Agenda, Presentations and Posters of the 27th Conference

27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference (NPC-24) and Aerosols-24 Conference, June 10-14, 2024

The ETH Nanoparticle Conference (NPC-24) was organized in 2024 as a joined on-site event together with the Workplace and Indoor Aerosols Conference (Aerosols-24) at the ETH Zurich under the auspice of the Swiss Chemical Society (see website of the online conference,

The Nanoparticle Conference serves as an interdisciplinary platform for expert discussions on all aspects of nanoparticles, freshly emitted from various sources, transformed in ambient air, distributed on local and global scale, on technical mitigation aspects, particle legislation, and impact of particles on health, environment, and climate. The conference brings together representatives from research, industry and government.


Agenda of Presentations

Tuesday June 11, 2024

Norbert Heeb, Empa and Chair of NPC 2024
Welcome, lntroduction and Conference Opening
09.00 pdf
Jan-Helge Zimmermann, ETH Zürich, Industry Relations
Welcome address

Martin Gysel-Beer, Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI
Keynote Lecture: Anthropogenic aerosol emissions at the nexus between air quality, climate and geoengineering

09.10 pdf
Session 1: Aircraft, marine and other non-road sources Part A
Chair: Norbert Heeb, Empa Dübendorf
Theo Rindlisbacher, Swiss Civil Aviation Authority, FOCA
Aircraft particle emissions in cruise
Benjamin Brem, Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI
The ubiquitous nature of lubrication oil in aero gas turbine exhausts

Session 2: Aircraft, marine and other non-road sources Part B
Chair: Theo Rindlisbacher, Swiss Civil Aviation Authority, FOCA

Michal Vojtíšek, Technical University of Liberec
Mobile test rig for field measurement of small jet engine particle emissions
Marius Rohkamp, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Gaseous and Non-Volatile Particulate Matter Turboshaft-Engine Emissions using 30%, 50% and 100% HEFA Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Anni Hartikainen, University of Eastern Finland
Effects of photochemical aging on the chemical and optical properties of exhaust emissions from a small-scale jet engine burner
Thorsten Streibel, University of Rostock
Influence of photochemical aging on physical-chemical properties of ultrafine particulate matter from the exhaust emissions of a ship diesel engine
Session 3: Emission Control Part A
Chair: Danilo Engelmann, BFH, Biel
David Kittelson, University of Minnesota
Changes in particle emissions and measurement during the past 30 years
Silvana Di lorio, STEMS-CNR
Physical and chemical characterization of the particles emitted by a DI SI engine with low- and zero-carbon fuels
Nic Surawski, University of Technology Sydney
Real driving solid particle number emissions from a hydraulic hybrid heavy commercial vehicle and diesel sports utilities vehicles in Australia
Ioannis Raptis, AUTH
Evaluation of a miniaturized exhaust emission measuring system for L category Vehicles measurements in real world driving conditions
Sebastian Schurl, Technische Universität Graz
Assessment of pollutant emissions including ultrafine particles down to 10nm of high-performance motorcycles – lab and real-world evaluation using advanced PEMS technology
Session 4: Emission Control Part B and periodical technical inspection (PTI)
Chair: Jan Czerwinski, BFH, Biel
Chiara Guido, CNR-STEMS
Strategies for particle emission control from gas fuelled heavy-duty engines: potentiality of filter technology
Danilo Engelmann, BFH Biel
Innovative Gasoline Particulate Filters: A Comprehensive Analysis of Intrinsic High Filtration Rates and Operational Performance
Lauretta Rubino, VERT Association
The Dirty Tail of Vehicle Fleets and how to Detect and Clean the High Emitters - the Fastest Route to Clean Urban Air at Low Cost
Erkka Saukko, Pegasor
Integrated PN measurement system performance and VPR requirements
APERITIF sponsored by exhibitors 17.00


Wednesday June 12, 2024

Session 5: Biomass-, biofuel- and synfuel combustion
Chair: Heinz Burtscher, FHNW/ISE
Alexandre Albinet, INERIS
Primary and secondary emissions of pellets, logwood, and oil residential heating appliances: emissions factors, secondary particle formation and particle effective density
Axel Friedrich, Consultant
UFP and Black Carbon emissions from Real World Wood Stoves without and with Electrostatic Precipitators
Gunter Hagen, University of Bayreuth - Zentrum für Energietechnik (ZET)
On the emissions of wood-log fueled fireplaces: correlation of continuous gas sensor data with particle spectra analysis
Anssi Järvinen, VTT
Emissions of an agricultural tractor with experimental e-diesel and commercial diesels
Stijn van Rijn, University of Groningen
The effect of hydrogen addition on the aerosol properties of combustion generated nanoparticles from premixed ethylene flames
Session 6: Toxicology
Chair: Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, University of Fribourg
Johan Øvrevik, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Revisiting the Trojan Horse Effect – On the role of lipophilic chemicals in the toxicity of fine and ultrafine combustion particles and implications for regulatory needs
Johannes Becker, Comprehensive Molecular Analytics, HelmholtzMunich
Traffic-related non-exhaust emission UFPs toxicological potentials
Bozhena Tsyupa, Brembo SpA
On-site ALI versus Submerged Culture: Toxicological and Chemical Characterization of Brake Wear Nanoparticles
Tana Zavodna, Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Genotoxicity of Organic Extracts of Particulate Emissions from Conventional Gasoline and Alternative Fuels
Alfred Lawrence, Isabella Thoburn College
Distribution Assessment and Source apportionment of Particulate bound-PAHs in Indoor Air of south Asian precinct using IDW and PMF receptor model: A comprehensive study

Session 8: Brake and tyre wear, non-combustion emissions
Chair: Lauretta Rubino, VERT Association
Lukas Landl, TU Graz
Trends in exhaust and non-exhaust particle emissions in road transport
Agnese Magno, STEMS-CNR
Comprehensive investigation on the effect of different brake profiles and temperature on the brake wear particle emissions
Hiroyuki Hagino, JARI
Implications of Nanoparticle Emissions from Passenger Car Brakes based on the WLTP Brake Cycle
Carsten Neukirchen, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Physical and chemical characterization of emissions from a EURO 7 brake dyno
CONFERENCE DINNER, Polyterasse 19.00


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Session 9: Instrumentation (Nanoparticle metrology and chemical characterization)
Chair: Konstantina Vasilatou, METAS
Alejandro Keller, FHNW
Enhancing total carbon quantification using fast-thermograms
Martin Tanner, TOFWERK
Quantitative Measurement of Dynamic Changes of Trace Element Content in Ambient Aerosol by MICAP-TOFMS
Patrick Weber, Forschungszentrum Jülich
A new kind of substance for the rapid activation and heterogenous growth of nanoparticles in particle counters
QiZhi Xu, PSI
Accurate retrieval of pure black carbon aerosol properties including light absorption from polarization-resolved in situ measurements of light scattering
Dimitrios Zarvalis, CERTH
Assessing particulate matter emissions from conventional cigarettes and heated tobacco products
Session 10: Ambient air & soot particles, secondary pollutants
Chair: Claudia Mohr, PSI / ETH Zurich
Fangqun Yu, State Unviersity of New York at Albany
Nanoparticle and contrail ice formation in next generation aviation fuels and engines
Yvette Gramlich, LAC, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Impact of biomass burning on Arctic aerosol composition
Joel Corbin, National Research Council Canada
Measurement and impacts of the mass fraction of volatile coatings on soot
Jean-Jacques Sauvain, Unisanté, DSTE
Towards continuous measurement of the oxidative potential of the air

Session 12: Health Effects
Chair: Loretta Müller, Inselspital Bern
Pascale Haddad Thoelke, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Systematic review on health effects of long-term exposure to UFP
Katherine Ogurtsova, HHU
Association of ultrafine particle exposure with lung and neuro-cognitive functions in elementary school children in the Berlin-Brandenburg Air Study (BEAR)
Marshall Lloyd, McGill University
Airborne Nanoparticle Concentrations are Associated with Brain Cancer Incidence in Canada's Two Largest Cities
Georgios Tsakonas, LAT, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Physical and cell toxicity properties of Euro 6d diesel vehicle particle emissions with and without DPF regeneration
End of Day 3 17.00


Friday June 14, 2024

Session 13: Workplace and Indoor Aerosols
Chair: Norbert Heeb, Empa Dübendorf
Lidia Morawska, Queensland University of Technology
Exposure-response to ultrafine particles: how to advance knowledge about it
Ludmila Maskova, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS
Personal exposure to particulate matter during grinding of dental nanocomposite
Freja Rydahl Rasmussen, Danish Technological Institute
Enhancing Air Quality: Investigating Filter Lifespan and Byproducts in Air Purification Solutions
Dae Hoon Park, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Development of an Antiviral Electrostatic Precipitator to Prevent Airborne Transmission within Indoor Air Environments by Dry-aerosol Antiviral Coating Method
Judita Švaikauskaitė, Kaunas University of Technology
Impact of Building Renovation on Indoor Particulate Matter Levels in Finnish and Lithuanian Dwellings

Session 14: Nanoparticle formation and transformation
Chair: Oliver Bischof, TSI

Lubna Dada, Paul Scherrer Institute
Sources of ultrafine particles at a typical rural site in Switzerland
Matti Rissanen, Tampere University & University of Helsinki
Rapid formation of aerosol precursors from o/m/p-Xylene and their contribution to secondary organic aerosol formation
Vinicius Berger, Catalytic Instruments
Evaluation of Monodisperse Silver Particle Sintering Using a Tandem DMA Setup
Poster Award Ceremony
Trojan Horse Award Ceremony

Chair: Oliver Bischof
Session 15: Occupational exposure and prevention
Chair: Claudia Mohr, PSI / ETH Zurich
Dusan Licina, EPFL
Influence of ventilation and room air movement on formation and growth of 1-20 nm particles via ozone-human chemistry
Anssi Arffman, Dekati Ltd.
Real-time measurement of total and solid particle fraction in underground mining environment with DC based sensors (MPEC+)
Christina Isaxon, Lund University
Airborne PM generated from handling of crushed carbon nanotube-enhanced concrete
Keld Alstrup Jensen, NRCWE
Workplace exposure to airborne particles in the plastics recycling and manufacturing industry
Suranie Horn, North-West University, South Africa
Occupational exposure risks of hazardous biological agents in an animal testing facility
Session 16: Chemical composition, transport, and exposure
Chair: Loretta Müller, Inselspital Bern
Talk Award Ceremony
Chair: Claudia Mohr
Imad El-Haddad, PSI
Towards implementing particle chemical composition in health impact assessments
Michael Riediker, SCOEH: Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health
Aerosols, a tool for assessing airborne transmissions of hazardous substances and agents
Closing remarks by Loretta Müller, Inselspital Bern and end of conference 17.00



Session 1: Aircraft, marine and other non-road sources
Seokho Moon, Konkuk University
Study on Virtual PM Sensor of Construction Machinery by utilizing Machine-Learning Algorithm
Alexander Rabl, TU Munich - LTF
Particulate emissions of a turboshaft engine running on HEFA-SPK and its Jet A-1 blends
Dalho Shin, Konkuk University
Real-world PM Emission Patterns according to Load Factor of off-road Construction Machinery

Session 3: Emission control
Christian Ferrarese, European Commission JRC
Raman Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis on fine and ultrafine particles emitted from modern vehicles
Katariina Kylämäki, Tampere University
Secondary Aerosol Emissions from Diesel and Natural Gas Vehicles
Ireneusz Pielecha, Poznan University of Technology
Particulate number emissions during dynamic operating states of a hydrogen-fueled Turbulent Jet Ignition engine
Lauretta Rubino, VERT Association
VERT GPF-Retrofit Program for Cleaner Urban Mobility within the HORIZON Europe AeroSolfd project
Mojtaba Bezaatpour, Tampere University
In search of an optimal combustion strategy for mitigating secondary organic aerosol in combustion engines
Wojciech Honkisz, BOSMAL
Road to Lab Light-Duty vehicle campaign in terms of Particle Number emission over custom RDE test cycle
Samuel af Ugglas, Scania & Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Distribution of particulate matter to extend heavy-duty diesel particulate filter service life
Eric Thébault, MANN+HUMMEL
Integrating a particulate filter system in the frontend: A step towards achieving emission-neutral vehicles
Anssi Järvinen, VTT
Emissions of passenger cars with different engine and aftertreatment technologies

Session 4: Emission control and periodical technical inspection (PTI)
Hiroyuki Yamada, Tokyo Denki University
PN measurement at PTI in Japan
Jacek Pielecha, Poznan University of Technology
Particle number emissions from a hydrogen-fueled Turbulent Jet Ignition engine with a passive prechamber
Lars Hillemann, Topas GmbH
Reference aerosols for PTI-PN counters

Session 5: Biomass-, biofuel- and synfuel combustion
Freja Rydahl Rasmussen, Danish Technological Institute
Cost-efficient sensor solution for reducing emissions from woodstoves through user guidance
Jiun-Horng Tsai, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan, ROC
Air Toxics Emissions from Cogeneration Boilers by Applying Multiple Fuels in Taiwan

Session 8: Brake and tyre wear, non-combustion emissions
Martin Lehmann, MANN+HUMMEL
Reducing Brake Dust Particle Emissions
Katie Kedwell, MANN + HUMMEL
Particle characterization for the development of a brake wear particle collection system
Gunhee Lee, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Particle characterization for the development of a brake wear particle collection system
SangHee Woo, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Development of Dust Collector to Mitigate the BWPs (Brake Wear Particles) Using the Dispersion Characteristics of Particles

Session 10: Ambient air & soot particles, secondary pollutants
Anssi Arffman, Dekati Ltd.
Characterization and application of a new oxidation flow reactor (DOFR) to study passenger car emissions
Cyprien Jourdain, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
Atmospheric black carbon radiative forcing driven by coating morphology
Marshall Lloyd, McGill University
Developing and Evaluating an Integrated Machine Learning Approach to Estimating Near Real-Time Local Level Concentrations of Outdoor Ultrafine Particles using Street-Level Images and City Sounds

Session 6: Toxicology
Barbara Apicella, STEMS-CNR
Effect of UFP produced by anthropogenic combustion on human lung macrophages and motor neurons: role in pulmonary inflammation and neurodegeneration
Kevin Kilchhofer, PSI
Reactive Oxygen Species Build-up in Photochemically Aged Iron- and Copper-doped Secondary Organic Aerosol Proxy
Li-Hao Young, China Medical University, Taiwan
Direct observation of the internal and external morphology of size-segregated single particles and their interactions with alveolar epithelial cells
Alexandre Albinet, INERIS
Unveiling potent toxic chemicals associated to primary or aged (secondary) wood combustion particles: a bio-analytical approach
Gowsinth Gunasingam, Adolphe Merkle Institute
Assessing the direct and indirect effects of diesel exhaust particles on human intestine tissue
Georgios Tsakonas, LAT, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Nanoparticle profiling: a comprehensive assessment of physical, chemical, and toxicological characteristics at Thessaloniki airport

Session 9: Instrumentation (Nanoparticle metrology and chemical characterization)
Joel Corbin, National Research Council Canada
Modelling laser-induced incandescence of soot and tarballs in the SP2
Salvatore Laganá, The University of Nottingham
Assessing the benefits of novel nanoporous silicon nitride membranes to capture and analyse particulate emitted from spark ignited hydrogen internal combustion engine
Andreas Nowak, PTB-Braunschweig
Development of a primary standard for particle number concentration
Andrea Pacino, University of Nottingham
Exploring the morphological and structural attributes of carbon nanoparticles used as soot replica in combustion studies: A comprehensive 2D/3D analysis
Ioannis Raptis, AUTH
Portable optoacoustic Black Carbon Sensor for Exhaust Emissions Measurement
Cyprien Jourdain, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
Measurement of nanoparticles true volume and density in the aerosol phase

Session 12: Health effects
Eleni Papaioannou, CERTH
Health effect assessment of hybrid gasoline vehicle emissions by in-vitro cell exposure experiments in air-liquid interface
Antoaneta Patru, National Technical University for Science and Technology
On the effects of combustion generated nanoparticles on human health: Overview of the current body of understanding
Ruiwen He, University of Fribourg
An online measurement approach to monitor diesel exhaust particles in lung cells during exposure
Michal Vojtíšek, Czech Technical University in Prague
Portable air-liquid interface exposure chamber for field emissions toxicity assays

Session 13: Indoor particles
Jeong Hoon Byeon, Yeungnam University
Size-Classified Bioaerosol Detection from Recombination of Technically Proven Components
Kaare Press-Kristensen (presented by Tanja Willumsen), Healthy Indoor Environment
Indoor particle pollution from cooking in Denmark
Saptarshi Ghosh, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Fabrication of O2-TiO2/CuO heterojunction photocatalyst as a nanocorals for the photocatalytic inactivation of bioaerosols
Luca Stabile, Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
Design of an innovative personal air cleaner to prevent airborne disease transmission in transport microenvironments
Farheen Zehra, Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow India (presented by Alfred Lawrence)
Indoor TVOCs, RSPM and Fine Particulate matter: Health impact on young women of a rapidly growing urban city of Northern India
Shen Yang, EPFL
Nanocluster aerosol generation from squalene-ozone reaction

Session 14: Nanoparticle formation and transformation
Alireza Charmforoushan, Tampere University
Eco-friendly synthesis of Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles by Liquid Flame Spray

Session 15: Occupational Exposure and prevention
Keld Alstrup Jensen, NRCWE
Airborne particulate matter and diesel engine exhaust on infrastructure construction sites in the Copenhagen metropolitan area



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Conference-Flyer (pdf)

Book of Abstracts, Papers (pdf)

Book of Abstracts, Posters (pdf)






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