28th ETH Nanoparticles Conference (NPC-25)
June 16-19, 2025
ETH Zurich, Switzerland – on-site
Focus Event: Brake and Tyre Wear Particles
Conference Website and Registration: https://npc25.scg.ch
The Nanoparticles Conference in 2025 (#ethnpc25) is organized at the ETH Zürich as an on-site conference. The NPC serves as an interdisciplinary platform for expert discussion on all aspects of nanoparticles, freshly emitted from various sources, transformed in ambient air, distributed on local and global scale, on technical mitigation aspects, particle legislation, and impact of particles on health, environment, and climate. The conference brings together representatives from research, industry and legislation.
Conference Topics
- Aircraft, marine and other non-road sources
- Ambient air particles, secondary pollutants
- Biomass-, biofuel- and synfuel combustion
- Brake and tyre wear, non-combustion emissions
- Combustion-derived nanoparticles
- Emission and emission control of combustion engines
- Environmental effects
- Filtration of combustion and biogenic nanoparticles
- Health effects
- Impact on climate
- Indoor particles and workplace aerosols
- Legislation and enforcement
- Nanoparticle formation and transformation
- Nanoparticle metrology and chemical characterization
- Nanoparticle chemistry and toxicology
- Occupational exposure and prevention
- Periodical technical inspection for in-use vehicles
Focus Event: Brake and Tyre Wear Particles
With the introduction of Euro-7 vehicle legislation both, combustion-related and non-combustion emissions such as wear particles from brakes and tyres are regulated for the first time. These new regulations have started initiatives to minimize e.g. brake wear particles with filter technology or remove toxic metals, fibers and compounds from brake and tyre materials. In addition, toxicology and health effects of these neglected particles are studied on large scale. All these aspects will be addressed in the 2025 focus event.
Health Session
The session will provide new experimental and epidemiological results about health consequences of exposure to combustion and non-combustion particles.
Papers and Posters
We invite you to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the conference website, https://npc25.scg.ch/registration.
- Abstracts must contain new information and results related to the aforementioned topics.
- Best poster presentations and talks will be awarded with prize money and certificates.
- All contributions including PDFs of talks, posters, and abstracts will be published on the conference website.
Submission of an abstract includes your agreement for publication on the conference website.
Scientific and Organizing Committee
See contacts page.
The exhibition on particle measurement instrumentation (PMI) and emission control devices (ECDs) is an important part of the conference.
For further information and registration contact:
Dr. K. Vasilatou (PMI) and Prof. Dr. H. Burtscher (PMI),
E-mail: Konstantina.Vasilatou@metas.ch
Dr. L. Rubino, VERT-CEO (ECDs),
E-mail: laurettarubino@yahoo.co.uk
Social Events
- The Welcome Party on Monday Evening, June 16, is at the Faculty Foyer (Dozenten Foyer, see map) on the rooftop of the ETH main building which guarantees spectacular views on Zürich.
- The Exhibitor Apéro on Tuesday, June 17 at the ETH main building is a good occasion for networking.
- All participants are cordially invited to the Conference Dinner on Wednesday, June 18, at the ETH restaurant (see map).
Important Dates and Deadlines
- November 25, 2024: Registration opening
- January 26, 2025: Extended deadline for abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations
- January 17, 2025: Deadline for exhibition application
- March 10, 2025: Information on paper/poster acceptance
Registration and Conference Fee
Online registration is required on the conference website: https://npc24.scg.ch/registration. A participation fee will be charged to partially cover conference costs. A fee of CHF 400 will be charged for the 4 days conference. The day fee is CHF 125. Reduced fees of CHF 300 (4 days) and CHF 100 (one day) are offered to students and retirees.
Online registration is required under https://npc25.scg.ch/registration. A participation fee of CHF 400 will be charged for the 3 day conference. The day fee is CHF 150. Reduced fees of CHF 200 (3 days) and CHF 100 (one day) are offered to students and retirees. Fees are also applicable for presenters and can be paid after paper acceptance.
Travel Information and Accommodation
Online hotel reservation is possible via
Zürich Tourism, CH-8023 Zürich,
Phone: +41 44 215 40 00, Website: www.zuerich.com.
General information is also available on CH Tourism, www.myswitzerland.com.
Further Information
Chairs of the Organizing Committee NPC-25
Dr. Loretta Müller, loretta.mueller@insel.ch and
Dr. Norbert Heeb, norbert.heeb@empa.ch
Under the Auspices of
ETH Zürich, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and Swiss Chemical Society (SCS),
Important Dates, Links and Deadlines:
Sponsorship Opportunities, please support the conference and become a sponsor! |
Thank you for your kind support!
Sponsors and Supporters 2024:
Exhibitors 2024:
Follow us on Twitter:
@ETHNPC, official hashtag: #ethnpc25
Conference-Flyer 2025 (pdf)
Conference Location
The conference is held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
Main Building,
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
The ETH main building is situated above Zürich's old town. It is accessible by tram lines 6, 9 and 10 or, as an adventurous alternative, by the Polybahn (see maps below, click to enlarge).