Bai, Jens Walther
Technical University of Denmark
2021Effects of ambient CO2 and H2O on soot formation in n-dodecane spray combustionPO
Zhao H., A. William, R. Stone
University of Oxford
20113D Temperature and Soot Loading Measurement in a Diffusion Flame Burner Using Tomographic Three Colour SpectrometryPO
Zheng Zhongqing, H. Jung
University of California
2010Metal particles from combustion of heavy fuel Oil (HFO)PO
Zhou Jun, J. Dommen, M. Krapf, U. Baltensperger, Ru-jin Huag, Qui-vuan Wang, Jun-Ji Cao
2015Ambient Air Measurements of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Beijing and BernPO
Zhou Jun, Bruns E., Zotter P., Stefenelli G.
PSI, Switzerland
2016Toxicity Assessment of Wood Combustion Emissions from Different Burning and Aged Conditions by Using a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) InstrumentPO
Zhou Lei, Dam N.J., de Goey I.P.H.
University of Eindhoven
2013Laser Diagnostics on Sooting Tendency in Laminar Diffusion Flame of Liquid Fuels at Elevated PressurePO
Zijlstra Curcu, Margherita Orazietti, Mihaela Manole, Rudolf Bieri
Stat Peel AG
2019Sensing Solution for Airborne Carbon Nanotube and Carbon Black Exposure based on Raman SpectroscopyPO
Zimmermann R., T.G.Dittmar, T.Kanashova, J.Buters, S.Öder, H.Paur, M.Dilger, C.Weiss, H.Harndorf, B.Stengel, K. Hiller, S.C.Sapcariu,K.A.Berube, A.J. Wlodarcyzk, B.Michalke, T.Krebs, M.Kelbg, T.Streibel, E.Karg, J.Schnelle-Kreis, M.Sklorz, J.Orasche, P.Richthammer, L. Müller, J.Passig, C. Radischat, S. Smita, J. Orasche, H. Lamberg, M.-R. Hirvonen, O. Sippula, J. Jokiniemi
Helmholtz München
2017Biological effects of emissions from ship diesel, gasoline car-engines and wood combustion: Multi-omics characterization of aerosol-exposed lung cells and chemical profiles of the emissions.PR
Zinola St., M. Leblanc, St. Raux, B. Rmili, A. Boreave, Ph. Vernoux
IFP Energies nouvelles
2013Particle Number Characterization from a Spark Ignition direct Injection Engine with a Gasoline Particulate FilterPR
Zinola St., M. Leblanc, St. Raux, B. Rmili, A. Boreave, A. Même, C. Rose, A. Schwier, K. Sellegri, K. Pajot
IFP Energies nouvelles
2015Comprehensive Analysis of Phenomena during Catalyzed DPF Active Regeneration.PR
Zinola St., Mickael LEBLANC, Leonidas CHASAPIDIS, Daniil DELOGLOU, Penelope BALTZOPOULOU, Anastasios MELAS, Athanasios G. KONSTANDOPOULOS, Tobias RÜGGEBERG, Martin FIERZ, Heinz BURTSCHER, Alberto TEJERO, Mario AMO, Daoiz ZAMORA
IFP Energies nouvelles
2019SUREAL-23 project : Measurement of sub-23 nm particles on Gasoline Direct Injection Engine under various conditions.PR
Zöllner Chr., W. Mühlbauer, D. Brüggemann
BERC Bayreuth
2014Influence of engine operating parameters on PM size, structure and reactivityPO
Zöllner Chr., W. Mühlbauer, D. Brüggemann
BERC Bayreuth
2015Comparison of Soot Deposition in Diesel Particulate Filter Segments Operating with Diesel Fuel and BiodieselPO
Zöllner Chr., Mühlbauer W., Brüggemann D.
University of Bayreuth, Germany
2016Influence of Engine Operating Conditions on Soot Loading and Regeneration Behavior of Diesel Particulate FiltersPO
Zöllner Chr., Brüggemann D.
BERC Bayreuth
2017Comparison of Loading and Regeneration Behavior of Uncoated, Coated and Aged Diesel Particulate FiltersPO
Zotter P., V.G. Ciobanu, Y.L. Zhang, I. El-Haddad, M. Macchia, S. Szidat, G. Salazar, R.-J. Huang, L. Wacker, C. Hüglin, A. Piazzalunga, P. Femo, N. Perron, M. Schwikowski, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt
201414C-based Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Switzerland for 2008 – 2012PR
Zotter P., Nussbaumer Th., Lauber A., Zhou J., Stefenelli G., Bhattu D., Prévôt A., Dommen J.
University of Lucerne, Switzerland
2016Wood Combustion for Energy in BuildingsPO
Zotter P., Richard St., Egli M., Nussbaumer Th.
University of Lucerne, Switzerland
2016A Simple Sampling Method to Analyze Cell Toxicity of Nanoparticles and Condensable Compounds from Biomass CombustionPR
Zotter P., Richard St., Egli M., Nussbaumer Th.
University of Lucerne, Switzerland
2017Primary & secondary particle & gas phase emissions from nine state-of-the-art wood combustion devicesPO
Zuberi B., J.J. Liu, S.C. Pillal, J.G. Weinstein, A.G. Konstandopoulos, S. Lorentzou, Ch. Pagoura
University of Oxford
2007Advanced High Porosity Ceramic Honeycomb Wall Flow FiltersPR
Zuberi B., T. Gordon
University of Oxford
2008Characterization of High Porosity Extruded Ceramic Micro-Fiber Based Diesel Nano-particulate FiltersPO
Zürcher M.
2003Operational experiences with particulate traps under real conditionsPO